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Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1)

Page 9

by Finian Blake

  Noah was just pouring himself a second drink when a golf cart pulled up to the crew door. Susan was dressed in a three quarter length button up light green linen skirt with a short matching jacket. Her thick dark brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun giving her the look of a strict schoolteacher. Lynn was dressed in a baggy set of coveralls. The ladies passed up a few dishes that had a wonderful aroma. As Susan stepped on to the airplane, he noticed that she was wearing an expensive pair of knee length high heel boots made of soft polished green leather that matched her skirt perfectly. When Lynn came aboard he noticed that she was wearing a pair of coveralls and extremely high heels. Susan did not give him a chance to ask any questions.

  “Let’s go up to the flight deck. There is something that I want to discuss with you and that will give Lynn a chance to lay the dinner out.” Susan moved past him and went up the few steps of the ladder that went to the crew deck. Her expensive Plumeria perfume caught his nose as she passed. When he turned around to follow her, his eyes were her hem level and Noah was presented with a close up view of her great legs. Just above her spiked heel she wore a small pair of jeweled spurs fastened to the boot with gold chains.

  “Lynn will put out the dinner. Let’s talk.” As she sat down in the jump seat, her skirt parted ever so slightly exposing the tops of her expensive hose which demanded his attention. Susan could read Noah’s eyes and parted her legs just a fraction wider smiling as his eyes seemed to pop out of his head.

  “I thought that I would dress feminine for dinner since all you see is the flight crew for the whole trip.” She undid the three buttons on the front of her jacket.

  Noah could not help but stare. Beneath the jacket, she wore a thin transparent green blouse. Under that was a green corset, prominently displaying her well-formed breasts.

  “What would you like to discuss.” All this time he was vaguely aware of the sound of Lynn’s heels clicking in the galley. With a supreme effort Noah forced his mind back to business forcing his eyes to lock on to her eyes instead of her legs. Susan continued, “I don’t want to over stress my resources. How many round trips are you going to make and how critical is your cargo?”

  “We should be in and out three times total including this run. The cargo will not stand much of an inspection, but it will all be ‘in-bond’.” Noah could not keep his eyes from roaming over this beautiful woman before him.

  She stood up putting him eye level with her breasts, they were not overly large but the corset did produce wonderful cleavage.

  “Let’s have a look at what Lynn is doing.” She turned and backed down the short ladder. He did the same, and turned to his surprise.

  “Jesus H. Christ,” was all Noah could say for a minute. Lynn was standing in the galley in a black and white maid’s uniform. The ruffled sleeves of her dress just sat on her shoulders, with a thin piece of coarse mesh covering her breasts. The hem of the form fitting short dress barely covered her mound, which was only covered by the thinnest of panties and her legs were covered with seamed black nylon hose that were held up by frilly black and white garters. On her feet were black patent leather high heels with several straps to make sure that they stayed on securely. She was brilliant red with embarrassment. When she went to cover her breasts Susan glared at her, “Keep your hands by your side when you are not serving. Besides that, you’re overdressed.” She took hold of the thin veil that was covering Lynn’s breasts abruptly jerking it away. Lynn winced as the coarse mesh crossed her nipples. You lost the bet and you are going to pay up, or do you want some other form of payment?”

  “No my lady,” Lynn said.

  “You do make some bets,” Noah finally blurted out. Lynn looked like a fantasy from a porno magazine.

  Lynn served the dinner without a word making it a point to bend over with her back to him several times. Her pale pink skin framed by frilly black nylon only inches from his face. Noah ate but had no idea of what he had eaten for dinner. It could have been cardboard and he would not have noticed. As soon as they were finished Lynn cleaned up and when she was finished Susan threw her the coveralls.

  “Throw these on Noah needs to shower.” Lynn literally jumped into the garment relieved to end her uncomfortable display. Susan retrieved her jacket and buttoned up. Noah was going nuts. He was hotter than a pistol with the promise of sex hanging in the air throughout the entire dinner and now it was being covered up slowly walking out of the door. Noah wanted to get laid. The only thing that stopped him from attacking them both was that it would probably break the bargain. He figured that throwing his contact’s roommate on the floor and tearing her clothes off would kill the deal. He snatched his shaving kit out of the lavatory and followed the two teasers out to the cart. Noah closed the crew door of the Ark and climbed on the cart without saying a single word. The frustration clearly showed on his face as the cart drove through the building and stopped by the elevator.

  Susan pushed the button for the third floor. She led the way down the hallway to a door marked lady’s locker room. Susan pushed the door in and motioned the others in putting a ‘closed for cleaning’ sign on the door. Susan was disappointed that Noah had not verbalized his frustration.

  “Lynn and I will keep a lookout to be sure that you are not interrupted.”

