The Triumph of Nancy Reagan
Page 76
Northwestern University Medical School, 33
Notre Dame University, 503
Novak, William, as NR’s My Turn coauthor, 508–9
Oakland Tribune, 144, 164
Obama, Barack, on RR’s legacy, 565
Office of Presidential Personnel, 308
O’Leary, Dennis, 281
Olson, Dale, 416–17
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 248, 306
One of These Nights (album), 181–82
On the Outside Looking In (M. Reagan), 366–67, 368
Opfer, George:and assassination attempt, 269–70, 271, 273–74
NR’s relationship with, 268, 514
opioid crisis, 321
Orlando, Tony, 196
Orr, Robin, 243
Ortega, Daniel, 326
Osborne, Kathy, 470, 483, 490 on NR as RR’s protector, 155–56
Pacific Palisades, Calif.:Reagans’ all-electric dream home in, 114–15, 122
Reagans’ Amalfi Drive home in, 107
Reagans’ departure from, 244
Pacific State Hospital, 167
Page, Susan, 314
Palmieri, Doria, see Reagan, Doria Palmieri
Parade, 61, 285, 376
Parent Movement, 322
Parr, Jerry, 269
Parsons, Louella, 74, 88, 92
Parvin, Landon, 17, 262, 318, 498 and NR’s antidrug speeches, 319
NR’s Gridiron spoof written by, 317, 318
NR’s relationship with, 422
and RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 538
RR’s amfAR speech written by, 422–23, 424–25
RR’s Iran-contra speech written by, 490–91, 493
in Tower’s meeting with RR, 491, 492
Passavant Memorial Hospital, 45, 47 NR admitted to, 97–98
Patrick, Curtis, 140, 154, 535–36
Patton, Sheila, see Tate, Sheila
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 54, 57
Pearson, Drew, 158
Pediatric AIDS Foundation:Elizabeth Glaser as founder of, 430
Reagans on advisory board of, 430–31
Pentecostal Christians:NR’s involvement with, 441–42
Soviet release of, 441
Penthouse, 368
People, 242, 343, 344
Percy, Charles H., 171
Petersen, Ronald, 535
Petro, Joseph, 290, 292, 537–38 and NR’s concerns about RR’s safety, 345
Philadelphia, Miss., 226–27
Philadelphia Inquirer, 10, 539
Phillips, Howard, 241
Phoenix, Ariz., Davis family winter stays in, 56, 70, 106
Phoenix House, 256 NR’s withdrawal of support for, 519
Pickens, T. Boone, Reagan Library fund-raising by, 566–67
Pitts, ZaSu, NR’s acting career promoted by, 63, 64, 66–67
Playboy, Ron as contributor to, 358
Poindexter, John M., 465, 501, 570 Iran-contra and firing of, 468
as national security adviser, 472–73
as shielding RR from knowledge of contra funding, 501
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin), 35
Portillo, José López, 550
Powell, Colin L., 513, 546
Powers, Stephanie, 98
Presidential Medal of Freedom:awarded to NR, 559
awarded to RR, 541
President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime (Cannon), 1
President’s Commission on the HIV Epidemic (Watkins Commission), 425–26, 428, 429
“Pretty Nancy” (Didion), 147–48
Prisoner of War (film), 110
Proposition 6 (California), RR’s opposition to, 209–10
Public Broadcasting System, 421
Public Health Service, US, 423
Publishers Weekly, 409
Putzel, Mike, 273
Quayle, Dan, 512, 537–38
Quayle, Marilyn, 538
Quigley, Joan:background of, 346
Gorbachev’s astrological chart done by, 351
memoir of, 353, 520–21
NR’s payments to, 347, 350
NR’s reliance on, 341–42, 346–54
and RR’s Bitburg cemetery visit, 394
Quincy Method, 30
Quinn, Sally, 241, 520 NR profiled by, 230–31
Radcliffe, Donnie, 325
Rancho del Cielo (Reagan ranch), 169, 292–93, 516, 517, 545, 550 NR’s decision to sell, 551–52
