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Haruki (Second Wave Book 5)

Page 24

by Mikayla Lane

  He and his brothers had stopped feeling slighted and rejected a long time ago.

  Tryne snorted and shook his head.

  “Won’t they be surprised when more Dranovians pop up on their world now that they are bonding again,” he said with a laugh.

  “How do you know about that?” Haruki asked.

  “The Sotier on Valendra has already been notified of several new births. The parents informed the temples that they will not give up their children and will allow the Sotier on that world to train the kids when they are older,” Tryne admitted.

  “Why do the beasts go anomalous at all?” Haruki asked in frustration.

  “Several reasons. Instability in the brain that couldn’t be repaired by the beast that festered until it consumed the brain and beast. A traumatic brain injury could damage it, as well as too much exposure to brain damaging chemicals or energy canceling technology,” Tryne said with a shrug.

  “Most of those we expulse end up killing themselves. It doesn’t bother you to have to kill people?” Haruki asked, wondering just how cold these people were.

  “We rarely kill or expulse,” Tryne replied. “We’ve found that most can live a happy life with an anomalous beast as long as it’s kept under control. But the Tri-worlds are much different from others. There is one world where expulsion isn’t even possible, and all anomalous have to be killed. Once you learn your power, you’ll learn what you can and can’t do on Terra. Each planet has its own unique energy which affects what abilities we have.”

  “Why is it so different?” Deanna asked from the doorway.

  “Hey, why aren’t you sleeping?” Haruki asked as Deanna headed towards him.

  “I was too wound up to sleep, then I heard you talk about your parents and your people and figured I’d rather be out here with you than asleep,” Deanna admitted, blushing over eavesdropping. Her need to comfort him had overridden her desire for sleep.

  “Come here,” Haruki said with a smile as he pulled her on the couch beside him. “There is nothing of my life I wouldn’t tell you.”

  Deanna smiled up at him as she melted into his arms.

  “To answer your question, each planet has a unique energy signature. Some are more compatible with the beast than others. Here, we’ve been blessed with a unique harmony that helps those that have problems,” Tryne explained.

  “What about Earth’s energy? What does it do to people with a beast?” Deanna asked as she pulled her legs into the couch and snuggled closer to Haruki.

  “Before Terra was thrust into a different polarity by the destruction of Phaeton, your planet was a very creative and industrious society. You had interplanetary travel, trade agreements with other worlds and a highly functioning government structure,” Tryne said with an expression that told them there was a lot more to the story.

  “OK, let me see if I got this right,” Deanna said as she sat up. “Dranovians are only born when there’s a need for beast police. So the more beast, the more Dranovians.”

  Tryne and Haruki both nodded in agreement with her and Deanna continued.

  “So, how many Dranovians are on Earth?” she asked.

  “I have 22 brothers and 2 newborn nephews that are Dranovian. Tarona has many others listed that I never knew of,” Haruki told her, wondering where she was going with this.

  “That would mean that there're quite a bit of the bad guys on Earth right? How do you know who they are if you didn’t even know most humans are beast? Can Earth be fixed?” Deanna said the last on a confused huff.

  This whole situation was so much more complicated than she had ever imagined anything could be and as far complex societies went, this one exceeded any she’d ever studied. At the same time, she could see the traces of it in just about every ancient culture and myth on Earth. It was no wonder that humans kept reaching for the stars instead of seeing what was in front of their face.

  We truly are from somewhere else, she thought.

  “Terra has been fighting against the forced polarity for many millennia and the conversion is coming. Once the planet is brought back into its correct polarity, the energy will flow as it was meant and the beasts will fully awaken. There is nothing that can be done to change the course that was set so long ago,” Tryne explained, surprised at her quick mind.

  “The conversion is the pole’s flipping, right? When is that going to happen? Isn’t that going to create worldwide cataclysms? What will happen to the people?” Deanna asked fearfully as her mind tried to comprehend the ramifications of such an event.

