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Biker Beach 1: Forbidden Ride

Page 3

by Archer, Lexi

  He pulled me against him and I sank into the kiss, enjoying the sensation of his body against mine, of that vibration, the rough feel of his lips pressing against mine. His mouth opened and I allowed my own to open and then our tongues were dancing with one another.

  I felt lightheaded. I felt incredible. Stars danced in front of my eyes and I felt darkness around the edge of my vision as the experience of kissing him, of pressing my body against him, his hardness pressing against me sending sparks dancing through my body, feeling his motorcycle underneath me, combined to give me one of the most intense physical and emotional experiences of my life.

  In short, making out with Reno on his motorcycle for a few minutes was more intense and more delightful than every other experience I’d had with a guy up to this point in my life. Combined.

  I couldn’t help myself. I moaned into his mouth and he grew even more insistent with his hands moving along my body. His cock pressed up against me and I pressed down. The feeling was so incredible. The vibration was so intense. With a start I realized that I was on the edge of something amazing.

  It hit me before I could warn Reno, before I could tell this mysterious ripped and dangerous biker exactly what he was doing to me.

  Only I was sure he knew exactly what he was doing to me from the way he continued pressing his cock against me. From the way his hands moved down to cup my deliciously curved ass and pull me against him. Against his manhood.

  I was letting out a continual series of soft gasps and moans into his mouth as the intense feelings exploded into fireworks across my body. I was the sensation in my mouth where we came together. I was the sensation along my front where I pressed against his deliciously muscled chest. I was the spot where he got bold and moved a hand inside my shirt and up to press against my massive tits, not even feeling a moment of insecurity as his hand ran along my curves moving the material of my bra aside and then he was grasping at me and it was all I could do not to scream out in pleasure alerting anyone who might have been nearby as to exactly what was going on. I was the intense feeling between my legs, the explosion that was more incredible, more fulfilling than anything I’d ever experienced before.

  Reno grunted and then his hands were digging into my ass as he pressed his cock up one last time and held himself there. Even through my jeans and his I could feel his massive cock twitching against me. Could feel him blowing his load against me as his heavy gasping breaths echoed through my head.

  My breath came in ragged gasps and I had to pull away from the kiss, had to squeeze my eyes shut as I held onto his shoulders to keep a tenuous grip on reality. As my hands raked his broad shoulders, my knuckles white with the intensity of my grip.

  The intensity faded, but there was still a delightful glow passing through my body. A warmth far hotter than any fever I’d ever felt before. I fought to regain control of my breath, fought to regain control of my senses.

  Finally I got brave enough to open my eyes and look at him. At this gorgeous strange man who made me feel so incredible. He grinned as he released his hold on his ass, as he pulled back from me just a little.

  “Have fun?” he asked.

  “You’re goddamn right I did,” I said. “You?”

  He glanced down to his cock which I realized was still rock hard. And there wasn’t any indication of a stain spreading across the front of his jeans like I figured there’d be if he’d just blown his load.

  “I have a little problem I need you to take care of Kylie,” he said.

  I licked my lips. “You didn’t?”

  “Oh I was close, but I can think of a hell of a lot more interesting ways for you to finish me off than dry humping.”

  I had a feeling I knew exactly what he meant by “interesting ways,” but I wasn’t sure I was ready for that.

  “Come here Kylie.”

  I stepped forward. I was hypnotized. I was still possessed. I was under the spell of this gorgeous musclebound creature that was devouring my curvy body with his every look. Before I realized what was happening I was kneeling in front of him as he threw a leg over his bike.

  I looked up at him, locked eyes with him, licked my lips again. I reached up and pulled down on the zipper, pausing for a quick glance back at the Freeze Hut. It was late and it wasn’t likely that somebody would see us. Would see what I was doing. There was always the risk though.

  I was surprised to realize that the risk of getting caught was turning me on almost as much as kneeling down in front of this gorgeous man, undoing the snap on his jeans and unzipping his fly. Pulling his cock out and oh my dear Lord was that thing every bit as big as I’d imagined from the outline I saw in his jeans, from what I felt pressing against my pussy a moment ago.

  His bike continued to purr, the intoxicating smell of the bike mixing with the intoxicating smell of this delicious biker sitting in front of me. I moved my hand up and down and he gasped. I did it again with a smile on my face. He pressed his cock forward towards my face leaving no doubt in my mind as to exactly what he was hoping for, but I pulled away and raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I’m so fucking close Kylie,” he said. “Fuck you’re so goddamn hot.”

  How could I deny him when he was saying those nice things? I leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. He groaned and I felt the twitching start from the base of his cock once more. Only this time it looked like he wasn’t holding it in.

