Book Read Free

September Tango

Page 12

by Scarlett Jade

  “Oh, um. Well. Yes, Mr. Hall, please. Come back to my office.” He coughed and nervously fiddled with his tie.

  “I thought you'd change your mind.” He followed the man to a dingy grey office and sat down in the chair provided. He felt like a prick using his position to get what he wanted, but this was for Zoe, damn it.

  The little man sat down, unbuttoning his suit coat. “Well, Miss Parker's home is in foreclosure. Unfortunately, her father has not paid the mortgage. Also, her checking account is in the negative.”

  “Is her name on the house?” Calvin queried.

  The man shook his head and his florid jowls wiggled. “No, but it is on the bank account.”

  “What will be the process for taking the home?” He leaned forward and put his elbow on the pressed wood table.

  “Um, well. Basically in fifteen days we will take possession of the house and all possessions.” He leaned back in the chair, away from Calvin's fierce gaze.

  “All possessions?”

  “Vehicle, furniture. The only things she will be allowed to keep will be her clothing items. The mortgage is severely outstanding, you see.” He put his hands over his stomach.

  Calvin shook his head. “No, that's not going to work.”

  He sputtered, “What do you mean it's not going to work?”

  “Well, sir, you will not be taking her car. Also she will be allowed to take whatever possessions she desires. The girl lost her mother, and I am sure there are some of her things she would want. I will pay the balance of the checking account, with the understanding that it is closed.” He pulled his wallet from his hip pocket.

  The man sputtered again, “I can't promise that we won't take her vehicle.”

  “Yes, sir, you can, and you will. Draw up the paperwork or I'm calling JAG, right now.” He tapped his wallet on the table. “Now.”

  The man went scarlet then paled. “Fine. You will pay the balance on the checking account?” He typed furiously at the computer.

  “Yes, but I want proof that the account is closed.” He pulled his card out of his pocket. He wasn't worried about paying this for her. He'd been saving every dollar for the last five years; this was just a drop in the bucket. A few minutes later, he walked out with a stack of papers. He didn't bother moving the car, just walked a few blocks down to the police station. He ran up the steps and came in the door. The jail was cool and the temperature change was enough to cause goose bumps to come up on his skin. Tim looked up from where he sat at the desk. He stood up and came around the old brown desk. “Man, I'm glad you are here. Where have you been?”

  “Sorry it took me so long, I had to handle business. I figured out why she was so upset. Bank said she was going to lose her house and her Dad took every penny they had, put her in the hole twenty-five hundred dollars. I had to threaten the manager to get him to waive taking her vehicle and all of her possessions. I paid off the account.” He ground his teeth together. “I knew she was safe here.”

  “Yeah, Man, she's asleep. Damn brother, you are one hell of a man to handle her. She's a ball of spitfire. She came this close to kicking my balls. I would like to have kids one day.” He pinched his fingers together to show how close she'd come to his manhood.

  Calvin snorted. “She's one of a kind, there's no doubt about that.”

  “Man, she's nuts.” He shook his head.

  Calvin held out his hand. “Thank you, man. Can I get her?”

  Tim shook his hand and pulled him in for a hug. “Damn right, man. Take care of her. She needs some love, poor kid.”

  Calvin nodded. “She's been dealt a shit hand.”

  “That's kind of putting it mild. Hell I would have been in the same frame of mind.” Tim shook his head. “Come on, let me take you back.” They walked down a cool concrete hall. Tim paused in front of a cell. He saw her curled up on the bed and his heart clenched. She looked so vulnerable and innocent. Her eyes flicked open as Tim turned the key in the lock. She sat up and her eyes went wide.

  “Calvin!” She rasped out, her voice rough from sleep.

  “Hey, Baby.” He stepped in the cell and held his arms out. She stood up with a sob and fell into them.

  Tim coughed delicately. “I'll be out front.”

  Calvin wrapped her up in his arms and she sobbed into his shoulder. “It's been a horrible day,” she cried.

  “I know,” he murmured into her neck. He soothed a hand up and down her back. She gentled in his embrace, her sobs slowing.

