Kranow (Mate the Stars Book 4)
Page 11
“She is. She sent her people here to look at doing a feature on the special program we have for military veterans,” Gundar explained.
“Oh, well, that would have been good. “
“Indeed. Such a program would have helped publicize the opportunities being offered and given us much need positive press,” Gundar agreed. “Bride scholarship numbers are currently in a slump. After your matching aired, we saw a spike but we’d hoped to keep the momentum going.”
She swayed as a memory assailed her, causing her hands to flutter to her stomach. “Oh God, I’d just found out that I’m pregnant. The baby?” she asked, dreading the answer. How could I forget such a thing? Barely even pregnant and I’m already a crap mom. Tears welled in her eyes.
Gundar stood even straighter than his usual military perfect posture. “My apologies. I was so intent on speaking to you about the attack that I completely overlooked the fact that Dr. Litrelp had possibly not fully briefed you on your condition.”
Sachuu looked thunderous. “That should have been the first thing he did before coming to let us know she was conscious.” He stalked from the room, intent on rectifying the matter. Marley decided that she’d rather not be in the doctor’s shoes given the ill-concealed anger Sachuu displayed. She could have sworn that she saw the faint flushed outlines of scales along his neck, even.
The commander moved closer and awkwardly patted her hand. “I am certain that if anything was amiss, the doctor would have mentioned it immediately.”
The door opened once more and a disgruntled Dr. Litrelp entered with Sachuu hard on his heels. “Yes, yes, my apologies. I thought it would be understood that nothing was seriously amiss physically,” he said testily, looking at Commander Gundar. “I assumed that a full report on her health could wait until after you got the security issue handled.” He turned his gaze towards Marley, his gaze gentling. “There’s nothing to worry about. You have a mild concussion and some bruising to your upper back and ribs. You friend took the brunt of the debris, I’m afraid. You really were quite lucky. Other than the bruising and a cut that I’ve already sealed on the back of your head, as well as a bit of a lump, you’re right as rain. We’ll keep an eye on your head and the fetus for a couple of days, just to be on the safe side.”
“Oh,” she breathed out. She blinked, feeling the tears fall as they made wet tracks down her cheek. “Thank God. I’d only just found out and I was already starting to get excited about it. I was looking forward to surprising Kranow with the news when he commed me this evening.”
The doctor’s expression became tinged with guilt. “I, ah, already told him you and the young were fine when we contacted him about the accident.”
Disappointment swamped her. She had been looking forward to seeing the look on his face when she revealed the news. “Oh, right,” she said faintly. She cleared her throat. “Yeah, I can see that you’d have to let him know how I was doing, him being my next of kin and all that.”
Dr. Litrelp beamed at her. “Indeed. In fact, while the Commander was talking with you, I sent your mate a comm to let him know you were now conscious and fully cognizant. He’s been most anxious, contacting the ship every few hours since news of the explosion reached him.”
“How long was I out?”
“Well, now, here’s the thing,” he hedged. “You’ve been out for three days. At first we kept you sedated, so we could run cranial scans and repair the damage to one of the disks in your spine.”
Marley sat up straighter, glaring at the doctor. “But you said I only had bruising, a cut on my head, and a minor concussion!”
“Yes, that’s all that remains. The other damage was easily repaired. Just some bruising left behind, and ah, minor memory loss it seems. That’s quite normal after a trauma of this nature,” he hastened to reassure her.
“Memory loss?”
Doctor Litrelp gave a small sigh. “Once he knew you were alive and in no immediate danger, your mate asked about the pregnancy. I’d hoped you’d remember telling him yourself, eventually.”
“I’ve already told him?”
“Seemingly so.” Marley blinked, trying to make sense of this new information. “What is the last thing you remember?”
“Going to dinner and then a couple of big banging noises, and hitting the floor.”
“And before that?”
“Getting ready to go, of course.”
“Mmmhmm. How about the day before?”
Marley thought hard. “Oh! Yes! The baby! Melissa had her baby. He’s the cutest little guy,” she gushed.
“Okay. Your memory just seems a bit spotty for now. The memories should come back just fine. Try not to worry about it, it’s not unusual given the circumstances. Just let them return on their own, in their own time.”
“Okay. “Marley knew this would be easier said than done, but knew she had to try.
Dr. Litrelp beamed at her. “He looked like the happiest male alive when I informed him that you and the young were both just fine.” A sense of warmth and well-being enveloped Marley at this news. He must be so excited that’s he’s going to be a dad.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Two days of being confined to bed in the sterile environment of the private, locked room in sickbay later, Marley heaved a sigh of relief when the door slid open and revealed Darla.
“Come on, we’re blowing this Popsicle stand!” Darla said cheerfully. “You’re being discharged. Come on, now. I’ve got two guys from Security waiting outside to walk us to your quarters.”
