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My Life, Our Times

Page 60

by Gordon Brown

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 436

  Gordon, Fiona, 200

  Gorgie-Dalry, Edinburgh, 54

  Gormley, Antony, 214

  Gould, Bryan, 75, 78, 83, 85, 86, 102, 144, 177

  Govan, Glasgow, 33, 77

  Gove, Michael, 396

  Government Art Collection, 2, 328

  ‘government of all the talents’ (GOATS), 224

  Gracious Address, 207

  graduate tax, 206, 236–9

  Grand Hotel, Brighton, 204

  Granita deal (1994), 100–101

  Gray, Sue, 201

  Grayling, Christopher, 288

  Great Depression (1929–39), 129, 304, 306, 323, 327, 329, 335–6, 354, 361

  Great Repeal Bill, 415

  Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, 373

  Greece, 293, 356, 379

  Green, Damian, 240

  Green, Philip, 154

  Green, Stephen, 315

  Greenberg, Stan, 221

  Greenspan, Alan, 220, 302, 319

  Gregg, Paul, 130

  Gregson, John, 74

  Grey-Thompson, Tanni, 331

  Grice, Andrew, 96

  Griffiths, Nigel, 54, 58

  Gross, Kate, 200

  growth, 345–63

  and Bank of England independence, 116, 120, 121, 124

  and borrowing, 95, 131, 132

  Enterprise and Growth Unit, 133

  and euro/ERM, 90, 177, 184

  and financial crisis (2007–2009), 3, 19, 305, 323, 345–63

  and G20 London summit (2009), 19, 323, 329, 332, 333, 335, 336

  and inflation, 116

  low-growth, 133, 184

  and market economy, 81

  ‘neoclassical endogenous growth theory’, 103–4

  and public finances, 346

  and Smith’s theories, 36

  Guarantee of Right, 417

  Guardian, 100, 186, 305, 369, 376, 393

  Guinness, 46

  Gulf War (1990–91), 249

  Gurkhas, 10, 17–18

  Gurría, Angel, 335

  Guterres, António, 392

  Gwynne Jones, Alun, Baron Chalfont, 203


  Habermas, Jürgen, 428

  Hackney, London, 48

  Hague, William, 144, 181, 379

  Hain, Peter, 89

  Haines, David, 403

  Haldane, Andrew, 320, 340

  Hamas, 243

  Hamburg, Germany, 393

  Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, 56

  Hammersmith, London, 372

  Hammond, Philip, 142

  Hampstead, London, 372

  Hampton, Philip, 185, 188

  Hannan, Daniel, 327

  Hansard, 79

  Haqqani network, 292

  Harcourt, William Vernon, 208

  Hardie, Keir, 55, 133

  Harman, Harriet, 66, 86, 92, 196, 202, 232, 331, 382, 412, 442

  Harper, Stephen, 199

  Harrogate, North Yorkshire, 10

  Harrow, London, 372, 373

  Hartlepool, County Durham, 91

  Harvard University, 103, 125, 313

  Haskel, Simon, 74

  Hattersley, Roy, 68, 84

  Hawke, Robert ‘Bob’, 67, 80

  Hayek, Friedrich, 437

  Hayward Gallery, London, 214

  HBOS, 301, 304, 307, 309–10, 316, 320–21

  Headley Court, Surrey, 268

  Healey, Denis, 57, 60, 65, 119, 397

  hearts and minds, 272

  Heath, Edward, 31, 101, 102, 386

  Heffer, Eric, 74

  helicopter money, 353

  Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 10, 269–93

  Heseltine, Michael, 73, 104, 181

  Hewitt, Patricia, 165, 170, 201

  Heywood, Jeremy, 183, 201, 302, 305, 307, 406

  Hibbs Lupus Trust, 422

  Higgins, Stuart, 179

  High Court, 52

  Hilland, Andrew, 401, 404

  Hitler, Adolf, 80

  Holbrooke, Richard, 279

  Holocaust, 40, 243

  Home Office, 17–18, 202, 224, 240, 241, 273

  Hong Kong, 110, 124, 175

  Hoon, Geoff, 250, 252, 253

  Hope (Watts), 2, 328

  House of Lords, 53, 375, 378, 415

  Houses of Parliament, 66

  housing market, 78, 175, 177, 184, 302–3, 442

  How Much is Enough? (Skidelsky), 444

  How We Can Conquer Unemployment, 92

  Howard, John, 199

  Howe, Geoffrey, 80

