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Stay A Little Longer

Page 10

by Jess Bryant

“Bed. Now.” He growled, his voice thick and raspy.

  Lance’s boyish smile inched upwards until those dimples popped, “Not sure either of us is quite ready for round two, superstar.”

  “I’ll show you superstar.” He chuckled a laugh as he pulled Lance to his feet and hefted him around, all but melding his spent cock to naked ass as he forced them down the small hallway towards the bedroom. “You stole your orgasm from me so you’re gonna come for me again, Deputy. Understand?”

  Lance’s grin warmed his heart, “Sir, yes sir.”

  Chapter Ten

  Lance was sticky. Sticky and sweaty and getting hard again. Plus, he couldn’t stop smiling.

  God, was this what happy felt like? To get to be himself, share a meal with a man he was attracted to, admit that he liked and feel it reciprocated?

  He’d never felt like this so it must be happiness. Acceptance. He’d been so worried he’d lost Trent when the other man figured out he was closeted. Equally worried that he’d out him but that had been ridiculous. He knew that now. Trent had just been outted himself. He wouldn’t put Lance through that. Not even if all they were was a one-night stand. And he wanted this to be so much more than a one-night stand.

  It felt like more.

  He liked Trent. Liked him a lot. Liked that he was so strong, so dominant. Liked that he was so sweet and understanding. Liked that he liked Lance even with all his baggage. Liked him so much that he was choosing not to think about how anything more with Trent would be incredibly difficult considering he was a celebrity in hiding and Lance was still in the closet.

  “I want this ass.”

  Lance groaned at the deep voice rubbing against his ear as a large palm stroked his naked cheek. His cock jerked and he let his head fall back. Trent chuckled and nuzzled him again even as he pressed him forward, guiding them towards the bedroom.


  He could feel Trent’s smile on his neck, “I wasn’t asking.”

  And damn if that didn’t make Lance’s belly flip. So sure of himself. So confident. Trent didn’t just prefer to top. He topped in a way Lance had never known he needed. Bossy and demanding and so perfect that all Lance wanted was to please him.

  “But not yet…” Trent smacked his ass again, just enough to make it sting, and then shoved him so that he tripped over the pants around his ankles and fell face first onto the bed.

  “Oomph.” All the air rushed out of him as he struggled to catch himself. “Son of a…”

  Trent chuckled, “Damn, that’s a sight.”

  “Fuck off.” Lance snorted as he rolled himself over, his heart pounding when he caught sight of Trent’s handsome face, blue eyes sparkling and golden hair a mess from where Lance had been running his hands through it earlier.

  “Not quite yet.” Trent toed off his shoes, “Tell me, where are your handcuffs?”

  Lance sucked in a sharp gasp of air. Handcuffs. It wasn’t as if the thought had never crossed his mind. He had handcuffs. He was a Deputy. But using them in bed, being the one they were used on, his cock jumped again and Trent must have noticed because his smile turned to a knowing smirk.

  “Cuffs, baby. Focus. Where are they?” Trent shot a look at the closet, “In the safe?”

  His heart squeezed in his chest and he shook his head. God, this man. He wanted to do dirty, naughty, filthy things to him. Wanted Trent to do all manner of things to him. But he also wanted to hug him and hold him, cuddle him and tell him that he was sorry for all that he’d been through, tell him how proud he was of him for overcoming his parents’ hate, for still protecting his brother who hadn’t stood up for him. But all of that would have to wait because right now he just needed to reassure Trent that the gun was still locked up and he wouldn’t need to go anywhere near it to get the cuffs he wanted.

  “They’re on my utility belt. Hanging by the dresser. I didn’t work today so the gun is still in the safe but the cuffs are on the belt.”

  Trent’s gaze softened again with what must have been relief before his eyes flicked down Lance’s body, “Get naked. I’ll get the cuffs.”

  Jesus, Lance licked his lips as he kicked off his own shoes and pushed his boxers and jeans the rest of the way down. He couldn’t believe he was actually doing this. Trent turned back to him with the cuffs in his hand, completely naked, cock hard again, all that tan skin and sexy ink on display, and those twinkling blue eyes. Yeah, Lance licked his lips again. Yeah, he was doing this.

  “Arms up.” Trent ordered as he crawled over him.

  “Don’t you want me to turn over?” Lance did as he was told but furrowed his brow.