  “The bank is taking the house, and I'm broke,” she croaked out.

  “I know.” He kept rubbing her back. She pulled back and gave him a funny look.

  “What do you mean, you know?” Her dark brow rose.

  “I... I found out after Tim brought you here.” He said simply.

  She noticed the stack of papers in his hand. “What's that?”

  “What?” He tucked them behind his back.

  “The papers you are hiding.”

  “What papers?” He coughed.

  She crossed her arms. “Calvin Hall.”

  “Zoe Parker. How about we talk about you threatening to run off the bridge.” He put a hand on his hip and waited patiently.

  “Calvin Hall, stop dodging my question. I wouldn't really do it.” She huffed.

  He frowned. “That shit isn't funny, Zoe.”

  “I know that, Calvin. I just needed to cool off. If Tim hadn't made me come here I would have gone home and calmed down just fine.” She stepped forward and reached around him for the papers. “What are those papers?”

  “You are pushy.” He stepped back, finding his back against the wall. “I went to the bank,” he started slowly.

  “You went to the bank.” She stepped back and put her hands on her hips.

  “I talked to the manager.” He swallowed. Her eyes flashed.

  “You talked to the manager.”


  “And? What did the manager tell you?” She took a slow breath.

  “Tell you what. Come with me for a ride. Let's get out of here. I'll explain it to you in a few minutes.” He walked out of the cell and down the hall, knowing she'd follow. She stomped down the hall behind him. “Tim, man. Thank you.” He shook Tim's hand. Zoe ignored them both, flouncing out of the police station.

  Tim shook his head. “Man, you have your hands full.”

  Calvin sighed, rubbing his head. “I'm afraid she's about to get even more mad.”

  Tim smirked. “You'll have to get her nerves under control.” He wiggled his eyebrows and thrust his hips suggestively.

  He face palmed and groaned. “Man. Really? Jesus. I'll see you later.”

  “Hopefully much later.” He wiggled his brows again.

  “You have never grown up, have you?” Calvin asked at the door.


  Calvin laughed as he went out the door, only to be faced with his own little tempest standing on the sidewalk. Her eyes were stormy and she was spoiling for a fight. “Hey, Babe. It's a beautiful day for a small walk up the way to the car. Shall we?”

  She ignored his arm and walked toward the car, the silence stretching between them.

  Chapter Sixteen – Monday Early Afternoon

  He remembered what Pops had said. It was going to take all he had to get her feeling better. He took a slow breath. She's worth it. They made it to the car and he unlocked the doors. She got in the front, buckling herself in. She didn't notice the blanket covering stuff in the back. He fought against a smile as he rounded the car and climbed in. The car purred to life and he headed toward the beach. “Where are we going?” She asked.

  “To the beach,” he said simply. She sighed and looked out the window. He followed the small road through to a secluded area of the beach, rolling down the windows and letting in the breeze. “Nothing smells better, does it?” He took a slow breath, tasting the salt on his tongue.

  She shrugged. “Yeah.” He finally parked the car and pulled a bag from the back of the car
and a blanket. “Really? A picnic?”

  “You gotta eat, don't you?” He shook the bag. “I got BBQ chips and a Coke...”

  She laughed. “You are so silly.”

  “It made you laugh.” She climbed out of the car and followed him across the sand. He spread the blanket out and flopped down on it. “Come here.” He patted beside him. She sighed and bent down to sit. He handed her the Coke and chips. He pulled a chocolate bar out of the bag. She reached for it. “Nope. Not yet.”

  “What the hell?” She frowned. “Do not tease a woman with chocolate.”

  “Have you calmed down enough to listen to me now?” Calvin asked quietly, dangling the chocolate from his fingers.

  “Please don't tell me you have more bad news for me,” She shook her head and took a drink of the Coke. “I think I've had a lot more than I can handle for one day.”

  “Just promise me you'll hear me out before I tell you this.” He dangled the chocolate closer.

  “You're not leaving, like, tomorrow are you?” She began to panic.

