Devils Walking
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31. Johnny Lee Cothren, interview by FBI Special Agents James A. Abbott and Robert F. Cooper Jr., September 12, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
32. Johnny Lee Cothren, interview by FBI Special Agents Graves and Timmons, September 7, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
33. Reverend W. H. Davis, interview by FBI Special Agents Graves and Timmons, September 13, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
34. Johnny Lee Cothren, interview by Graves and Timmons, September 7, 1965.
35. Mrs. J. C. (Lanette) Emfinger, interview by FBI Special Agents William D. Haskins and Thompson Berry Webb, September 9, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
36. Neva Hodges, interview by Graves and Timmons.
37. Rosia Roland Davis, interview by FBI Special Agents Graves and Timmons, September 11, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
38. Link Cameron, interview by FBI Special Agent William F. Dukes, September 20, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
39. Emfinger, interview by Haskins and Webb.
40. Warren H. Newman, interview by FBI Special Agents Graves and Timmons, September 2, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
41. Ibid.
42. Link Cameron, interview by Dukes.
43. Thomas L. Scott, interview by FBI Special Agents Graves and Timmons, September 11, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
44. William Campbell, interview by FBI Special Agents Graves and Timmons, September 7, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
45. William B. Watson, interview by FBI Special Agents Graves and Timmons, September 4, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
46. Wayne Hutto, interview by FBI Special Agent Edgar C. Fortenberry, September 8, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
47. Ibid.
48. Certificate of Death of Earl Hodges.
49. Butler, interview by Dukes.
50. FBI Special Agent William F. Dukes, report to SAC, Jackson, Miss., August 19, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
51. “The Present-Day Ku Klux Klan Movement,” Committee on Un-American Activities, 19, 29, 37, 45, 46, 50, 90th Cong., 1st Sess. (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967).
52. Max Graves, interview by Stanley Nelson, June 26, 2013.
53. Jack Nelson, “White Knights Charge on Toward Extinction,” Los Angeles Times News Service story in Atlanta Journal, July 30, 1968, 7B.
54. Max Graves, interview by Stanley Nelson; copy of Ed Benoist notes provided to Stanley Nelson by Graves.
55. Eugene Robert “Bob” Storey, interview by FBI Special Agents Reesie L. Timmons, David H. Phillips, and William C. Mearns, November 11, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Earl Hodges file 157-HQ-3830, NARA.
56. Helen Hodges Vernon, interview by Stanley Nelson, January 25, 2013.
57. Keith Hodges, interview by Stanley Nelson, January 19, 2013.
1. Stanley Nelson, “1965 Concordia Lounge Arsons Linked to KKK/SDG,” Concordia Sentinel, April 14, 2010, A10.
2. Stanley Nelson, “Preacher Tried to Change the Hearts of Klansmen,” Concordia Sentinel, June 13, 2007, A1.
3. “Statement about the Ku Klux Klan,” Concordia Sentinel, February 4, 1965, A1.
4. “Law and Order Urged by Parish Civic Clubs,” Concordia Sentinel, February 18, 1965, A1.
5. Cornelia Jessey, “Contemporary Spirituality,” The Way International, December 1977.
6. Ibid.
7. Father August Thompson, interviews by Stanley Nelson, January 29, March 11, 2011.
8. Jessey, “Contemporary Spirituality.”
9. “CORE Official Twitty Beaten Up in Louisiana,” Tucson Daily Citizen, December 30, 1965, A15.
10. Stanley Nelson, “Confrontation at Duncan Park,” Concordia Sentinel, September 20, 2007, A1.
11. Father Thompson interviews.
12. Editorial, Concordia Sentinel, July 22, 1965, A1.
13. Stanley Nelson, “Justice Official Tagged Ferriday Outlaw Country,” Concordia Sentinel, August 15, 2007, A1.
14. Ibid.
15. “Introducing the F.F.M.,” FFM newsletter, August 15, 1965, 1, Father August Thompson personal collection.
16. Ibid.
17. The Firey Cross, September 23, 1965, Father August Thompson personal collection.
18. Robert “Buck” Lewis, interview by Stanley Nelson, August 6, 2014.
19. “Negro Gas Station Burned,” CORE Press Release, New Orleans, December 19, 1965.