  Tryne shrugged and shook his head, unable to think of a kind way to answer her.

  “Like the flood that wiped out most of Terra, the earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters will take its toll on the population of human and beast alike. Sadly, there is nothing that can be done about it. There is no easy way to yank a planet back into its correct polarity,” Tryne said, not liking it either but his hands were tied.

  “But what about all the people? I thought beast people were your people too? Don’t you guys give a damn about what happens to us?” Deanna snapped back, thinking of the billions who would be impacted.

  “Not all was lost then nor will it be this time,” Tryne assured her. “Before the destruction of Phaeton, Terrans and beast alike were led by beings we cannot comprehend, to areas of safety. Others that were in the vicinity of a Talunaha were thrown through. We have worlds where thousands of your people came through in only hours. I believe you knew them as the Anasazi? Others were able to be ported to Dranovian ships in orbit.”

  “The Anasazi?” Deanna whispered in awe. “Are you serious? That’s what happened to them? What of the Mayans? Or the Olmecs and Toltecs? Or the Atlanteans? Oh, my God! Were they real?”

  Haruki chuckled at Deanna’s excitement and rubbed her back as she leaned forward to wait for Tryne to respond.

  Tryne threw his hands in the air and laughed.

  “I give up! I have no idea. To be honest, Terran history was never something I strove to study unless I had to, so I only know the basics. However, all of that history, told by all the beast worlds, are recorded in the library, and you’re welcome to research everything to your heart’s content,” Tryne offered with a patient smile.

  “That would be incredible! Was it witnessed by so many?” she asked.

  “The event reverberated through all of the beast worlds in one way or another. Mostly through the Dranovians,” Tryne admitted sadly. “It was a very difficult time for the Order. The first official meeting of the Sotier Tribunal set out new laws, and the Talunaha’s were imbued with new directives,” Tryne explained.

  “I have no idea what the hell you just said,” Deanna muttered in frustration. All I got was that you guys were affected pretty bad.”

  Tryne snorted and ran a hand through his hair.

  “The leaders of the Dranovians on each planet had a meeting and made new laws that we are to follow. Those laws were given to the Talunaha’s, who in turn change their energy patterns to look for law breakers or rogue Dranovians,” Tryne said, hoping that explained it for her.

  “What can the Talunaha do about a law breaker or rogue?” she asked.

  “It is the source of the amplified power that gives us our abilities. Punishments can range from a temporary reduction in power or abilities to a complete severing of them. It’s not been an issue in a long time, though. We tend to know our limits instinctually,” Tryne said with a laugh.

  “Could there be more Dranovians with a hidden beast like mine?” Deanna wondered aloud.

  “That is possible, but they would still be listed in the Talunaha. Tarona and the other Xaratia’s in the other pyramids will know who and where they are. A Dranovian can’t hide from those who give them their power,” Tryne explained, wondering how many more questions the woman could have.

  “Oh God! You mean the other pyramids on Earth have a talking being in them?” Deanna asked in shock.

  “There are copies of the originals, bu
t the ones built to contain the pieces from the Prime world all hold a Dranovian soul within them and they all have a portal that leads to another beast world,” Tryne replied.

  “So we have more Xaratia’s to meet?” Haruki asked for clarification.

  “Yes, although some will be impossible at the moment,” Tryne explained. “When Alderic first noted that a Talunaha was activated by a Dranovian, we ran a survey to find out which ones might be operational again. There are several that are buried and completely inaccessible by anything other than extraordinary means, at this time.”

  “So we have no access to those worlds like we do this one?” Haruki asked.

  “It’s one way only,” Tryne replied. “An energy hiccup sends your people there, but that’s it. At least for now.”


  Tristan remained hidden while he looked down at the dozens of heavily armed humans outside of the mountain containing the pyramid. They’d landed on helicopters earlier and were unloading heavy weaponry that they intended to use on those inside.

