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Wicked Paradise: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 11

by Tia Lewis

  “Ah, New York City? I have been dying to go to Manhattan, but Luiz’s practice schedule is always making it difficult. Did you come here for Dustin?”

  “Um, I actually came for business,” I cleared my throat. “Sorry, is there a bathroom on this level?”

  “You came for business? It would be easy to mistake your business travels for pleasure. What kind of business?”

  Luiz must have overheard our conversation because he quickly interjected. “You don’t have to pry Isa, let the woman have her privacy.”

  “What? I can’t ask her a question? Do you just want me to sit here in silence? Idiota!”

  They started to argue in Portuguese once again. Isabelle finally scoffed and stood up from the booth.

  “Suficiente! You are impossible. Do not be so impolite in front of our friends. Come with me, Bianca, I’ll show you to the bathroom,” Isabelle grabbed me by the hand and started to guide me out of the room.

  When we got into the restroom, Isabelle came into the stall with me. At first, I thought it was odd, but then I reminded myself that Brazilians were more open than what I was used to. I figured her joining me in the stall had to be a part of that physical comfort. I sat down on the toilet while Isabelle leaned against the wall.

  “I’m sorry about that, I hate how much we fight. We never used to be like this, but ever since he signed another contract, we argue all the time. He is hardly home, and I don’t get half of the attention I used to,” Isabelle shook her head as she pulled out a small bag of white powder. She tapped some onto her hand and did a quick bump off. “Do you want some?”

  “Um no, that’s alright. Thanks anyway. Sorry to hear you and Luiz aren’t doing too well,” I said, trying to stay calm and not overreact to the sight of Isabelle snorting cocaine in front of me.

  “Eh, it’s what to expect. Brazilian men can have very fiery tempers. I suppose you are used to Dustin being away, seeing as how you don’t live in the same part of the world. Don’t you ever get tired of having to support yourself?”

  “Never, it feels good to be my own person,” I told Isabelle.

  We walked back into the lounge to join the men. Dustin must have charmed Luiz back into a good mood because their spirits seemed lifted once we came back. I could tell Luiz and Isabelle were used to fighting because they immediately started acting like everything was normal between them. Luiz kissed Isabelle on the forehead and smiled at her.

  “Let’s go enjoy the party, eh? Let’s party, let’s dance!” Isabelle exclaimed.

  “Why don’t you take Bianca downstairs and show her around? We have business to attend to,” Luiz said, winking at Dustin.

  There was a part of me that wondered if they were up to something. Was there something going on that I didn’t know about? I started to question Dustin again, wondering if he had a secret meeting going on that he didn’t want me to know about. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and not question their motives. I agreed to join Isabelle, exchanging another glance with Dustin to let him know I would be alright. I bent down and gave him a slow, passionate kiss before following Isabelle back to the elevator.

  When we got to the bottom floor and walked out onto the beach, I was shocked by what was in front of me. The messy beach had empty bottles laid on the ground, waiting for someone to trip over them. I was almost a victim. As for the people in this crowded area surrounding the DJ booth, they reminded me of the beer bottles—full and bubbly. As I stepped over the god-awful mess, I noticed the music playing in the background. The sound of electric dance music filled the air.

  Mostly everyone was drunk, with a few people in clusters sitting around the sand either making out, dancing, drinking or just talking. The occasional drunk person stumbled by, yelling about their amazing vacation. I looked over at Isabelle, she smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  “Do you want to dance?” she yelled over the music while smiling at me.

  “Um I’m not much of a dancer,” I yelled back, feeling rather insecure at my lack of ability to hold a beat. I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of my new gorgeous friend.

  “What?” Isabelle laughed. “Everyone can dance! Come on, let’s get a drink and hit the dance floor!”

  We went to the bar and ordered some drinks. Three margaritas in, I was finally feeling ready to dance. Isabelle lead me into the center of the crowd. My drink started to spill as drunk dancers bumped into me. I felt a little out of place when we finally found a place in the crowd. When I looked at Isabelle, she smiled, closed her eyes, and started moving to the rhythm of the music.