  She motioned Noah to the shower. Noah went back to the showers dropping his clothes on a bench completely frustrated. Noah grabbed some shampoo and started to wash his hair. He stuck his head under the shower to rinse off the shampoo, and when he opened his eyes Lynn was standing naked in front of him. Her 24 year-old body was trim but not athletic. She was five six with well-defined soft curves. Her short hair smoothed back close to her head and her light brown hair when wet turned almost black perfectly contrasting her pale white skin and jade green eyes. Lynn had a washcloth in her hands. She lathered the top half of his body waiting for Noah to rinse the soap off without uttering a word. The only sound was that of the water echoing in the tile shower. Lynn got on her knees and washed the lower half of his body. As he rinsed Noah suddenly became aware of Susan walking into the shower naked and without hesitation she threw her arms around Noah’s neck kissing him full on the mouth trapping Lynn’s head in between their two bodies with the aggressiveness of her move taking Noah completely by surprise.

  Susan backed off her kiss long enough to say, “Sorry about that, I had to find out how deep in the game you were. I wanted to know if you could think when your penis was hard. Too many men stop thinking when their other head gets the blood.” She pinched his nipples and looked down at Lynn, “It’s time to play.”

  “Oh yeah,” Lynn purred as she looked up at Susan. Lynn pulled Noah down to the shower floor and bit his nipples firmly leaving teeth marks. Susan mounted Noah while Lynn kissed both of their bodies.

  “Lynn is a lesbian. You can enter me but not her. There are certain lines that I will not make her cross since she does not use birth control.” Noah mumbled his acknowledgement finding it difficult to think. After that the play became decidedly aggressive for the next few hours. Both women having a very well developed sense of adventure completely drained all of Noah’s energy reserves so that he literally crawled up the steps of the Ark around one AM after the ladies rolled him out of the cart.

  That night Noah had discovered that he did not know as much about sex as he thought. The night proved to be very short as far as sleep was concerned. Noah did not make it up to the crew bunks all that he could manage to do was kick back in one of the recliners like a wet noodle. The things he would do to gain intelligence knew no bounds. What Noah did find out is that he had a solid ally at a crucial stop in both directions. The crew could get comfortable rest, and the Ark could safely get any repair necessary before they made the big jump over the Atlantic Ocean or to Iran. Mentally Susan was as tough as anyone that he had ever met and she had a solid level of intelligence to back her up. It was clear that she could stand toe to toe with anyone and come out on top. If she could not beat someone she could
out last them as tonight proved without a doubt. He had misread Lynn earlier discovering that she enjoyed playing roles as an intellectual challenge and that she was nowhere near as proper as he thought. She was both clever and inventive bringing her diabolical personal brand of humor into the game.

  Noah had one more thing to do before he went to sleep. He picked up the bottle of Scotch sprinkling some around the crew cabin and a small amount in the lav. He turned his thoughts to the bunk on the flight deck and said to hell with it settling into one of the recliners once again he would get three hours sleep as his eyes closed seconds after he reclined.

  There was a pounding on the crew door and Noah’s eyes were open instantly. He looked at his watch. It was four thirty and the quartet wasn’t due in for another half hour.

  “Who is there?”

  “Catering,” was the one-word response.

  “Stand back, I’m going to open the door.” Noah pulled the door open and looked out at a small van. The caterer was quick and all the supplies were loaded on board in ten minutes after which they collected the trash turning to Noah.

  “One more thing,” he handed Noah a plate with an aluminum cover taped to it. “Susan sent this breakfast especially for you.” He turned and left.

  Noah put the plate on the galley counter without inspecting it pulling out the coffee supplies and started to make a pot since there was no going back to sleep he might as well have a cup. While the coffee was brewing he went up to the flight deck and fired up the APU (aircraft power unit). He sat down at the engineer’s console turning on all of the external lights for the walk around. When he came down to the crew cabin the quartet was storing their bags in the bag rack. The engineer was checking his flash light before starting his walk.

  “Hey Noah, how did it go last night? This place smells like a bar. It looks like you hammered the scotch pretty hard.”

  “It was a boring night.” Noah shrugged. “I had a couple of drinks. I’m not driving so who the hell cares? How was your night?”

  “We had a boring evening too. The only woman that we could get to talk to us was the waitress and we had to tackle her just to order dinner. It was a crew hotel and we might as well have had signs around our necks saying ‘I want to get laid’. The British TV sucks, and we couldn’t hit the clubs because we are going to fly today.” The quartet shook their heads in disgust.

  “The waitress heard every one of our pickup lines before so we offered her a Pound for every one that we haven’t heard before. The tart walked off with twenty pounds of ours and that is because we lied about some of her lines. She even fed us a few lines in French, German and Italian. We figure that it was well worth the twenty.”

  “The restaurant had not opened before it was time to check out and I’m starving. Do you mind if I hit this?” The engineer pointed to the plate on the counter.

  “Go ahead, there’s more packed in dry ice I’ll just reheat one of those.”

  Frank broke the tape seal removing the aluminum cover.

  “Noah, this is one breakfast that you need to eat.” He turned around and held it under Noah’s nose. On the plate was two pair of used panties, crusty from sex, with a note on top.


  “How did you manage to get laid way the hell out here when we couldn’t even find a sniff at the hotel?” The Quartet was now holding up the evidence. “The note said fourths. You had sex with two women out here twice! How in the hell did you manage that?”

