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Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1)

Page 11

by Reese A. Stephens

“I don’t mind shopping online, but then I end up sending stuff back. So I guess it’s a necessary evil,” I explain poorly.

  She hands me a travel coffee mug with a smile. “You’re ridiculous. You know that?”

  “Oh, I think you’ve told me that a few times.” I chuckle. “Let’s get the torture started. I have a date tonight,” I tell her.

  She quirks an eyebrow. “So, things are going well with Ryan?”

  “Yes, but I mean Dylan. I was supposed to take him out yesterday, but I had an emergency surgery. We’re going today instead.”

  “I think that’s great. You used to do that a lot when he was little.”

  I nod in agreement. We did. I took him out weekly, if possible, to where ever he wanted to go. We would talk about whatever was on his mind. Sometimes it was video games or toys; sometimes it was troubles he was having in school or about his dad. The last was always hard for me, but I tried to be as honest as possible.

  “I’ve not taken him out as often as I’d like. The older he gets, the harder it’s been.”

  “He’s a busy boy. He told me about his little girlfriend,” she says.

  I groan. “It’s too soon. I know Ryan and I dated when I was around Dylan’s age, but I also gave birth to Dylan at sixteen. We obviously did things we weren’t ready for. Our son is the result of that. I just don’t want that for him. No matter how smart he’s being, things happen in the heat of the moment.”

  “You’re right, but he’s fifteen. You can give him rules. I know we tried to give you rules, but it was hard since you were gone from us for so long. We probably shouldn’t have left you alone with Ryan, but I was afraid to make you angry. I didn’t want you to change your mind about staying with us.”

  “I still would’ve stayed with you. I wanted that more than I can explain. I know we’ve talked about it a lot, but the homes I was in, they weren’t … they didn’t feel like home. I only felt at home with you guys.”

  She squeezes my hand with a happy grin. “You were our dream come true. I know I’ve told you that before, but we tried for so long to have a child. Moving to that house and watching you grow up. It was enough for me. I was devastated when your parents died. I lost my best friends … my sister. Your mom was so important to me. Even if we weren't blood, she was my sister. I still miss her. When they said we couldn’t have you until we did all this paperwork and classes, I was crushed. I was so afraid we’d lose you, especially after it took so long for them to actually give you to us.” Gale pauses, overwhelmed with emotion. It doesn’t matter how often we talk about that time in our lives, we both end up emotional.

  I stop the car and pull her into my arms. “Oh, Mom. You have me and I’m home now. No one can take me from you,” I tell her.

  “I know. You and Dylan mean the world to us. I know he’s our grandchild, but we helped you raise him. He’s filled just as many holes in my life that you have. And once you and Ryan get back together, I expect more little Dylan’s. Of course, girls would be great too.” Her tears dry up and a smile graces her beautiful face.

  I throw my head back and laugh. “You and Ryan both, the man can’t keep his hands to himself. We’re so not ready for more than what we have now though. But I know I’ll marry him. There’s not a question in my mind that he’s it for me. I just want him to be sure I’m it for him.”

  “I think he’s sure, sweetie. It’s not like he left because he wanted to. His stubborn father basically gave him no other choice.”

  “I know, but still, sixteen years is a long time.”

  She nods. “Oh, I know. I think you’re being smart. Just don’t let your head overrule your heart.”

  “I’ll try not to.”


  “Sorry about yesterday,” I tell Dylan as he slides into the passenger seat of my SUV.

  I had dropped Gale off at home after our mega-shopping excursion. It was actually a lot more fun than I expected, and I got some really beautiful clothes and lingerie. She insisted that I buy them; stating it would help in my endeavor to give her more grandbabies. I had rolled my eyes at her for that one.

  “It’s okay. You were saving lives.” He stares at his phone distractedly.

  “You think we could have an evening that is cellphone free?” I ask.

  He looks over at me, giving me his father’s grin. “Sorry. You know Faith asked me over on Sunday after church, but Grandma Penny said we’re having a family dinner. Maw and Pop are coming too. You think it’d be okay if I invite her?”

