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September Tango

Page 19

by Scarlett Jade

  He groaned and pulled his clothes off quickly, joining her in the shower. She was lathering her long hair with shampoo and he took a washcloth and put some of her body wash on it. He scrubbed her back and ass and down her legs. She turned and began rinsing her hair. He scrubbed from the tops of her feet, up her long legs, her stomach and breasts, and down her arms. She sighed and rinsed off. “Thank you, Baby.” She leaned forward and kissed his shoulder. She slid around him and he stood under the shower spray. She reciprocated, washing his body as he scrubbed his head.

  “Thank you, Baby,” he smirked. “Let's get you dried off and in bed.”

  She pouted and stroked his erection. “I want you.”

  “And you can have me, just once we're in bed. The shower is too small.” He kissed her mouth and turned the water off. She stepped out and handed him a towel, drying herself quickly. She stepped out and came back with their toothbrushes. They finished getting ready for bed and she stumbled over to the bed, crawling in between the sheets.

  “I'm tired.” She curled up on her side.

  “Then go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning.” He kissed her forehead, seeing her lids already drifting closed. He turned the TV on low, watching Family Guy as he too, drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Five – Thursday

  She rolled over and stretched. It was still dark out. The clock beside the bed read six AM. It would be eight in Mobile. Calvin was lying on his back, his long arm over his eyes. She slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth. She tiptoed back to the bed and slowly pulled the covers back. His cock stood tall, he definitely had morning wood. She smirked and bent to press a kiss to the head. He groaned and shifted slightly. She stuck her tongue out and licked him. He shifted again and she grasped his shaft firmly and took him into her mouth.

  “Holy shit, Zoe!” He cried out as he came quickly awake. He found his beautiful wife's mouth wrapped around his dick, and she was sucking him for all he was worth. Her rosy mouth went up and down his length, nibbling and sucking, tasting and teasing. He caught a hand in her hair and pulled gently. “Stop, Baby.”

  She let go of his dick with a soft pop of her mouth. “Why? I was having fun.” She pouted.

  “Because I'm going to come, and I'm not ready to yet.” He sat up quickly and pulled her on top of him. Her breasts pressed into his chest and he groaned. “A guy can get used to that kind of wake up.”

  “Can he, now? I figured since I'd passed out last night, I needed to wake my husband up properly.”

  “I think I can make it really proper, Mrs. Hall.” He flipped her onto her back and she squeaked. He snaked a hand between her thighs and teased her core. “You're soaking wet, Mrs. Hall.” He nuzzled her full breast, the pink nipple standing at attention.

  “I like giving a blow job. It turns me on.” She shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Damn, I am a lucky man.” He suckled her breast and slipped a finger deep into her heat, bringing her honey up to her nub of pleasure. She groaned and bucked against his hand.

  “Calvin, I want you.”

  He smiled against her breast. “Do you?” He shifted and lay between her legs, the head of his dick probing against her hot sheath. He caught her legs and put them over his shoulders, driving deep into her. She cried out, her walls quivering around him. “You are so close, aren't you?” He pounded into her and she moaned.

  “Calvin...” She groaned out. She twisted her hands in the sheets.

  “Yes, Zoe?” He slowed his tempo and she cried out. “What do you want?”

  “Take me, Calvin.” Her face and chest was flushed and she was panting. “Please. Please!”

  He moved slowly into her again and she quaked. “Are you close, Mrs. Hall?”

  “Calvin!” She screamed, nearly to her breaking point. He felt her tightening around him and he drove deep into her, finding his own release as she found hers. He pressed a kiss to her quivering leg and eased them off his shoulders before kissing her mouth.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Hall.” He drew her into his arms. “How about breakfast?”

  They got dressed and went ahead and checked out of the hotel. They'd be spending the night in the new apartment. “We need so much furniture,” she groaned.

  “Yeah, but don't worry about it.”

  “I want to hit some thrift stores. I like old stuff.” She grinned.

  “Fine. I want a new bed.”

  They had breakfast at a quaint little diner and began the search for furniture. A couple of stores they went into were way too expensive for Zoe's taste. They finally found a furniture warehouse that had prices she could tolerate. She skipped merrily through the store, picking pieces she liked. She worked off of the chocolate and cream color scheme of the apartment and demanded they have a mahogany canopy bed. They had gotten to the store early enough in the day to get delivery that afternoon. They walked out with everything but TVs and basic items for a house.

  “Want to go to Target?” He slung his arm around her shoulders as they left the store.

