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Haruki (Second Wave Book 5)

Page 30

by Mikayla Lane

  His brother’s looked to make sure he was all right and were surprised when he grinned at them, his teeth glowing blue.

  “I am fine,” Mikal assured them as the color faded from his mouth.

  Moments later congratulations were being called out from the holographic forms of those on the other planets. Some of the brothers chuckled as a few Dranovians on the other worlds started calling out the name of their planet and cheering. The entire atmosphere was one of a party, and the brothers were a little surprised at the excitement and the ease with which they were welcomed.

  “Hard to be nervous when you feel like cracking open a cold one and joining the party,” Shane said with a grin. “I’ve never felt so welcome before.”

  “The time is now! All but the Dranovians need to step away from the Talunaha,” Alderic warned.

  Dree and Quinn looked nervously at their mates and held their babies close, not sure if they wanted the children to be a part of what was going to happen until they knew what was going to take place.

  “Sotier, the children must be a part of this. There is no time for anything else,” Alderic warned Mikal.

  The brothers knew Tristan’s warning, were taking it seriously and nodded their heads as Chris and Liam gently took their sons from their mates and moved to the Talunaha.

  Quinn, Dree, Chance, Charlie, Ainsley and Deanna all held hands and stood by the door, unsure if they would be safe, but refusing to leave their mates and children.

  An expectant hush fell over all of the Dranovians as an image of their worlds appeared above them, and they watched as the last world lined up perfectly with the others.

  The pyramid had shaken with power before the Talunaha erupted in a prism of light. Multi-colored streams exploded from the rock and bathed the Dranovians in lights and power. The worlds were represented in a different color, and the energy from each of them began to flow freely among everyone as the remnants from the sun where the Prime world had existed amplified the power.

  Moments later it was over as quickly as it began and the other worlds erupted in renewed cheers and congratulations while the Terran Dranovians gasped and sank to the ground from the unexpected overload of power.

  Dree and Quinn ran to their mates and checked their sons, making sure the babies had no adverse effects from whatever power was expelled from the rock. Both of the babies giggled and cooed, their eyes holding a residual blue glow as Luca and Grant began to run scans on them.

  “The Sotier meeting will be held on Terra in one hour!” Alderic called out, warning the raucous group before he disappeared back into the crowd of holographic forms.

  It didn’t take long for the brothers to start conversing with those on the other worlds while Charlie took a tentative step towards a young boy around her age with a really thick head of dark hair and brows.

  “I’m Charlie,” she whispered nervously.

  The boy grinned broadly and took a small step towards her.

  “I’m Tomastor! My daddy is Sotier Galavid Hireaden. Do you still have dangerous creatures on Terra that try to kill you all the time?” the boy asked.

  Charlie shook her head sadly as she thought of those who’d hurt her so much before her Daddy saved her.

  “No, the only monsters we have now are people,” she whispered sadly.

  “Aw, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad,” Tomastor whispered.

  He raised his hand as if to touch her and Charlie was stunned when his hand glowed a scarlet color, and she felt a jolt of compassion and sympathy rush through.

  “How do you do that?” she whispered, smiling shyly at the boy.

  “I’ll show you one day, Charlie. I promise,” he said with a confident grin.


  Haruki pulled Deanna into a corner of the room, far away from the others and kissed her until she was breathless.

  “What was that for,” she whispered when she pulled away.

  “Because I wanted to,” he teased, running his tongue around her ear.

  “You realize this is the definition of not the right time,” she said with a laugh and gestured at the holographic and real people all around them.

  Haruki smiled and nodded his head before he pulled her into a hug.

  “I know. I’m just wondering how soon is too soon to leave the party early?” he whispered.

  “We can’t! Ainsley is here and wanted to meet some of the other kids. We can’t do that to her,” Deanna argued, unwilling to abandon the girl here.

