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Sugar Me

Page 1

by Kenzie Haven

  Sugar Me

  Submitting to his forbidden pleasure

  By: Kenzie Haven

  Published by Smutpire Press

  Copyright 2017 All Rights reserved

  Smashwords Edition

  Other books by Kenzie

  This is part 1 of the Obeying Daddy’s Best Friend series. Other books in this series can be found below:

  If you enjoy this story, why not spend a few minutes browsing over Kenzie's entire naughty catalog? Don’t forget to sign up for her mailing list and follow her on Booksprout while you’re there! :)

  Sugar Me

  * * * * *

  “There will be rich men there,” Anna said as she tried to convince me to work tonight.

  “I don’t care how much money they have. I need to study, otherwise I will be in college forever,” I replied. We’d had this same conversation before.

  “It pays twenty bucks an hour.”

  Now that I did not know. “Seriously?” She nodded her head. I closed my philosophy textbook. “Fine, I’ll go. But only this one time.”

  She lent me one of her spare catering waitress uniforms and we headed off. Apparently it was a big and important party put on by some billionaire. As long as I was getting paid and he kept his hands to himself, I didn’t care who it was.

  We pulled up at the house but had to park almost two blocks away. The valet at the gate turned us around when he saw that we were just staff and not guests.

  Anna and I stopped dead in our tracks once we walked through the gates and saw the mansion. It was massive and took up an entire street block. All the lights were on inside and out, making it glow a warm orange. Both floors had large windows with the top floor having balconies all around. I could see why the host could afford to pay us almost double what we normally earned.

  The two of us were put straight to work once we were inside and started delivering canapes to the guests. The party took up several of the ground-floor rooms and spilled over onto the platform outside. I balanced the plate of stuffed mushrooms and made my rounds.

  The guests dripped with money. Some of the biggest diamonds I’d ever seen dangled from the wrists and ears of the women as they laughed on the arm of their suitor. It seemed a requirement for the men to have a Rolex in order to even get through the front doors. Just one would pay for my tuition for an entire year.

  After we’d been there for almost an hour, Anna tapped me on the shoulder. She was staring at something but I was too busy to look around. “That’s the guy who owns this place. Oh my god, he’s so hot. Talk about the whole package.”

  I had to see who she was salivating over. I turned around to see the man she was talking about, and when I recognized him I nearly dropped my platter.

  He was my father’s best friend.

  I’d seen Michael plenty of times over at my house. He attended our dinner parties, went to the pub with my father, and helped us out with a legal matter that my parents needed advice on. I never knew he was rich or even lived in such an ornate mansion.

  I’d always thought he was gorgeous. He was one of those men that were charming under all circumstances. The older I got, the more I noticed him. Just one wink and my knees would go weak.

  “I wonder if he’s single,” Anna continued.

  It annoyed me that she couldn’t take her eyes from him. “He’s not going to be interested in a twenty-year-old. We’d better get back to work,” I admonished. I never knew him to have a girlfriend or wife so he probably was single, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

  We both got back to work but my gaze kept going to Michael. He was making his rounds of the party, greeting guests and being his usual charismatic self. I longed to be one of the glamorous women he charmed but I was the waitress. Nothing but the staff.

  Two people I couldn’t ignore were my parents. They hadn’t told me they were going out tonight but there they were, mingling and having fun. I served them a few times, making sure they got the food while it was still hot.

  My path didn’t cross with Michael so he didn’t acknowledge my presence. A part of me was grateful for that, I wouldn’t know what to say to him. I was used to admiring him from afar, not up close and one-on-one.

  Toward the end of the night, I kept myself busy in the kitchen. Most of the food had been served so I just needed to prepare some dessert trays to be placed around the party.

  My back was to the door when someone entered. “The plates are almost ready. You can take the first one out. I think there is a table by the pool it can go on.”

  “I’m not here for the dessert.” The stern male voice startled me. I spun around and saw Michael standing a mere foot from me.

  My cheeks burned with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, I thought you were one of the waitresses.”

  His lips quirked into a smirk. “I’ve been trying to catch you alone all night, Carly. Look at you, all grown up and working hard.”

  “That’s me. Working hard and all.” I wanted to slap myself for saying all the wrong things. “You’ve got an amazing house here.”

  He looked around as if he’d never actually seen it before. “It gets me by. Would you like a tour?”

  I really should have been working, but I couldn’t resist. Besides, wasn’t it impolite to refuse the host? My boss would understand. “Sure, I’d like that.”

  “Follow me.”

