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The Mammoth Book of Erotica presents The Best of Michael Hemmingson

Page 11

by Michael Hemmingson

  Nicole introduced us like this. “They’re the couple I’ve been fucking lately.”

  Ashley flinched. I liked her crude description; when you got right down to it, this was the essential truth.

  “Ahh,” Serge said, “and sometimes she fucks us, too.”

  “You ever get the feeling,” Nicole said, “that I fuck everybody?”

  “Or everybody fucks you,” Tina said.

  “I want to fuck the world,” Nicole said, kissing Ashley on the cheek. “How about you, baby?”

  “I don’t know about the world,” Ashley said, “but maybe just you.”

  “Don’t limit yourself,” Nicole said.

  A waitress came by and took our drink orders. Nicole, Tina, and Serge were ahead of us by two drinks. We made small talk. Like Nicole, it was hard to pinpoint what Tina and Serge did for a living – seemed like they just had fun.

  “If you cannot have fun,” Serge said in that Italian accent, “if you cannot sit back and relax, then what is life worth living for?”

  Serge asked Tina for a dance; the two of them went out to the floor and we watched them. Tina’s dress was cut so low that the beginning of her ass showed; and cut so short at the thigh, her ass was hanging just a tad as well. She was very thin, however, and had a thin rear-end, the kind that looks well on Asian women.

  “So,” Nicole said with a wide smile, “what do you think of them?”

  “They’re very attractive,” I said (feeling like a shark).

  “They’re sexy all right,” she said, and, to Ashley, “What do you think of Serge?”

  “He’s sexy,” Ashley said.

  “He’s hung like a fuck,” Nicole said.

  The two started kissing. The waitress came back; she didn’t pay any attention to the women. I ordered another round of drinks. When the waitress returned, Ashley and Nicole stopped their smooching to take a drink.

  “Hope you don’t feel left out,” Nicole told me.

  I said, “Not at all, I like watching.”

  “Yes, you do,” Nicole said, and to Ashley, “Sometimes I have wayward designs on you. Sometimes I just want you to be my slave.”

  “I’ll be your slave,” Ashley said.

  “You have to really be my slave,” Nicole said. “You have to do exactly what I tell you, no matter what. If I told you to strip and walk around here naked with a dildo up your ass, you’d do it. You have to be my little fuck-slut slave.”

  Ashley said she would be.

  “Tell me,” Nicole said. “Tell me that you want to be my little fuck-slut slave.”

  “I want to be your little fuck-slut slave,” she said.

  “Tell it to him,” Nicole said.

  Ashley turned, fire in her eyes. Nicole leaned close to her. My wife said, “I’m her little fuck-slut slave.”

  “Have you ever thought about Ashley being with another man?” Nicole asked me. I told her I had. Nicole said I was getting the best of it all: two women. It was time, she thought, that Ashley make it with another man and I watch. “After all,” Nicole said, “she watches us fuck.”

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing that,” I said. “In fact, I’d like it.”

  “Would you like it?” Nicole asked my wife, and Ashley nodded.

  Nicole sipped her drink and said, “If I wanted you to suck off Serge right here, would you?”

  Ashley and I both looked around. The club was very dark and smoky now, especially where we sat.

  Ashley said, “Yes.”

  I whispered, “Yes.”

  Nicole laughed and leaned back. She said, “I don’t believe you.”

  “You say that a lot,” Ashley said.

  “Maybe this life isn’t for you, really.”

  “What life?”

  “Oh, come here,” Nicole said, kissing my wife.

  I looked for Serge and Tina but I couldn’t make out any of the dancing opaque shapes.

  “Do you trust me?” Nicole said.

  “Yes,” Ashley said.

  “Do you love me?” Nicole said.

  “Yes,” Ashley said.

  Serge and Tina emerged from the smoke and blackness, a little sweaty and glowing, and sat down. They were happy to have refills on their drinks.

  “Serge,” Nicole said, “Ashley would like to blow you.”

  “Really?” Serge said. “How nice.”

  “There’s room enough under the table,” Nicole told Ashley. “Don’t worry, I’ve done it before. Plenty of room, and it’s dark.”

