Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant

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Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant Page 22

by Humberto Fontova

  6 Ibid.

  7 Ibid.

  8 Ibid.

  9 Ibid.

  10 Ibid.

  11 Ibid.

  12 Interview with Enrique Encinosa.




  Absolute Power (Limbaugh)

  Abyssinian Baptist Church

  Abzug, Bella

  Acheson, Dean

  Adel, Gholam-Ali Haddad

  Adornetto, Gregg Daniel

  Africa. See also South Africa

  Against all Hope (Valladares)

  Aguila, Zoila


  Alegret, Fernando Vecino

  Alexander the Great

  Alexeyev, Alexander


  Allende, Salvador

  al Qaeda

  Alvarez, Jorge

  Alvarez, Yisel

  Ambrose, Stephen

  American Legion


  Amnesty International

  Anaya, Carlos

  Anderson, Bonnie

  Anderson, George

  Anderson, Howard

  Anderson, John Lee

  Anderson, Rudolph

  Andreas, Dwayne

  Animal Farm (Orwell)

  Aniston, Jennifer

  Annan, Kofi


  Arapov, Ivan

  Arbenz, Jacobo

  Archer Daniels Midland Company


  Arguelles, Paul Diaz

  Army magazine

  Artists United Against Apartheid (1985)

  Assad, Hafez

  Associated Press

  Atkeson, Edward

  Atlanta Constitution

  Attwood, William


  Avila, Jim




  Baker, Leo

  Baquero, Gastón


  Barraclough, Colin

  Batista, Fulgencio; Castro’s war against; Cuba of; downfall of; incarcerations and; political prisoners of

  Bay of Pigs; aftermath of; airstrikes and; CIA and; Guevara, Che and; Kennedy, John F. and; political prisoners and; U.S. failure at

  Bay of Pigs (Wyden)



  Belafonte, Harry


  Belmont, Alan

  Belt, Guillermo

  Bender, Frank: See Drecher, Gerry

  Benemelis, Juan

  Berger, Sandy

  Bernal, Alejandro

  Betancourt, Romulo

  Bethel, Paul

  bin Laden, Osama

  Biscet, Oscar

  Black Panthers

  Blair, Jayson

  Boca Chica Naval Air Station, Key West

  Bogotá, Colombia, 1948 uprising in

  Bohemia magazine


  Bolton, John

  Bomar, Jack


  Bonsal, Phil

  Borges, Maro

  Bosch, José “Pepin”

  Braden, Spruille

  Brath, Elombe



  Breuer, William

  British Royal Navy

  Bronis, Stephen

  Brooks, James E.

  Brothers to the Rescue

  Brown, Tina

  Browne, Jackson

  Brumier, Carl

  Bryant, Anthony Garnet

  Bryn Mawr College

  Buck, Peter

  Buffett, Jimmy

  Bundy, McGeorge

  Burke, Arleigh

  Burlington Industries

  Bush, George W.

  Butts, Calvin


  Cabrera, Luis “El Gordito”

  Caesar, Julius

  Calvillo, Manuel

  Calzada, Guillermo

  Cambio Cubano

  Campbell, Naomi

  Capps, Lois

  Caral, Fernandez

  Carlos the Jackal

  Carmona, Gustavo

  Carrillo, Amado

  Carroll, Lewis

  Carter, Jimmy

  Castaneda, Carlos

  Castro, Fidel; 1962 bomb plot and; Africa and; agrarian reform of; American business and; animosity toward United States of; atrocities committed by; blood-marketing of; as Communist; Cuba of; Cuban economy and; drug trafficking and; Elián González controversy and; Escambray Rebellion (1960–66) and; Guevara, Che and; health and nutrition and; imprisonment of; Iran and; nuclear weapons and; plots to assassinate; show trials and; terrorism and; tugboat massacre (1994) and; U.S. liberals’ support of

  Castro, Manolo

  Castro, Raul; 1962 bomb plot and; Castroite espionage against U.S. and; as Communist; Cuban drug trafficking and; Cuban military and; Escambray Rebellion (1960–66) and; July 26 Movement and; torture and

  Castro: Terror and Subversion in Africa (Benemelis)


  Castroverde, Waldo


  Ceballos, Vladimir

  Center for Defense Information

  Center for International Policy

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); Bay of Pigs and; Cuban drug trafficking and; Guevara and; liberals in; support of Castro by

  Chamoun, Camille

  Chao Flores, Tony

  Chapelle, Dickey

  Chase, Chevy

  Chávez, Hugo

  Che Guevara: A Biography (James)

  Che Guevara on Guerilla Warfare

  Chesterton, G. K.

  Chicago Sun-Times

  Chicago Tribune



  Choltitz, Dietrich von

  Church, Frank

  CIA: See Central Intelligence Agency

  Cienfuegos, Osmany

  Clark, Juan

  Clift, Eleanor

  Clinton, Bill; Castro and; Cuban drug trafficking and; Cuban threat and

  Clinton, Hillary


  Cobeil, Earl

  Cockburn, Alexander

  Cold War

  Colombia; 1948 uprising in; Cuban drug trafficking and; La Violencia in

  Combo Bravo

  Commerce Department, U.S.

  Communism; Castro and; Cuba and; Latin America and

  Companeria, Virgilio

  Conference of Non-Aligned Nations in Africa

  Conference of Prime Ministers (1948): See Louisiana State University


  Congressional Black Caucus

  Copeland, Stuart

  Coppola, Francis Ford

  Corporation for Public Broadcasting

  Corso, Philip

  Costa Rica

  Council of Foreign Relations

  Couric, Katie

  Craig, Greg

  Cripps, Mr.

