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The Abduction of Kelsey

Page 15

by Claire Thompson

  “Yes!” he cried. “Yes!”

  He leaned heavily against Kelsey as he recovered himself. Finally he pulled away from her and stepped back. She turned slowly and sank gracefully to his feet. “Thank you, sir,” she murmured, looking up at him with eyes as empty and vacant as green glass.

  Chapter 14

  James pulled the ropes from the ceiling beam and coiled them neatly into a pile. He stared around the cabin, thinking about the months the two of them had shared together here. He would miss the particular solitude of this place, but it was also exciting to contemplate a new beginning, one without any memories of his punitive father glaring across his paper at the breakfast table, or his tittering, anxious mother offering subtle criticism cloaked in a guise of concern.

  He placed the rope in the large duffel that contained the various implements and objects he used to control and train his obedient wife, and, in spite of himself, he felt his cock harden in his jeans. He hadn’t whipped Kelsey to bleeding in some time. Though he knew it was wrong, he couldn’t deny the fierce, dark thrill he got every time he drew her blood. He loved to plunge his cock into her ass afterward, her skin on fire, her sweet, breathy cries urging him on.

  Idly stroking his erection, he went to the safe his father had installed in the kitchen pantry when the cabin was first built, and removed the large lockbox that contained most of his inherited fortune. Ironic that the parents of a banker had never believed in banks, and had hoarded and saved the bulk of their money in hidden safes in their various homes, most of it converted to gold bullion and coins. Lucky, too, that James had continued the tradition with his share of the wealth once they’d died. There would be no sudden withdrawals of substantial, reportable income. He would be able to disappear without a trace, just as Kelsey Rowan had done four months before.

  The box was too heavy to set on the table, so he placed it on the floor beside the couch, straining from the effort. He retrieved the key from its hiding place in the fake panel of the wall behind the couch. As he unlocked the box and stared at the neatly stacked rows of gold bars, gold coins, precious gemstones and hundred dollar bills, he went through his plans once more in his head. His house back in the city was listed with the broker, and this cabin would be listed as well, come spring. He would email the broker with a PO Box, once he and Kelsey got settled across the border.

  He removed the folder he’d recently placed in the box and opened it to examine the new passport he’d had made, the one belonging to Amelia Bennett, with a photo of Kelsey beside the name. He’d paid quite a bit for it online, but it looked identical to his own and matched the driver’s license he’d had made for her in case any additional identification was needed. He replaced the passports and picked up the small blue velvet box, balancing it on the palm of his hand.

  He could hear the water running in the bathroom and wondered how Kelsey was getting on with her chore of washing the base of the toilet and the floor around it with an old toothbrush. He did enjoy having her stand at attention while he completed his inspection. Try as she might, he always found room for improvement, which led, of course, to a necessary punishment before he sent her back to try the task again.

  He walked into the bedroom, the velvet box still in his hand. He watched Kelsey on her knees from the door of the bathroom, her ass facing him, the bare lips of her sweet, pink cunt peeking between her legs as she moved.


  She jerked at the sound and he heard her sudden intake of breath. Remaining on her hands and knees, she turned her head. “Yes, sir?”

  She looked so beautiful, her luxuriant coppery hair cascading in a tumble around her face, her eyes large and luminous beneath sharply etched cheekbones, her small, perfect breasts tipped with dark pink nipples that made his mouth water. If her expression was more empty than alive, she more than made up for it with her obedience and sexual responsiveness. And once he got her down to Mexico, things would be different, he was sure of it.

  Though he’d planned his surprise for after dinner, suddenly James couldn’t wait another second. “Get up,” he said. “I have something for you.” He led her to the throw rug in the center of the bedroom where he usually had her kneel, but when she started to sink to her knees, he stopped her with a smile. “No,” he said, “you stand. This time I’m the one to go on bended knee.”