20. “Parish Negro Slain in Gunbattle with Local Law Officers,” Concordia Sentinel, July 29, 1965, A1.
21. Lewis interview; Stanley Nelson, “Klansman Said Morris Warned; Duncan Recalls Deacons for Defense,” Concordia Sentinel, February 13, 2008, A1.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. Roy Reed, “His Home Bombed, Negro Is Arrested,” New York Times, November 22, 1965, A25.
26. Stanley Nelson, “David Whatley’s Trials: SDG Klansmen, Bombs and Ferriday High,” Concordia Sentinel, September 29, 2010, A10.
27. “School Board Presents Plan to Desegregate,” Concordia Sentinel, December 16, 1965, A1.
28. Nelson, “David Whatley’s Trials,” A10.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. “Trio Faces Jail on Rights Charge,” Concordia Sentinel, April 1, 1970, A1.
33. Ibid.; John Pfeifer, interview by Stanley Nelson, June 2, 2011.
34. “Three Local Men to Be Arraigned,” Concordia Sentinel, November 11, 1965, A1.
35. “Witness Missing in Concordia Case,” Concordia Sentinel, February 10, 1966, A1.
36. Stanley Nelson, “DeLaughter, Poissot Linked to Criminal Acts,” Concordia Sentinel, March 23, 2011, A8.
37. Informant NO 1325-R, interview by FBI Special Agents William E. Dent Jr. and Joseph E. Peggs, April 18, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 157-JN-2044, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), College Park, MD.
38. “Say Case Is Perfect in Mer Rouge Crime,” New York Times, December 31, 1922, A18.
39. Ibid.
40. “The FBI Versus the Klan, Part 2: Trouble in the 1920s,” April 29, 2010,
41. “Say Case Is Perfect,” A18.
42. Informant Report by FBI, March 23, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 157-JN-2044, NARA.
43. John Pfeifer, interview by Stanley Nelson.
44. Informant NO 1325-R, interview by FBI, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 157-JN-2044, NARA.
45. John Pfeifer, interview by Stanley Nelson.
46. Lee King, interview by FBI Special Agents William E. Dent and Joseph G. Peggs, June 7, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 157-JN-2044, NARA.
47. Informant NO 1325-R, interview by FBI, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 157-JN-2044, NARA.
48. Ibid.
1. “McKeithen Agrees to Meet with Delta Solons, Pastors on Parish Moral Problem,” Concordia Sentinel, May 26, 1966, A1.
2. “Pastors Urge Governor to Padlock,” Concordia Sentinel, August 4, 1966, A1.
3. Ibid.
4. “Governor Says Police Will Raid Again, but Prosecution Is Local,” Concordia Sentinel, August 11, 1966, A1.
5. “Falkenheiner, Halcomb Clash for District Attorney Post; Three Other Races Saturday,” Concordia Sentinel, September 22, 1966, A1.
6. “Halcomb Remains until New Term Begins for DA,” Concordia Sentinel, September 29, 1966, A1.
7. John Pfeifer, interviews by Stanley Nelson, March 16, April 2, 2011.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.r />
10. Ted Gardner, interview by Stanley Nelson, May 16, 2012.
11. John Pfeifer, interviews by Stanley Nelson.
12. Ibid.; Ted Gardner, interview by Stanley Nelson.
13. John Blunschi, interview by Stanley Nelson, July 3, 2013.
14. John Pfeifer, interviews by Stanley Nelson.
15. Stanley Nelson, “Search for Klan Leader Led to Discovery of Morville Lounge,” Concordia Sentinel, August 19, 2009, A1.
16. United States of America v. Noah W. Cross (U.S. District Court, Western District, Alexandria Division, May 1972).
17. Ibid.
18. United States of America v. J. D. Richardson Et Al. (U.S. District Court, Western District, Lake Charles Division, January 21–22, 1971).
19. Stanley Nelson, Matt Barnidge, and Ian Sanford, “Connected by Violence—the Mafia, Klan and Morville,” Concordia Sentinel, July 15, 2009, A8.
20. Curt Hewitt, interview by FBI Special Agent John Pfeifer, April 30, 1971, document provided to Stanley Nelson by anonymous source.