  Crutchfield, Robert

  Cruz, Tomas

  Cu Loc POW camp

  Cuba: agrarian reform in; AIDS in; American business and; CIA liberals and; Communism and; drug trafficking and; economy of; emigration from; health and nutrition in; Hollywood and; Iran and; Kennedy administration failures in; missile crisis and; nuclear weapons and; pre-Castro; racism in; as threat to U.S.; U.S. aid to; U.S. sanctions against. See also Castro, Fidel; Cuban Americans

  Cuba Project

  Cuban Americans: liberal condemnation of; lies about; life of; success of; tugboat massacre (1994) and. See also Cuba

  Cuban missile crisis

  Cubela, Rolando

  Cursed Be Your Name, Liberty

  Cushman, Robert



  Dalrymple, Donato

  Davis, John

  DEA: See Drug Enforcement Agency

  Dean, Howard

  de Armas, Chanes

  Death in the Afternoon (Hemingway)

  de Beunza, Manuel

  Defense Department, U.S.

  Defense Intelligence Agency

  de la Torriente, J

  DeLay, Tom

  del Pino, Rafael

  del Valle, Alejandro

  Democratic National Committee (DNC)


  Dershowitz, Alan

  de Varona, Carlos

  Diaz-Balart, Lincoln

  Diaz-Balart, Mario

  Diaz-Balart, Raphael

  Diaz Lanz, Pedro

  Diaz-Verson, Salvador

  Dictatorships and Double Standards (Kirkpatrick)

  DNC: See Democratic National Committee

  Dobrynin, Anatoly

  Dodd, Chris

  Dominican Republic

  Dooley, Cal

  Doster, Reid

  Downsize This! (Moore)

  Drecher, Gerry

  Dreke, Victor

  Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

  drug trafficking

  Dubois, Jules

  Dulles, Allen

  Dulles, John Foster

  Dun & Bradstreet

  Duranty, Walter

  Dzerzhinsky, Felix


  Easy Rider

  Edrissian, Ahmad

  Ehrenfeld, Rachel

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  El Diario de la Marina

  El Nuevo Herald

  El Pais

  El Salvador

  Emiliano Zapata Unit

  Encinosa, Enrique

  Escambray Rebellion (1960–66)

  Espin, Vilma


  The Estate of Robert Otis Fuller v. The Republic of Cuba

  Estefan, Gloria

  Evans, Harold

  Evans & Novak

  Evil Money (Ehrenfeld)

  Ex-Comm: See National Security Council Executive Committee


  Fair Play for Cuba Committee

  Fajardo, José

  FARC: See Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

  FBI: See Federal Bureau of Investigation

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): Castro’s 1962 bomb plot and;

  Castroite espionage against U.S. and

  Feinstein, Dianne

  Fernandez, José Ramón

  Ferrer, Eduardo

  Fidel: A Critical Portrait (Szculc)

  Figueres, José “Pepe”

  Fitzgerald, Desmond

  Fizi Baraka

  Flores, Margarito Lanza

  Florida International University

  Fonda, Peter

  Fontova, Alberto “Pilo”

  Fontova, Humberto

  Ford, Gerald

  The Fourth Floor (Smith)

  FOX News


  Franco, Francisco

  Franqui, Carlos

  freedom fighters, Cuban: Castro’s butchery of; Escambray Rebellion (1960–66) and; Kennedy, John F. and. See also Bay of Pigs

  Freedom House

  Friedman, Thomas


  Fuentes, Norberto

  Fuller, Bobby

  Fuller, Katy


  García, José

  Garcia, Maria and Juan

  Gardner, Arthur

  Garrett, Bill

  Garro, Elena

  Georgetown University


  Geyer, Georgie Anne

  Gibson, Mel

  Gilder, George

  Giuliani, Rudolph


  Glickman, Dan

  Globe and Mail (Toronto)

  Glover, Danny

  Goldwater, Barry

  Gomez, Andres

  Gómez, Elsa

  Gómez, José

  González, Elián; Castro

  and; INS and; Janet

  Reno and; liberals

  and; media and

  González, Elizabeth

  González, Felipe

  Gonzalez, Hiram

  González, Juan Miguel

  González, Lazaro

  Gonzalez, Rogelio

  González Leiva, Juan Carlos

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gore, Al

  Gore, Tipper


  Grant, Garland

  Gray, Wade

  Griffin, Mike

  Guanacabibes, Cuba

  Guantánamo naval base, Cuba


  Guerrero, Antonio

  Guevara, Ernesto “Che”; Bay of Pigs and; Bolivia mission and; capture of; Castro and; Castro’s Murder, Incorporated and; Congo and; Escambray Rebellion (1960–66) and; firing squads and; killings and; liberal support of; show trials and; war against Batista of; writings of

  Gumbel, Bryant

  Gutiérrez, Jesús


  Haig, Alexander


  Hall, Darryl


  Harrelson, Woody

  Harris, Emmylou

  Harvard Law School

  Harvey, William


  Havana University

  Helms, Richard

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Hernandez, Gilberto

  Heyndrickx, Aubin

  Hidalgo, Alcibiades

  History Will Absolve Me (Castro)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoare, “Mad Mike”

  Hollywood: Batista overthrow and; Cuba and; Cuban missile crisis and; liberal; support of Castro in; tugboat massacre (1994) and

  Honor Bound: American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia 1961–1973

  Hoover, J. Edgar: Castro’s 1962 bomb plot and; FBI and

  House Committee on Un-American Activities

  Houston Business Chronicle

  Human Events

  Hume, Brit

  Hunt, Howard

  Hussein, Saddam


  I, Rigoberta Menchu (Menchu)


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