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Jaxon_Kings of Denver

Page 13

by Sheridan Anne

  Turing my back on him, I flick my eyes over my shoulder and hook my thumbs into the waistband of my panties and ever so slowly drag them down my thighs, bending until my panties have reached my ankles. He groans and I straighten back up before turning and slowly dropping into his lap, which is when I start to dance for him.

  I straddle his waist, feeling his hardness grinding into me through his pants. I grab his shirt and tear it open, listening to the buttons, one by one hit the floor. I push his shirt back over his strong shoulders and chest. My hands find purchase there and begin exploring.

  I drop my face to his and kiss him deeply before sliding off his lap and latching onto his belt buckle. I whip it off and drop to my knees before him. His eyes widen in anticipation and he raises his hips to help me remove his pants and underwear.

  I wrap my hand around his hard length and look up into his eyes as I slowly raise up on my knees. My hand pumps a few times as I lick my lips and slowly draw him into my mouth. His eyes close in satisfaction before opening and watching me move.

  I tease him slowly before I start picking up my pace. “Please babe, untie me,” he begs.

  I slow my movements and shake my head ever so gently with him still inside me. I notice the muscles bulging in his arms and have no doubt he is trying to get himself free.

  With a grin, I get back to work.

  Moments later he is smirking as he flies up out of the chair, drops the tie beside me and grabs me around my waist and lifts. I fly backward, hooking my legs around his waist before he slams me into the wall of his bedroom, plunging himself deep inside me in the same instance.

  “Holy shit,” I groan as he begins to pound into me. “That wasn’t...” thrust. “Part of the…” thrust. “Plan.”

  “I figured so I made my own plan,” he grins at me.

  I can’t help but laugh, after all, this is exactly how I intended we would eventually end up. My laugh quickly turns into needy moans as he works my body right to the edge.

  I come hard around him as he stills within me, finding his own release. His forehead drops to mine and we desperately try to catch our breaths.

  “Next time I’m using handcuffs,” I tell him as he releases my legs and helps me find the floor.

  He scoffs and raises an eyebrow at me. “You think handcuffs are going to stop me when I know your pussy is involved.”

  I smirk up at him and with a roll of my eyes, I step out of his arms and dash into his bathroom. I clean myself up and head back out to find him with his pants on, searching through his wardrobe for a new dress shirt. I slip my dress back on and begin searching around his room.

  The room is filled with old memories, some good and some bad. I even notice that there is quite a lot of my stuff in here. Jax finishes in his wardrobe and I find all his old jerseys and with a smile, I grab one of his empty hockey bags out of the top of his wardrobe and start loading it up.

  I turn around and find Jax sitting on his bed watching me with an amused smile on his handsome face and I give him a pointed look. “Are you seriously just going to sit there? This could be one of your only chances to get this shit back.”

  “Good point,” he says getting to his feet and grabbing all his old watches and anything that was special to him.

  I search through his bedside table and find a little black velvet box and I sit on the edge of the bed as I slowly open the box. A beautiful silver engagement ring stares back up at me and I find myself struggling for air.

  The bed dips beside me and Jax reaches for the box, taking it in his hands and giving it a look over himself. He lets out a sigh and begins to murmur, “I have no idea what possessed me to leave this here,” he sighs. “I had gone to ask your dad permission because we were going to be living together on campus and I needed him to know my intentions. I was going to wait a year or so before I asked you because I knew we were way too young and you would have had my balls for asking so soon.”

  I reach over and take his hand in mine, unsure of how I could possibly comfort him right now. We sit in silence, both staring at the ring that would have been our future when we hear a noise coming from the hallway. “Shit,” Jax curses, standing up and pocketing the ring. “Come on, we have to get out of here.”

  I get up as he grabs the bag and I gently open the door, peeking my head out into the hallway, the same way I used to when I’d sneak in and out of his room as a teenager. The coast is clear so we duck out the door and sprint down the hallway, by this point, not caring if we were to get sprung. Jax flings open the back door and we run out, chuckling like a bunch of school girls but he quickly drops the bag and heads back in.

