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The Abduction of Kelsey

Page 3

by Claire Thompson

  “Stop that,” James ordered, pushing away the remorse that threatened his newfound he-man persona. He shifted a little and loosened his hold on her. Kelsey at once tried to squirm away from him. This wouldn’t do. He couldn’t very well hold onto her all night long.

  Restraints. He needed some kind of restraints to hold her down. He had some rope in the basement, but that was too far away. He reached for his tie, amazed he was still dressed, if somewhat disheveled. Kelsey was still dressed too, save for the stockings and panties he’d torn from her body.

  His cock was throbbing. Still keeping Kelsey pinned to the bed with one leg, James reached for his necktie and pulled it free. Lifting himself over her, he straddled her chest and grabbed her arms by the wrists.

  Kelsey tried to pull away, but she was no match for him. Within a minute he’d managed to knot the tie around her wrists. He jerked them upward toward the wrought iron headboard.

  “No, no, no! Stop it! Let me go! Let me go!” Kelsey struggled and twisted, making it difficult for James to get the ends of the tie probably secured over the horizontal bar at the top of the headboard. Frustrated and angry, he smacked her cheek. Kelsey gasped, her eyes widening with shock and pain. James smacked her again on the other cheek and then continued his task, this time managing to knot the ends securely around the bar.

  He jumped from the bed and moved quickly toward his closet. He grabbed two more ties and hurried back to the bed. He jerked Kelsey’s right leg toward the edge of the mattress. Working as quickly as he could, he wrapped and knotted one of the ties around her ankle and secured the other end to the bed frame.

  He ran around to the other side of the bed, intent on doing the same with her other ankle. Though he pulled the leg wide, he realized the single tie wasn’t long enough to get her tied down properly. She was kicking her free leg and shouting.

  Frustrated and annoyed, James ran back to the closet and grabbed a handful of ties this time, along with a pair of socks. Returning to the jerking, howling girl on the bed, he unrolled the socks and stuffed one of them into her open mouth, muffling her piercing cries. He wrapped a tie over her sock-filled mouth and reached back to knot it behind her head.

  Pleased with his handiwork, he returned once more to the other side of the bed. By knotting two of the ties together, he was able to reach the bed frame. He secured the end of the tie there, knotting it and giving it a tug to make sure it would hold.

  He stepped back from the bed, breathing hard as he drank in the sight of his Kelsey, bound and gagged on his bed. He had done that! He was the captor and Kelsey was his prize.

  As he regarded her, he decided the business suit would have to go. It would have been better if he could have stripped her before he’d bound her, but no matter. He loped into the bathroom, yanked open a drawer and pulled out the pair of barber scissors he kept there.

  Kelsey was jerking and struggling in her restraints when he returned to the bedroom. Racing back to the bed, James grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it taut. Her eyes were wild and rolling as he held up the scissors, and she mewled with fear. Silly girl—did she think he was going to cut her?

  “Stay still, Kelsey,” James warned. “These scissors are sharp.”

  She stopped her struggling, though she was trembling, her chest heaving. The fabric gave easily against the sharp scissor blades, and he quickly cut away the offending garment, revealing her naked form beneath.

  James drew in his breath with awe and delight as he gazed at Kelsey’s spread pussy, the dark pink labia exposed beneath a tuft of downy auburn pubic hair. His cock throbbed. He would fuck her again. He would take his time and savor the moment. He would make love to her.

  He put the scissors down on the bed and gripped the top of her already torn blouse. With a strong yank, he tore the blouse open, sending a small spray of buttons over the bed. The sleeves still hung on her extended arms but he was too eager to bare her breasts to worry about that now.

  Grabbing the scissors, he carefully inserted the tip of one of the blades beneath the center of her bra. She squealed against her gag and jerked, nearly causing him to cut her. He tried again, this time getting the blade all the way under the bra between the luscious mounds of her breasts. He closed the scissors, cutting through the satin and lace with a satisfying snick, and the bra sprang free.