  He shook his head at the greed and sickness infesting the humans below. Their bloodlust and gleeful anticipation of the coming fight was permeating the area with a cloud of dark energy.

  Tristan knew of his brother’s plan to thwart the humans and protect the power within the mountain. He also knew it would fail and that he would lose one of his beloved siblings if he didn’t intercede.

  “The world cannot afford to lose even one of them,” he whispered to the chilly wind around him. “Neither can I.”

  He quickly made up his mind and raised his arms to the sky as his wings spread out around him, shielding himself from those below. He drew power into himself, smiling at the additional energy he felt aiding his call.

  “Warriors! I am in need of your power! Heed my call and come to my aid!” Tristan yelled out to the rapidly swirling winds around him.

  Around the world, the most powerful and adept light warriors awakened at the call of their leader and shed their human forms. Moments later, Tristan was surrounded by a dozen of his winged light bringers.

  Those still adapting to the energy in this polarity got up from their beds, left their school desks and walked away from caregivers as they drew the symbols of power in the air around them, thrummed their fingers on walls and rocked back and forth. Each of them drawing the energy from around them to aid their leader.

  “We must act quickly while our brethren are gathering more energy for us,” Tristan ordered the male and female warriors around him.

  Without a word, Tristan dove from the top of the mountain and spun in the air as he descended rapidly to the ground below. His warriors followed, twirling in the air as they went until the people on the ground were thrown around from the powerful winds being created above them.

  Only feet from the ground, Tristan and his warriors righted themselves at the last minute, their feet slamming into the ground with such destructive force that the helicopters were thrown into the air, crashing fifty feet away. Rocks and boulders from the nearby mountains rained down on them, leaving the light bringers unharmed and littering the ground.

  Tristan turned to the wall of the mountain, where the only entrance existed, and raised his hands while the Warriors took care of the remaining humans who thought to shoot him in the back.

  “Trust me, brothers,” Tristan whispered to the mountain as he felt the concern from those inside about what was happening.

  The wind roared as he called down a stream of lightning from the sky and dark clouds swirled violently above them. His warriors raised their hands, and the lightning arced around them, building as they added their own power and what they were channeling from their brethren.

  Suddenly the lightning shot away from them in a circle of power that shattered several hundred feet of the mountain with the pyramid and buried the entrance completely. The smaller mountains on either side of it were hit hard enough by the residual blast to have sent several feet of rubble and debris to the ground.

  The Warriors sunk to their knees exhausted from the massive expenditure of energy. Tristan also stood on wobbly legs before dropping. When his hands touched the grass, they began to glow with power again.

  His warriors looked at him in surprise and placed their hands on the ground as well, smiling when theirs also began to glow with power.

  “Thank you, Tarona,” Tristan whispered with a smile as he launched himself into the sky, his warriors following.

  He landed on the back side of a nearby mountain and nodded his head.

  “This will work better,” Tristan said.

  “Up there.”

  Tristan looked up to where his female warrior was pointing, and he grinned and nodded his head.

  “That’s perfect,” he agreed and flew up to the spot.

  Tristan looked down and nodded his head. It would be an easy climb for any other Dranovians who happened to find it, but impossible for the humans to discover again.

  He closed his eyes and felt the power of his brethren dwindling as some began to fall asleep, their bodies exhausted from giving their leader all of the energy they had. He smiled at the image in his mind of his warriors asleep at the dinner table or slumped over toys. He knew he owed them a great debt and would repay it soon.

  “We have limited time and power, so we have to make it quick. Follow me,” Tristan said as he looked on each side of him at his warriors.

  Tristan launched himself skyward until he could barely see the spot they were aiming for. When he sensed his brethren were ready, he channeled the remaining power of those still awake and dove towards the mountain.

