Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn)

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Ready For Flynn, Part 2 : A Rockstar Romance (The Ready For Flynn) Page 13

by K. L. Shandwick

  After a long discussion, we’d decided to keep the pregnancy to ourselves apart from my parents, Lee, Simone, and Craig. We’d sworn everyone to secrecy for as long as was practical. The finish line with the new band, Bernie and Tyler’s charges and resolving the lawsuits, was so close I could smell it. The last thing I wanted was to be seen as someone who made mistakes or poor decisions.

  I hated that our baby would be thought of like that, because he or she may not have been conceived in a planned way, but once I’d recovered from the shock, this baby felt like a gift to the both of us. A life to be celebrated instead of a life remembered.

  Putting that aside, our image had to be meticulous in the rebranding of Flynn in order to pull off the huge gamble of leaving Major ScAlz and being with a new band, half of which were unknowns. I definitely hadn’t wanted anything about our personal lives to distract the press from Flynn and his band’s music.

  We told my parents on my nineteenth birthday, right before the doctor’s appointment, that I was around seven weeks pregnant. It was nerve wracking because Flynn disappeared into my father’s office shortly afterward, and I was left sitting at the kitchen counter.

  My mind ran in a dozen different directions guessing at the conversation they may have been having in there. I had begun to worry about what was going on when Flynn came out looking pretty confident and when he smiled reassuringly at me I knew we were okay. Shortly after that, he took me home.

  Flynn surprised me when we arrived back at the cabin. Hundreds of candles lined the edges of the room and the small extending table that sat in my parent’s front hallway had been moved to the middle of our sitting room, which had been set for two since the one in the kitchen was built in.

  A note lay on the counter written in Lee’s handwriting.

  Thermal boxes on the left: red—appetizers, blue—entree, dessert in the fridge. Everything else taken care of.

  I had gotten to the note before Flynn, and he swiped it out of my hand, but not before I’d read what it said. “Get you, Ms. Nosey,” he said, and flipped the note over. He placed his hands on my upper arms and walked me toward the mismatched chairs at the table. “So, if you could pick what to eat on your birthday what would you choose?”


  Flynn’s eyebrows raised, and he made a face that could have meant he’d got the food wrong.

  “Care to elaborate?”

  “Bruschetta, spaghetti and meatballs, and maybe some butter pecan pavlova for dessert.”

  “I love that you don’t count calories, babe. Go wash your hands, and I’ll see what’s in the box,” he grinned widely and patted my butt.

  When I came out of our bathroom and back downstairs, he’d set the appetizers on the table. Turned out he knew me well. Fresh juicy bruschetta with balsamic vinegar was dished on a small square plate at my place setting on the table. “Can you have the mozzarella cheese, babe? Some soft cheeses aren’t good for pregnant women you know.”

  I grinned because Flynn had obviously read up on that, but I was starving so I stuffed the gorgeous tomato and basil flavoured food into my mouth.

  “I love watching your mouth when you eat. Apart from when it’s on my lips, on my body or around my dick it’s the next sexiest thing you do with it.”

  I smirked at his dirty talk and shoved another mouthful in. “Mmm,” I teased, my exaggerated moan at the delicious taste again. Seeing his eyes were glued to my lips, I pulled the fork out through them as slowly as I could.

  Grunting his discomfort, he adjusted himself and leaned back in his seat while his eyes darkened with desire. His relaxed position was in conflict with his mind.

  “You’re killing me, just eat the damn thing,” he grinned and shook his head. The twinkle in his eye told me he was enjoying my tease. I grinned back because his was infectious.

  “Seriously, Flynn, I’m drooling vinegar, and that’s all it takes? I’m supposed to be the teenager here. The way you’re acting is no better than the teenage boys I left behind in high school.”

  “Ah, so you noticed them when they got turned on by your eating as well?” He taunted like he’d won the argument.

