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Surrender of a Soulseer (Dark Star Doms Book 3)

Page 6

by Ivy Barrett

  “I have one last incantation I wish to try before I send you.”

  She harrumphed and crossed the dwelling, stripping out of her robe as she went. Her corporeal form was pleasing. He had shaped her appearance as he summoned her, so it was not surprising that she looked very much like Serena.

  Unfortunately, the resemblance ended there. Ratauni—a vastly abbreviated form of her demonic name—was cruel and demanding, aggressive and impatient. He had wisely anchored her existence to this secluded lodge deep in the jungle separating Wikoli from Perrlain. She could only leave when he allowed her to select another shape. Even then the transformation was temporary and her range limited.

  She caressed her breasts as she moved toward the fire pit. Despite the sweltering heat, Ratauni insisted a fire burn continually. She straddled the tiny blaze and closed her eyes as her flesh absorbed the heat. Swaying and undulating, she fucked the flames. There was no other way to describe what she was doing. Her hands moved from her breasts to her thighs in a hypnotizing pattern, all the while her hips rocked and her abdomen quivered.

  He turned from the spectacle with a groan and gathered what he needed to invoke the incantation. Serena. Her name wrapped around him and drifted through him, speeding his pulse and hardening his cock. From before her conception, she had been destined for him.

  His mentor Gyan had spent the majority of his life translating the ancient scrolls. He had discovered spells and secret rites the others abandoned centuries before. Gyan had first summoned a being from the outer realm when Drey Fon was but a boy. Drey Fon could still remember the stench and terror.

  When Drey Fon was fourteen, Gyan sat him down and explained what he intended. The Perrlain Order had always been stronger than the Wikoli. And the Deity was especially generous with the females of Naneka’s bloodline. Gyan would appear to the chief’s mate in the form of her husband and plant a female child in her womb.

  “This female child will mature into a woman of exceptional power and beauty. And on the night of her ascension, you will take her sacrifice.”

  “They will never allow such a thing. How can I—”

  “The same way Naneka will allow me to fuck her. Illusion.”

  Drey Fon shivered. That one word had defined the purpose for his life. He learned everything he could about creating illusions, surpassing even his mentor’s skill.

  The true danger of disturbing the demonic realms had been revealed to Drey Fon in graphic detail six summers past. Gyan opened a portal to the third dimension and a hostile entity emerged. In less than a heartbeat, the creature tore Gyan limb from limb and disappeared back through the portal. The grisly incident motivated Drey Fon as nothing else could. He studied the ancient texts, assimilating every scrap of information.

  Ratauni cried out, drawing Drey Fon’s attention away from the past. She knelt now, one knee on either side of the fire pit. The flames lapped at her pussy while she trembled and moaned.

  He took a shallow basin and covered the bottom with murky water. Bribing Serena’s guard had not been easy. Even under the influence of Ratauni’s mind tricks, Vitik refused to directly endanger his mistress. A jar of Serena’s bathwater had seemed on odd request, but the warrior saw no harm in complying, especially when the demon bitch rewarded him with her skillful mouth.

  Stirring the bathwater with his fingertips, Drey Fon recited the incantation. The ancient syllables rolled across his tongue, summoning erotic images and releasing primal sensations. His brain echoed the steady thumping of his heart.




  He formed a perfect likeness of Serena within his mind, accurate in every detail. She stood before him naked, arms raised in supplication as he caressed her most intimate flesh. Her scent, the softness of her feminine folds, he remembered everything.

  Find her, meld with her, slip beyond her defenses. The command came from within him, yet the voice wasn’t his, the words were spoken in the language of the ancients. He shuddered and closed his eyes, holding his fingers still within the water, absorbing her energy.

  For a long moment, he hung suspended in black tranquility. Her signal eroded the darkness, the sensations faint and distorted. Arms held her, lips caressed and desire began to build.

  No! She must not overcome her fear until the full moon. All of his plans would be forfeit if someone else completed her ascension. He saturated her mind with fury, malice and hate, snuffing out the flicker of passion before it took hold.

  The fragile link snapped like a dry twig. He snatched his fingers from the water and opened his eyes. “She is with someone, someone who does not frighten her.”

  Ratauni laughed and he balled his hands into fists. Why did the she-demon persist in provoking him?

  “I thought you had perfected the compulsion,” she said. “If her fear wanes, you are doomed.”

  “Thank you for that needless reminder. I had completely forgotten what’s at stake.”

  “Transform me. I’ll find out who stirred her passion.”

  “Didn’t the fire satisfy you?” He pushed away from the workbench and stalked toward her.

  “Nothing satisfies me for long. This dimension is making me crazy.”

  He suspected her insanity had begun long before he summoned her, but she was even less interested in his opinions than he was in hers. “On your knees.” She dropped to her knees and lowered her shoulders toward the floor, presenting her sex in blatant invitation. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. I want your mouth.”

  “And I want your cock ramming into me.”

  How could he argue with that? He parted his robe and knelt behind her, tracing her slit with the tip of his cock. Her body was always hot and accommodating, but her flesh had retained some of the fire’s heat. He groaned, searing pleasure rising along his shaft and bursting in his belly. She thrust back, taking him deep with one forceful motion.