  Tristan internalized the power until he glowed a brilliant red and as he got closer to the mountain, he didn’t stop. Putting his hands out in front of him, Tristan directed the power there and dove through the rock, melting it as he went. Behind him were his warriors, smoothing and cooling the molten rock as they blazed a new entrance through the mountain.

  Eight hundred feet later Tristan came crashing through the wall and tucked and rolled across the ground before stopping in front of his startled brothers and a very shocked Sotier. Severals thumps later and Tristan turned to look at his smoking warriors, their white wings singed and blackened.

  Flopping onto his back Tristan burst out laughing and looked up into the concerned face of Mikal who was reaching out a hand to him.

  “What the hell did you do, Tristan?” Declan asked as he moved to help a male light bringer who was struggling to stand.

  Tristan allowed Mikal to pull him to his feet and ignored his brothers as he turned to his exhausted brethren.

  “I am grateful for your assistance and apologize that you will be forced to remain in your other forms for many weeks while you recover,” Tristan told his warriors sadly.

  “It is an honor to be gifted with your help,” Alderic said with a deep bow to Tristan. “We cannot allow your assistance to go without reciprocation, Lord of the Warriors of the Light.”

  Before Alderic could even raise his hand a beam of light shot from the capstone of the pyramid into it and he smiled at how quickly Tarona was willing to help.

  “May I?” Alderic asked Tristan as he stepped to the first Light Warrior.

  “We would be honored,” Tristan responded with a bow.

  “The honor is my own,” Alderic whispered in reverence.

  Alderic touched the female warrior on the arm, and a light rose from within her, repairing her scorched wings and restoring the energy she’d lost.

  “Thank you, Sotier,” the female replied with a smile before bowing to Tristan and disappearing.

  The brothers watched in amazement as Alderic healed each of the light bringers before they vanished until only Tristan remained. As Alderic stepped closer to him, Tristan shook his head.

  “I must return home before our father gets worried. I’ve been gone a while. But thank you for what you’re doing for my brothers,” Tristan said, reaching out to shake Alderic’s hand.

hey are truly lucky to call one such as you family,” Alderic said, his tone one of profound respect as he shook Tristan’s hand.

  “Dad’s going to know something is up,” Mikal warned as he pulled Tristan into a fierce hug.

  Tristan laughed and hugged Mikal back.

  “He always knows something is up, but he stopped asking when I grew wings, saved mom and blew up my first mountain,” Tristan joked as his brothers laughed.

  “We know better than that. He’ll never stop asking, but it’s nice to know he cares,” Declan said with a grin as he slapped Tristan on the back.

  Tristan grew serious and looked at his brothers intently.

  “Learn everything you can, as quickly as you can. Time is running short, and the need of you will be great. You have to prepare,” Tristan warned before he disappeared.

  The brothers looked at one another and shook their heads, knowing things were bad if their brother was interceding on their behalf.

  “Yeah, nothing like a dire warning from your perpetually happy brother to stick a cattle prod in your ass and wake you up,” Shane muttered.

  “Did you see what the fuck they did?” Luca asked as he peered into the new passage created in the wall.

  Alderic walked over to the hole with wide eyes before running a shaky hand around where the rock had been melted.

  “That is incredible,” he whispered in awe.

  “Man, Mr. All Powerful here is having heart failure over our baby brother. What’s up with that?” Shane asked with a snort.

  Alderic turned flashing blue eyes to Shane.

  “You have no concept of what he is for you to say that,” Alderic growled.

  “He’s my brother. Anything else is just a bonus,” Shane shot back.

  Alderic surprised them by laughing.

  “You are proof that fools truly are blessed,” he said with a shake of his head before striding back to the pyramid.

  Chapter Twenty

  Haruki was getting ready to ask Tryne what he meant about not having access to the other worlds yet when he saw the expression change on his face and sent out a wave of energy. He shot to his feet along with Tryne and faced the door just as Mikal, Dante, and Gun entered, followed by Alderic.


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