  “Yeah, we could do that.” They got in the car and drove a few minutes over to the Super Target. They both got carts and headed to house wares. The store was packed in advance of Labor Day Weekend; everyone was getting stuff to grill.

  They took the store aisle by aisle, picking curtains and towels, dishes and silverware. Finally they had as many things as they could think of for the new house and headed back to electronics, where Calvin was in his element. He haggled the price down on a floor model HDTV that he liked and loaded it in the cart. They paid for the items and loaded everything into the rental car. The back seat was packed, as was the trunk.

  “I think we bought too much, Babe.” Calvin smirked as he kissed her. She stuck her tongue out.

  “It's your big TV taking up all the room.” She elbowed him in the side.

  “You'll thank me later when everything looks huge on the screen.” She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Where to now, my love?”

  She checked the dashboard clock and sighed. “I can't believe it's already the afternoon. The furniture will be there soon. Do you want to pick up some groceries so we can cook dinner after they bring the furniture and set it up?”

  “Sure, we could do that. Eat dinner tonight in our brand new house. What do you think about that?” He squeezed her hand and smiled as he navigated through the town.

  “It sounds perfect.” They pulled into the parking lot of the small grocery store and walked through the automatic glass doors. It was a Mom and Pop kind of store, just what Zoe liked. She picked up some basics; cereal they both could agree on, milk and cheese, bread and peanut butter. He snagged some frozen pizzas and they agreed on meals for the rest of the time he'd be home. They finished shopping and managed to squeeze the bags in the back. They drove to the apartment complex and began unloading everything, grateful for a first floor apartment. A few minutes after they got everything inside, a knock came at the door. The furniture was there. Zoe put everything away in the kitchen as Calvin directed the movers. Finally, everything was in place and the movers left, after they checked to make sure there were no scratches on the furniture.

  They worked together wiping everything down with some of Grams' famous lemon Pledge. They put their few clothes away and he hooked up the new TV. The rest of the house would wait until another day. He hooked the laptop to the TV and they watched Netflix, borrowing a neighbor's Wi-Fi until they could get internet and cable. They cooked dinner together, making spaghetti and garlic bread before eating at their new table and washing up the dishes. He caught her around the waist.

  “I love being like this with you.” He kissed the back of her neck.

  “I love being like this with you.” They spent the night watching bad movies on Netflix and talking about their future.

  Chapter Twenty-Six – Friday

  They slept in late the next morning and made breakfast slowly, burning two rounds of toast because they kept making out while they cooked.r />
  After breakfast, they hung curtains. Most of them were hung crooked because Calvin kept getting irritated with Zoe's “just a little higher” comments. He kept kissing her to stop the arguing. She gave in, because she liked the kisses. Finally, they had them all hung and she smiled. “At least that is done.”

  “What do you want to do now?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Let's go to a thrift store and see if we can find some pictures!” He groaned, but followed her out the door. Anything to make her happy. His phone went off in his pocket as they stepped out the door.

  “Hold on, Babe, its work.” He pressed the answer button and put it to his ear. “Staff Sergeant Hall.” He listened for a few seconds and replied, “Yes, Sergeant. I'll be ready.” He took the phone off of his ear and sighed as he turned to Zoe. “They just moved me up again. I need to be on base tonight at ten. I'm shipping out tonight.”

  “Shit.” Her eyes filled with tears and she put her arms around his neck. “This sucks. They can't do that!”

  He rubbed her back. “Yes, Baby, unfortunately they can. Welcome to military life. We will just have to get your car today and return this to the base. I'm sorry, Beautiful.”

  She nodded, stepping back and wiping her eyes. “I understand.”

  “Let's go then.” They stepped out of the apartment building and he plugged in a used car dealership into his GPS on the phone. They got in the car and drove to the dealership. They parked at the flashy place and got out. Calvin took her hand and they browsed the selection. “What kind of car do you want?”

  “Fuel efficient would be best, huh?” She frowned. “That little green car looks okay.”

  “Zoe, honey. That's the rental car.”

  She blushed and laughed. “Shut up! There are too many cars here!” He laughed and hugged her.

  A salesman came up to them. “What can I do for you kids?” He shook their hands and introduced himself as Bob. “What kind of car are you looking for?”

  “Something fuel efficient and safe.” Calvin looped her arm through his and they followed the man through the lot. They decided on a slightly used Chevy Aveo. The car had good gas mileage and was still under warranty. They filled out paperwork and within the hour, Zoe was following Calvin to the base in her new car. She cracked the window to get rid of the new car smell. It had always made her head hurt. He led her to the Enterprise and returned the car.