  “Promise me.” He outstretched one of his pinkies.

  She sighed deeply. “Okay,” She wrapped her pinky around his and looked up into his eyes. “I promise.”

  “First of all. I went to the bank. You won't lose your car and you can keep some of your possessions. I figure you had things from your mom you didn't want to get rid of. I also paid off the checking account. It is closed.” He pulled the papers from his waistband and handed them to her. She looked at him with wide eyes. She flipped through the pages.

  “Calvin.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you. I... I could have handled it myself, but thank you.” She bit her bottom lip and touched his hand.

  “It's nothing. I want to take care of you.” He smiled nervously pulling his hand away and reaching into his pocket. “I got a call from the Rear Detachment First Sergeant today. I have to go to Colorado.”

  “Really?” She said quietly, tears began to pool in her eyes. “I can't believe you're leaving me too. This...”

  “Zoe, I want you to come with me.” He interrupted her.

  She raised an eyebrow. “I'd love to, but I can't.”

  “What's left here, Babe? You can come with me if you're my wife.” He told her as she continued rambling. She stopped mid sentence.

  “Wait, what did you just say?” He slowly pulled the ring Grams gave him out of his pocket and began to move to one knee. Zoe's eyes widened then narrowed. “Why are you doing this? You're doing this because you feel sorry for me, aren't you? With all shit I have going on; it's poor, pitiful, pathetic Zoe.”

  “Zoe!” Calvin got back to his feet and pressed his lips to hers firmly, his kiss demanding and hot. She melted into his arms. He pulled away from her, and his angry eyes locked onto hers. “Does that feel like I'm doing this because I'm sorry for you?” She shook her head. “Listen, I was up all night thinking about you, and when I finally could get to sleep, all I saw was you. Zoe, I love you so much and I'm not okay leaving things the way they are right now. I'm doing this because I want to take care of you, because I want to love you.” He paused, touching her face. “Please, let me Zoe. I don't want you to be my girlfriend patiently waiting for me to get a chance to come back to Major; I want you to be my wife. I want to know I am coming home to you. I want to be with you. Hell, I know this is crazy, but I refuse to leave without knowing you're mine. Please, Zoe,” he bent back down to one knee. “Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Tears pooled in her eyes and ran down both cheeks. He stayed on the sand for what seemed like an eternity before she finally spoke. “Are you sure?” Her dark eyes were fathomless pools of sadness.

  “I've never been more sure of anything, Zoe. Please.” He held her hand in his and he squeezed it gently.

  “Yes, Calvin. I'll marry you.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling with tears. He slipped the ring on her finger and stood, pulling her in for a deep kiss. When she pulled away, she rested her head on his chest and they swayed together. The sound of waves crashing on the beach like a beautiful lullaby. “You have no idea how long I've wanted you to ask me that.” She was finally able to say.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea.” He gently ran his fingers through her hair. “You do realize that I'm not gonna let you go be in that house by yourself.”

  “I thought you would say something like that. That's fine.” She pulled her head off his chest and found his eyes. “I would much rather be with you.”

  “You don't know how good it feels to hear you say that.”

  She put her hands on the back of his head and pulled him closer. “I think I have a pretty good idea.” She kissed his mouth tenderly. “This is crazy,” she whispered against his mouth. “Wait, when are we getting married?”

  He smiled, kissing her again. “Um... How about tomorrow? I don't think there is any waiting period in Alabama... Not that I looked it up or anything.”

  She nodded happily. “Yes.” She looked down at her left hand, the small gold band with a diamond in the center twinkling in the sunlight. He picked her up and spun her around. She squealed and laughed, the feel of being in his arms and the wind whipping through her hair as they spun topping her all time favorite things. It even beat out a roller coaster ride. She felt like the dark clouds had lifted for the time being and she could breathe again.

  He put her back on solid ground and kissed her again. “Shall we?” He led her back to the car and they climbed in. He started the car and they drove back to his grandparents’ house. “Babe, we are going to have to fly out to Colorado on Wednesday morning. I already bought tickets. Can you get everything you need straight by then?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I can do that. When do you leave for Afghanistan?” She squeezed her hands together in her lap and tried to fight the panic rising in her throat.