Random House, 508 Morris’s RR biography bought by, 408
Rangoon, Burma, bombing of, 345
Reagan: A Life in Letters (Skinner, ed.), 569
Reagan, Ashley, 362, 363, 367
Reagan, Bess, 248
Reagan, Cameron, 248, 362, 366
Reagan, Christine, birth and death of, 92
Reagan, Colleen Sterns, 179, 248, 363
Reagan, Doria Palmieri, 357, 415 and assassination attempt, 275–76
illness and death of, 573–74
NR’s relationship with, 405
Ron’s relationship and marriage with, 200–201, 241–42
Reagan, In His Own Hand (Skinner, et al.), 569
Reagan, John Edward “Jack,” 86–87 alcoholism of, 80, 81–82
death of, 99–100
Reagan, Maureen, 90, 248 abusive first marriage of, 121
acting career of, 177
and assassination attempt, 281
birth of, 89, 92
cancer and death of, 557
conservatism of, 359
as excluded from gubernatorial campaign, 139–40
frequent White House visits of, 361
on Michael’s public rift with parents, 363
in 1982 Senate campaign, 359–60
in NR’s campaign to oust Regan, 474
NR’s difficult relationship with, 99, 121, 140
NR’s improved relationship with, 361
and parents’ divorce, 94
political involvement of, 359–60
as RNC special consultant, 360–61
RR’s 1976 presidential bid opposed by, 183
in RR’s 1980 presidential campaign, 212
RR’s Alzheimer’s disease and, 545
RR’s political career urged by, 172
RR’s relationship with, 177
Sears disliked by, 207
wedding of Revell and, 282–83
written out of RR’s gubernatorial campaign biography, 140
Reagan, Michael Edward, 248 as absent from NR’s funeral, 577
adoption of, 92
in alleged stock fraud scheme, 362
and assassination attempt, 278–79
childhood molestation revealed by, 367
deep-seated insecurities of, 122–23
Edie’s warm relationship with, 124
and estates of NR and RR, 554
as excluded from gubernatorial campaign, 139
marriage of Colleen and, 179
marriage of Pamela and, 178–79
1988 memoir by, 366–67, 368
NR on RR’s estrangement from, 363
NR’s difficult relationship with, 99, 121, 122–23, 140, 555, 572
NR’s revelation of birth circumstances to, 123
and parents’ divorce, 94
in public rift with RR and NR, 362–66
Redbook interview of, 362–63
and Ron’s affair with older woman, 176–77
RR’s diary entries on situation with, 364–65
RR’s emotional remoteness from, 122, 123–24
in RR’s 1980 presidential campaign, 212
at RR’s second inauguration, 366
in scheme to profit from RR’s presidency, 361
shoplifting allegations against, 362–63, 365–66
speedboat-racing as passion of, 177–78
written out of RR’s gubernatorial campaign biography, 140
Wyman’s neglect of, 121–22
Reagan, Nancy:as afraid of flying, 136
AIDS-related activities of, 425
bible of, in RR’s inauguration, 247–48
breast cancer and mastectomy of, 401–5, 543
charity work by, 132, 167
as chief protector of RR’s legacy, 517, 565–72
death and funeral of, 575
emotional reticence of, 19–20
failing health of, 573
fashion sense of, 146
financial anxieties of, 509–10
gift recycling of, 283
as good listener, 73–74
letter to California constituents from, 166–67
personal charm of, 5
political astuteness of, 1, 161, 175, 297
post-presidential life of RR and, see Reagan, Ronald, post-presidential life of NR and
pregnancies of, 102, 103, 107, 116
prescription drug dependency of, 319–20, 549, 614
and presidential commission on AIDS, 425–26
Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to, 559
public image missteps of, 5, 162–64, 165, 229–30, 249–52, 254, 255, 259, 261–62, 267, 315–16, 333–34