  “Jax?” I ask into the night but get no response.

  He comes out moments later with as many bottles of his dad’s expensive liquor as he can possibly carry before smirking and loading them off to me. He picks up the hockey bag and we dash away.

  We head back over to my property and ditch his bag upstairs before heading back to the reception to find the party still in full swing. With a grin, we walk on in and instantly get cornered by Carter. “Where the hell did you two disappear to?” he questions.

  “Oh, you know,” I say. “I just had to seduce Jax in the middle of a break and enter.”

  “What?” he asks, his jaw dropping to the ground. I give him a wink and turn to leave but I see Jax pull the bottle of liquor out from behind his back, making what I had just said completely forgotten. The boys whoop and shout and once the majority of the guest leave, the real party gets started.

  It must be at least four in the morning when Jax carries me up the stairs and helps me out of my dress. I pull on a singlet and stay in my panties before climbing into bed, Jax loses his clothes and climbs in beside me. Throwing his arm around my waist and spooning me. The move comes so naturally but I guess that’s just how it is after we slept beside each other since we were kids.

  His fingers draw little circles over my waist and hips and before long, I’m pressing my ass back into him and his hands are removing my panties, he rolls me to my back while he hovers above me. I reach up and twine my hand around his neck and he instantly drops his lips to mine. My legs fall open and in the next moment, he is sliding into me.

  My arms circle his body and his hand finds my breast. This isn’t the intense, drunken, needy screw from earlier in the night or the wild ‘I’ve missed you’ sex from weeks ago. This is slow, sensual and emotional, not just sex but making love.

  I look up at him with love in my eyes and I desperately want to tell him what I’m feeling but I know now isn’t a great time, not unless I want to kill the mood. “I know,” he tells me, reading my mind. “Me too.”

  That’s enough to put my mind at ease while he works to put my body at ease. A moan slips from my mouth and he smothers it with his kiss.

  I raise my hips to meet his thrusts, taking him deeper and it doesn’t take long before we are coming together. He drops his head to mine and presses a gentle kiss to my lips. “What is it about you, Cass?” he groans against my lips.

  “I could ask the same thing,” I murmur.

  He looks into my eyes as he considers something before sliding out of me and pulling my back against him, spooning me once again. “Good night, Cass.”

  “Night, Jax,” I whisper into the darkness as a yawn takes over me.

  He pulls me in tighter and I instantly drift into a peaceful sleep.

  It must be at least an hour later when I feel Jax pull away from me and hear the sounds of him climbing out of bed and pulling on a pair of pants. I listen as he takes a few steps towards the door and pulls it open. “What’s up?” I hear him say in his croaky nighttime voice.

  “I was just checking in on Cass,” Sean says. “I figured she would be here with you.”

  “Oh, ok, well she is fine, she’s out like a light,” Jax explains.

  “Yeah, good. It looked like she enjoyed herself tonight,” he says with a hint of concern in his voice.

  “Better believe she did,
” Jax laughs. “I haven’t seen her like that in a long time. It was nice.”

  “Yeah, sure was, man,” he says. “Listen, I actually came to talk to you.”

  “Bout what?” Jax grunts, completely confused.

  “About Cass, the real reason she is home,” Sean says, making me stiffen in bed. What on earth is he talking about? I’m home because the boys asked me to, because with Dad gone they needed me close, somewhere they could easily watch over me like the overprotective big turds they are.

  “Go on,” Jax says, cautiously and I can tell by the tone in his voice that he suspects that I’ve lied about something.

  “Shit,” Sean sighs. “Look, I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t mention any of this to Cass but me and the boys sort of manipulated her into coming home.” I hear the cringe in his voice and I can imagine what his face would look like in this moment.

  “Huh?” Jax grunts with amusement in his voice, prompting Sean to go on.