  She started to go to the passenger side of the new car but he stopped her. “No, drive. You need to get used to it, Babe.” She fought the tears that pricked her eyes and nodded.

  “Okay.” Her hands shook as she took the wheel.

  “Wait. Take a slow breath and look at me, Zoe. We are gonna be okay, Babe. I know I have to leave earlier, but look at it this way, it's that much quicker I get to come back.” She nodded and took some slow breaths.

  “I know, but I don't want you to go.” Tears fell from her eyes and he tipped her chin up.

  “Look at me. You are going to be fine. We will have internet early next week, and we can Skype all the time. Come on, let's go home. I need to get my bag together, and I want to spend time with my wife before I go.” He kissed her gently and she took a few seconds to compose herself before driving back to their apartment. She parked in their parking spot and turned the ignition off. He smiled and touched her cheek. They walked up to the door and she slid the card, letting them inside the building. They walked down the hall and she unlocked the door of their apartment. She stepped inside and he followed, kicking the door closed with his foot and throwing the lock. He pulled her back to him and she gasped. “I want you, Zoe Hall.”

  She turned in his arms and pressed him against the door. “Then you'll have me.” Her mouth pressed against him, hot and hard. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and she ravaged him. He caught the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, running his fingers over her lace covered breasts.

  “Zoe.” She broke their kiss to pull his shirt off and toss it to the side. She nibbled his neck and ran her hands over his body.

  “I want you, now, Calvin Hall.” She slipped her hand into his jeans and pulled him down the hall by the front of his pants.

  He caught her at the door of their bedroom and backed her onto the bed. He kissed down her hot skin and unbuttoned her pants, sliding them and her wispy underwear off at the same time. He parted her lips and fell to his knees beside the bed. He licked her hard and hot, pinning her hips to the bed as she strained to wiggle away. He slipped one finger deep into her sheath and worked her as his mouth suckled and licked her nub. He felt her tightening around him and he slid another finger deep inside her. She cried out and he bit gently on her sensitive nub. She screamed his name and came all over his hand. He slowly stood and unbuttoned his pants. “Get on the bed, Beautiful.” She scrambled up onto the pillows. “No,” he whispered, kicking his clothes off. “Roll over.” Her eyes widened with desire and she rolled to her stomach, propping herself up on her arms. Her slick core was high in the air, open for his eyes and he stared hungrily as he crawled up on the bed. He slid a finger between her lips, grinning as she hissed and bucked against his hand. He positioned the head of his cock at her glistening opening and pushed forward. She bucked back against him and cried out in pleasure.

  “Yes, please.” He grabbed her hips and pushed deep, rocking her body to orgasm after orgasm.

  “I love you, Zoe Hall. Don't you ever forget it.”

  A few hours later she stood in a room with a several other women. They were all crying and hugging the soldiers they loved. She held tight to Calvin's neck. “Damn it, I'm going to miss you.”

  He leaned back and kissed her warm mouth. “No more than I'll miss you. I'll call you as soon as I can.”

  Tears filled her eyes again. “Damn it, Calvin. I don't want you to go.” She pulled him in tight again and kissed his neck, her face being scratched by the Velcro on his uniform.

  “I have to leave now, Zoe.” He tipped her chin up. “Promise me you won't forget us.”

  She smiled. “I won't forget you, Baby.” He kissed her again, the bittersweet touch of goodbye.

  She leaned against the wall and sobbed as he walked down the hall. He turned partially, saluting her.

  Goodbye my sweet September love....



  Sweet, paranormal romance with a Guardian Angel type twist.




  Scarlett Jade is just a small town girl with big dreams who loves to write. She is married to the man of her dreams, her real life knight in shining armor and Prince Charming and has one son who is the apple of her eye. She loves chocolate, thinks coffee should be a religion, and loves to make people laugh with her quirky sense of humor. She is bold, brazen, and even been told she's ballsy, but she doesn't mind, she takes it in stride. She has a huge passion for all things paranormal and spicy love stories that leave you turning the pages and dying to slide between the sheets of the next book!


  Llerxt the 13 is a US Army veteran who loves video games, good music, and his saxophone. He is normally a writer of YA Fantasy, but his wife (Scarlett) convinced him to write their story. He is working on a book called Elemental Journey. He's laid back, easy going, and incredibly funny.

  You can learn more about Scarlett and Llerxt by joining their Facebook Pages!




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