Marley didn’t have to be told twice. She swung her legs over the bed and reached for the change of clothes Darla held. “Hot damn!” she said, not caring that her friend was still in the room watching her change. “Umm, are the security guards to make sure we’re safe because of ongoing terrorist threats and you’re the Fleet commander’s wife or because I’m still thought to be the target?”
Darla waved a hand from side to side. “A little bit of both, really. They still have no leads on who’s responsible and why. Plus, Gundar is wanting to be extra cautious now that Jackie O’Hannigan’s onboard. She’s making noise about you having been at the cafe just before the blasts.”
Color drained from Marley’s face as a cold fist of dread settled into her gut. “She thinks I’m the one who did it?”
“Yeah, well, we know it wasn’t you,” Darla replied, jutting her chin out. “But in case some idiot believes her, it’s been decided you are best left under watchful protection.”
Marley slid her feet into the mules Darla had brought. “Yeah, well, she can go to Hell. I had nothing to do with any of it. Even back in my HR days, I wouldn’t have participated in maiming and killing anyone. That’s just sick. I get that she’s upset about her employees getting hurt, but so was I, and my friend and co-worker died after that second blast hit her with shrapnel. You don’t see me blaming Rosa or my waitress or anybody just to have someone to point a finger at.”
“Oh, honey, nobody who knows you thinks you had anything to do with it. The parents of the kids in your class are all standing up for you, too. Sachuu says it’s just bad timing that you were there. He says he’s fairly certain that when they are done processing, he can prove it definitely wasn’t you. He just doesn’t want to tip his hand yet, in case it scares off the real culprit.”
The knot in her gut loosened. “Oh my God, he has evidence that might reveal who did do it?”
“Goodness, yes. I have no idea what it is yet, but Gundar says that when the test results are all in, they will be able to arrest the guilty party. I think it must be some evidence with DNA on it or something. It’s just a shame that the AI was unable to provide a complete record. It’s as if whoever did it, knew how to make sure the AI’s logs would be disrupted.”
“So they could have had an accomplice.”
“Mmmhmm. Which means it’d have to be someone with access to the AI protocols.”
“So it could be a Mylos.” Marley’s eyes grew round at the thoug
ht. “But why?”
“That is the million dollar question, isn’t it? Now, come on. You don’t want to stay in here, do you?”
Marley shook her head emphatically no. “I certainly don’t. “ She ran a hand through her hair. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Do you need to pack any stuff?” Darla asked, looking at the hairbrush on the bedside table meaningfully.
“No, that isn’t mine. Well, it is now, I suppose. It was given to me in here. I don’t need it, though. I have a better one at home.”
Darla nodded and knocked on the door. It slid open in response, revealing two large males, both wearing Security uniforms and bearing sidearms.
Marley’s eyes widened. She’d expected them to have some sort of gun but the twin swords strapped across their backs and the daggers on one thigh surprised her.
“Pretty bad ass, huh?” Darla whispered, catching her stare as they followed the two males out of sickbay. “I asked Gundar if just Security used those and he said that the two swords and the dagger are something every male learns from the age of ten. Once proficient, they are gifted with their own.” Darla giggled softly as the two males pretended to not hear their conversation. “I had Gundar take his out and model them for me. He even did some moves! It was hot.”
“He had the swords in your quarters?”
“Yeah, turns out that closet has a hidden panel concealing his little personal armory. I couldn’t believe it.”
“Wow! Do you think Kranow…?”
“All of our quarters have them,” the guard on the left said.
“So he has these swords, too?”
“And probably a dagger,” Darla confirmed.
“But why hide them? They could hang on the wall or something, be easier to reach. Wait, they don’t keep one of those guns in there, do they?”
“Those are kept in the ship’s armory,” the guard on the right answered. “Disruptors are not permitted within quarters.”
“Gundar said that displaying them openly is like boasting. You have to master the swords to be awarded them, and the hilts reveal your level of mastery,” Darla said.
“Okay, so no showing off how bad ass you are unless you intend to kick ass with them,” Marley said.
“Yeah,” Darla replied. “Pretty much.”
They’d reached the elevator at this point and got on. “I wonder if Kranow will show me his moves,” Marley mused.
“You should definitely ask. I had to fan myself watching Gundar.” The two guards smirked. Marley resolved to ask Kranow when he returned after this was all over. She began to fantasize about watching him wield his twin swords in demonstration, his torso shirtless. Then, he would sheathe them and carry her off bridal style to be ravished. Oh yeah…
Darla giggled. “I can guess what you’re thinking,” she said in a sing song voice as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. The quartet exited the elevator and completed the short walk to Marley’s door. Marley opened the door, looking askance as one of the two guards pulled her back as the other entered. He reappeared moments later.
“It’s clear.”
“Couldn’t you just have asked Xero that?”
“No, in case someone s tampering with the AIs,” the one holding her replied as he released her. “You are both cleared to enter. We’ll remain out here until shift change.”