  “The last time I checked, your old pod was still in perfect operating order, and the bed was just fine. We don’t need all night, just 20 or 30 minutes,” Haruki suggested, seeing the light in Deanna’s eyes.

  “I forgot about the pod being right outside the door,” she whispered.

  “I’ll ask the guys to keep an eye on Ainsley while we’re gone,” he said, leading her across the room to the tunnel while calling out to his brothers on the shengari’.


  Grai looked across the transport and shook his head at the broad grin on Fiorn’s face. The old bastard had threatened not to tell him how to get into the secure compound unless Grai let him come along. He was still kicking himself for falling for the ploy and hoped he wouldn’t have to explain to Thjodhild if Fiorn got injured. This was one mission he’d kept need to know, and there weren’t many he felt needed to know a damn thing.

  “We’ll be in position in 30 seconds,” the pilot called out.

  Grai and his team checked their weapons and stood, preparing to drop. Six seconds before the drop, he finally heard from Blade.

  “Come on down, boss,” Blade called through the shengari’. “Join the party.”

  “Drop in 5, 4, 3 . . .” the pilot called out.

  Grai hit the ground and was running into the house with Fiorn right on his heels. He tore down hallways and stairs until he was striding into the basement safe room he never thought he’d get into without Fiorn’s abilities to find a weakness.

  “They were putty in my hands. Once I mind fucked them into thinking I was one of their own, it was easy to get them to drink the grape punch. This nasty thing wasn’t fast enough to get in here before I got him,” Blade said with a grin.

  “Who the fuck are you!” the fat, slug-looking man screamed from a recliner as spittle flew from his floppy lips.

  “I thought it was going to be more fun than this,” Fiorn complained. “I’m going outside to make sure they’re all dead.”

  “What did you do to my guards!” the man screamed in rage.

  “What the fuck do you care?” Grai shot back. “Do you even know their names? I fucking doubt it. So shut the hell up!”

  “Do you know who I am?” the man roared in rage, his face a nasty-looking mottled red color.

  “Absolutely,” Grai agreed as Blade pulled out a comm and flicked the images to the wall in front of the slug. “In fact, that’s exactly why I’m here, and you’re still alive.”

  “I’m going to see everything you love destroyed!” the slug screamed.

  Grai laughed and pointed at the wall.

  “You first, you fuck,” he said, then watched as his teams descended on five different locations.

  “What are you doing?” the slug screamed in panic as he saw the vids playing on the wall. “This can’t be real! This is a trick!”

  Chaos erupted as the teams made entry into the locations encountering little to no resistance as every human was systematically and quickly put down.

  “No! No! Not Allen too!” the slug screamed as the last man was taken down while cowering behind a prostitute. “What have you done? I’m going to kill you!”

  Grai laughed as the man tried to get up, but his fat bulk left him scooting across the chair so he could get to his feet. The moment he did, Blade punched him in the jaw, holding back so that the old man wouldn’t pass out.

  “Your first mistake was trying to kill my son through Mike Zickenbergen, your second was working with Satalis, and your thir
d was thinking you were a God that could rule this world and enslave and kill anyone you wanted,” Grai snarled. “Your delusions have ended, and so has your entire family line. You can comfort yourself with the knowledge that because you raised them to be as sick as you, your kids will be there to meet you in hell.”

  Without another word, Grai drew his sword with blinding speed and slit the throat of Geoff Zorroughs. He watched in satisfaction as the man fell to his knees, holding his neck as he tried to stem the flow of blood.

  Moments later, Grai and Blade were shocked to see the room flood with Death Gods. The leader, Rolantro, flew over to Geoff and smiled cruelly as the man’s eyes widened in expectation.

  “I’m not here to take you where you think, you evil bastard,” Rolantro said before he morphed into a horrific demon-looking creature.

  Geoff’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head before he slumped to the floor, lifeless. At the moment of his passing, the Death Gods disappeared.