  Tina lit a cigarette, Ashley gulped down the rest of her drink, then turned my way. I nodded. Slowly, Ashley slid under the table. I felt her brush by my feet, going towards Serge. The music seemed to get louder. Tina stared at me. I thought, then, about protection – we didn’t know these people. But I didn’t say anything; I didn’t stop her. This was all part of the adventure – taking chances, taking guesses, moving on impulse. By the look on Serge’s face, I could tell Ashley had his cock out and was working on it.

  “Hey,” Nicole said, sliding over to me, placing a hand in my crotch. She whispered in my ear, “This is very hot.”

  I touched Nicole on the lips and went, “Tssssssst.”

  Tina put her cigarette out.

  Serge seemed to breathe almost in rhythm to the music. He leaned back, sliding down just a bit. I could detect motions under the table: Ashley moving her body to a better position, her head going up and down. Serge started to moan, and let out one long grunt, his body shuddering. He caught his breath, letting out a little laugh, and said to me, “Hey, I just came in your wife’s mouth.”

  Up until that moment, I was aroused by this, the idea of Ashley unseen but so close and another man’s cock in her mouth. The way Serge put it, however, brought me back to the reality of the situation, and I started feeling perplexed, wondering if Ashley really did want to do this. I was erect and Nicole was freeing it from my pants, and to my surprise Ashley had turned around under the table and was taking me in her mouth.

  I looked down but could barely make out her face because it was so unlit. The waitress returned again for more refills and didn’t have the slightest idea what was happening under the table; or if she did, there was no recognition in her bland expression. I, too, came in my wife’s mouth, just before the waitress returned, but my orgasm wasn’t as strong – or as uninhibited – as Serge’s. I put my cock in my pants and saw that Ashley was trying to come back up, on the other side of Nicole, but Nicole leaned down and I heard her say, “Go and do Tina, too. Little fuck-slut slave.”

  Ashley bumped against our feet and legs as she made her way to Tina. Tina lit another smoke, leaned down some, and spread her legs.

  “Ummn,” Tina said. “Nice.”

  Later, I had to ask Ashley what it was like; it was too much to not want to know. Several things went through my head, like she felt disgusted with herself, she felt disgusted with me for letting her do this. But what she told me was that she liked it very much – she felt like dirt, she was Nicole’s slave and did whatever Nicole’s will warranted. Little fuck-slut. She lost herself down there, she said, brought down to a mere sex instrument for everyone’s pleasure. “I felt used,” she said, “and it was liberating.”

  Ashley told me, “When I was in high school, I wanted to be a slut. I wanted to sleep around with a lot of boys, like some girls I knew. They had bad reputations, but who cares? They were having fun. I had to play on the more decent side, the good student, the girl with glasses who read books, the girl who kept only one boyfriend. But in my fantasy life, I was something else.”

  At Nicole’s loft, Ashley and Nicole hid away in the bedroom and I was left out front with Serge and Tina. Tina didn’t waste any time stepping out of her dress. There was an intricate tattoo of a snake on her belly. She was very thin and almost flat-chested, but breathtaking. Serge wanted me to fuck her, and I took her on the floor. Tina’s cunt was tight, and we fucked in several positions; then I lay on my back and she got on top of me. (I was wearing a co
ndom, of course.)

  Serge was naked now, and he came up to Tina to put his cock in her mouth. I was stunned, and felt threatened for a brief instant. I’ve never been one to compare my cock to the size of other men, but Serge must’ve been a good four inches longer than me, a tad thicker, his body a taut roadway of well-defined muscles. I immediately thought of Ashley sucking him off under the table, and wondered how she managed to take this man’s penis in her mouth when she had enough difficulty with mine.

  This wasn’t the time to think about this. Serge and I fucked Tina every which way we could, and then some, and for the first time I found myself in a sandwich, my cock in Tina’s ass as she took Serge in her cunt, and I could feel Serge between the thin veil of flesh that separates cunt and ass. This went on for a good two hours and was for the most part uneventful: just sex.