  I’d never done anything like this before, but I wanted to now. I wanted him to blow his load all over me. I wanted this biker stud to claim me and mark me as his territory. I wanted to give myself over to him like the wanton slut I was kneeling in front of a biker I barely knew letting him feel me up and licking his cock in public where anybody could walk by and see us.

  His cock twitched again and it exploded. A string of his cum shot out and landed on my hair. Another hit my shirt. The rest landed on my face and I let him finish by running my tongue around the head of his cock one last time. He groaned as I did so and I closed my eyes and moaned as well as I enjoyed the salty taste of his cock on my tongue.

  Then it was over and I was on my knees in front of him as he looked down at me. I pulled myself up and wrapped my arms around him, and then I was on him again, peppering his face with kisses, against his mouth where I sighed as his tongue darted out to duel with mine. Apparently he didn’t care that his load was on my tongue, which was a nice touch. I never understood guys who weren’t nice enough to kiss a girl after she did something like I just did for them.

  I pulled back and smiled at him.

  “That was the most fucking intense thing I’ve ever done,” I said.

  He glanced down at his bike. “Are you sure you don’t want to go for the full ride?”

  I bit my lip as I looked down at him. As I seriously considered it. If it felt this good just sitting and making out with him like that then I had a feeling it was nothing compared to what he could do to me. To the feelings he could arouse in me.

  But no. As much fun as that sounded, if my dad got home and discovered I wasn’t there then he’d be up all night, and I’d definitely have some explaining to do when I got home.

  With more regret than I thought was possible for one human to endure I disentangled myself from Reno with one last kiss. When I stepped onto the pavement my legs wobbled and I nearly spilled over on my face. Now that would’ve been something. A motorcycle sex god dry humps me to the most intense orgasm of my life and the feeling was so overwhelming that I nearly fall on my face right in front of him completely ruining the moment with my orgasm-induced klutziness.

  I managed to catch my balance at the last moment and turned to smile at Reno. A warm smile. An unsure smile. I wanted to say something, but I was trapped in one of those electric moments that felt like words would ruin the moment.

  Apparently Reno felt the same way. He smiled that cocky smile one last time and gunned his engine. The roar was deafening and I yelled and squeezed my eyes shut as I put my hands to my ears.
/>   When I opened them he was speeding off, the single light on the front of his bike fading off into the distance.

  As the light disappeared I realized I hadn’t even given him my phone number. He hadn’t even asked. Well. I decided that if through some miracle I did ever manage to see him again he was going to have to work for it. I’d teach him to ride off without a word after we… After we did… What we did.

  I breathed a sigh that was equal parts arousal, relief, and burning disappointment as that light eventually faded away. I stood in the parking lot and watched until it was entirely gone from view. Then I hopped into my car and cleaned up as best I could. It wouldn’t do for me to walk through the door with some strange man’s cum all over me. There was nothing I could do about the shirt but I could at least wipe off my hair and face.

  I figured I’d had my little adventure that I could add to my fantasy reel with my vibrating pal and that would be it. I figured I had my memory of a walk on the wild side with a dangerous biker. I figured that was probably the last I’d ever see of Reno.

  How wrong I was.

  Chapter 3: Cop’s Daughter

  I was exhausted when I got home. The combination of dealing with those bikers, stress was one hell of an exhausting thing to deal with, coupled with the usual stresses of working all day in the Freeze Hut was such that I felt like going up to my room and collapsing.

  The television was still on in the living room. I smiled as I passed by from the front door. I could see the light from the television reflecting off of my dad’s head, the way it always did on nights when I was out late. I was still a little surprised that he stayed up when I was out late these days, but at the same time it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside that he was still worried about his little girl even though I was all grown up and in college now.

  “I’m home daddy,” I said. “You can go to bed now.”

  He turned and smiled. I was always surprised at the sharp contrasts in my father. His buddies from the force said he had the kind of face that would make a criminal confess in a matter of seconds, but I’d rarely seen him do anything other than smile.

  When he wasn’t smiling I usually wanted to be very far away though, so I could understand what his buddies said even if I had trouble believing it.

  “I hear you had some excitement at the boardwalk today,” he said.

  I stopped, a chill running through me. How could he possibly know? No one was around. Everyone was gone when Reno showed himself. Panic welled up in me even as I tried to school myself to calmness. Panic was the last thing you did around my father when you were trying to get away with something.

  Only logic helped just a little. There was no way he could know what I’d done or who I’d done it with. He was probably talking about the bikers coming to the boardwalk. That had to be it. I prayed that was it because if not I was about to get a yelling at that would still be echoing around the neighborhood a week from now.

  I moved into the living room and perched on the couch arm. I quickly schooled my expression to one of disinterested worry. The last thing I needed was to act suspicious around my dad and make him think I was actually hiding something. He had a keen detective’s mind and it wouldn’t be the first time he started putting things together when that was the last thing I wanted him to do.