  “She wasn’t happy in New York, we had all gone to visit but it never got better and we knew the best thing for her would be to come home, so after dad died we guilt tripped her, saying that we needed our baby sister home. We had all talked about it and agreed that what was best for her would be going to Denver and seeing you again. You’re what makes her happy and we knew, whether it was intentional or not, you’d take her pain away.”

  Jax is silent for a moment but I’m a different story. I shoot out of bed and storm up to my big brother and push him in the chest. His eyes widen in shock, either too tired or drunk to have noticed me earlier. “You lying sack of shit,” I scream at him, “All of you, you’re nothing but dirty, lying douche bags.”

  “Shit,” he murmurs under his breath.

  “Shit?” I hiss. “That’s all you have to say?”

  “Yep, what else can I say?” he says. “We don’t regret it. I mean, look at you, you’re smiling again. For fuck’s sake, you even sang tonight.”

  “It should have been my decision when I came home,” I tell him. “I wasn’t ready.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, little sister. We had to step in. You are way too stubborn to have admitted it to yourself, if it was up to you, you would still be rotting away in New York, not living.”

  “He’s right,” Jax cuts in. “You should have come home years ago.”

  I give him a look that would scare the dead. “Whose side are you on here?”

  He raises his eyebrow at me and gives me a stupid look. “Uh, theirs,” he says as if I should have known, but really, I should have.

  I flick my attention back to Sean and all I can do is stare at him as I admit defeat. He is right, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  “Look, I have to go,” he says. “We have a flight leaving in three hours and I still need to consummate my marriage.”

  “Gross,” I grunt as Jax puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to him.

  “Night, kiddies,” he winks before backing away.

  “Just so you know. I love you and I’ve had the best night but at this very moment. I really hate you,”

  “Got the message loud and clear,” he smirks with a salute as Carter and Logan walk by on the opposite side of the landing.

  “Oh, and I hate you fuckers, too,” I call out to them. They give me confused looks but I slam the door closed before they can question it.

  “God,” I groan, “They are a bunch of jerks.”

  Jax just smiles at me and drags me back to bed. “Come on, you can whine and bitch them out tomorrow. For now, I need to feel your body against me.”

  How could a girl possibly resist that offer? “Ok,” I say climbing back into bed and feel Jax pull me against him. He whispers good night in my ear and plays with my hair until I have calmed down enough to fall back into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 14


  I stand in front of the mirror taking myself in. I’m an absolute mess of nerves. My hands shake, I’m all fidgety and my heart is threatening to beat right out of my chest. I take a deep breath, hold it in and then blow it out, the same way I do right before a big game.

  I check my suit in the mirror once again and grab the little box off the vanity as I double check that I’ve done everything, after all, I want to make a good impression. I’ve shaved, remembered deodorant and even shined my damn shoes.

  Shit, it’s either now or never, I’d never be able to scrounge up the nerves to do this again. I fire off a quick message to Cass just to double check she won’t be home.

  I put the little velvet box in my pocket and rush down the stairs before I have the chance to back out. I head out through the front door without a backward glance in the direction of my parents who call after me, wondering what the hell is going on.

  I consider cutting through the fence to next door but I want to do this right. I walk the whole way up the driveway, cross to the next property and back down to the house before climbing the stairs and hitting the doorbell.

  I wait for a short moment before the door is answered by Cass’s dad, Brad Waters. “Mr. Waters,” I greet with a nod and a smile.

  He stands before me in silence as he takes in my attire. “Shit,” he sighs, skipping over the fact that I addressed him formally, which I haven’t done since he ratted me out about it when I was twelve. “Either someone died or you’re here for something else and to be honest I’m kind of hoping you’re on your way to a funeral.”

  “No, sir,” I say, “No funerals in my immediate future.”

  “Hmm,” he grunts. “There’s about to be.”

  With a grin, I ignore his quip. “May, I come in?”