  He cried out. Her core tightened, intensifying the burn. His cock would end up as blistered as his fingers if this bitch had her way. Grasping her hips, he plunged into her, hard and fast. She was wild by the third stroke, clawing the ground and tossing her head.

  It would serve her right if he held himself back, drawing out her hunger. She couldn’t transform until he came. But she was tight and hot, and he was restless. Digging his fingers into her sleek hips, he imagined Serena bowing low before him, abandoned to her savage desire.

  “Now, my love, now!” Serena’s urgent plea completed the fantasy, and Drey Fon lost control. Thrusting to the balls, he pumped his hot come deep into the demon.

  She screamed. The sound twisted, transforming from plaintive human cry into the frantic call of a bird. Her body fluctuated between substance and energy. His hands sank to the floor as the shift rolled from her feet to her head, reshaping her in one smooth motion.

  Wings flapped, stirring dirt and ash, stinging his eyes. He crawled to the door and pulled it open. With one last cry, the hawk escaped into the hazy twilight.

  * * * * *

  Serena strolled beside Matt, amazed that she still felt comfortable with him. Always before after a failed attempt at intimacy she could hardly look the person in the eyes. Matt had kissed her and touched her, and still she had the irrational urge to snuggle against his side.

  He looked wonderful in a woven soratti, the simple garment worn by the majority of her people. The wraparound style accented his lean hips and long muscular legs. And his chest should never be covered. It was disrespectful to the Deity not to display something so appealing.

  “How long will you be staying in our village?” she asked as they reached the outer ring of dwellings.

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t realize outsiders were no longer welcome.” A teasing smile curved one corner of his mouth.

  “You aren’t an outsider. You’re my brother’s friend, remember?”

  They reached the center common a short time later and his attention drifted to a group of children wrestling in th
e grass. Serena took advantage of his distraction to contact Orillia.

  Change of plans. I’m back in the village. You can release the guards whenever you’re finished with them.

  A moment passed before Orillia responded. She was obviously more actively involved in their distraction than she had been the first time Serena reached out to her.

  Were you…successful?

  Serena could almost picture her sister and the guards. Orillia loved nothing better than being pressed between the bodies of two strong men.

  Let’s just say I’ve made some encouraging progress. I’ll explain everything when you return.

  “Are you all right?”

  She smiled at Matt and tucked her hair behind her ears. “I’m fine. I was just checking in with Orillia.”

  “Are all Perrlain telepathic?”

  “No. Many in the Order can speak mind to mind, but not all.”

  “That’s right. The women in your family are particularly gifted by the Deity.”

  She shot him an annoyed sidelong glance. “Are you mocking me?”

  “Not at all. After meeting Miranda, I have no doubt your abilities are legitimate.” His hand came to rest at the small of her back, his touch light and casual. “What are your abilities?”

  “I’m a healer, of sorts. It’s…”

  “Complicated?” He finished for her.

  Lutton came into view across the grassy common. Hyalee and Kapali walked just behind him, lost in conversation.

  “Who is with the high priestess?”

  “Her brother. His name is Kapali and he is high priest of the Order.”

  “How does one become a high priest or priestess?”

  She glanced up at him. Was simple curiosity motivating his questions or did he have some other purpose for wanting to know? If she knew why he was here, she might be less suspicious. The Order’s practices were well documented. She saw no reason not to explain.

  “Every five years a vote is taken among the Order. Both Hyalee and Kapali were recently chosen for the second time.”

  “Matt, my old friend,” Lutton said with a facetious smile. “Why don’t I take you on a tour of the village while Serena speaks with Hyalee?”

  “Is that all right with you?”

  “Of course.” His concern was sweet, but she had no reason to fear Hyalee.

  Matt fell into step beside Lutton and they moved off down the path.

  “Where are your guards?” Kapali asked.

  Hyalee’s curious gaze echoed the question, yet her expression revealed more. Speculation and…satisfaction?

  “Did you send Matt to the steam caves knowing I was down there?” she asked the high priestess.

  “If your guards were doing their job, it shouldn’t have been an issue,” Kapali muttered. Ever since her ascension, he had been more protective than Lutton.

  “Have either you or Orillia communicated with your other sister since your ascension?” Hyalee asked.

  A warm breeze ruffled Serena’s hair, brushing the long strands across her cheek. “I haven’t, but I can’t speak for Orillia. What does that have to do with Matt?”

  “She sent him here,” Hyalee explained.

  “I know. He told me.”

  “Did he tell you why?”

  “He said it was complicated.” She crossed her arms, defensiveness welling within her. Apparently, Matt had told Hyalee far more than that cryptic sentence. “Why did you send an outsider to me?”

  Hyalee’s delicate brows arched and a knowing smile curved her lips. “Would you rather I assign him to another guide?”

  “He has come for spiritual guidance?”

  “In a manner of speaking. Unlike the pilgrims, he is not here to be entertained. He needs a soul seer. Do you know of any other?”