  “It was okay,” I said. “The bikers didn’t cause too much trouble.”

  My dad shook his head and frowned. “They really need more guys down on the beach. There’s no reason why we should let those assholes take over the boardwalk like that. It’s dangerous and terrible for tourism.”

  “I don’t know, some of them were nice enough,” I said.

  I wanted to clap my hands to my mouth. Why the hell had I said something silly like that? I felt like any moment my dad was going to realize that I had the hots for one of those bikers, somehow figure out what I’d done just before coming home, and then I was going to be hidden away for the rest of the summer just on the mere possibility that his a baby girl might get close to a biker.

  No, that was the last thing I wanted.

  Except he didn’t seem to notice. Maybe I was being paranoid. He kept his eyes on the television which was a good sign. Usually if he thought I was up to something he was looking straight at me. It always reminded me of one of the nicknames his buddies used when they were over for cards: the human lie detector.

  It had been exhausting being a teenager in this house trying to get away with anything. That was one reason why I turned out to be such a good kid. I didn’t really have a choice in the matter.

  His eyes did narrow though. I saw a frown that gave me some idea of what people were talking about when they said he had the kind of face that could get a confession in five minutes flat. I was sure it wasn’t quite the face he used, they said that was terrifying, but it was close enough that it sent a chill running down my spine that was completely unlike the chills I’d gotten from Reno earlier.

  “Some of those guys might seem nice baby,” he said. “But trust me when I say that none of them are any good. They’re into dangerous stuff. Stuff I wouldn’t want to see you getting wrapped up in.”

  I blinked. Maybe he’d read more into what I said than I thought. I smiled and leaned down to kiss him on top of the head. He had some stubble coming in.

  “You know I wouldn’t get involved in anything dangerous daddy,” I said. “And it looks like you’re due for a refresher on the cue ball.”

  I ran a hand along the top of his head feeling the bristles from the hair that was starting to come in. He chuckled and reached up to pat my hand.

  “I know you’re careful baby,” he said. “I also know that there are things out there you can’t control. I just worry about you.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about daddy,” I said.

  And it wasn’t a lie. Not really. So a hot biker had asked me for my phone number. I told him no, I told him that I wasn’t interested. Sure maybe things got a little out of control later that night but it was just a onetime thing. It’s not like I was marrying the guy or something. And he still didn’t have my phone number.

  Either way I wasn’t going to mention any of that to my dad because I still wasn’t sure if he knew about the bikers on the beach from Mr. Reynolds giving him a call or from one of the useless rookies they kept in the beach shack telling other people on the force what had happened today.

  That was another thing you learned having a detective for a father. You didn’t squeal if you weren’t sure he didn’t already have the information.

  “Anyways daddy,” I said. “I think I’m going to get some sleep. We have a fun day at the beach tomorrow.”

  “Think I’m going to hit the sack too baby,” my dad said. “I might be working late tomorrow, so don’t be surprised if I’m not here when you get in.”

  “Okay, stay safe,” I said.

  I was used to him working odd hours. It was part of the territory when you were the daughter of a police detective. I turned and made my way upstairs, exhaustion setting in more and more with each step I took. By the time I got up to my room I collapsed on my bed and passed out almost immediately. No sitting and tossing and turning waiting for sleep to come get me.

  It had been a long, exhausting day. But I had tomorrow to look forward to. A day of fun, and a day of absolutely no bikers giving me trouble.

  Yeah, right. Like that actually happened. But that’s a story for another day…

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  Also by Lexi Archer:

  Dani’s hiding her phone lately. What could the innocent young wife be concealing from her husband?

  Aubrey thought she was good. Good enough to make a bet with his roommate. Only hubby has been letting her win, and sparks fly when a losing bet ignites a night of passion!

  Jen likes being watched. Ben likes to watch. When Ben’s old friend Matt visits it might be the
perfect opportunity to bring their wife sharing fantasies into reality!

  Katie said Eric was harmless, but Liam knew better. He saw the way Eric stared, and he knew nothing was farther from the truth when Katie said he was just a friend…

  Nicole’s husband is out of town on a business trip, and she owes Eric a favor after they got a little flirty in the hot tub at a party but were interrupted. Now it’s time for Eric to collect!

  Dan and Nicole always fantasized about sharing, and an overnight trip into the woods with a sexy stud is the perfect time to go from faithful fiancée to seductive temptress…

  Steve wants to watch. Kirsten wants to be watched. Blake wants Kirsten. What could go wrong?

  Laura didn’t understand her husband’s fantasy, but a girl’s night and a sexy college stud might be enough to convince her to use that hall pass he offers on every vacation…

  Whitney is out of town for an internship, and one night she forgets to turn off her webcam revealing what she’s been up to with the guy next door when she logs off of video chats with her boyfriend.




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