Book Read Free

September Tango

Page 16

by Scarlett Jade

  Calvin came up behind Pops. “What the hell happened here? Derek? What are you doing here?” Derek groaned in response.

  Pops snickered. “It appears to me, boy, that your girl knocked this asshole six ways from Sunday. I sent her to the kitchen to ice her hand to keep it from swelling.” Calvin moved as if to check on her. “Uh uh, boy. You ain't seeing her till it's time. She's fine. Let's get this joker out of here. We don't need his kind stinking up the joint.”

  Calvin grabbed Derek by the shirt and pulled him to standing. “I swear to God, if you hurt her...” His voice trailed off and his eyes were blazing in pure fury.

  Derek shook his head. “I – I didn't hurt her,” he stuttered.

  “You better hope and pray you didn't. Don't harass her ever again. Get your sorry ass out of here. There are enough cops at this church to haul your ass out if you can't find your way out.” He let him go and Derek slumped against the door jamb.

  “I'm goin', man.” He slunk down the hall and out the door. Calvin took a deep breath and Pops clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Good riddance. Now, let's get you ready to see your bride.” He led him back to the sanctuary.

  Zoe was in the kitchen, having her makeup and hair touched up by Layla and Grams. Layla was scolding her for messing everything up. Finally Grams muttered, “Shut the hell up, Layla.” She pressed her lips into a firm line and pouted.

  Grams had declared her hand fine, but she had a bag of frozen peas on it anyway. Her heart thumped with every second that passed. They were getting closer and closer to time. “How many people are here?” She choked out.

  “Enough,” Grams said mysteriously. She wore a lemon yellow dress with an embroidered jacket in the same shade. Her hair was curled around her kind face. Layla was a vision in the orange gown, her corkscrew curls pulled back with a few pins. She looked down at her delicate gold watch. “Alright, it's time.”

  Zoe felt the color leave her face. Layla smiled and hugged her. “Breathe and smile. You're going to be so happy when you see this.” They led her to the opening of the sanctuary. Grams stood her in one spot.

  “Stay right here.” She heard the faint strains of a piano playing. The song sounded strangely familiar but she couldn't place it. Grams walked down the aisle and only Layla stood with her.

  “Here comes Tim.” Tim walked down the hall, wearing a pair of black pants and a lavender sport coat with a light yellow shirt and a teal tie. Zoe giggled.

  “You look like spring threw up.”

  “Thank you! You look ravishing yourself, Zoe. Congratulations.” He took Layla's hand. “Shall we, my dear?” They promenaded forth, the wooden doors of the church shutting behind them. She didn't even get a sneak peek inside yet but she smelled flowers. She stood nervously and a sinking feeling hit the pit of her stomach.

  No one is walking me down the aisle. Her eyes filled with tears and she turned to walk down the aisle alone when a hand touched her arm. She looked to the side and saw Pops standing there in all his decked out glory.

  “Baby, they said do wildflower colors. All I had was this old leisure suit from the seventies. I hope it’s alright. It still fit.” He wore a peach colored leisure suit with a peach shirt and tie. Her eyes welled up with tears and she hugged his neck.

  “It's perfect, Pops.”

  “Ah, don't get your makeup all over me, girl. Let's get you down this aisle.” He held his arm out and she tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow. He gently pulled her veil down over her face and they stepped forward. Pops tapped the door and people opened them. The scent of wildflowers tickled her nose and the late afternoon sunshine filtered through the beautiful old stained glass windows, further accentuating the array of colors that sat in the seats. Everyone had their finest on, and they were a sea of the most beautiful wildflower shades imaginable. Someone shoved a bouquet of flowers in her hands and she brought them to her nose. Her throat was tight with emotion. I can't believe so many people did this for us. The song being gently played suddenly changed to one she immediately recognized. In the choir loft, the choir suddenly stood and began singing the chorus of “Wonderwall” by Oasis. It was their song.