  “You would not believe what you can get from catering. All I did was call up and ask for something hot to eat,” Noah said off handedly enjoying their torment. “They delivered directly to the Ark.”

  “You have no intention of telling us do you,” they pressed.

  “I do not kiss and tell, but I’ll tell you what I will do. If you treat me nice on the next segment, I will order something up for you on the way back although I can’t make any guarantees.” Noah pointed at the panties, “Do you still want to eat my breakfast?”

  “No, just what was in them,” Frank took a quick whiff of the objects in question as Noah started things in motion again.

  “Let’s get our checks done. The Ark is serviced and ready to go. I need to finish our clearances with Susan and I’ll be back in fifteen or twenty minutes.”

  Noah walked over to the cargo building shaking his head as he went. The fact that Susan and Lynn both had enough energy to drive over to catering and set up this practical joke after they dropped him off at the Ark totally astounded him by their drive. He borrowed an envelope and writing paper in the down stairs office. He left a note thanking Susan for breakfast, making a request for servicing the flight crew on the return trip and leaving the note marked confidential under Susan’s door. He stopped by the large metal bay door, lit a cigarette and watched Frank finish his checks.

  Noah hoped that he didn’t screw everybody up with these runs, if they were busted the results would be real ugly. They were on the last quiet segment after this all of the segments would be hot runs. Noah crushed out his cigarette and thought about his new edge out here in Manchester. By the time he reached the plane, he was feeling more confident about the whole operation.

  Noah gave Frank the thumbs up signal as he walked through the door headed for the flight deck.

  “The last few details are set and the mechanic is on his way out to dispatch us. See you up top.”

  Noah went up the short ladder and took the jump seat since the relief was at the navigator’s station and the flight deck belonged to the crew. The pilot was on the intercom talking to the mechanic as Frank fired up all four engines after which they flew off over Midlands, England and out over the English Channel. Tehran was just inside the Ark’s maximum range, so this would be a nonstop flight. After they moved into their slow climb, Noah went down to the galley putting the frozen breakfasts in the oven calling up to the flight deck.

  “Who is going to do the dirt strip landing when we deliver?”

  The relief raised a finger.

  “I did some work with Air America making a few dirt landings with these things.”

  “Do you know about the reinforced roads?” Noah caught the questioning expression on Frank’s face guessing that the answer would be no. “Back in the late fifties when these birds first came out the spy boys did an analysis all over the world of areas that we might need access to as things changed. This type of aircraft can land almost anywhere with the operative word being almost. Population and soil density make certain areas impossible to land at. You need to remember that the nice flat areas to land in are also prime areas for farming. The soil can be soft and the fences play havoc on the props. We decided that we needed guaranteed spots in strategic locations. The answer was to over build heavy duty roads in the desired locations so that we could drop in unannounced when we decided that it was necessary.”

  “This program was fairly cheap to conduct because most of these roads are in third world countries. Labor and materials are cheap since we use gravel to pave the road which keeps them cheap to build and cheap to repair, and most of these countries are thrilled to have good roads built for them by Uncle Sam. These sections of road are built about six lanes wide and about four feet deep with crushed rock with the key factor being the underlayment of the rock to handle the weight. This is an ongoing program and we slip one of these roads in every time that we get the chance. They are easy to spot because the road goes from two lanes to six lanes wide where the reinforcement begins and back to two when it ends. There is one of these roads located about ten miles east of Chalma Kandi. It is only about two miles from the Russian border, so we won’t have to worry about soft spots drainage ditches or fences.” Noah handed Frank a small diagram with the proper headings and other important information. “We will get the frequencies in Tehran.”

  “You mean that this will be a prepared strip?” Frank was showing surprise. “This appears to be a whole bunch better than parking it in the dirt.
We might actually get in and out without breaking anything.”

  “I love optimism.” Noah was beginning to feel better about the off field landings. “I forgot to mention that we were drafted into hauling a diplomatic pouch to Tehran. We will be met by our embassy when we land.”

  “How did that happen?” A look of surprise came over the quartet.

  “Our local Everywhere Air representative notified the embassy that our plane was headed for Tehran. The Embassy made a formal request to Everywhere Air asking us to carry the diplomatic mail directly there, so we were drafted.”

  “You couldn’t back out of it,” the engineer pressed?

  “Not without doing some heavy explaining. All U.S flag carriers flying foreign routes have an obligation to cooperate with the State Department upon request. Susan had us locked in even before she asked. She handles six different carriers on a contract basis and has a handle on everything in and out of Manchester. The good news is that this will solve all of our service problems including customs at this critical point. We will be fully serviced in less than an hour after landing at this end of the contract. She has her finger on everything that goes on out there which means that we will have a secure stop before we jump over the Atlantic or leave for Tehran. That is why I do not want to piss her off.”

  “Does she arrange other things? I would like some service too!” The relief rubbed the zipper of his pants to make no mistake about what kind of service that he was looking for.


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