  Michael led me from the kitchen into a dining room. It wasn’t being used as part of the party so as soon as the doors shut behind us the crowd was instantly muffled. He took me through several rooms, pointing out artworks or telling stories about the furniture. The house was beautiful, a perfect reflection of the man himself.

  I followed him up the grand sweeping staircase to the second floor. Michael walked with his hands in his pockets, his black suit elegant and fitted. The best part of him having his hands there was the view it gave me of his ass. Tight and round, I wanted to pinch it between my fingers.

  I tried to focus on the tour but my thoughts were getting dirtier the longer I spent with him. All those fantasies I’d had of him were all running through my mind like it was a marathon. Maybe, just maybe, he’d show me the bedroom...

  We reached the upstairs media room and stopped. It was better than most commercial cinemas I’d been to. “This is amazing,” I gushed.

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  I started blushing again. “I didn’t mean—”

  “I know. When you get embarrassed you get this cute little dimple on your forehead. It’s one of the many things that make you so darn sexy.”

  I had not been expecting that. There were so many things I could have said, but my mouth wouldn’t work to say any of them.

  Michael’s gaze crackled with lightning as he studied me. I felt my cheeks burn hotter and wondered if he was looking at my sexy little dimple. A thrill of excitement shot through me at the thought.

  He took a step closer until he was so near that I could feel his breath on my skin. I’d never spent this much time alone with Michael, My parents or brother were always there to keep my fantasies in check.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips onto mine. There was no warming up period where he hesitated; he just plunged straight into the most passionate kiss I’d ever had. I greedily returned it, our lips lapping at one another until we were breathless.

  His tongue demanded to be in my mouth, and I readily allowed him in; I was eager to get more and more of the man. All the times I’d imagined this and it was nothing like I expected. It was far, far better.

  My heartbeat sped up to an impossible speed as his hand cupped my boob. He massaged it through my plain white waitressing blouse. I suddenly regretted wearing such boring and sensible underwear. If I’d known wh
ose house I was going to, I might have worn something else underneath my uniform.

  But never, in a million years, could I have imagined Michael would be here and he would be kissing me like there was no tomorrow. I couldn’t have asked for a better evening.

  “Open your legs,” Michael said. I looked into his eyes, searching for answers about what he was going to do to me. There were none there, just his intense gaze that told me I needed to do what he said.

  I moved my legs apart moments before Michael sunk to his knees. He looked up at me from his kneeling position and I knew what was on his mind. He was hungry, and I was his dinner.

  His hand skimmed up my leg and then over my inner thigh. It tickled with his light caress but I was too nervous to laugh. He was so close to my pussy that it throbbed with anticipation.

  His fingers touched the fabric of my panties and pushed on my sensitive clit. I tried to keep the relief from my face. He was actually going to touch me, he wasn’t just teasing me.

  “Do you like that, Carly?”

  “I do,” I gushed.

  “Good.” He yanked my panties down and pulled them off. I stepped out of them and he threw them over his shoulder. “I hope you also have some very non-sensible panties at home.”

  It seemed so inappropriate to be having this conversation with my father’s best friend. Perhaps if he wasn’t so young and hot, I might have thought it was wrong. But as it was, everything felt very right. “I have some nice panties at home.”

  “Excellent. You’ll show them to me next time.”

  He pulled me closer to him so that my skirt was right in front of his face. He pushed the black fabric up to my hips, exposing my pussy. His caresses had made me wet, which was painfully obvious now that I was open to the cool air.

  With a final grin, his mouth pushed against my clit. I gasped as I felt his tongue stroke my most personal area. His hands wrapped around my thighs and held me in place. Not that I would dream of going anywhere.

  My knees were starting to buckle as he gently nibbled along my clit. It was exquisite torture as he nipped and then licked the area. The different sensations were driving me into a frenzy.

  I had to put my hands on his shoulders to steady myself. My whole body was as hot as molten lava as his mouth devoured me. His saliva mixed with my juice as he licked at my entrance. His tongue plunged inside me, fucking me until I couldn’t take much more. It was too much to take in. This man, on his knees, giving me so much pleasure.

  He leaned back to peek at me. “I’m going to suck your cunt one more time and I want you to come. Understand?”

  I chewed on my bottom lip as I nodded. I didn’t dare open my mouth in case I said something stupid. Michael glanced at me for a moment more before fulfilling his promise.

  He sucked on my clit as he brought me into his mouth. It was enough to send the orgasm shooting through me. I was alive with the pleasure as it covered my skin like I was on fire. Every little movement Michael made sent the shivers through me until he released me. He rocked back on his heels to watch me sail through all stages of the climax.