  Tears fell down her face and her smile was exquisite. Calvin's heart pounded wildly watching her slowly come down the aisle toward him. The choir finished the chorus and the acoustic strains of piano and guitar continued as she floated toward him. The beautiful jewel tones of the stained glass dappled her skin, and he gazed at her beautiful face, partially hidden by the lace of her veil. Their eyes locked and her face radiated pure joy and love, directed only at him. He wore a deep blue suit with a cerulean colored shirt and matching striped tie. He smiled and stepped forward to take her from Pops. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “Love her, boy.” He kissed Zoe's cheek. “Love him.” They nodded happily.

  Calvin led her up the stairs to the altar. She handed her bouquet to Layla, who accepted them with a teary smile. He leaned over to her and whispered, “I told Tim no pimp suits, but I guess I forgot to tell Pops.”

  She giggled before she could stop herself, and the melodic sound made him smile. They turned toward each other in front of the preacher and held hands. The man stood before them in a black suit and a white shirt with a pink tie. He smiled at them both. “You two ready?”

  They nodded. He smiled and began, “We are gathered here on this happy occasion to bring this man and woman together in marriage. The couple have decided to forgo traditional vows.” Zoe's eyes went wide and Calvin winked at her.

  He squeezed her hand. “Zoe, I've never been this happy, and even though we haven't been together long, it already feels like it's been a lifetime. I don't know how I was lucky enough to end up with you loving me, but I'll do everything in my power to keep you happy. I love you, Zoe, much more than you'll ever know, more than I'll ever be able to explain. I promise to protect you, to take care of you and to never stop loving you. Thank you for being mine.” He kissed her knuckles.

  She blushed and murmured, “Calvin, I never imagined that we'd be standing here just like this. I'm more blessed than any girl has any right to be. I promise to love you and stand by your side, no matter what comes.” Her throat closed and tears leaked between her lashes. “I promise to wait for you, and to be your shelter in any storm. I promise to make you happy. I love you.” Her eyes sparkled with tears and he smiled softly.

  “May we have the rings?” Zoe froze again and Calvin winked, assuring her all was fine.

  On a small pillow that Tim held up, there were two rings. Calvin looked over at Pops, who wiggled his empty left hand. He'd given him his wedding band. She took the simple gold band and slid it over his knuckle. Her hands shook as he slipped the beautiful diamond on her finger.

  “By the power vested in me, by the state of Alabama, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Calvin pulled the veil over her head, and gazed deep into her eyes, before pulling her close and touching his mouth to hers. The kiss was slow and exquisite, full of hope and promise. As they came up for air, they both had tears in their eyes. “I love you,” he whispered softly.

  “I love you more,” she smiled.

  The guests were on their feet, clapping and cheering. The choir began singing the chorus to “Wonderwall” by Oasis again as they stood at the altar.

  “I'd like to present you with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hall,” the preacher called, not that a soul could hear him over the raucous noise in the sanctuary. Zoe blushed and hid her face in his shoulder. He kissed her forehead.

  “Are you ready, Mrs. Hall?”

  She nodded happily. He took her hand and led her down the aisle. He kissed her again as they came to the doors of the church. “I need to change my clothes. Grams is going to take you to freshen up, and we'll meet back here to head to the reception, okay?” She nodded and they parted ways.

  Grams hugged her tight once they made it back to the little room she'd gotten ready in only a couple hours before. �
��You're the prettiest bride I've seen in a long time, Zoe. You just look happy, baby girl.”

  She nodded and smiled. “I am, I'm really happy, Grams.” Layla came in the room and hugged her neck.

  “I'm so glad I have a sister! We need to fix a couple of spots on your hair, and we can take this veil off. We don't need it anymore.” She gently unpinned the lace from her hair and handed it back to Grams, who folded it gently and put it inside a box in her purse.

  Zoe stared at the woman in the mirror. She was happy. Layla and Grams chattered as they pinned her hair in place. Finally, they deemed her presentable and led her back to the front of the church, where Calvin stood in his blue shirt without a tie and khakis. “Hi, Beautiful. Are you ready?” She nodded and he took her hand, leading her out into the late summer sunshine. They were pelted with wildflower petals and rice by a cheering crowd. Tim stood out at the curb, with his police cruiser idling. “May I give the new husband and wife a ride to the party?”