  I shook my head and stared adoringly back, and our instant connection prevented either of us from looking away. He leaned across the table and pressed his lips to mine before he sat back in his chair, and reached into his back pocket. He pulled out a crushed envelope and shoved it across the table.

  “I wasn’t sure what to get you, and I didn’t want to be cliché and give you jewelry. I hope you like this, if not I’m officially the worst present giver in the history of potential rock stars,” he smiled, showing a hint of his perfectly straight white teeth between his gorgeous freshly wetted lips.

  Carefully, I smoothed out the crumpled white envelope and slipped the square piece of bright blue paper from it. When I unfolded it, I saw it was a flyer for a new music video featuring one of Flynn’s favorite bands. I glanced up from it and met his eyes. The questioning look he must have found in mine prompted him to say what was on his mind.

  “I remember you said how fantastic you thought that music video was.”

  “I did, it was technically brilliant, and its originality blew my socks off. No matter what that song sounded like the guy that shot that mini-movie guaranteed that band exposure.”

  “So you won’t mind the opportunity to co-direct RedA’s come back video with him?”

  My jaw went slack, and I jumped out of my seat and flung my arms around him as I landed in his lap. “Seriously? You’re kidding me, right? How could you ever have managed to pull something that awesome off? How do you even know Keller Muir? He’s maybe the most amazing music video director in the world, if not he’s one of them. He’s done videos for…” I couldn’t think but there were tons of famous high profile bands that had vied for his attention.

  “Shh, I know what bands he’s worked with—I researched tons of directors for a week to see who would do us the most justice.”

  “Damn, Flynn, you chose well. This’ll cost a fortune. Look I’m shaking at the thought of working with him,” I said holding my hand out for him to see the tremor there.

  Flynn took my hand in his to steady it and kissed it, “I was really fortunate. I rang him to discuss his availability for our first track, and he said he’d heard what happened, and was appalled by Bernie’s behavior. He even spoke his mind about Tyler Chisholm, Flynn’s ex–bandmate, and said that he could see I had principles from the way I’d behaved.”

  He smiled when he said that, and it obviously meant a lot to him that someone of Keller’s standing could see his situation for what it was.

  “Anyway, I spoke about you, and sent him some of your previous work, and he called me back saying he didn’t normally work in collaboration, but could see you were very talented. He’s got a couple of weeks downtime built into his schedule in three weeks. He wants to meet with you to discuss the possibility of working together, but you’ll have to convince him, there’s no firm promise yet, babe.”

  A wide grin spread on my lips at the thought he’d put himself on the line for me like that, “Thank you for even trying. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Personally, I don’t think you have anything to worry about, I know once you work your magic on him he’ll be as mesmerized by you, as I am.”

  “I think you’re pretty bias on that score, honey,” I said as I shook my head.

  The strangest thing about us was that once I was expecting his baby, Flynn was more relaxed about the time I spent with doing my job around men, and even tolerated my friendship with Jonah. I was relieved about that because Jonah had some sound ideas and was a more objective sounding board than my boyfriend, who seemed to love most things I shared with him. It was great to have those ideas confirmed as good ones by Jonah as well.

  Lexi continued to try to worm her way into Flynn’s affections, and he’d continued to quash her less than subtle advances. Eventually, Flynn outright told her that she was the
opposite of his type, and she was wasting her time.

  During those first weeks of observing her overtly sexual behavior, my initial feelings of wanting to beat the crap out of her dissolved. I’m not sure if that was because I felt secure in my relationship with Flynn or because I’d witnessed her pathetic less-than-surreptitious efforts at bagging my man. Whichever it was, I knew the turning point was coming for me with her.

  Chapter 14 ~ Valerie


  Christmas came and went in a blur. My Auntie Joan came and spent time with the family and apart from Christmas Day lunch it was business as usual for Flynn. He and Kayden had been getting closer, and I was thrilled that they got on so well. I think they filled a gap that was missing in one another’s lives, if that made sense. Flynn could be himself completely, as could Kayden. I’d heard them talk to each other about Martin and the accident and thought it a good thing that there were no barriers there.