  Oh god. Her breasts were even more beautiful than his endless fantasies. They were small and round, tipped with dark pink nipples the same color as her sweet cunt. Unable to resist, he leaned over her and drew one perfect nubbin into his mouth. He sucked it to a hard point and then teased it with his tongue. He released it, but only so he could suck the other one in kind.

  Kelsey was whipping her head from side to side and whimpering behind the gag, her struggles pouring fuel on the fire of his lust. Christ,” James murmured. “I have to fuck you again. I have to.”

  He jumped from the bed and pulled hurriedly at his clothing, kicking off his shoes at the same time. His cock sprang toward her, fully recovered, fully erect, its tip dripping with pre-come, his balls aching with need.

  He fell onto her. She wriggled and jerked beneath him, but the silk ties did their job and held her fast. He wished he hadn’t had to gag her, but he realized until he helped her to understand how things would have to be going forward, he had no choice.

  Adrenaline and the thrill of the forbidden left James feeling as if he could conquer the entire world. Was this really happening? Kelsey looked so fucking hot, tied down on his bed, her green eyes wild, legs spread wide. She was more beautiful than he’d imagined, even in the most vivid dreams. Though he’d never planned it like this, he couldn’t deny the dark joy surging through him.

  James realized he was shaking, not from fear, but from the heady realization of what he was doing. In one act of dark passion, he had opened a door that could never be closed again. There was no going back.

  He guided his painfully hard cock between Kelsey’s legs, determined to be gentle this time. She was still sticky with his come and he slid easily into her heat. He groaned with sheer pleasure as her cunt gripped his shaft.

  “Kelsey, darling,” he gasped against her ear. “I’ve waited so long for this moment.”

  It felt so good. He could stay here forever, covering her sweet, naked body with his, buried deep in her cunt. He wanted to die like this, caught in the grip of her perfection. He began to move, swiveling and thrusting inside her. He pummeled her, his resolve to make love, to make it last, dissolving in the face of his blinding pleasure.

  He realized one of his hands was on her throat. He squeezed, just hard enough to assert his dominance. He dipped his head and nipped lightly at her neck with his teeth. He was a god and she was his conquest.

  All too quickly, he felt the rise of a climax shooting upward from his balls and along the length of his shaft. With a shudder and a cry, he released his seed for a second time. With a groan, he fell heavily against the bound girl beneath him.

  He drifted for a while in a semi-conscious haze. Slowly he became aware of a muffled, mewling sound and realized Kelsey was crying again. His heart surged with pity and he pulled himself up. Rolling away from her, he leaned up on an elbow and gazed down at his girl.

  He stroked her tear-stained face. “Shh, baby. Don’t cry. Stop crying. It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay, I promise.” She looked at him, beseeching him with those lovely green eyes. In that instant he forgave her for breaking his heart.

  Smoothing back her tousled hair, he murmured gently, “Kelsey, sweetheart. Listen to me. If I take off the gag, you have to promise not to scream, okay? I know you’re scared and confused, but things are different now. I understand you didn’t mean to hurt me, and I forgive you. Together we’re going to build a new kind of love—or rather, an ancient kind. The primordial and profound love of a strong man and the woman he has claimed.”

  She continued to stare at him as if she had no idea what he was talking about. No matter. He would show her what he meant.
He would teach her. They had time. All the time in the world, now that she belonged to him.

  Chapter 3

  She was caught in a huge, sticky web that held her from all sides. The harder she jerked against her restraints, the more entangled she became. The spider was advancing, its huge fangs glistening with blood as it sidled toward her on the long, furry stalks of its legs. Kelsey opened her mouth to scream, but could only manage a strangled whimper. The spider opened its slathering jaws—

  “Kelsey! Hey! Wake up. You’re having a bad dream. Just a dream, sweetheart.”

  Kelsey’s eyes flew open at the sound of a man’s voice. What was a man doing in her apartment? As she came more fully awake she saw her boss, James Bennett, peering down at her with an expression of concern. His normally perfectly-combed hair was flopped forward onto his forehead and, as her eyes traveled down his bare chest, she saw he was naked!

  All at once the horrifying, unbelievable events of last night blasted into her consciousness with the ferocity of a tornado. She tried to roll away from her abductor, but found her arms were numb, her legs still spread wide on the man’s bed.