  HSBC, 302, 315

  Hughes, Sean, 66

  Hull, East Yorkshire, 211

  human embryo research, 426

  Human Rights Act (1998), 112

  Hume, David, 242

  Hungary, 39

  Hunt, Sandy, 137

  Hunter, Anji, 99

  Hussein, Saddam, 182, 249–58, 265

  Hutton, John, 204, 284

  Hutton Inquiry (2003–2004), 184, 250

  ‘hysteresis’, 345


  identity politics, 30

  Ignatieff, Michael, 437

  immigration, 30, 154, 222, 224, 240, 371–2, 446, 455

  and EU membership referendum (2016), 409, 413, 415–16

  of Gurkhas, 17–18

  Imperial College London, 54, 221

  improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 10, 276, 282

  In Place of Fear (Bevan), 66

  Incapacity Benefit, 128, 130

  income, 133

  income tax, 104, 107, 109, 141, 147, 149–51, 453–4

  Independent, 21, 178, 369

  India, 199, 242, 301, 324, 325, 338, 392

  Indonesia, 124, 328

  Industrial Revolution, 23, 24, 27, 33

  inequality, 81, 102, 232

  inflation, 24, 25, 28, 55, 78–9, 104, 115–23, 133, 143–4, 148, 175

  inheritance tax, 104, 167, 221

  Inland Revenue Service, US, 141

  Institute for Britishness, 396

  Institute for Government, 386

  Institute of Biochemical Engineering, 221

  Institute of Fiscal Studies, 130, 151, 350

  interest rates

  and Bank of England independence, 115–19, 121–4

  Blair Ministry, First (1997–2001), 133

  and ERM crisis (1992), 90

  and euro, 175, 177, 184

  and financial crisis (2007–2009), 299, 300, 302, 305, 306, 314, 316, 327, 335

  and public-private partnerships (PPPs), 135–6

  Thatcher Ministry, Third (1987–90), 78–9

  International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA), 257

  International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity, 392

  international cooperation, 451–2

  international development, 26–7, 112, 136, 200, 244–5, 323, 442

  International Finance Facility for Education, 393

  International Marxist Group, 53

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 125–6, 169, 186, 339, 344, 449

  and debt relief, 191

  and financial crisis (2007–2009), 301, 318, 323, 331, 335, 336, 357, 358

  and G20 London summit (2009), 331, 335

  mutual assessment process (MAP), 336

  and New Deal, 130

  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 269

  internationalism, 391

  Internet, 6–7, 26, 106, 242, 361–2, 369

  Inverkeithing, Fife, 157

  Inverness, Highland, 204

  investment, 28, 103, 115, 131, 132, 133, 135, 241

  Iran, 244, 261, 263

  Iraq, 8, 186, 187, 192, 198, 199, 218, 224, 246, 249–65, 293, 366, 432

  1991 Operation Desert Storm, 249

  1998 Operation Desert Fox, 249

  2001 JIC report, 255; Bush–Blair discussion, 251

  2002 JIC report, 255; Bush–Blair meeting in Crawford, 251; Blix begins weapons inspections, 252; ‘Proliferation Study of Iraq’, 252
–3; Blair–Bush Camp David meeting, 252; September dossier on WMD, 255–6; Joint Chiefs of Staff report on WMD, 253–4; MoD options paper, 255; UN Resolution 1441 passed, 256

  2003 Blair–Bush meeting at White House, 257; Blix reports on WMD, 257; US–UK invasion, 31, 173, 249, 258–9; fall of Baghdad, 182; launch of de-Ba’athification, 259; death of Kelly; Hutton Inquiry begins, 184

  2004 Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal breaks, 184; Butler Review, 250

  2006 UK launches Operation Sinbad, 261

  2007 US troop surge, 261, 262; Brown–Bush Camp David meeting, 213–14, 260; evacuation of Basra Palace, 263; Brown makes visit; decision to withdraw troops, 4, 218, 221, 260, 263