in rewriting of stories with unhappy endings, 175
on RR’s image as warmonger, 2–3
RR’s improvisational skill understood by, 216
on RR’s trusting nature, 82
RR’s well-being and success as highest priority of, 4, 7, 13, 94, 155–56, 160, 187, 191, 252–53, 263, 293, 296, 297, 376, 396, 399, 498, 499
as shrewd judge of people, 3, 5, 19, 131, 135, 258, 296, 297
television work of, 67–68
toughness of, as counterbalance to RR’s trusting nature, 3–5, 7
weight issues of, 55
Reagan, Nancy, childhood and adolescence of, 6 backstage visits of, 15
birth father’s relationship with, 17–18
birth of, 9, 11
as budding actress, 31
at Camp Kechuwa, 29
at Chicago Latin School for Girls, 30–32, 38
dating by, 65–66
Edie’s frequent absences from, 12–17, 21
at Edie’s wedding to Loyal, 23
with Galbraith’s family, 13–15
Loyal’s adoption of, 36–38
Loyal’s relationship with, 32
as mediocre student, 30, 31–32
NR’s reluctance to talk about, 19
popularity of, 30–31
at Sidwell Friends School, 14–15
social skills of, 31
in visits with Loyal’s parents, 29–30
in White House Easter Egg Roll visit, 15
Reagan, Nancy, as first lady:AIDS crisis and, 415, 417, 421–22
antidrug crusade of, see antidrug crusade, of NR
anxiety of, 376
approval ratings of, 500–501
in AP speech on her White House role, 498–99
and assassination attempt on RR, see Reagan, Ronald, assassination attempt on
attacked for White House interference, 495–97
on Baker-Regan switch, 385
Bitburg cemetery visit opposed by, 391–92, 393–94
“borrowing” of designer clothes by, 315–16, 325, 510
in Camp David weekends with RR, 289–92
charitable projects of, 255–56, 331
in conflicts over gifts, 257
constant demands on staff by, 299
as consummate information gatherer, 298
CPAC disliked by, 302
and Deaver’s departure, 389, 390
as deeply involved in personnel matters, 296–97, 303–9
departure of trusted allies of, 385
Elizabeth Glaser’s meeting with, 428–29
fixing image problem as priority of, 319, 323–24
glamorous lifestyle of, 249–50, 251–52
in Gridiron Club spoof, 315–19
as harder on women staffers than on men, 307, 309
image problems of, 249–52, 254, 255, 259, 261–62, 267, 315–16, 333–34
income taxes owed by, 510
as indispensable ally in persuading RR to act, 299–300
and Japanese journalists’ attempted gift, 263
low approval ratings of, 264–65
media’s improved relationship with, 333–34, 380
as media target, 250–51, 256, 260, 261–62, 323
as naive about economic downturn, 251–52, 254–55, 258
NBC documentary on, 396
1982 tax hike supported by, 301
1985 European trip as personal triumph for, 395
opulent inaugural wardrobe of, 245–46
in planning for post-presidency years, 406
as public advocate for routine mammograms, 405
reliance on astrology of, 341–42, 344, 345, 346–54, 482, 487, 508
RR persuaded to release tax returns by, 298
and RR’s colon cancer, 397–400
RR’s exhausting schedule as concern of, 293–94
in RR’s first European trip, 333–34
RR’s foreign travel overseen by, 295–96
RR’s media coverage monitored by, 298–99
and RR’s seventieth birthday celebration, 249–50
and RR’s skin cancer, 400
Secret Service’s alliance with, 345
state dinners overseen by, 260–61
as subject of comedians’ jokes, 262, 342
as urging RR to distance himself from hard-line causes, 301–2
and US-Soviet relations, 448–49
at wedding of Charles and Diana, 256–57, 284
in White House china controversy, 258–60, 261