  James continued speaking as if everything were nice and normal. “Wow, it’s already six twenty. We’d better get up if I’m going to get to work on time.”

  Kelsey remembered now—he’d pulled that fucking sock gag out of her mouth finally, but had refused to untie her arms and legs, even when she’d pleaded with him. He’d draped his naked body over hers, one strong arm and leg keeping her pinned to the mattress. He’d fallen into a heavy, inert sleep, his breath on her neck, his snore in her ear.

  She’d lain awake for hours, fruitlessly trying to work her way out of her bonds, hoping to slip from beneath the sleeping man and make her escape. After a while, though, she had given up, too exhausted to do much more than lie there in a stupor. And somehow, apparently, she’d eventually fallen asleep, only to be pursued by terrifying nightmares. At least those she could wake from.

  “Did you sleep okay?” James asked in a solicitous tone.

  “Did I what?” Kelsey blurted, incredulous. She glanced down at her body—there was a sheet over her lower half, but her breasts were bare. Her destroyed blouse still hung by the sleeves over her numb arms. “You have me bound hand and foot,” she couldn’t help adding. “If I slept at all, it wasn’t well.” She fought to keep her fury in check, remembering his rage the night before.

  “Please,” she begged instead, “untie me. Please?”

  James regarded her solemnly for a long moment. “If I do, you have to promise not to do anything stupid like try to run away. Can you promise me that?”

  Kelsey pressed her lips together to keep from screaming. What did this lunatic want from her?

  He frowned, shaking his head. “What am I thinking? Of course you can’t promise. Not yet. It’s not fair of me to expect obedience when I haven’t had time to train you.”

  Train her? What the hell?

  James slid out of the bed. Kelsey closed her eyes to avoid looking at him. She heard him coming around to her side of the bed. She felt the give in the mattress as he sat beside her, and she whipped her head in the other direction.

  She heard the drawer on the night table open and then close. “Kelsey. Look at me. Look at what I’m holding.” His previously solicitous tone had taken on a hard edge, and Kelsey didn’t dare to refuse him.

  She gasped when she saw he was holding a gun, its muzzle pointed in her direction. She tried to scream, but her voice had died in her throat, and she only emitted a small, strangled squeak.

  James kept the gun pointed at her. “I won’t harm you as long as you don’t give me cause. But you need to understand that I mean business. As long as you obey me and do what I say…” He let the incomplete sentence hang menacingly in the air.

  Kelsey’s heart was beating high in her throat. “Please,” she managed to gasp, her voice sounding small and far away. “You’re really scaring me. Please, James,” she implored, “this has to stop. Let me up. Let me go home. Please, just let me go!” Kelsey was shaking so hard her teeth began to chatter.

  “Hey, calm down. Stop it, Kelsey.” To her vast relief, James put the gun down on the night table and reached for her wrists. He tugged at the knots for a few moments, and finally her hands flopped down from the headboard. For a moment she felt nothing, and a surge of panic hurtled through her at the thought that her arms were paralyzed. But after a few seconds, she felt them tingling to life. Another few seconds and the tingling became painful as the blood rushed back to her cramping arm muscles. She brought them forward over her breasts.

  James, meanwhile, was busy loosening the ties around her ankles, and after a moment he lifted her into his arms. He carried her into the bathroom and set her down on the toilet. She stared mutely up at him.

  “Go on,” he said impatiently. “Use the toilet. Hurry up.”

  Kelsey realized her bladder was full, painfully full, in fact. She closed her eyes and concentrated on letting go in front of this madman. Finally her body relaxed enough to let her pee. When she was done, James pulled her up from the toilet and pointed to the bathtub.

  “Climb in. Go on. Move.”

  Though she would rather have showered, Kelsey welcomed the chance to bathe. She felt soiled from her head to her toes. She stepped over the side of the tub and sat on the cold porcelain, wrapping her still-tingling arms protectively around her body.