  2008 Charge of the Knights, 263; UK forces change mission, 264; US troop drawdown, 279; Brown meets with al-Maliki, 264

  2009 launch of Chilcot Inquiry, 249, 264–5; UK withdrawal, 260

  2010 Miliband’s apology, 389

  ‘Iraq: Options Paper’, 251

  Ireland, 16, 199, 367

  ‘Iron Chancellor’, 132

  Irvin, Joe, 200

  Islamic State, 292

  Islington, London, 101, 117

  Israel, 243–4, 251

  Italy, 138, 199, 242, 314, 316, 330, 355, 411

  L’Aquila summit (2009), 19, 281

  ITN, 75

  ITV, 71

  Ive, Jony, 26

  Izzard, Edward ‘Eddie’, 405


  Jackal vehicles, 10

  Jacklin, Anthony ‘Tony’, 59

  Jaguar, 106, 198, 347

  Jaish Al Mahdi (JAM), 261, 263

  Japan, 124, 191, 293, 301, 305, 326, 328, 348, 355, 410

  Jeddah oil summit (2008), 303

  Jenkins, Roy, 65, 193

  Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory, 161, 390

  Jersey, 154

  Jerusalem, 40

  Jewish people, 40

  Job Centres, 128

  Jobseeker’s Allowance, 130

  John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, 268

  Johnson, Alan, 188, 196, 203, 230, 234, 240

  Johnson, Boris, 27, 245, 410

  Johnson, Lyndon, 249

  Johnson, Paul, 356

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, 253–4

  Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), 255–6, 278

  Jones, Digby, 203

  Jones, Jack, 107–8

  Jordan, 392

  JP Morgan Chase, 301, 305

  Juncker, Jean-Claude, 314


  Kajaki, Helmand, 287

  Kandahar, Afghanistan, 11, 269, 271, 287

  Karzai, Hamid, 270, 273, 278, 279, 282, 284, 286

  Kaufman, Gerald, 67–8, 75, 76

  Kavanagh, Trevor, 95, 178–9

  Kearns Goodwin, Doris, 202

  Keating, Paul, 81

  Keegan, William, 354

  Keen, Ann, 230

  Kelly, David, 184

  Kelly, Gavin, 220

  Kelly, Ruth, 234

  Kennedy Library, Boston, 302

  Kennedy Space Center, Florida, 7–8

  Kennedy, Charles, 181, 187

  Kennedy, Edward ‘Ted’, 42, 460

  Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 7–8, 20, 27, 28, 41–2, 223, 247, 329

  Kennedy, Robert, 58

  Kenya, 224

  Kerry, John, 220, 282

  ‘Key Judgements’, 254

  Keynes, John Maynard, 24, 119, 125, 345–6, 350, 359, 444

  Kikwete, Jakaya, 245, 324

  Kilroy-Silk, Robert, 68

  King, Martin Luther, 432

  King, Mervyn, 297, 298, 304, 315, 316, 352–4, 379, 385

  King’s College London, 229, 385

  King’s Speech, The, 26

  Kinnock, Neil, 65, 81, 91, 438

  1976 Blackpool conference, 55

  1983 leadership election, 68–9

  1984 front bench reshuffle, 71; attempt to introduce ‘one member, one vote’, 87

  1985 Bournemouth conference, 74

  1987 Brown appointed shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 77; Brighton conference, 77

  1988 leadership election, 77, 78; Brown stands in for Smith, 78, 79

  1989 Brighton conference, 79–80; Brown promoted to Trade and Industry, 80

  1992 general election, 82, 83, 84; resignation, 85

  2016 EU membership referendum, 411

  Kinross and West Perthshire by-election (1963), 41

  de Kirchner, Cristina Fernández, 328, 333

  Kirkcaldy, Fife, 4, 10, 33–43, 56, 247, 423, 454

  Adam Smith Halls, 33

  Burgh School, 30

  Chinese restaurant, 216

  churches, 33, 34, 161

  Churchill’s state funeral (1965), 394

  coal industry, 36–7, 72

  Cottage, The, 390, 447

  food bank, 390

  Forth Park, 158

  High School, 42–3

  linoleum, 33, 37, 40

  port, 36

  Ravenscraig Park, 39

  storms and floods, 37

  textile industry, 37

  unemployment, 36–7, 50, 74, 129

  Victoria Hospital, 43

  Volunteers’ Green, 35

  West Primary School, 38

  Kohl, Helmut, 177

  Korean War (1950–53), 249

  Kosovo War (1998–99), 111, 249

  Kubrick, Stanley, 3

  Kuwait, 221, 249, 256


  Labour Party, 22–3, 27, 53, 426, 435–43, 448–51, 458

  1931 devaluation of pound, 90

  1945 general election, 40, 68, 197, 201, 414

  1946 nationalisation of coal industry, 34; nationalisation of Bank of England, 34, 119; National Insurance Act, 34

  1948 creation of NHS, 34, 162, 166

  1949 devaluation of pound, 21, 90

  1951 nationalisation of steel industry, 34

  1955 general election, 68

  1959 general election, 40

  1962 Gaitskell’s speech on Europe, 175

  1963 death of Gaitskell, 40; Wilson’s ‘white heat’ speech, 41; Kinross and West Perthshire by-election, 41

  1964 general election, 41; creation of Department of Economic Affairs, 133; Wilson declines to send troops to Vietnam, 249

  1966 general election, 41; Brighton conference, 204

  1967 Hamilton by-election, 56; devaluation of pound, 90–91

  1968 resignation of Brown, 208

  1970 Equal Pay Act, 237

  1974 general elections, 31, 53–4

  1976 IMF crisis, 31; local elections, 55; Perth conference, 55; Blackpool conference, 55

  1977 local elections, 55

  1978 Glasgow Garscadden by-election, 55–6; Hamilton by-election, 56; Brown appointed chair of Devolution Committee, 56; Scotland Act, 57; Winter of Discontent, 31, 108