  He steps out of the way to allow me to pass. “Don’t know why you don’t just sneak through Cassie’s window like you usually do.” My eyes go as wide as saucers. Shit, I didn’t realise he knew. What the hell was I thinking coming here? He is going to chew me out for sure. “Relax kid, if we had a problem with it we would have said something when it started 4 years ago.”

  Hmm, I don’t know what to think about that but I take it in stride and follow him into the house. He leads me through the kitchen and grabs a beer before passing one to me. We walk into the good lounge and he offers me a seat. I take it gingerly and wait till he is comfortable before getting started.

  “Wait,” he cuts in, holding up a hand with a gleam in his eyes. He gets up and steps out the open door before hollering up the stairs, “Boys, get your asses down here. Young Jaxon has something he'd like to discuss with us.”

  Oh shit. I’m fucked.

  Brad walks back into the room and sits silently before me, watching me freak out as we wait for Cassie’s older brothers to come down.

  Each of them enters with a smirk before taking me in and changing their smirks to a scowl. “Fuck me,” Carter says as the boys flank their father and turn on me.

  “Alright, kid,” Brad says. “Now we’re ready.”

  I let out a shaky breath before getting to my feet and pulling the box out of my pocket. I open it up to reveal a silver engagement ring and place it down on the coffee table between us.

  “Well,” Brad says, ripping his eyes off the ring to focus back on me. “I’m honoured but you’re really not my type, besides, I’m not sure my wife would approve of me getting a boy toy.”

  The boys’ chuckle at his response and it’s deathly clear where they all get their humor from.

  “Sir,” I say, looking him in the eye. “I have known Cassie since the day I moved in next door and knew I wanted to be with her since the very next day. As you know, next year we are heading to college and will be living together. So, I’m coming to you today to make you aware of my intentions. I am not some kid who is messing around with her or would ever hurt her. Cassie is it for me and it’s important that I let you know that.”

  Brad slightly raises his chin to me with respect and I continue. I eye the boys before focusing back on her father, so they know they are included when I ask this question. “Sir, I would
like your blessing to propose to your daughter.”

  He takes a deep breath and wipes a hand down his face. The boys give each other knowing glances but I focus my attention on Brad. He slowly rises from his seat and makes his way over to me before holding his hand out. I reach to shake his hand but he pulls me into a hug. “Son, I have known for years that your intention was to marry my Cass and you have both mine and Cathy’s support.”

  “Thank you,” I say as he releases me.

  “My only concern is your age, you’re just a kid, Hell, Cass is just a kid too. I know your relationship is heading that way but there is no rush.”

  “I think what Dad here is trying to say is that Cass would have a fit and kick your ass if you asked her now,” Sean supplies.

  “Yeah, I know,” I tell him. “My plan is to wait a little while first, I just wanted you to know my intentions before we moved in together.”

  “Thanks, son,” Brad says, with a big cheesy grin on his face and pride in his eyes. “Welcome to the family, Jaxon.”

  “With all due respect, I feel like I’ve been a part of the family since I was a kid,” I tell him honestly.

  “Shit,” Logan laughs, “Looks like the old man is about to cry of happiness.”

  I wake with a start and it takes me a moment to realise where the hell I am. I’m in Cassie’s bed, the morning after the wedding and I have to admit, it was a bit eerie dreaming about the day I asked for Brad’s blessing to marry his daughter right after I’ve been to his son’s wedding and the girl in question was sleeping in my arms.

  Maybe it’s just being in this house again or maybe it’s just Cass but I’m starting to think and feel things I haven’t felt in a long time.

  Desperately needing to clear my head I get up out of bed and head downstairs for breakfast. The place is a mess but not a soul is awake, well apart from the clean-up crew who are running around the place like headless chooks. I know Cass and the boys won’t be up for hours so I fix myself a bowl of cereal and head into the media room and catch up on the last game.

  It’s an hour later when I decide it’s probably time to head back to campus. I go back up to Cassie’s room and give her a kiss on the forehead. “I have to go,” I tell her. “We’ll talk when you get back to campus.”


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