  James reached to turn on the faucet, and warm water began to fill the tub. Bending over her, James lifted his hand and for a moment Kelsey was afraid he was going to strike her, but he only reached for a plastic bottle of liquid soap that sat on a narrow ledge set into the wall. He thrust the bottle toward her. “Clean yourself up.”

  Kelsey wasted no time, scrubbing herself vigorously to wash away the man’s sperm and sweat from her body, though she couldn’t wipe away the fresh memories of what he’d done to her. Rage bloomed inside her, and she tried to hold onto it. It felt better to be angry than terrified. She would have to bide her time to get herself away from this lunatic. She would have to get hold of that gun. She had no idea how to use a gun, but how hard could it be? She’d aim the damn thing at him and pull the trigger.

  Could she actually kill a person, when her own life was at stake? Maybe she’d just shoot him in the shoulder or the leg or something. Then she’d call 9-1-1, if she could find a phone. Once she shot the bastard, she would find his car keys and get the fuck out of there as fast as she could.

  She glanced at James as the tub filled. He was standing at the toilet, urinating without a trace of self-consciousness. When he was done, he moved toward the sink, where he began to brush his teeth, as if this were just another work day.


  If she didn’t manage to get out right away, the other loan analysts would notice her missing. But James had said he was going in to the office. Was he going to make up a story about why she wasn’t there, or just feign ignorance? Jenny and Sarah had her cell number, but would they call or text? What would it matter if they did? James had thrown her cell phone in the backseat of the car.

  Surely someone would look for her eventually, but who? She hadn’t been in the city long enough to really set down any roots. She connected with people from home from time to time on Facebook, but it wasn’t like she was on there every day. She regretted now that she didn’t have a roommate—someone to miss her when she didn’t come home at night. She regretted that she only checked in with her parents down in Florida once every six weeks or so.

  It was chilling to realize there was no one to miss her, at least not right away. No one at all.

  She stared at the broad back of the naked man standing near her. If only she hadn’t dismissed Jenny’s apprehensions about him. Jenny had been more right than she knew. James had not only had a crush on her, he’d been stalking her. He’d been watching her after hours, monitoring who she went out with, all the time harboring some crazy idea that they were meant to be together.r />
  Why hadn’t she realized any of this was going on? She would never have walked with him into that empty car garage if she’d had even an inkling of his twisted obsession. She shuddered to think how well he’d hidden it behind his tailored suits and bland smiles.

  James whipped his head in her direction. His face, she saw, was half-covered with shaving cream. He gestured toward her with his razor. “You about done? When I’m finished shaving, you’re done bathing, so be quick about it.”

  He turned back to the mirror. Kelsey’s skin felt raw from scrubbing, but she still felt dirty and violated. She leaned back in the hot water, wishing she could somehow wash this whole nightmare away.

  “Okay.” James turned to her, wiping a trace of shaving cream from his face with a hand towel. “I’ll shower when I get back. If you want anything to eat before I leave, you better hop to.” He clapped his hands impatiently as if she were some kind of trained animal.

  Not daring to refuse him, Kelsey hauled herself to her feet. He tossed a towel in her direction. She climbed out, wrapping it around her body. He walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She followed, and her eyes moved toward his night table, and the gun resting carelessly on top of it. She measured the distance between herself and the weapon. If she sprinted fast enough…

  The moment was lost as James strode toward the night table and picked up the gun. He waved it at her and gestured toward the bed. “Sit down and don’t move while I get dressed.”

  Kelsey moved toward the bed, keeping the towel clutched around her body. She watched him as he dressed. He kept the gun in one hand while he pulled on his underwear and pants. He placed the gun on top of the bureau while he pulled on one of his perfectly starched white shirts and buttoned it, his eyes never leaving her.

  To avoid his gaze, Kelsey looked around the bedroom, taking in the literally dozens of pictures of her hung so carefully on every wall. Some had been taken while she sat at her desk or in the break room. There were some of her eating lunch with the girls on a park bench, one of her waiting at the bus stop, one of her standing at the mailboxes at her apartment complex. Even more chilling, she recognized some from her Facebook photo albums. These were only visible to her Facebook friends, yet somehow he’d had access to them. What other parts of her life had he violated?


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