  I followed her lead. I tilted my head back, feeling the sun on my skin. I started to move my hips and let go. The more I let go, the more fun I had. It was the first time in a while that I felt carefree. I had been so worried about the case and all of the feelings for Dustin I was suppressing, it was difficult to focus on what helped me stay calm. I let the music take me away.


  It had been about two hours since I had seen Bianca. I hoped Isabelle was taking good care of her. I was happy she agreed to go enjoy the party with Isabelle. I could see the stress all over Bianca’s face, but I also wanted the chance to speak with Luiz one on one. Luiz and I had been very good friends for a while. Even though I wasn’t supposed to be speaking about the criminal investigation with anyone else, I knew Luiz would be the perfect confidant. He had a lot of connections in Brazil, so I figured he would be able to get in touch with someone who could help me get out of the charges.

  Luiz promised to make a few calls and get back to me within the next three days. I had called my limo driver to pick us up since all of us had been drinking. We agreed it was getting late and was time to leave the beach. Luiz said he would take care of the tab while I went to go find the girls. I encouraged him to split the bill with me but he refused, Luiz had always been a man with a lot of pride. When I got to the bottom of the elevator, I realized the crowd had doubled in size. I wondered if it was going to be impossible to find the girls.

  I stood on a table to get a better vantage point. I skimmed the drunk faces in the crowd, feeling rather entertained by how intoxicated everyone was. I suddenly saw a familiar face; Bianca was dancing with a drunk in one hand and the other hand waving in the air. I smiled, signaling for them to come toward me. I started to walk in their directions, as well.

  As soon as we met in the middle, Bianca gave me a drunken, sloppy kiss. I grabbed her ass hard and took a sip of her drink.

  “Are you ready to go?” I yelled to her.

  “Yes, let’s go. This place... is great!” she said, stammering over her words.

  “Where is Isabelle?” I thought I had seen her walking behind Bianca, but she was suddenly nowhere in sight.

  “Is that her behind you?” Bianca asked, pointing in the opposite direction.

  I turned around to see Isabelle trying to force a man off of her. He was trying to wrap his hands around her waist, but she was almost bending over backward to try to get away from him. I immediately grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away from him. As soon as he looked up with a grimace on his face, I punched him square in the jaw. He fell backward, colliding with some onlookers before landing on the sand.

  “Let’s go,” I said firmly, grabbing Bianca’s hand and gesturing to Isabelle.

  I wanted to leave before security came. We walked toward the parking lot and saw Luiz standing by my limo. The driver came to open the door for all of us. We piled into the stretch limo, my driver offered bottled waters to all of us before getting back in the front seat to drive away.

  “Thanks for helping me back there Dustin, that guy was really drunk and a lot stronger than he looked. It was hard to get away from him,” Isabelle said.

  “Yeah, no problem. That guy seemed like an asshole.”

  “What guy? What are you talking about?” Luiz asked.

  “Some guy tried to make a pass on me,” Isabelle pouted her lip. “He was pretty aggressive about it, he just grabbed me and t
old me to go home with him. He was disgusting, his breath smelled awful.”

  “Yeah, that was really rude,” Bianca chimed in.

  “You don’t have to cover for her. Don’t lie about it Isa, I know you flirt with every man closest to you when I’m not around,” Luiz accused, letting go of Isabelle’s hand to cross his arms.

  “What? You can’t be serious! Are you really going to be jealous of a drunk guy who grabbed me out of the crowd? You should be a real man and be more protective of me!” Isabelle yelled.

  “Protective of you? You probably walked up to him first!”

  “Wow, you are crazy!” Isabelle rolled her eyes and said a few words in Portuguese under her breath.

  “She thinks I’m crazy, but she’s the one that cheated on me twice,” Luiz said to me.

  “Seriously Luiz? You are going to bring that up now!?”

  “You are drunk! Stop yelling!”