  He knelt awkwardly on one knee and held up the blue velvet jewelry box while Kelsey stared down in surprise. For the first time since he’d claimed her all those months ago, he felt the kind of boyish nervousness he used to experience at the bank when he talked to her, his heart filled with unrequited longing. He smiled to hide the feeling and opened the box.

  Kelsey stared down at the contents—matching wedding rings of twenty-four carat rose gold. James lifted out the smaller ring and reached for Kelsey’s left hand. He took a breath and launched into the speech he’d been practicing in his head ever since he’d purchased the rings several days before.

  “These rings,” he said, “are symbols of the endless circle of our love. With this ring, you are bound to me for eternity in obedience and submission.” He pushed the ring onto her finger, and then took the second ring, placing it in her hand.

  “Go on,” he urged, trying not to let his irritation enter his voice as she just stood there, a blank expression on her face. She wasn’t used to taking action on her own anymore. That odd, vacant look he hated had entered her eyes. He decided to ignore it. He wouldn’t let her ruin this moment. “Put it on my finger,” he said, his voice coming out more brusquely than he’d intended.

  She did as she was told, slipping the gold band into place. It felt cold and heavy against his skin. James continued his speech. “With this ring, you acknowledge me as your husband, your lord and master, who will cherish and love you all the days of your life.”

  Kelsey said nothing.

  James wanted to slap her. Instead he stood and took her arm, pulling her into the living room. She just didn’t understand yet, that was all. She’d used to be so intelligent, he recalled suddenly, back when he’d first fallen for her. It was one of the things he’d admired about her. She wasn’t only beautiful, she was bright, and quick to laugh—a deep, throaty laugh that made others laugh with her.

  When was the last time he’d heard her laugh, or seen her smile? Where was the spark that used to light up those lovely green eyes? James frowned—these thoughts weren’t productive, and he pushed them away. He would make her eyes sparkle with what he had to show her next.

  He let her go and strode toward the lockbox. He turned to her—she was standing where he’d left her, arms hanging limply at her sides. “Come over here,” he said. She approached and knelt in front of him, eyes downcast.

  “I want to show you something.” James lifted the lid and tilted the box so Kelsey could see the contents. She stared at it, her face coming alive at last as she took in what was there.

  “There’s enough there to take care of us for the rest of our lives, especially down in Mexico.” James couldn’t keep the pride and excitement from his voice. “We’re going to buy a little villa down in some out of the way place where no one will interfere in our business. Once we’re settled, we can start our family.”

  He hadn’t asked her a direct question, but Kelsey opened her mouth anyway. “A family?” she said in a faint voice, her face suddenly drained of color.

  James nodded eagerly. “Yes. That’s why I stopped your birth control last week. Didn’t you notice? We’re going to make a baby, you and me. We’ll have lots of children. I’ll teach them to be good and obedient too. You will be their example. I know you’ll make me proud.”

  Color had started to seep back, rising in a flush over her neck and reaching her cheeks. “A family?” she said again, this time louder, as if the words were a curse instead of a blessing. Something was changing in her face as she stared at him, her eyes sparking suddenly like green fire, her mouth twisting into an ugly frown.

  “Children? Babies?” s
he demanded incredulously. “You’re going to do to them what you’ve done to me? You would beat them and starve them and terrify them into submission?”

  James gaped at her, too stunned to respond. He could feel the heat coming into his face as rage began its slow rumble inside him.

  She would pay for this. Oh god, she would pay.

  Kelsey jumped up, her face a mask of fury. “No,” she dared to say. And then again. “No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!” Her voice rose with each word, hysteria lifting it higher and higher. James felt his anger deepen with each repetition, and still she would not stop.

  He reached to take his ungrateful babbling bitch of a wife in hand, but before he could act, she sprinted away from him, heading in the direction of the kitchen. He took off after her, easily catching her. He fell upon her, sending her crashing to the floor beneath him.