21. John Pfeifer, interviews by Stanley Nelson.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. FBI Special Agent John C. McCurnin II, UKA Rally on March 19, 1966, at Ferriday, La. Report, March 21, 1966, FBI Civil Unrest, E. L. McDaniel file 157-HQ-2156, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), College Park, MD.
27. Ibid.
28. FBI Special Agent John C. McCurnin II, UKA Election Convention and Rally in Natchez, Miss., Report, May 16, 1966, FBI Civil Unrest, E. L. McDaniel file 157-HQ-2156, NARA.
29. Police Officer Kenneth McKnight, interview by FBI Special Agents William E. Dent and John D. Brady, March 29, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Tommie Lee Jones file 157-HQ-3552, NARA.
30. Mayor Woodie Davis, interview by Dent and Brady, March 29, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Tommie Lee Jones file 157-HQ-3552, NARA.
31. FBI Special Agent V. Walser Prospere, State Meeting at Natchez and Robert Shelton Investigation Report, September 21, 1966, FBI Civil Unrest, E.L. McDaniel file 157-HQ-2156, NARA.
32. FBI Special Agent John C. McCurnin II, Monroe Klansmen Visit Concordia Klansmen Report, May 9, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, E. L. McDaniel file 157-HQ-2156, NARA.
33. FBI Special Agent John C. McCurnin II, UKA Election Convention and Rally in Natchez, Miss., Report, May 16, 1966, FBI Civil Unrest, E. L. McDaniel file 157-HQ-2156, NARA.
34. V. Walser Prospere, Natchez and Shelton Report.
35. Ibid.
36. Ibid.
37. Billy Bob Williams, interview by Stanley Nelson, November 8, 2009.
38. Charles Snodgrass to Col. T. B. Birdsong and Chief A. D. Morgan, Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Memo on HUAC, January 12, 1966, University of Southern Mississippi, McCain Library and Archives, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
39. County Attorney Ed Benoist Files provided to author by Paul Benoist; Natchez Docket Book No. 338, 172, February 14, 1967.
40. FBI Special Agent Clarence Prospere, KKK Meeting at Morgantown, Natchez, Miss., Report, February 24, 1964, FBI Civil Unrest, White Knights file 157-HQ-1552, NARA.
41. Ed Benoist Files.
42. Charles E. Snodgrass, Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Explosion in Natchez Report, November 21, 1966, University of Southern Mississippi, McCain Library and Archives, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
43. Ed Benoist files.
44. FBI Special Agent Samuel N. Jennings, White Knights of the KKK Report, September 15, 1964, 15, FBI Civil Unrest, White Knights file 157-HQ-1552, NARA.
45. Prospere, Klan Activity in Natchez Report, September 23, 1963.
46. James Lloyd Jones, statements to District Attorney L. L. Forman, June 16, July 15, 1966, in Ed Benoist files.
47. Ibid.
48. Ibid.
49. Ibid.
50. JN T1 Informant Report to FBI on Ernest Avants, May 18, 1965, FBI Civil Unrest, Ernest Avants files 157-HQ-3701, NARA.
51. James Lloyd Jones statements, in Ed Benoist files.
52. Ibid.
53. Ibid.
54. Ibid.
55. Ibid.
56. FBI SAC Roy K. Moore, Report to Assistant Director Al Rosen, June 16, 1966, FBI Civil Unrest, Ernest Avants file 157-HQ-3701, NARA.
57. Adams County Sheriff’s Office Report, June 12, 1966. Copy in author’s possession.
58. Dr. Leo J. Scanlon, Ben Chester White Autopsy Report, June 13, 1966, FBI Civil Unrest, Ernest Avants file 157-HQ-3701, NARA.
59. Jet, July 7, 1966, 15.
60. James Lloyd Jones statements, Ed Benoist files.
61. Ernest Avants, interview by FBI Special Agents Robert F. Boyle and Allen Kornblum, March 13, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Ernest Avants file 157-HQ-3701, NARA.
62. Update by County Attorney Ed Benoist to FBI, June 10, 1968, FBI Civil Unrest, Ernest Avants file 157-HQ-3701, NARA.
63. Update by District Attorney Lenox L. Forman to FBI, August 15, 1968, FBI Civil Unrest, Ernest Avants file 157-HQ-3701, NARA.