  “That’s right. I forgot about that. You’ll need to ask your dad and Grandma Penny, but it’s all right with me,” I tell him.

  He nods. “Ya know, things were much easier when I just had to ask you.”

  “Would you rather we go back to that?” I tease.

  He shakes his head. “No way, having a real dad is great. I mean Todd had his moments, but it was hard to connect with him. He liked football, but that was about all we had in common. He tried for a while, but mostly his idea of spending time together was watching TV.”

  “He always made it seem like you guys did all kinds of things,” I tell him. Todd always had a list of things they’d be doing. I guess I never followed up close enough. Doesn’t matter now, I’m just glad he’s out of our lives.

  “Eh, don’t sweat it, Mom. Things are great now. Dad actually does stuff with me and even though he’s been really busy lately, he’s taken time to at least check in with me or send me random texts. Things are ten times better now than they were.”

  “I’m glad. I want you happy, kid.” I tell him.

  He turns to me. “I am. I don’t know why you hated this town. I think it’s pretty awesome.”

  “Fifteen and pregnant,” I say.

  “Oh, right. Sorry about that.” He chuckles.

  I smile at him. “It turned out all right in the end. You’re right, this town isn’t so bad.”

  We make it to the restaurant and he happily bounces inside. It’s an arcade themed pizzeria, so he’s in heaven. It isn’t long before a few kids from school come join him. I know we won’t be having any more time to talk until we’re back in the car, but I’m all right with that. I love seeing him having fun.

  Chapter Eight


  I can’t stop staring at the pictures lying on my desk. The woman’s beaten and lifeless body sends a cold chill through me and straight to my heart. She looks so much like my Shay that it hurts. It physically hurts, which is nuts. I’ve seen many dead bodies in my life, and while they are always hard, none have been as hard as this. This one … it’s too much. I keep thinking if I stare at it long enough, I can set my mind at ease. This woman is not Shay, so why is this driving me crazy? I slap the file closed and run my hand nervously through my hair. The phone ringing is a relief. I need a distraction from this.

  “Hey, Dyl. What’s going on?”

  “Hey, Dad. You busy?” he asks.

  “Never too busy for you. What’s up?”

  “Well, on Sunday, Faith wanted me to come over, but Grandma Penny is having a family dinner after church. Would you mind if Faith came with us?”

  I’m a little shocked. I mean he’s asked me before for things, but just small stuff. He’s never asked for my approval to do something he wants to do.

  “Sure, I don’t see anything wrong with her coming over.”

  “Thanks. Mom said I had to clear it with you and Grandma first,” he explains.

  “I’m sure your grandma won’t mind either.”

  “Great, I can’t wait to tell her. Crap, she just left for her candy striper shift at the hospital. Oh well, I’ll tell her later.” His rambling makes me smile. I really need some time with my boy.

  “Hey, are you busy today after school?”

  “Not after practice; it’s over at four today.” I hear some chatter on the other end and a bell ringing. I forgot he’s at school.

  “Why don’t you come over around six? We’ll eat, I’m thinking subs, and maybe play some
video games.”

  I tap my pencil on my desk as I stare at the closed file. Talking to Dylan is helping, but that file is still taunting me. I’ve got to see Shayla, it’s the only way to clear my mind.

  “That sounds great. Mom’s working late tonight, she said she was covering for an ER doctor.”

  I frown. I hate when she has to work over.

  “Okay. Thanks for telling me. I’ll let you get back to class. Love you,” I tell him.

  “Love you. Bye.”

  He hangs up. It’s ridiculous that hearing my teenage son tell me he loves me makes me so happy. I stare at my phone for a few more minutes and check my social media. I didn’t bother with this stuff while in the FBI, but Dylan insisted on setting me up with different accounts. I generally don’t bother with it most of the time, but right now, it’s a welcome distraction. I check out Shayla’s page and see she’s posted a picture of her and Dylan.

  “My two favorite people. Love you guys!” I post as a comment.

  She responds back almost immediately. “We love you, stud.”

  I shake my head. She’s been trying to find me a nickname. She’s randomly called me different names, but thinks none of them really fit me. Her silliness is one thing that I love about her. I dial her number.