  “So what? You’re drunk too! I’ll yell when I want!”

  They started to fight in Portuguese again. I had never seen Luiz in this state before. He was usually a level headed, calm type of guy but maybe Isabelle was bringing a different side out of him.

  I have always been a peacemaker. I usually don’t like to flatter myself, but I have a charming way of distracting people from their problems in order to work toward a common goal. I knew the perfect tactic to get this argument back on track toward having a good time. I looked over at Bianca, she squirmed in her seat. I could tell she was feeling pretty uncomfortable because of the loud fighting. She seemed pretty drunk, as well. I liked seeing how shocked Bianca could get. You’d think she would’ve seen it all by now as an attorney. It made me truly see how innocent and impressionable she was at heart.

  “Alright, you two. That’s enough. No point in ruining a great day. I know you love each other, there is no point in fighting about this now,” I said calmly.

  “He started it,” Isabelle spat bitterly.

  “I have the feeling you two are the type to argue just so you can have amazing make up sex afterward, aren’t you?” I smiled as I looked between them.

  Luiz was the first to smile, he looked over at Isabelle and put his arm around her. “Dustin you’re right. There is no point in fighting about this now. But you’re also right about the make up sex part, Isabelle has some fire behind her.”

  “Well don’t let Bianca and I stop you, go ahead. Feel free to make up right now. We would love to watch,” I shrugged and smiled again.

  The couple laughed, you could feel the sexual tension start to build. I looked over at Bianca. She gave a small laugh, but I could tell it made her uncomfortable.

  “He’s only joking,” Bianca laughed.

  “No, I’m not. You two are a very attractive couple.”

  Luiz and Isabelle smiled at each other. They leaned in for a kiss that turned into them passionately making out. Isabelle got up and straddled Luiz’s waist. He grabbed her ass, lifting her dress up. I could see her pink thong framing her perfect ass. I looked over at Bianca again, watching her jaw drop as she watched them kiss. I rested my hand on Bianca’s upper thigh, watching the couple start to feel each other’s bodies more and more.

  Luiz started to lift Isabelle’s dress over her head. I was amused when I realized she hadn’t been wearing a bra the entire time. Isabelle had a petite frame with dark, tanned skin. Her tits looked perfectly perky. She reached down to unbutton Luiz’s pants, pulling his hard dick out while his pants were still around his hips. She slowly lowered her body onto it, sinking it into her pussy.

  I could feel myself getting hard as I watched Isabelle start to slowly ride her husband. I wondered if Bianca was getting turned on by watching the couple, as well. I looked down to see her face. She seemed to be disturbed by what was happening in front of her, which only amused me even more. I had always been a voyeur, but it does not come naturally for everyone. But I had a feeling that, even though she might not admit it right away, Bianca was secretly getting wet watching the couple too.

  I opened up the mini-fridge and pulled out a cold bottle of champagne. I opened the bottle, pouring a couple of glasses for Bianca and me. Even though I was watching them, my focus was still on Bianca. I watched her hide half her face with her hand. I nudged her and smiled. She didn’t smile back.

  Isabelle had her hands on the ceiling and was grinding hard on Luiz. They were both moaning together. It was obvious they forgot we were in the car. Either that or they felt really comfortable with us watching them. I was extremely turned on by the sight. I took a sip of my champagne and leaned down toward Bianca.

  “Pretty hot, huh?”

  She didn’t respond, she kept staring straight ahead, staring at the couple. It was obvious she had never seen anything like that before. Luiz and I had shared a few women in the past, so it wasn’t really anything new for me. I started to stroke Bianca’s thigh, feeling her soft skin beneath my hand. Her mouth dropped open as I started to move up closer to the lining of her bathing suit, allowing my finger to brush by the fabric every now and then. Bianca was still sitting very still. I grabbed her hand, holding it tightly as I continue to watch. I didn’t want Bianca to get the impression we were going to join them; I knew she wouldn’t be ready to swing with a married couple. She was still getting used to the idea of sleeping with one of her clients.