  “I don’t ever want them coming for me like that,” Blade muttered as he followed Grai out of the safe room.

  “Don’t ever turn into a sadistic, delusional fuck like that and you’re good to go,” Grai suggested as he climbed the stairs to head outside.

  Fiorn ran up to them when they stepped out of the house.

  “This mission sucked. No action, no fun,” Fiorn complained.

  “You should have just told me there was no way to avoid the security without blowing the place up. If you’d just suggested Blade, without threatening me, you wouldn’t be here,” Grai argued.


  “Lara and Abexis, we are grateful that you could be here,” Alderic said with a bow as the other Sotier’s also bowed deeply. “As the time nears, it will take all of our power and strength to keep Terra from the darkness taking hold.”

  Alderic turned to Mikal next and shook his hand.

  “It is good to see you again. I was glad when you accepted the honor of being the Sotier and hope our worlds can work together for the betterment of the Terrans and beast alike,” Alderic stated formally.

  “Thank you,” Mikal said with a nod.

  “Let’s have a seat, we have much to discuss,” Galavid Hireaden suggested.

  Hours later, with their meeting finally over, Mikal saw off all of the other Sotiers until only Alderic remained.

  “Speak to me if you need anything. I will gladly assist,” Alderic offered and held out his hand.

  Mikal shook it without hesitation.

  “I will, and thanks for everything,” Mikal said, meaning it. “Maybe one day you can tell me how you and Helena met. Chance and the others keep asking about how that worked out.”

  Alderic laughed and shook his head.

  “That is definitely a story for another time,” he said with a grin before he disappeared into the portal.

  The truth behind the story

  The initial “spark” for this story is based on some of the most fascinating and real events occurring around the world, mostly in China. The Dranovian cities seen in the skies in the story are based on the incredibly detailed cityscapes being recorded and witnessed by thousands of people in recent years.

  I’ve included a few for you to judge for yourselves just what these unusual sightings could mean. Each link is a different year, city and sighting. Youtube has some incredible footage for those who prefer to look there for the videos. The first few are the most incredible.

  The real place in your brain that a beast could be residing.

  For Alaska weather and sunlight data.

  Information on the suspected underground pyramid in Alaska.

  Shelters used in the Antarctic and Arctic by researchers and military.

  Fata Morgana

  Excellent scientific information on mirages and fata morgana

  Project Blue Beam

  China Pyramids and pilot claim

  Bosnia Pyramids

  Pyramids in South Africa

  Atmospheric Electricity

  Scientific case for the existence and destruction of Phaeton

  Brown Mountain, North Carolina disappearances, and mystery lights

  Welcome, to the Tri-Worlds

  Dakken’, Dranar and Daetz’

  Rotating around a single sun, these worlds are where the beast bound rule, and only certain humans are pulled through portals and thrust into their worlds.

  Enter the Third Wave.

  Coming in December 2016


  Sotier Alderic Du’ Castine, Leader of the Dranovian Order of the Tri-Worlds, Guardian of the Rituals of Tongerno and Commander Priest of the Dawn, was in the middle of brokering peace between two warring communities of Daetz’ when he saw the shimmering portal open in the sky.

  With the portal so close to the Dranovian stronghold, Alderic is forced to participate in a Human Hunt for the first time. As he searches the forest surrounding the Talunaha, he is shocked to see the beautiful and wild-eyed human standing fearfully in front of him.

  Helena Chapman moved to Nome, Alaska after catching her fiancé in bed with her best friend the night before their wedding. Ignoring the warning of the longtime residents, she set out for a lone hike in the Denali National Forest. Her first night out she saw the strange, Mirage city in the sky and was swept into what she thought was a nightmare.

  Literally from two different worlds and cultures that are evolutions apart, Alderic and Helena will have to try and forge a new path for the tri-worlds in order to prevent a human uprising that threatens Helena’s life and to unravel everything Alderic has ever fought for.





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