  “Tuesday morning, day after Labor Day.” He caught her hand in his and held it. “But, it is only six months, Babe. We can do this.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  He grinned. “Grams is going to be so excited. Be prepared, she's probably already rallied the troops.”

  Zoe blushed. “I can't wait.” She was determined to make these last days the best she could. As they pulled up in his drive she felt panic coming up again. “I'm going to puke.”

  “No you're not. Take some slow breaths.” He grinned and got out of the car. She climbed out and he took her hand. “I can't wait until you are Mrs. Calvin Hall, by the way.” He kissed her hand and they walked up the driveway.

  “This is crazy, Calvin.” She shook her head and grinned ruefully.

  He shrugged. “Yeah, we've established this. It's kinda like a roller coaster we've been on. It's a rush.”

  She nodded as he opened the door. “I've always loved a good roller coaster.”

  He tossed a look over his shoulder. “Something I never knew.”

  “Yeah. It is one of my favorite things. I feel so damn free when the wind is whipping through my hair. I feel just as free when I'm with you.” She blushed. “God, that sounded stupid.”

  “It was sweet, Babe. I love being with you too.” He pressed a kiss to her scalding cheek. He pulled her through the kitchen and dining room to the living room.

  Pops looked up. “Hey there.”

  “Hey, Pops. How you feel about a wedding tomorrow?” Calvin grinned wide and held their clasped hands up.

  Grams whooped like a banshee. “Hot damn! I knew it!” She dropped the end of her recliner and got up quickly, grabbing her hip and grimacing. “Congratulations, you two. It's a good thing I already told everyone y'all were getting engaged then, huh? I also called the church. Pastor can marry you. We got it set up for y'all to go get your marriage license in the mornin', then we can do the wedding in the afternoon.” She patted on Zoe's shoulder. “Breathe, baby.”

  Zoe let out the breath she didn't even know she was holding in a whoosh. “Well damn. You are on it, Mrs. Hall.” She toed the carpet, unsure of what
to say.

  “I'm not Mrs. Hall. I'm Grams. Come here to me, girl. You's family now.” She was enveloped in another fragrant hug, the smell something she would come to always associate with the wonderful woman holding her.

  “Thank you, Grams.”

  The older woman caught her face in her brown palms. “You listen to me, girl. We are your family now. We stick together. There won't be no leaving you like your bastard Daddy did. Do you understand me? Our Calvin loves you, the boy is downright twitterpated. We are going to throw you the best damn quickie wedding Major has ever seen. Layla is ready to run you up to Mobile and find you a dress. Tell me what you want for this wedding. We will make it happen. There's enough resources in this town and we're gonna pull it together for the two of you.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I... I don't know what to say.”

  Roughened thumbs wiped her tears away. “You just tell me what you want, baby.”

  “I want to be married in the afternoon. I want to have a BBQ on the beach afterward,” she stuttered.

  “Alright, we are gonna make that happen. What kind of flowers you like, baby?”

  “Wildflowers,” she said with a dreamy smile. It brought her back to the cemetery. It was a link to their parents. Calvin caught her meaning and smiled.

  “Well you are about the easiest bride this town has ever dealt with!” Grams stepped back and clapped her hands.

  She smiled softly, twisting the hem of her shirt in her fingers. “I just want there to be nothing but love there, Grams. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything else is just decoration on one of the most beautiful moments in someone's life.”

  Pops spoke up. “Yep, Calvin, you got a level headed one. I like her.”

  Calvin grinned wickedly as he sprawled out on the couch. “She's got a temper though.”

  Zoe shot him a dirty look and crossed her arms. “Do not.”

  Pops cackled. “Oh, I see those daggers coming out of those baby browns right now, Calvin! You best watch yourself.”

  Layla bounced in the room. “Well, did it happen?”

  Calvin laughed. “Yeah, we are engaged.”


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