  “Get on your knees,” I heard Luiz say from across the limo.

  Isabelle got onto her knees in front of Luiz, bending down between his legs. She took his dick into her mouth right as he was about to cum. Luiz let out a soft groan as Isabelle swallowed every drop. He smiled at her, reaching down to wipe her chin. Isabelle stood up and jumped into his lap. I liked seeing how comfortable she was naked, it was refreshing to see such an open and affectionate couple, despite their fight from earlier on.

  “Good timing, we are almost at your condo,” I said, pointing to the gates of their complex.

  “Dustin, you’ve always been a good friend,” Luiz laughed.

  I raised my glass to him. Luiz adjusted his pants as Isabelle started to get dressed. We all got out of the car, exchanging hugs and goodbyes. Luiz gave me a devious smile before patting me on the back and grabbing Isabelle’s hand to head up to their condo.

  “Ready to go home?” I said to Bianca.

  She didn’t respond to me, once again. Bianca got back into the limo without a word. I followed her into the back seat, the driver closing the door behind me.

  “I always enjoy myself whenever they are around. Luiz and Isabelle know how to fight, but they know how to fuck too,” I laughed, pouring a glass of champagne for myself. “Would you like another glass babe?”

  “No, I’m fine,” Bianca kept her eyes fixed on the window. She refused to make eye contact with me.

  “Did you like that?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “That was really inappropriate, Dustin. I can’t believe you suggested that. There was absolutely no reason for that to happen. I have no idea what to say, they are a married couple. You can’t treat every single day like it’s a porn video!” Bianca spat, I didn’t realize how upset she was until that moment.

  “Baby, it was hot! I was really into it, and I think you’re just afraid to say that you are too,” I told her.

  She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She crossed her legs and didn’t respond. I quickly slid down the limo seat so that I was closer to her. I uncrossed her legs by pushing one off the other, forcing her legs apart. I slid my hand from her upper thigh down in between her legs. I pulled her bikini bottoms to the side and slowly started to massage her clit. She gasped as I dipped my finger into her pussy to spread her wetness back up to her clit, circling while she clutched my shirt.

  “I know you liked it,” I whispered in her ear as I played with her.

  She didn’t say anything back. Bianca bit her lip and arched her back. I knew she liked it, I never second guessed that. I just wanted her to admit it
to me. I liked the way I could watch her body contort as I stroked the most sensitive part of her body. She was completely powerless against my touch, and I was loving every single second of it. I grabbed the back of her head, forcing her to face me. I slipped a finger into her wet pussy, feeling it grip me.

  “Tell me you liked it,” I demanded.

  “I liked it,” Bianca whispered, I could feel her warm breath against my lips.

  “Say it again, louder,” I tightened my grasp on her hair.

  Bianca released another moan and spoke louder, “I liked it!”

  “I knew you did baby. I know what you like more than you do. I know exactly how to make you hot, I know exactly how to make you cum. You like it when I play with you like that?” I asked her, whispering in her ear once again.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  I started to finger her as I flicked her clit with my thumb. Within seconds, she lifted her head back as she started to cum, legs shaking against my forearm. She tried to close her legs, but I forced them apart with my other hand. As soon as her orgasm faded, I slipped my finger out of her, gently placing it in her mouth. She sucked it slowly as she looked into her eyes. I felt my dick pulse in my pants as she licked the tip of my finger with her tongue.

  “What am I going to do with you?” I said playfully. We kissed, her body fell into mine as we took a sharp turn.

  “No, what am I going to do with you?”

  “Well, hopefully, you are going to help make sure I am not going to prison. Then maybe I’ll take you on a celebratory trip to Fiji, what do you think?”

  “I think that would be lovely,” Bianca smiled. “But I am still mad at you.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  I kissed her again. I was right, I knew exactly what she needed. It was hard for her to stay mad at me for long, I had a way of winning her over. At the same time, she had a way with me too. I couldn’t help but stare at her a little longer than I would with most women.


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