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Zombie Birds, Astronaut Fish, and Other Weird Animals

Page 18

by Becky Crew

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  About the Author

  BECKY CREW grew up in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales with, variously, a dog, cats, rabbits, quails, rats, a homing pigeon, and some mice she hid from her parents. She hated science in school, eschewing cells, ribosomes, and chemical equations to study Classical and Near Eastern archaeology at the University of Sydney, paying the bills by working in the finance sector. The machinations of the finance world failed to satisfy her innate fascination with animals, so she started the blog Running Ponies as a creative outlet with her friend Sara. Running Ponies led to Becky being named Australian Science Blogger of the Year in 2010. Becky’s enthusiasm for science writing led to her next role as Online Editor at Australian science magazine COSMOS. Becky has appeared on national Australian radio to discuss the best, worst, and weirdest the animal world has to offer, has spoken at various conferences, has had Running Ponies invited into the Scientific American Blog Network, and has battled intense desires for naps and snacks to release this, her first book. Although she is content with her tuxedo-wearing cat Bailey and oversized sea snails, her dream is to one day have her very own seagull—the most smartly dressed of all the sea birds.

  Copyright © 2012 by Becky Crew.

  First published in Australia by NewSouth, an imprint of UNSW Press.

  All rights reserved.


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