  Serge and Tina collected themselves and said they needed to be at some other party; they asked if I wanted to go but I said I was going to stay here. They told me to tell Nicole and Ashley good-bye. Naked, I went up to Nicole’s bedroom. The door was ajar and it was dark and quiet, except for a dimly lit candle. The room was musky with sex and perfume. Ashley and Nicole were lying on the bed, legs entwined, their bodies effulgent with perspiration.

  “I want to stay here tonight,” Ashley said, feeble and rasping.

  “Okay,” I said, and started toward the bed.

  Nicole sat up and said, “Ah-ah. We want to be alone. You have to let her have some time with me, too.”

  I nodded, turned, and left. I hurried and tried to catch Serge and Tina, but their car was just leaving. I shrugged. I dressed, and went home alone – for the first time in my life with Ashley.

  On rare occasions, my job requires that I leave town for a few days, usually when an emergency situation arises. The following week, such a situation came up, and I was gone for two days. I tried calling Ashley at home both nights, but she wasn’t there. I called Nicole’s, and got the answering machine. I knew my wife was with our lover. I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about this. On the one hand, it excited me; on the other, I was uneasy, knowing the lengths Nicole could go, and where she wanted to take Ashley (and me, I hoped). I was obsessed about it, and couldn’t wait to return home. Ashley was there, reading in bed. We kissed. I asked what she did while I was gone and she told me, yes, she was indeed with Nicole for two nights.

  “We made a video tape too,” she said.

  I put the tape in, and my wife sat next to me, to watch my reaction, as I had done with her. First, I saw Nicole on the screen. “Hello,” she said, “this tape is for you.”

  It switched to shots outside of Ashley flashing herself in various public places, wearing The Dress, wearing Little Black Thing, even wearing the yellow mini. The camera switched back and forth between Nicole and Ashley. In one, Nicole fucked Ashley with the big dildo.

  The inside of the club, Ashley in Little Black Thing, Nicole wearing The Dress. It was too dark to really tell what was going on.

  Nicole holding the camera down; a good shot of Ashley sucking on Nicole’s cunt.

  Then Ashley standing, in The Other Dress, sleek and black, in the middle of Nicole’s loft. “Hello,” she said to me. “Here’s something I think you’ll really like.” Serge and another man, with longish blond hair, came into the screen.

  “Hello,” said Serge, “it is me and my friend Eric and we are going to fuck your wife.” (Ashley was watching my expression, which I tried to conceal.) What I watched, for the next three hours, was Ashley ravished by these two men.

  They were rough with her, guided by Nicole’s unseen voice, “C’mon, tigers” and shit like that. They peeled The Other Dress off her, like trappers skinning their prey; they made her suck both their cocks; one fucked her as she sucked on the other. They fucked her mouth, her cunt, and her ass; they came on her face. There wasn’t a sandwich situation, though. These guys didn’t have any problems getting it up again and again.

  Nicole went in for close-ups as my wife sucked these men off and they came in her mouth. Serge bent over and Ashley reamed him. After this, I was hard, and Ashley was sucking on me, and Nicole’s face appeared. She said, “Hope you liked it.”

  I liked it, but I didn’t like it. I was inveigled, seeing my wife like that with two men, but I was also repelled. I was jealous that she spent this sort of time with Nicole and I wasn’t there. I knew how Ashley must’ve felt when I did it. Was she trying to get back at me? I didn’t know if I wanted to see this video again.

  Ashley asked me how I felt, what I was thinking. I told her I didn’t know. “This is all part of the jeopardy,” I said. “This comes with the territory. We want to be swingers, and we have to follow what we want. Did you,” I asked, “like being with those two men?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I did.”

  “Did you feel dirty?”

  “I felt dirty but I liked feeling dirty. I feel dirty now watching myself. I’ve never seen myself screw.”

  “What was it like,” I said, “to fuck two men like that?”

  “What do you mean what was it like?” she said. “It was like doing two men. Nicole thinks I should do more than two.”

  “Would you?”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I like the idea.”

  She asked me how I felt again.

  “I wish I was there,” I said.

  “You should’ve been there,” she said.