  He got to his feet and hauled her upright. Picking her up, he threw her over his shoulder and carried her into the bedroom. Though he’d packed the beam ropes, the chains were still in place on the headboard of the bed. He threw her face down on the mattress and grabbed her wrists, quickly forcing them into the cuffs and then wrenching the chain tight to pull her arms taut.

  Don’t punish in anger, a small voice insisted in his head, but his fury soon drowned it out. He’d been so certain she’d be thrilled with the rings and his plans. Her outright rejection was like a stinging slap in the face. She never loved you, you idiot, that annoying voice persisted. You stole her love, you hold her through fear. You have to stop this. You can’t go on.

  Pain and fury thumped through his veins and beat in his ears like a drum drowning out that annoying, niggling voice. Kelsey was struggling in the chains, something she hadn’t done in months, and she was still chanting that infuriating single-word mantra—no, no, no, no, no, no! A proper obedient wife never said no to her husband. She had to be punished! She would never respect him if he let her get away with this flagrant disobedience.

  He struck her bottom with his bare hand, needing to feel skin on skin. He hit her hard, as hard as he’d ever hit her, his palm landing with such force that it pushed her into the mattress. Kelsey howled with each blow, but at least she was no longer saying no. He hit her again and again and again, until his hand was stinging, his wrist aching. He hit her until his palm was numb. He hit her until her struggling ceased, and her cries had quieted to hoarse whimpers.

  Finally he dropped his hand, startled to realize his own face was covered with tears. He reached for Kelsey’s cuffed wrists and released them. Gathering her into his arms, he carried her to the punishment closet and dumped her inside. “I’ll let you out when you’re ready to apologize,” he informed her. “You’ll need to ask me to please let you out, and tell me you’re sorry for being such a very, very naughty girl.”

  She didn’t respond.

  Angrily, James shut the closet door and slid the latch into place. Once he got her down to Mexico he would step up the training. The word no would be erased completely from her vocabulary. He would begin again, breaking her down once more so he could build her back into the girl of his dreams. Angrily, he wiped the tears from his eyes.

  They would leave first thing in the morning.

  James hadn’t slept much the night before, all too aware of Kelsey still in the closet. He’d heard her whimpering during the night and had kept waiting for her to ask to be let out, but she never had. He must have finally drifted to sleep around dawn, and now it was later than he’d planned, the sun already up and streaming into the bedroom window.

  He got out of bed and showered. He would finish packing the car, and then he’d let Kelsey out of the closet even if she hadn’t asked by then. He was just pulling on his clothing when he heard the sound of car tires crunching up the gravel drive.

  With an anxious glance at the closet, he hurried out of the bedroom, pulling the door closed behind him. He walked quickly into the living room and peered through the window that looked out on to the front porch.

  A tall man with broad shoulders was climbing out of a red car, his blond hair glinting in the autumn sunlight. He didn’t look like a cop, and anyway, they always seemed to travel in pairs, but just the same, James wasn’t taking any chances. He hurried to the door and pulled it open, stepping out onto the porch as he pulled the cabin door closed behind him.

  The man appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties. Maybe he was just some damn salesman. James would get rid of him and then finish packing the car. He moved to the screen door as the man climbed the steps.

  “Yes? Can I help you?” James said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “James Bennett?”

  James’ sense of disquiet deepened, but he kept his face neutral. “Who wants to know?”

  The man slipped his hand into his jacket and held out a business card. “My name is Michael Johansen. I’m a private investigator. May I come in?”

  James stepped back abruptly from the screen door. “I’m sorry, what?” he said inanely.

  “I won’t take much of your time.” He peered through the screen with intense blue eyes that made James uncomfortable. “Someone’s life might literally depend on it,” the man continued in a deep voice. “Just a few questions and I’ll be on my way.”

  “I’m awfully busy,” James said. “I’m packing up. The house is a mess—”

  “We can talk right here, then.” The man squared his shoulders with determination.