White House renovation project of, 253–55, 261–62, 282
Reagan, Nancy, marriage of RR and:family meeting on RR’s 1976 presidential bid, 182–83
intimate wedding of, 105–6
“Mommie” and “Daddy” nicknames in, 111–12
money problems of, 109
NR’s breast cancer and, 401–3, 404
NR’s denial of children’s marijuana use and, 242
NR’s difficult relationship with stepchildren in, 120–21, 122–23
NR’s letters to RR in, 144–45
NR’s role as wife given priority over motherhood in, 111, 124–25
and NR’s supposed reliance on tranquilizers, 118, 119
Pacific Palisades homes of, 107, 114–15, 122, 201
Phoenix honeymoon of, 106
and Ron’s ballet career, 199–200
and Ron’s marriage to Doria, 241–42
RR as emotionally remote father in, 117, 119, 121, 122, 123–24, 176, 182
RR’s conflict avoidance and, 120, 135, 139
RR’s first meeting with Davises in, 106
RR’s letters to NR in, 112–13, 115–16, 124–25, 144, 201–2, 286–87
social circle of (The Group), 132–33, 163, 201, 236–37, 334
strain of RR’s GE tours on, 115–16, 117, 119–20
unique closeness of, 3–5, 6, 94, 112–13, 135, 144, 235, 279, 356, 380–81, 499, 527, 577
wills of, 553–54
Reagan, Nancy, romance of RR and:first dates in, 76–77, 94
growing seriousness of, 98–102
as hindered by RR’s traumatic response to Wyman divorce, 78, 79
Nelle’s approval of, 99–100
renewed dating in, 96
NR’s pregnancy in, 102, 103
NR’s pursuit of RR in, 74, 77–78, 102
RR’s children and, 99
and RR’s love of horses, 98–99
RR’s marriage proposal in, 102
and Wyman’s emotional hold on RR, 101
Reagan, Nancy, young adulthood of:busy college life of, 56
dating by, 72, 95
in Factory Follies, 58–59
film career of, 68–74, 96–97, 101, 108, 110, 594
in graduation from Smith, 60
Hollywood publicity stories about, 72–73, 100–101
as mediocre student, 54–55
in move to Hollywood, 68
in move to New York, 63
nervous collapse of, 97–98
NR’s society debut in, 27–28
in return to Chicago, 62–63
SAG board joined by, 98
at Smith, 53, 54, 55–56, 59
as summer stock apprentice, 59–60
Thau’s rumored sexual relationship with, 70–71
theater career of, 63–65
Walker’s relationship with, 95, 97
White’s engagement to, 60–61
Reagan, Neil, 81, 82, 248, 282 Alzheimer’s disease of, 112, 532
Maureen’s Senate campaign opposed by, 360
on RR’s romance with NR, 98
Reagan, Nelle Wilson:Alzheimer’s disease of, 112, 532
death of, 112
as enthusiastic performer of dramatic monologues and poetry, 83
generous nature of, 82
marriage held together by, 93
in move to West Hollywood, 87
NR’s romance with RR approved by, 99–100
NR urged to be patient by, 100
religious faith of, 82
on RR’s marriage to Wyman, 88–89, 100
on RR’s movie contract, 86–87
as stabilizing force in RR’s childhood, 82, 112
Reagan, Pamela Gail Putnam, 178–79
Reagan, Patricia “Patti,” see Davis, Patti
Reagan, Ronald:on accepting responsibility, 81–82
as afraid of flying, 136
in Army Air Corps film unit, 89–90
Cleaver as high school and college sweetheart of, 84–85
and Cleaver’s marriage to Gordon, 85–86
and collapse of first marriage, 6
colon cancer of, 396–400, 471, 543
in compulsive dating after Wyman divorce, 78–79, 95
conflict as discomforting to, 120, 135, 139, 148, 157–58, 211, 296, 382
death and funeral of, 561–64
“Dutch” as nickname of, 82
emotional remoteness of, 5–6, 79, 83, 117, 133, 176, 182, 235, 527, 533
at Eureka College, 85
growing political interests of, 90–91
HUAC testimony of, 91