  “No. I told you. I’m not fucking you yet, and when I do, I’m gonna want to see your face the first time I push into you.” The cuffs locked around his left wrist and clanged against his iron headboard before the right snapped into place, “But first, I told you there was going to be an interrogation, remember?”

  “Ah, fuck.” Lance growled as he realized Trent’s intentions.

  Devious bastard. He intended to torture him. The proof of it was right there in his twinkling eyes and smug grin. Answers. Trent wanted answers.

  “I didn’t uh…” Lance swallowed hard as Trent straddled his waist, “I didn’t exactly interrogate you earlier.”

  “No. You didn’t. That was very sweet.” Trent leaned in and brushed their lips together, “But I did tell you the biggest secret I still had… and I want to know you better.”


  “But,” Trent cut him off with a nip at his bottom lip, “I have a feeling you’re not usually the talkative type so, we’re going to play a game.”

  “A game?”

  “Uh huh.” Trent ran his fingers down Lance’s chest in a really distracting way, “I’m going to ask a question and when you answer me, I’m gonna give you rewards.”

  Lance’s voice came out strangled because Trent pinched his nipple, “Rewards?”

  “Mmhmm.” Trent seemed completely focused on the nipple he was tweaking, “So tell me, Lance… when did you know you were gay?”

  Lance shivered at the light, teasing touch, even as his mind rebelled against the question. He didn’t talk about this. Didn’t talk about who he was. Not to anyone. He’d spent years hiding his truth, desperate to make sure nobody ever found out his secret. And Trent expected him to just open up and spill his guts, all because they’d exchanged a couple handjobs, and he’d blown him?

  No, no it wasn’t going to work like that. Not for him. He was too twisted up. He struggled against the cuffs as his mind raced but warm hands cupping his face forced him to still.

  He glanced up into blue eyes that were suddenly serious and shook his head, “Trent…”

  “Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay.” Trent soothed gently, brushing kisses across his lips, “Breathe.”

  Lance sucked in a gulp of air and realized Trent was right. He hadn’t been breathing. His mind and his heart were both racing but his body had shut down. One damn mention of the fact he was gay made him shut down. Didn’t matter that he could still taste Trent’s come on his tongue or that he was naked in bed with the man now, hearing it out loud, talking about it, sent him into a full-blown panic attack.

  He supposed that’s what he got for denying the truth for so long. For pushing it down deep where he didn’t even have to think about it. For locking it up so tight that the idea of letting it out now seemed impossible.

  “Breathe.” Trent soothed, running his hands over Lance’s jaw, his neck, his shoulders and chest, “Breathe, baby.”

  Lance swallowed hard and closed his eyes, “Not. A. Baby.”

  He heard Trent snort, “We’ve covered that already. I’m looking to branch into new territory. If you’re not ready for that, don’t want to talk to me, then I can go.”

  His eyes flew open, “No.”

  “No?” Trent raised an eyebrow.

  “No, don’t go. Please.”

  Trent softened, “Then talk to me, Lance. Tell me what mad
e you so scared you probably bruised your wrists struggling just now. You want me to undo the cuffs?”

  Lance closed his eyes again and forced a deep breath and then another. He’d ruined the mood like an idiot. Like a closet case. He was in bed with the man of his dreams and it wasn’t as if Trent was asking for anything but the truth, to get to know him better. Lance opened his eyes slowly, focused on the gorgeous face of the man he was falling for and shook his head.

  “I didn’t admit I was gay, even to myself, for a long time.” Lance struggled past the knot in his throat when Trent continued stroking his wrists reassuringly, “I’m sure you heard the stories today, from Lemon or Shane or… hell, just about anyone if you’d asked about me.”

  Trent’s lips pursed, “Lemon mentioned something about you being a bit of a… womanizer.”

  Lance winced, “That’s putting it kindly. I wasn’t a good guy, Trent. I used women to ignore my urges, to pretend I didn’t want what I wanted. I slept with a lot of women. I hurt a lot of women. All because I couldn’t admit that I was gay and being with them made hiding it easier.”

  “That doesn’t make you a bad guy, Lance. It makes you normal. You tried to be straight. So did I for a while. I just stopped lying to myself after the first time I slept with a woman and didn’t feel anything.”

  “It was a lot more than one woman for me.”

  Trent’s lips twitched slightly, “I don’t need to know your number if that’s what you’re worried about… but I do have a follow-up question.”

  Lance tensed but forced a nod, “Okay?”

  “Have you been with a man before?”