  “Hey, stud,” she says. I can hear the grin in her voice.

  I laugh. “Stud, huh?”

  “Yeah, I like it. What’re you doing? I thought you were busy on that case today.”

  Taking a deep breath, I begin, “I am. I’ve gone over the case files ten times, if not more, this morning. I’m going to head out to the scene again later. I needed to hear your voice. I’m not going to lie, babe. This stuff is getting to me. She looks so much like you.”

  “It’s just a coincidence.”

  I nod even though she can’t see me. I pray she’s right. “I hope so. Can I see you?”

  She doesn’t respond right away, but I hear voices through the line, so I know she’s still there. She does this often when someone needs her attention. It’s a little annoying, but I understand. She has an important job.

  “Uh, okay. Sure.” There’s another pause. “That was weird.”

  “What?” I ask curiously.

  “Well, this guy just delivered a small package here for you.”

  I jump to my feet. “Don’t open it.”

  “Of course I won’t. It’s for you,” she responds.

  I grab my leather coat, keys, and head out of my office.

  “May, I’ll be out the rest of the day. Call if you need me.” I don’t wait for her response as I run to my car.

  “Ryan, what’s wrong?”

  “Shayla, listen to me. I want you to go to a nurses station or somewhere where there are a lot of people. Don’t leave that spot until I get there. Understand?”

  “You’re scaring me, Ryan.” I can hear her movement over the line.

  “I know. I’m sorry. Just leave the box and go to the nurses station. I’ll be right there. Don’t be scared. I’m just taking precautions. There’s no reason why someone would need to deliver a package for me to you.”

  I’m in my car, lights on, and speeding to the hospital, trying to quell the panic rising within me.

  “I’m at the nurses station.”

  “Which one?”

  “The one on my floor.”

  I fly into the parking lot and park in the drop off zone. I toss my keys to a candy striper. “Park my car. I’ll get the keys from the desk when I leave,” I bark out.

  “Okay,” the girl responds, her voice is shaky.

  “I’m a cop,” I tell her, flashing my badge as I get to the elevators a good twenty feet from her.

  “I know. I’m dating your son, but I can’t drive.”

  I laugh. “Faith, just find someone to park it. I have an emergency. Okay?”

  “I will, Officer Jacobs.”

  I dart into the elevator. The thing is going incredibly slow. I’m sure my bouncing is annoying the other passengers, but I can’t stop myself. I have to get to Shayla. I should’ve taken the stairs. I’m the first one out as soon as the doors open. I’m running to her. I can see her worrying her lip from here.

  “Shay,” I say as I scoop her up in my arms. “You okay?”

  “Yes, I’m just worried about you.”

  She runs her fingers through my hair. It’s nice, but I can’t be distracted by that now. I pull her hands into mine.

  “Where is the box?”

  “In my office, but I’m not allowed to have unauthorized visitors back there.” She sighs.

  I don’t care what policy is. This is a police matter. I shake my head.

  “That doesn’t matter. Take me to it.”

  She turns to a nurse. “Julie, I’m taking Officer Jacobs to my office. He needs to … check something out. Page me if you need me.”

  “The box?” she asks. Shayla nods.

  I turn to Julie. “Did you see who delivered it?”

  “He was one of those local delivery guys. Not one of the big name places, just a hired courier. I’ve seen him around here before. I don’t think he’d knowingly do anything wrong. He mostly delivers flowers and food,” she explains.

  “Thanks, Julie.” I turn back to Shay and take her hand. “Come on, babe.”

  We walk hand in hand to her office. “Do you really think this is necessary?” she asks.

  “I don’t want to take any chances where you’re involved.” I pull her to a stop and take her face in my hands. “You’re everything to me.”

  I kiss her with desperation. Nothing can happen to her; I just got her back. I’ll do anything I can to protect her. She nods and then points towards her desk.

  “It’s over there.”