“Okay. Uh, may I ask what your names are?”
“I’m Lothar,” the one who’d checked her quarters replied.
“I’m Jerill,” said the other.
“Okay, well, it was nice meeting you,” Marley said. “Shame about the circumstances.” She stopped and stared at the sight that greeted her as she stepped inside. Swaths of fabric lay across her sofa and chairs. “What is all this?” she asked, turning to Darla.
“Oh, well, see, I need you to pick a dress and some fabric.”
“Whatever for?”
“For your wedding dress. Kranow asked me to arrange y’all’s wedding. Because of everything that’s happened, he’s being allowed to test out early, in two weeks. So, we only got two weeks to get everything ready.”
“Our wedding? Really?” Marley squealed. “Wait, in two weeks? How are we going to- oh, yeah, I can pick a readymade dress, right? And we’ll have it in one of the parks, I guess. Or I my living room. Then a buffet. Just me and Kranow and you guys.”
“Nope!” Darla grinned. “You’ll look at sewing patterns and pick a dress and the fabric and Xero will have the dress replicated for you using your measurements, a few days before the wedding so if you gain a bit around the middle suddenly, it’ll still be a perfect fit. And Gundar and I managed to convince the governor of Florida that you are totes reformed and innocent of this current act of terrorism, so he’s agreed to let us hold a ceremony on Grayton Beach. Steven got himself ordained so he’s gonna marry y’all and then we’re gonna barbecue in the pavilion they have there. You get a week there at a B and B that’s got beach access. Then after that, you and Kranow are going fly out to stay in a catered cottage on the Isle of Barra. That’s in the Outer Hebrides, and the government of Great Britain has given permission for you two to stay there for two weeks, provided Sachuu and a few of his hand-picked men provide you with security. They’ll be staying in the cottage next door, which is another holiday rental. They’ll be at Grayton, too, staying at the same B and B.”
“Oh, wow! That’s so amazing!” She threw her arms around her friend and hugged her tight. “I don’t know what to say!”
“How about you just tell Xero what you want to drink, and let’s start looking at dresses! Anyways, you can thank Melissa for the Grayton beach suggestion. She’s from a town right near there and she’s the one thought of it. She showed me pictures of the emerald waters and sugar sand beaches, and I just knew it’d be perfect!”
Chapter Twenty-Seven
The two weeks seemed to pass in a flash, with everything there was to do. Marley decided against a traditional cake, given the beach and barbecue theme, opting instead for ice cream cakes from a Dairy Queen a few miles away from their beach wedding location- one a Cupid Cake for herself and Kranow, and several ice cream cupcakes for her friends and their security team. Melissa, being familiar with the area due to having lived there for many years, volunteered to go pick these up after the ceremony while the food was being barbecued, after everyone had fun playing in the surf.
Marley also surprised herself by deciding to not wear a wedding dress, instead opting to wear a bathing suit and sarong ensemble. It sounded much more comfortable and would be much easier to deal with instead of having to change out of a gown in order to join in the beach fun with everyone. The hardest part of the planning actually came down to what music she wished to play. She decided a fifties and sixties theme would appeal to everyone, and elected to make up a play list for them to listen to while barbecuing.
“But what about the first dance?” Steven asked.
“Dance? I’ve seen pictures of the beach, Steven. It’s a covered picnic area with charcoal barbecues and lots of picnic tables. No dance floor!”
“But there’s got to be dancing! Oh, what if after the barbecue, we use a babysitting service and head to a local night club, There’s gotta be one that’d be suitable,” he insisted. “One where we could talk, have a few drinks, and enjoy some dancing without it being pick up city.”
Melissa looked up from where she sat feeding baby Lapresh. “We could just set up some Bluetooth speakers and dance on the sand.”
“Should have thought of that myself,” Darla said, chagrin lacing her tone heavily.
“That wasn’t allowed in Hawaii, so it didn’t occur to me, either,” Marley consoled her.
“It escaped me, too,” Steven said. “Such a simple solution at that. I feel a bit of an idiot, now.”
“I think we’re all just getting to where we’re overthinking everything. I thought, hey, it’s a beach party only Marley and Kranow will be doing vows. So, how to get music to a party on a be
ach? Then it came to me,” Melissa said.
“I meant to ask, just how cold is it in July in Scotland?”
“The island is in the Gulf Stream, so it’s quite warm actually. I was told I could wear ordinary summer clothes, you know, like shorts, t-shirts, and stuff like that, and be quite comfortable,” Marley told him excitedly.
“Oh, tell him about the seals! And the plane!” Darla prodded.
Marley grinned. “We fly to the island from Glasgow, on this little plane and it lands right on the beach! And there are seals around there, and there’s this local company that works out of the youth hostel on the island. They offer surfing lessons and stuff. I’ve booked us a session with them where we’ll get to go snorkel with the seals!”