  Zoe laughed and nodded. “Hell, everything else has been unconventional. Why not?” She squealed as Calvin lifted her off her feet and placed her in the car. She scooted over and he slid in beside her and closed the door. Tim headed toward the beach.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close. “Are you happy?”

  She looked up at him, her dark eyes glowing. “I'm so happy, Calvin.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. Tim flicked the sirens on, making them jump.

  “No nookie in the back of my car!”

  They all laughed. He rolled the windows down as they hit the beach. They could smell BBQ cooking already and as they rounded the bend, they saw tons of tables and chairs set up on the beach, complete with paper lanterns in tens of colors with lights inside them flickering in the breeze. “Look!” She pointed. “It's beautiful.”

  People were already milling around on the beach and as the police car pulled up, they swarmed it, pulling them both out and giving endless rounds of hugs. They finally found themselves back together in front of the water. The sun was just starting to set. Layla knelt on the sand with her camera. “Give me some good pictures, y'all!” Calvin looked at Zoe and pulled her in for a kiss. The pictures that were taken that day they would come to cherish the rest of their lives. Tim had picked an eclectic mix of songs that filtered through the speakers of an old CD player. A stretch of the sand had been dedicated for dancing, and cheers went up as Calvin and Zoe stood to take their first dance. Tim switched the song quickly to “Be My Only” by FM Radio. Tears filled her eyes as Calvin pulled her into his arms and whispered the lyrics of the song against her neck. The song was exquisite and she closed her eyes, the sound of him singing in her ear and the feel of them spinning on the sand forever imprinted in her mind. As the strains of the song came to a close, Calvin kissed her slowly.

  The crowd cheered and she saw several cameras flash. She grinned like a buffoon. Layla came up to them beaming. “It's time to cut the cake!” Calvin took her hand and they walked over to a small table where a simple three layer cake stood. It had been hand decorated; someone had spent time creating roses with icing and the daisies that trailed down the side.

  “It's beautiful,” she whispered. “Who made it?”

  Pops finally spoke up. “Minnie Wilder made it.” The woman she'd been so unkind to on the phone stepped out of the crowd. Her kind, thin face broke into a smile.

  “Congratulations on your wedding. I... I wanted to give you something beautiful. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything. I tried to get your father to tell you about us for months. I hope you enjoy it.” She twisted her hands in front of her nervously.

  Zoe ran across the sand to her and held her tight. “Thank you, and I'm so sorry for being a bitch.”

  “You weren't. You were being protective.” She stroked Zoe's hair softly and kissed her cheek. “You are a beautiful bride.” She stepped back into the throng and Zoe joined Calvin, her eyes sparkling with tears.

  They cut the cake and fed each other bites. Calvin picked up a piece and pretended he was smearing it in her face. “Don't you dare,” she murmured, giving him a dirty look. He laughed and popped the bite in her mouth. Once cake was served, they were handed an envelope.

  Grams smiled at them as they opened it. “We didn't have time to get y'all a load of fancy presents, and frankly, how were you gonna take it with you? So, we all pitched in, a little here, a little there, and you've got a nice start for feathering your nest once you get to Colorado.” The envelope was stuffed full of cash.

  Calvin held the envelope back out to her. “Grams, this is too much.”

  She shook her head and smiled. “We all want you to have it. You are good kids.”

  Layla ruined the poignant moment by yelling, “It's time to throw the bouquet!” Calvin hugged Grams and all of the unmarried women lined up behind Zoe to catch the bouquet. She was laughing and counting, getting ready to throw the flowers.

  Grams nudged him. “You did good, Calvin.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Grams.”

  The flowers sailed over her head, and went right into Layla's arms. She looked up, blushing. “I'm not getting married anytime soon!”

  Zoe floated across the sand to him and he pulled her into his arms. “What do you think about getting out of here? I have one last surprise for you tonight, my wife.”