  It pleased my parents that Flynn and Kayden got on as much as it did me because since Martin and Adam had passed, Kayden had been pretty lost. I know that having Flynn around certainly took the edge off the gaping hole that had been there at family occasions since the boys passed.


  After Christmas our lives moved forward at break-neck-speed, and by the time I was eleven weeks pregnant, I’d decided that I had to have that heart to heart with Lexi. She was still pretty relentless in her pursuit of Flynn, and I knew that before long I was going to be the size of a whale, and she’d use that to get under my skin if I didn’t do something beforehand.

  My hormones were raging, and my emotions were all over the place, so I wanted to clear the air before I saw something that got my goat on a bad day, and I said something that impacted on the band.

  She’d been around for a few months and had no friends to speak of, and although the guys spoke to her, she didn’t get the camaraderie the others seemed to have with each other. I knew how tough it was trying to compete in a man’s world. So with that in mind, I tried to cut her some slack.

  I’d planned my meeting with her before the band met up to play, and had actually made it a mutual feedback session for all the band members. There was no way I’d have placed myself at risk of her being able to claim I hadn’t treated her with equality and fairness. The facts that I was her manager, and Flynn was the lead singer in the band, and we were a couple, made it more complex. However, the crux of the matter was, it was her that disrupted the equilibrium between us.

  Lexi was last to be seen, and I’d tried to make it as natural an environment as possible, so each band member had come to me, as and when there had been a break in their particular sessions in the studio. I’d spoken with Craig and Jonah, and both of them were happy with how everything was progressing.

  By the time it was Lexi’s turn, Flynn and Craig were busy with Ryan while Jonah had gone back to check on his redirected mail from the mailbox at the bottom of the driveway. I had been writing some briefs for Javier when Lexi came into the back room in the studio, poured herself a coffee and sat sideways on the oversized chair with one leg over the arm of it.

  “So what do you want to know?” she said, her voice dripping with contempt.

  I ignored her until I’d finished writing the sentence I’d started, and saw her shift in her chair a little less comfortable for my taking control of the situation. Placing my pen down I closed my folder slowly, and placed two others on top of it before I made eye contact with her.

  “How did this morning’s session go?”

  Lexi’s head reeled, and she seemed taken aback that I’d asked about the recording session instead of getting straight to the point as I was known for.

  “Good. Really good, Flynn’s a genius, I love working with him.”

  I bet you do, and that’s not all you’d love to do with him. Clasping my hands in front of me on the table I gave her a slow, dreamy smile, “Isn’t he the best? I’m a lucky girl to have such an amazing man in my life.”

  Lexi’s mouth twisted as if I’d dragged my fingers down a blackboard. “Yeah, me too,” she agreed and flashed me an acidic smile.

  “How are you coping being the only girl in the band, Lexi?”

  Her eyes searched my face in wonder at where I was going with my line of questioning, “It has its pluses I suppose. Why do you ask?”

  “Good question. It’s just that I read that when one woman works with a lot of men she can sometimes read signals that just aren’t there. You know, like start to fantasize that there’s more to what someone says than is the case.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Flynn for example, he felt that Jonah was hitting on me when we were pretty in tune in a business sense. He had difficulty accepting Jonah and me as friends. Once Flynn realized that Jonah wasn’t a threat to our relationship he was happy for me to spend time with him.”

  “Yeah? Flynn was jealous of you and Jonah? Like you’d leave the lead singer of the band for the drummer?”

  I chuckled at her ranking the lead singer over the drummer, “Actually, you’re right I’d never leave Flynn, so long as he never gave me a reason to.”

  “But you must know that at some point someone is going to turn his head, and you may have to accept that,” she said, with a smug look on her face.

  Her comment had struck a chord with me for a second, but I fought past the insecurity to offer her a slow smile, “I think I know Flynn pretty well, and what we’ve got…that once in a lifetime thing, I have a feeling we’ll both do what we can not to screw that up.”