  The box is maybe three inches tall and wide. A perfect cube. No markings of any kind. Not even a name. I pull a blue glove out of my pocket and slip it on. Then I pick the box up, noting that it weighs nothing. There’s no sound. I don’t think it is explosive, that’s not ‘The Fox’s’ M.O. I open it. Then I drop it with a string of curses flying out of my mouth. After I compose myself, I pick the thing back up and shove it in my pocket. Hurrying to Shayla, I grab her upper arm and drag her from the office and down the hall.

  “You’re staying with me the rest of the day. Tell someone to cover for you.”

  “Ryan, I can’t just leave. I have a surgery at four.”

  “Is it vital? I mean, can it wait or can someone else do it?”

  We stop back at the nurses station.

  “I suppose it can wait a day, but I’ve already seen the patient this morning so they're expecting me.”

  “Shayla, baby, this is important. Please, get someone to cover for you,” I plead.

  Trevor Daniels appears behind her, too close for my comfort. “Cover for what?” he asks, glaring at me.

  “Hello, I’m Detective Jacobs with the Oak Grove police. I need Dr. Thorn to come to the station with me. There was suspicious activity in her office this morning.”

  “She has surgery. This can’t wait until after work, Detective?” I don’t miss the way he spits out detective, like it’s beneath him.

  “Afraid not.”

  “Fine,” he fires back angrily and then turns to Shayla. “You’ll make up the hours you’ve missed. I’ll take your surgeries today.” He storms off in the opposite direction.

  “Wow, he’s ...”

  “A jackass,” Julie supplies. We all laugh. “Seriously, he looks like a god, but acts like the devil, and not in a good way either.” She winks.


  Once we’re in the car, I breathe a small sigh of relief, but my panic is far from receded. If anything, it’s grown. I’m trying to keep a lid on my feelings, but the thought of him being so close to her has me unnerved. I don’t want her out of my sight.

  “You going to tell me what’s going on?” Shayla asks. I shake my head no. “You can’t force me to leave work and not explain yourself, Ryan.”

  I look at her fo
r a long moment. “I’ll tell you later. First, I need to get Dylan.”

  A surge of panic swells. What if he goes after my mom, the Thorns? What if he’s the one who broke into the Thorns house? It doesn’t make sense, but, it’s a possibility. Though, breaking and entering isn’t really his style, but I can’t rule out anything.

  “Why? He’s at school, I’m sure he’s fine. He shouldn’t miss,” Shayla says.

  I run my hand through my hair in frustration. “He’s my son, too. I want to pick him up!” I snap. She visibly flinches back in her seat. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted. Can you just trust me on this?” She nods, but offers nothing back. I look over to see tears glistening in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Shay.” I grab her hand and squeeze. “I didn’t mean to yell. I’m stressed, like really stressed. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I just need to see him with my own eyes. I’m sure he’s fine. I just need to see him. He can stay at school.”

  She wipes her eyes. “Is he in danger? Are we in danger?”

  “I don’t know, babe. I hope not. I’ve got some things to check out. I just can’t do it without you being near me. I need to see you,” I try to explain, but I feel crazy in doing so.

  “Maybe we should get Dylan,” she mutters softly.

  I shake my head. “No, you’re right. He’s safe at school. I’ll have one of the guys get him after school and bring him to the station. I just need to talk to him first.”

  As soon as we arrive at the school, I’m out of the car and helping Shayla out.

  “I look horrible,” she says, wiping under her eyes.

  I smile softly. “You look beautiful, sweetheart. I’m so sorry I scared you.”

  “It’s okay. Stop apologizing. Let’s go see our son.”

  We head to the office and speak to the receptionist. It takes about five minutes for Dylan to arrive.

  “Hey, what’s up?” he asks as he sees us. His face becomes concerned when he sees his mom’s red eyes. He kneels down in front of her chair and takes her hands in his. “Mom, are you okay? Did something happen to Pop or Maw?”

  “Oh, no, nothing like that. I’m okay,” she tells him, trying to smile.

  “I upset her. She’ll be okay. I just want to talk to you for a few minutes.” I turn to the receptionist. “Do you have somewhere private we can talk?” She points to an empty office off to the side of the entrance, labeled Conference Room.


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