64. FBI Special Agent George P. Gamblin, Silver Dollar Group Report, August 13, 1968, FBI Civil Unrest, Silver Dollar Group file 157-HQ-4717.
1. Stanley Nelson, “New Info on Jackson Murder Came Too Late for Widow,” Concordia Sentinel, August 27, 2009, 9A.
2. Ibid.
3. George Metcalfe, interview by FBI Special Agents Joseph J. Ryan and John M. McCallaghan, March 3, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), College Park, MD.
4. Stanley S. Scott, “Natchez Bomber Strikes Again,” Crisis, April 1967, 133.
5. Stanley Nelson, “New Info on Jackson Murder,” 9A.
6. H. C. Golden, interview by FBI Special Agents Reesie L. Timmons and Lawrence J. Monroe, March 4, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
7. Charles Evers, interview by FBI Special Agents James W. Awe and John L. Puddister, March 2, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
8. Stanley Nelson, “New Info on Jackson Murder,” 9A.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Chester Higgins, “Report On Bomb Killing of Miss. NAACP Leader,” Jet, April 27, 1967, 16–24.
12. FBI Assistant Director Alex Rosen to FBI Deputy Director Cartha D. DeLoach, February 28, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
13. FBI Special Agents James W. Awe and John L. Puddister, Crime Scene Report, March 2, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
14. Dr. Leo J. Scanlon, Autopsy Report, March 2, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
15. FBI Director to SAC Jackson, Teletype, March 3, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
16. FBI Special Agents Charles Killion and Frederick P. Smith Jr., Explosives Report, March 2, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
17. Higgins, “Report on Bomb Killing,” 16–24.
18. H. P. Callahan to Mr. Mohr, Memo on WHARBOM Expense, November 18, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
19. SAC Jackson to FBI Director, Urgent Teletype, February 28, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
20. Informant No. 1325, interview by FBI, March 21, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
21. FBI Special Agent Benjamin F. Graves to Inspector Joseph A. Sullivan, March 8, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
22. Stanley Nelson, “Rayville Man Implicated in Arson That Killed Morris,” Concordia Sentinel, January 12, 2011, A1.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. O. C. Poissot, Statement to FBI Special Agents William E. Dent Jr. and Frank B. Watts, June 12, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
26. Jim Ingram, interview by Stanley Nelson, October 13, 2008.
27. FBI Special Agent John Pfeifer, Report to SAC Jackson, March 4, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
28. FBI Special Agent Aloysius J. McFall, Summary Report on James Horace Taylor Jr., June 7, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
29. FBI Director to Inspector Joe Sullivan, Memo on Search Warrant, March 27, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. FBI Special Agents Reesie L. Timmons and Benjamin F. Graves, Search of James Watts Attic, April 17, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
33. Cherish Jean Nichols, interview by Stanley Nelson, April 10, 2014.
34. McFall, Summary Report.
35. FBI Assistant Director Alex Rosen to FBI Deputy Director Cartha D. DeLoach, Memo on Robert Luther Hart, March 20, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
36. Red Glover, interviews by FBI Special Agents John Pfeifer and John Brady, March 4, 11, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
37. Ibid.
38. Ibid.; John Pfeifer, interview by Stanley Nelson, April 8, 2011.
39. John Pfeifer, interview by Stanley Nelson, April 8, 2011.
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid.
42. Inspector Joseph Sullivan to FBI Assistant Director Alex Rosen, Memo on CS JN 229-R and Former CS JN 230-R, August 25, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
43. Ibid.
44. Inspector Joseph Sullivan to FBI Assistant Director Alex Rosen, Memo on NO 1508-R, June 16, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
45. Ibid.
46. Lennox Forman, interview by FBI Special Agent Reesie L. Timmons, September 20, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
47. FBI Special Agent William E. Dent Jr., Report, September 20, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.
48. One informant who testified was paid $3,400 by the bureau, while another received $15,000. By the end of 1967, nine WHARBOM informants were paid $18,000 combined. SAC Jackson to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Memo on WHARBOM Costs, December 9, 1967, FBI Civil Unrest, Wharlest Jackson file 44-JN-2044, NARA.