  1979 Winter of Discontent, 31; Scottish devolution referendum, 57; vote of no confidence, 57; general election, 57–8, 406

  1981 Wembley conference, 68; deputy leadership election, 60; Foot castigated by Scottish Labour, 60–61

  1982 Brown appointed vice chair of Scottish Labour, 60, 61

  1983 Brown appointed chair of Scottish Labour, 60, 61; general election, 61–3, 65, 67–8, 75; Kinnock elected leader, 68–9

  1984 miners’ strike begins, 71; shadow cabinet reshuffle, 71; Kinnock attempts to introduce ‘one member, one vote’, 87

  1985 end of miners’ strike, 72; opposition to welfare reforms, 70; Bournemouth conference, 74; Dockyard Services Bill, 73–4

  1987 general election, 75; Brighton conference, 77

  1988 Budget, 77–8, 164; leadership election, 77, 78; Brown stands in as shadow chancellor, 78; Autumn Statement, 79; Govan by-election, 77

  1989 Brighton conference, 79; Smith and Brown visit European capitals, 90

  1992 Budget, 83; general election, 82–4; Smith elected leader, 85–6

  1993 introduction of ‘one member, one vote’, 87–8; windfall tax proposal, 88–9; New Deal announced, 129

death of Smith, 93–9; Swansea conference, 99; Granita deal, 100–101, 125; European elections, 94, 96, 100, 101; Blair elected leader, 101; Blair’s pledge on taxation, 101–2; Blair announces intent to repeal Clause IV, 102; international conference on new economics, 103–4; amendment to stop VAT increase, 103

  1995 speeches on economic policy, 104; plan for Bank of England independence developed, 116; Brighton conference, 105

  1996 Project Autumn, 106; Blackpool conference, 107; pensions dispute, 107–8

  1997 meeting on tax policy, 108–9; Brown’s Today interview, 109–10; Brown’s New York speech, 176; chancellors’ debate, 110; general election, 29, 58, 61, 107–11, 113, 114–15, 149, 162; Brown appointed chancellor, 113; adoption of European Social Chapter, 174; Bank of England independence, 4, 112, 113–24; Budget, 127, 132, 134, 153, 162, 235; new rules on public finances announced, 131; DfID established, 136; introduction of windfall tax, 107; Uxbridge by-election, 177; Commonwealth Finance Ministers’ Conference, 137; debate on euro entry, 177, 178; Brown’s interview on euro, 178–9; ‘Brown Monday’, 180; Paisley South by-election, 111; Asian financial crisis, 124

  1998 Blair proposes abolishing all income tax reliefs, 149; Budget, 132, 134, 149; Good Friday Agreement, 16, 17, 111; Human Rights Act, 112; Brown’s Ottawa and Harvard speeches, 124; National Minimum Wage Act, 133, 146, 367

  1999 publication of National Changeover Plan, 181; Budget, 133–4, 139, 144, 147, 149; intervention in Kosovo War, 111, 249; introduction of tax credits, 4, 8, 112, 146; launch of Britain in Europe, 181; agreement on Third World debt, 138

  2000 Blair’s Frost interview, 164; Budget, 149, 163; new auctioning for mobile-phone licences introduced, 132; intervention in Sierra Leone, 249; Brown’s Mansion House speech, 181; opposition to pan-European savings tax, 174–5; Pre-Budget Report, 143; Sunday Times fuel tax protests, 142–3; campaign against Brown, 189–90

  2001 Blair’s statement on euro, 181–2; Budget, 164; foot-and-mouth outbreak, 164; Prescott punches man in Rhyl, 165; general election, 144, 164–5, 181, 440; introduction of children’s tax credit, 146; assessment of five tests begins, 174; invasion of Afghanistan, 269; Blair discusses Iraq with Bush, 251

  2002 tax rise for NHS funding, 4, 112, 162–3, 167–8; Chequers meeting on Iraq, 251; Blair–Bush meeting in Crawford, 251; increase in children’s tax credit, 146; Blair–Bush Camp David meeting, 252; September dossier, 255–6; MoD options paper on Iraq, 255; dispute over foundation hospitals, 169–70; Enterprise Act, 134, 440

  2003 Blair–Bush meeting at White House, 257; decision on tuition fees, 237; Budget, 152, 182; resignation of Cook, 259; invasion of Iraq, 31, 173, 249, 258–9; rejection of euro, 4, 112, 173–4, 182–4; introduction of child tax credit, 146; Hutton Inquiry begins, 184;

  2004 vote on tuition fees, 238; Budget, 185; ten-year science plan announced, 133; Milburn appointed head of election campaign, 186; Brighton conference, 186; Blair announces third term, 186; Civil Partnership Act, 112


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