  “Either you are naïve or overconfident, Valerie. In my experience there comes a time when no man is immune to the attraction of another woman.”

  “And you think that Flynn will be attracted to you at some point?”

  Lexi studied my face carefully and raised an eyebrow, “I’ve never been short of men, Valerie. My advantage is I’m experienced, and I’ve learned a lot about men. You have yet to deal with betrayal I guess.”

  “Is that so? You think because I’m young I’ve got no understanding of how men’s mind’s work, is that it? Or do you think Flynn is suddenly going to wake up and realize how hot his bass guitarist is and climb into your panties when I’m not looking? You aren’t giving Flynn credit for being in love.”

  Snickering at me with a mocking look, Lexi shrugged her shoulders, “Listen, I get it. You’re worried I’ll steal your man. I’ve had this before, too many times to count actually.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried about that at all, Lexi. Flynn and I are sound. What I am worried about is the band. Flynn and Craig have had so much shit to deal with this past few months, there’s no room for more drama going forward. Really what I’m saying is that you were Flynn’s choice, and that’s why you are here, but that choice was in a professional capacity. Nothing else.”

  “Is this you warning me off? If that’s the case then you really are threatened by me,” she smirked.

  Flynn appeared at the door and from the look on his face, it was clear he’d been listening for some time. His stormy eyes connected with mine, and he wandered over and planted a soft kiss on my lips. Lexi sat up straight, her face suddenly shocked that Flynn may have heard the last thing she said.

  “I think what Valerie is saying is she’s happy to go along with my choice of work colleague, but she’s not going to sit back and watch you make a play for me. Thing is I agree with her, Lexi. I’m getting tired of your innuendo and suggestive behavior around me. I really want to work with you in the band, but I’m having a hard time making you understand that Valerie is my life, and she’s your boss. You have to understand I’m not interested in you in any other way. I really need you to get that message before we’re out there in public. If you can’t back off then you know where the door is, you can find your own way out.”

  “I’m not hitting on you, it’s just the way I am.”

  “Seriously, Lexi? You expect me to believe that? I’ve been hit up more times than I care to r
emember, I know what you’re doing,” Flynn said, through gritted teeth.

  Lexi’s body crumpled in front of us, and she began to cry, “I always ruin things when they’re going well, and I’m sorry for what I’ve been doing, Valerie.”

  Watching her change in tact was interesting and I figured she was being honest, or she’d taken acting classes at some point. There was some kind of internal struggle going on until she eventually let out a deep sigh.

  “I know I’ve been hitting on you, Flynn. I guess I’ve got a problem with guys wanting to work with me and not expecting more than a working relationship.”

  “Excellent, Lexi, now we’re getting somewhere. I’m happy for you to be in the band, I honestly am. You’re a talented bass player, but there is no room for anyone else in my life. My cup is completely overflowing with Valerie. My beautiful girl is the love of my life, and I’d rather not play another note than lose her, do you get what I’m saying?”

  Tears flowed down Lexi’s face as she nodded her understanding and stood straightening her skinny jeans on her legs, “I do. I’m really sorry Valerie. I won’t do it again. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in the time I’ve been with RedA, and I’m glad we’re having this discussion, most other bands would have just discarded me.”

  Hearing her say she’d been in that position before, I realized that Lexi was a damaged girl. Flynn used to say he had issues with people when they started to get close, he’d disrupt relationships rather than be the one to be rejected. Reflecting on his conversations around his past, I came to the conclusion Lexi was doing the same.

  “I’m glad we’ve had the opportunity to clear the air between us because the next six months are going to be full on, and I’m going to need everyone on board doing everything they can to take you to the top. I believe I can do that, so no more issues, Lexi, we just don’t have time for them. Don’t give us any reasons to question you from now on and I won’t have any problems making RedA a household name.”


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