  I kept thinking about the scene where Ashley was giving Nicole head, and the sound of Nicole’s orgasm, and Ashley reaching up to kiss Nicole, and Ashley saying, “I love you.”

  Why couldn’t I tell Nicole the same? I wanted to. I could’ve been lying if I said something like that. I loved Ashley. I loved Nicole. My wife was becoming a sex machine – didn’t I always want this? She was becoming less indifferent, more audacious – isn’t this what I wanted all along?

  We went to Nicole’s that weekend and Serge was there, without Tina. He greeted Ashley with a kiss on the mouth, which she returned. I looked away.

  “So you saw the tape?” Serge said to me.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “It was something nice,” he said. “And now tonight, we will fuck your wife together.”

  I was looking forward to it.

  “I have some surprises,” Nicole said, kissing Ashley. “Are you ready to get really wild?”

  “More than ready,” Ashley said.

  We immediately started to get drunk, and Serge had cocaine. I passed, but was shocked to see Ashley snort a line. Was she high when they made the tape?

  “We should get started,” I said.

  “Not yet,” Nicole said.” Just be patient, we have all night.”

  Okay, okay. I had a consuming urge, now, to fuck Ashley with another man. I wanted to see her to do this in the flesh, in corpo, as Serge might say, not on camera. Nicole’s doorbell rang. She answered it, and let in five men. They were all around Serge’s age, and one was the blond from the video. Ashley went visibly rigid. I knew what Nicole had in mind here.

  Nicole took us both aside for a little . . . pep talk.

  “We don’t have to do this,” she said. “I thought maybe you wanted to do it.” Nicole explained she’d invited these men over for a gang bang, and Ashley was going to be the recipient. “You told me,” she said to my wife, “that you thought you’d like to fuck a lot of men at once.”

  Ashley nodded.

  “What about you?” Nicole said to me. “You want to see her get royally fucked? Fucked like the little fuck-slut tramp she is? You want to see her get fucked by six men – seven, if you include yourself?”

  “Yes,” I said. “Yes, I do.”

  Nicole had her camera ready. I sat back and watched. The men started to converge on Ashley, started to peel her clothes off, started to wave their cocks her way.

  “No, wait, stop,” Ashley said. “Stop.”

  “Stop?” Nicole said.

  “I can’t do this,” Ashley said. She started to cry.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “I can’t do this.”

  “Hey, baby,” one of the men said, “you just can’t stop like this.”

  “We came all this way,” another said.

  They grabbed at her. Ashley cried out, and they backed away.

  “Okay, stop,” I said, stepping towards my wife.

  “Fuck you, man,” one of them said to my face.

  “Enough!” Nicole yelled. “Enough. If she doesn’t want to do it, then fuck her; she doesn’t have to do it. Just get out of my house, you hear me?”

  Nicole grabbed Ashley’s clothes and threw them at her.

  “Get out!” Nicole screamed, furious.

  She pushed both Ashley and myself toward the door. “You’re both fucked,” she said. “I knew you’d chicken out when it got to be too much! You’re afraid to go all the way! Go back to your fucking quiet safe little marriage and home! You don’t belong here!”

  We stood outside.

  Nicole was seething. “Now I have to take care of these fuckers,” she said, and slammed the door.

  In the car, Ashley spurted tears. I held her. She kept saying she was sorry. I told her it was okay, there was nothing to be sorry about.

  “I didn’t really want to do it,” she said, wiping at her eyes. “I didn’t even want to do it with Serge and Eric. I only did it because Nicole wanted me to. She said it’d excite you. I just wanted to please her. But I only wanted to be with her. And you. Not those men. I feel so fucking filthy. I didn’t want this.”

  Driving, Ashley confessed she was in love with Nicole and she didn’t know what to do.

  “Really in love?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said, and I said I was too.

  She held on to me the whole way home.

  The Dress Recovered

  The Dress was but a piece of cloth, and it was no longer with us. Nicole had it.

  Nicole wouldn’t answer our phone calls the next week. We called every day. Finally, she phoned and said to stop. She said it was over. She said she didn’t want to see us again. This only made Ashley cry.

  “There’s something missing in me,” Ashley said. She stayed in bed all Saturday.


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