  She smiled brilliantly in the fading dusk, her face only illuminated by the lanterns strewn across the beach. “I will go wherever you go.” Layla had driven his car to the beach. He walked over to her and whispered in her ear. She handed him the keys and kissed his cheek. They hugged and kissed Grams and Pops before leaving the beach among cheers and shouts. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks and was grateful for the dusk that hid her face. He stroked her knee.

  “You are beautiful, Zoe. I'm so damn happy.” He hit the highway heading to Mobile.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I'm taking you somewhere special. Just for tonight. This place is ours.” He turned off the main road and took her back into the forest, the little road opening to a clearing, right on the water. A two story grey house stood on stilts. She looked at him curiously.

  “What's this place?”

  “Tim rented this place for us as a wedding present. It's a beach house.” He parked the car and got out, walking around to her side and opening the door. They walked hand in hand up the stairs and he unlocked the little blue door. “Wait.” He swept her into his arms and carried her across the threshold. He cradled her in his arms and kissed her warm mouth. “God help me, I love you.” He eased her down to standing and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Dance with me again, Calvin.” He pulled her to him and sang to her as they spun around the floor. Tears filled her eyes and she held on as they danced. He gently eased them to a stop and tipped her face up to his.

  “Don't cry, Beautiful.” He wiped the tears from her face, the gentleness making her sob harder.

  “I can't help it.” She wiped her eyes and whispered, “Today has been the most perfect day of my life.”

  He kissed her slowly, his lips moving gently over hers. She gasped and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She frantically grabbed his neck, pulling him closer. He held her close and eased them back until she bumped into the wall. His mouth brushed her cheeks, tasting her tears. He kissed down her neck and brushed his mouth over her collar bones. She groaned and arched into him. He slowly unzipped the back of her dress and the beautiful gown pooled around her feet. He stepped back and his eyes took her in. “I can't believe you're mine.”

  She stepped forward with glowing eyes and a tremulous smile. “Forever.”

  He swept her into his arms and carried her through the beautiful beach house, barely taking in the cool colors of the furniture and the simplicity of the design. He could only focus on his beautiful wife. He carried her into the master bedroom, flipping the light on and kicking the wooden door shut behind them. He set her back on the
hardwood floor. She glanced around for a split second and saw the huge mahogany canopy bed that was littered with deep red rose petals. She caught his hand and pulled him closer.

  “Wait,” he whispered. “Close your eyes.”

  She closed her eyes and heard a lighter click. She smirked, knowing he was lighting the tens of candles on every surface of the furniture. She heard the light switch being turned off and smiled again. “Sorry, I meant to have it already done, Zoe.”

  “Calvin, shut up.” She opened her eyes and was dazzled by the flickering of the candles. The light danced against the walls and dappled her creamy skin with shadow. He stepped closer, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. She touched his bare chest and ran her fingers through the light dusting of hair there. They came together frantically, mouths melding together. His fingers traced circles on her back and she arched into him. He popped the hooks on her bra and the fabric fluttered down between them, long forgotten. “You're wearing too many clothes, husband,” she whispered against his lips. Her hand skimmed over his growing erection and he groaned.

  “Undress me, then.”

  “Your wish is my command, husband.” A smile flickered at the corners of her mouth. She eased his shirt down his arms and it fell to the floor. She unbuttoned his pants and knelt, giving him a slow and smoldering look as she unzipped the pants. She found black boxer briefs beneath the pants and slipped her hands inside, cupping his ass and pushing both the pants and underwear down his legs. She gave him no time to pull the clothing off as she caught his erection in her hand. She slid her hand up and down his length a few times, gently stroking. He clenched his jaw and threw his head back, groaning.

  “Zoe, you have to stop.” He put his hand over hers. She looked up at him, her dark eyes and flushed face his undoing. With a growl, he kicked his clothing the rest of the way off and pulled her into his arms. “You're still wearing clothes, my wife,” he murmured against her neck. She squirmed at the rasp of his barely there beard and gasped at the soft kisses he pressed to her skin.


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