  Matt’s strands had flared without her summoning them. He touched her and she felt no fear. How could she disregard the signs? The Deity had brought them together. The ultimate purpose had yet to be revealed, but she couldn’t ignore the opportunity.

  “You know you’ll be expected to demonstrate your skills,” Hyalee’s tone grew serious. “It’s the final step in any ascension.”

  She nodded. “Matt is to be my assignment?”

  “Yes. You have until the full moon to balance his soul stream. Part of the assignment is to make him feel comfortable enough to confide in you. You will never be able to help him until you discover the true source of the disruption.”

  Hyalee paused to look at her brother. Silent communication passed between them. Serena couldn’t hear their thoughts, but she had no doubt they were arguing. Kapali shook his head and stormed off in the direction they’d come. Apparently Hyalee had won that round.

  “You don’t have much time,” the high priestess went on. “Kapali will instruct your guards to take up perimeter positions. I took the liberty of moving Matt’s possessions to your cottage. He will be your guest.”

  Serena started to object. Her cottage had only one room—and one bed. “Is that wise?”

  A knowing gleam flashed through Hyalee’s eyes. “I think it’s essential to your success.”

  The high priestess left Serena alone in the village common. Twilight had faded to darkness and people were congregating around communal meals. A shadow drifted across the moon, drawing Serena’s gaze upward. A large bird was circling the common, an occasional flap of its mighty wings keeping it airborne. How odd. Birds of prey tended to remain where they could stalk their victims, open fields and barren mountainsides. Except for the common, the entire village was crowded with overlapping trees. So what had caught the hawk’s attention?

  Disturbed by the incongruity, a shiver passed down her spine.

  “Now I’m nice and cool and you’re shivering.” Matt moved up beside her. Lutton was nowhere in sight.

  “That was a quick tour.”

  “I believe it served its purpose. What did the high priestess want with you?”

  “You’re going to be my guest during your stay in the village.” She made a sweeping gesture to her right. “My cottage is this way.”

  He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. “I don’t need to stay in your cottage. I can camp nearby or—”

  “Inhospitable creatures roam this area at night. You’ll be safer inside my cottage.”

  “And what about you? What will make you feel safe?”

  “I’m hoping we can discover that together.”

  * * * * *

  Matt accepted the bowl of fruit chunks, nuts and smoked fish from Serena. His nutrient converter allowed him to process food into energy, although the highly concentrated protein paste he had in his backpack provided a longer-lasting charge.

  She knelt across the fire pit from him, picking at her own bowl of food.

  “Was there some sort of banquet going on tonight? I noticed people gathering in front of several of the larger cottages.”

  After handing him a wooden cup filled with fragrant juice, she explained. “My people live in a true community. Only the elders have designated mates and they are primarily for the purpose of procreation. Everyone else offers support and companionship to the entire tribe.”

  “There are no families, no couples?”

  “There are no divisions. We share all divine blessings freely and celebrate the wonder of discovery.”

  “What if two people want to form a couple? Is it forbidden?”

  “Of course not. Some of the Perrlain express their sexuality with only one or two other people, but it’s far more common for them to find pleasure with a variety of partners.”

  “You said the elders have designated mates. Why the double standard?”

  “Being an elder requires wisdom, intelligence and divine gifts. Many of these gifts are passed from parent to child, so the elders must choose who they breed with carefully. Once the children are born, thereby securing a future for the entire tribe, both parents are free to resume normal sexual activities.”

  A smile tugged at the corner
s of his mouth. He suppressed the wayward expression, not wanting her to think he was mocking her. Few societies would consider what she’d just described “normal”. The rest of the coalition put such an emphasis on monogamy. Permanent relationships were a goal few attained, but most of the people in his acquaintance spent their lives trying to find “the one”.

  “What about children?” He set the bowl aside, far more interested in the conversation.

  “Children are raised together and supervised by a variety of people. They’re nurtured and taught skills that allow them to contribute to the community.” She took a sip of her juice and shifted her legs to one side. “The Perrlain have no possessions. Everything you see belongs to the entire tribe.”

  “How does everyone know where to sleep?”

  She chuckled. “You’re making it far too complicated. We sleep wherever we choose and share pleasure with those we find pleasing. It is hard for us to understand why others twist sexuality with a combination of reverence and shame. Fucking is natural and affection should flow as freely as water.”

  “Your people are never jealous?”

  “Jealous of what? We don’t own anything.”

  “None of the other women are jealous of your beauty or your divine abilities?”

  “My gifts belong to the people,” she insisted. “Everyone in the Order is available to anyone who needs help. That is our purpose, our calling.”

  “And your beauty?”

  She set her bowl aside and turned toward the open window. A warm breeze blew through the cottage, rippling her hair. “If I inspire any emotion, it’s pity. What sort of priestess is afraid to be touched?”

  He doubted she’d meant it as an invitation. Still, he was unable to resist. With one long stride, he stepped across the fire pit and sat beside her. “Can you tell me what happened during your ascension?”

  Gathering her hair over one shoulder, she worked the long strands into a loose braid. “You came to us for help, not to be burdened by my…inadequacies.”


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