  James unlatched the screen door. He would answer the guy’s questions and send him on his way. The cops had closed the case on Kelsey. Maybe this guy was nosing around about something entirely different. But he had known who James was…

  James stepped back as the man came onto the porch. Without invitation, the man sat on one of the porch chairs. James remained standing, his arms crossed. “What’s this all about?” he demanded.

  The man pulled out a small notebook and extracted a photo from it. He held it out for James’ inspection. James took the photo, relieved to see his hand was steady. His heart was suddenly thumping high in his throat. Kelsey stared back at him—not the thin waif of a girl she’d become, but a younger, more robust version, grinning broadly for the camera.

  “Kelsey,” he breathed before he realized he’d uttered a sound. He sank into a chair, unable to look away from the image.

  “That’s right,” the big man said. “Kelsey Rowan. You used to work together?”

  James met the guy’s intense gaze, willing himself to be calm. The man knew nothing. He was just fishing. Who the fuck hired him? He forced himself to hand the photo back to the man.

  “Yes. I know she’s been missing for a while.” James hoped his expression conveyed the right amount of concern, without being overly anxious. “I thought the police had stopped the investigation. Who are you working for?”

  “The police may be less focused on the case right now, but the file is still active. I’m working for Kelsey’s parents. There are some new leads. Promising leads.”

  James sat straighter in the chair and pulled his lips into something approximating a smile. “That’s good news,” he forced himself to say. “So what do you want from me? I’ve been away from the bank for months.”

  “So I understand. Cancer, is it?” His gaze was skeptical and James wanted to smack him.

  “That’s right. I’m in remission, but thanks for asking.”

  “I spoke with your colleagues at the bank. There was a young woman, Jenny Murphy, remember her?

  “Of course I remember her,” James snapped. “She was on my team.” A chubby girl, James recalled, never especially pleasant, though she did her job. She and Kelsey had lunch together a lot, mostly at the park.

  “She, uh”—the man glanced down at his small notebook and looked up again— “she noted that you seemed to be especially interested in Kelsey. You had Kelsey sit directly across from your desk and Jenny noticed you were often, uh, watching her?”

  That fucking cunt.

es forced a small laugh. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean. Kelsey was a relatively new employee. I had Mark Hammond shift desks so Kelsey could be near her supervisor, in case she had questions or concerns. As to watching Kelsey, I have no idea what Jenny is talking about.”

  He leaned forward, offering a conspiratorial smile. “Jenny was, you know, a little heavy, in her late twenties and single, a little desperate, perhaps. She might have resented all the attention a pretty young woman, the new girl, if you will, got from the guys in the department.”

  The investigator stared at James for a moment and then slowly nodded. “Yes, all right. I see.” He scribbled something in his little notebook, and James wanted to grab the thing and hurl it across the porch.

  Instead, he started to rise from his chair. “Sorry I can’t help you. Now if there’s nothing—”

  The investigator made no move to rise. “I see you’re wearing a wedding ring. I didn’t know you had married.” The man lifted his eyebrows in question.

  James covered his hand, his fingers closing over the ring. He felt himself flushing. “I’m sorry,” he said stiffly. “I wasn’t aware my marital status was any of your business.”

  “You said you were packing?” the man continued, not missing a beat.

  “Yes. Yes, I’m—I’m going on a trip.”

  “With your wife?”

  James stood. “We’re done here, Mr. Johnson, or whatever your name is. Unless you have a warrant or something—”

  The man stood as well. “A warrant?” he said musingly. “Think I need one?”

  “This is private property,” James said angrily. He took a step toward the man.

  “No problem. I’ll just stop by later. Maybe chat with your wife—”

  “Yeah, okay. You do that. Come by this afternoon.” We’ll be long gone, you son of a bitch.

  “All right then.” The man extended a big hand and James had no choice but to take it. He watched as the man got into his car, waiting by the screen door until the bastard drove out of sight.


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