  I’d thought it was hard to breathe when he kissed me. But the orgasm he gave me completely knocked all the air from my lungs. It was ridiculous for one person to hold this much intense heat inside their body. I wanted to open my mouth and scream his name to release it but I held on and let it consume me.

  Michael’s gaze should have embarrassed me but I felt comfortable with him. I trusted him, more than with anyone I’d been with in the past. I wasn’t sexually experienced by any means; my previous two boyfriends had both been fumbling teenagers. Michael showed more sexual prowess with just his mouth than both of them combined.

  “Did you enjoy that?” he asked as I came down from the experience.

  My skirt was still up around my hips but I didn’t want to adjust it while he watched. “I did,” I replied.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time.”

  His words reminded me of all those times we’d seen each other in the past. It also reminded me that my parents were downstairs at the party he was hosting. In fact, hundreds of people were just a floor below us. I smoothed my skirt down and clamped my legs together. “I should get back to the party.”

  He picked up my panties and placed them in his pocket. “You should. But I’m keeping these. If you want them back, you will return tomorrow afternoon at six o’clock.”

  There was a challenge in his smirk, both irritating and delighting at the same time. He wanted me to come back tomorrow and I could only imagine what he had in store for me then. I doubted he would just hand over my panties and send me on my way, not after what he just did to me.

  I left him in the media room and hurried through the house. Before reaching the kitchen, I cleaned up in the downstairs bathroom. By the time I returned to my duties, I almost had my pulse under control again.

  “Where have you been?” My boss glared at me with her hands on her hips. “No breaks without permission first, you know the rules.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “The host wanted some food delivered to him upstairs. I just went up and dropped them off.”

  She eyed me suspiciously. “Okay, then. Help me finish up these dessert platters.”

  We returned to work and I stuck to the kitchen for the rest of the night. The last people I wanted to run into were my parents. Even running into Michael wouldn’t go well, I still didn’t know what I would say to him after what we’d just shared.

  I had to listen to Anna gush about how sexy Michael was all the way home. Every time she spoke his name, the memory of our time upstairs came to mind and I had to face the window so she couldn’t see my smile. This was a secret that I couldn’t risk telling anybody about. If it somehow got back to my parents, they would disown me and kill him.

  Anna dropped me home and I counted down the minutes until I saw Michael next. My dreams were filled of my fantasies about him. I thought he’d always looked at me like I was just a kid, and perhaps he did just a few years ago. But I was twenty now and definitely grown up.

  I avoided my parents the next day and kept myself busy with studying until the next evening. I prepared to leave and slipped on some lacy underwear at the last minute. He’d told me he wanted to see something not so sensible, so that’s what he’d get.

  There was no valet at his front gate this time, so I buzzed through with the control panel and the metal gates opened for me. I parked right outside the front stoop, making up for the extra walking I had to do the previous night to retrieve the car from down the street.

  Michael stood in the middle of the front door arch. His intense gaze always seemed to watch me. Sometimes it sizzled with desire, other times it was unreadable. “You’re late.”

  “It’s only just after six,” I replied.

  “Never be late with me.” He pulled me against him and kissed me hard on the lips. It was enough to dissolve any annoyance I had about his problem with the time. “Dinner is ready. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I am.”

  “Good. Come with me.” He took my hand and we went inside the mansion. We bypassed the formal dining room and went to the kitchen. All traces of the party last night had been cleaned away.

  On the balcony outside was a table set for two. Candles were everywhere—the table, the ground, in hanging lanterns. The area was lit solely from their warm glow. Michael held the seat out for me and I sat at the table.

  He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with two plates of food. I recognized the meal as chicken and vegetable rosti. It looked amazing. He placed the food on the table and joined me. “Eat up, Carly. I hope you enjoy it.”

  “Did you make this?”

  “Yes, I enjoy cooking.” Another new fact I didn’t know about him. He was like an onion and as I kept peeling away new layers I’d discover something new. I always suspected there was more to the man than just being my father’s best friend.
/>   I took a bite and let the delicious flavor rush over my taste buds. It seemed the man excelled at everything he did. We made polite conversation while we ate.

  It was over dessert of lemon pudding that I worked up the courage to ask the question I really wanted answered. “Have you mentioned any of this to my father?”

  “No, I haven’t. He can’t know about this arrangement. Are you planning on telling him?”

  I knew my dad would go ballistic if he thought his best friend was involved with his little girl. He wouldn’t be able to see that I was grown up and could be with anyone I chose to.

  The truth was I didn’t want this thing to end—whatever it was. Michael was the only man who could light a fire in my pussy with just a simple look. I couldn’t wait to see what he could do with his cock. “I’m not going to tell him. We should keep this as a secret between us.”


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