  “Of course.”

  “And with that man…”

  “Men.” Lance corrected with a sigh. “I’ve had hook-ups Trent. Don’t talk to me like I’m some scared, little virgin.”

  “I’m not.” Trent gripped his chin and forced him to meet his eyes again, “That’s not what I was getting at. I just meant… do you enjoy bottoming? Or are you just going along with this because it’s me?”

  A lightbulb went off in Lance’s head and he suddenly realized what Trent wanted to know. Lance was gay but he wasn’t out. Yet he’d kissed Trent outside. He’d said he wanted him to stay. He’d asked him to spend the night. It wasn’t a stretch to think that maybe Lance was pushing himself to do all of those things because of who Trent was rather than because of the connection they shared.

  Trent was trying to make sure he was comfortable.

  His heart melted and he twisted his hand around enough to find Trent’s and link their fingers, “I prefer to bottom, babe.”

  “Babe?” Trent’s eyes twinkled and he brushed a soft kiss across Lance’s mouth, “I like that.”

  “I like you kissing me.” Lance tried to follow his mouth when Trent pulled back but didn’t get far considering he was cuffed to the bed.

  “I like you talking to me. Keep going and so will I.”

  The gruff words came from near his ear before Trent nipped his lobe. A shiver of awareness sizzled down his spine and his cock, which had gone soft with his earlier panic, began to swell again. He was in bed with Trent freaking Thorne. Trent liked him and wanted to know him. And why the hell wasn’t Lance giving him whatever he wanted if it was going to earn him more kisses and touches?

  He took a deep breath for courage, “I haven’t always bottomed. I’m bad with the lingo but I guess I’m vers? I mean, I wouldn’t snub a chance to fuck you.”

  “Mmmm.” Trent nuzzled his neck, his stubble raking his nerve endings, “Now there’s an idea to explore later.”

  Lance sucked in a breath, “Seriously?”


  Images of having Trent under him spun through his head and Lance’s cock hardened further. But the golden god on top of him was right. The image twisted quickly and he was the one bent over the dresser, Trent nailing him from behind so hard the mirror shook and their image blurred.

  “You make me hard just breathing.” He admitted, “I’d take you any way I could have you. But I want you inside me. I want you … taking the lead.”

  “Controlling you, you mean.” Trent supplied with a shift of his hips, rubbing their cocks together.

  Lance gasped at the sensation, “Yes.”

  “Mmm. Good boy. See, that wasn’t so hard to admit, was it?”

  He could feel Trent’s smile against his chest a second before he sucked and flicked his nipple and he groaned in response, “With you naked on top of me? Hard is exactly what I am.”

  That earned him a chuckle which was quickly muffled as Trent went back to flicking his nipples with his tongue. The cuffs rattled as he tried to pull his hands free. He wanted to run his fingers through that golden mess of hair. He wanted to guide Trent’s magic lips lower.

  As if he could read his mind, Trent gave up his torment of Lance’s nipples and trailed kisses down his ribcage, “God, you taste good all over. I want to kiss every inch of you.”

  “Not gonna get any complaints on that one.” He shifted when Lance nipped his hip bone.

  “Then keep talking.” Trent shifted even lower, “Your voice is sexy as fuck. That sweet Texas twang. Damn, I didn’t even realize I’d lost mine until I heard yours.”

  “You still have an accent.” Lance argued.

  “Not when I sing.”

  “Yeah but when you sing… fuck. Trent.” He gasped as the other man nuzzled against his groin.

  “When I sing… what?” Trent teased, foregoing Lance’s now throbbing erection to kiss his thigh “You’re a fan of my music?”

  “Some of it. Mostly I’m a fan of you. Your voice is sexy as fuck too.”

  “Good answer.”

  Trent rewarded him by returning to his cock and licking a long line along the protruding vein. Lance cursed which got him another chuckle and more fondling. He struggled uselessly to free his arms again but ultimately gave up and collapsed, accepting the pleasure Trent wanted to give him.

  Trent’s tongue circled the head before retreating, “Did you jerk off to my music?”

  Lance’s hips twisted, begging for more as he slowly lost his mind, “Yes. Trent, please.”

  “Goddamnit.” Trent answered with a groan of his own, “When you beg, it drives me crazy. Say it again, baby. Say it again.”

  It was an order this time. A sexy order. One that made heat flood Lance’s veins. He’d always ignored that particular desire. Even when he’d given into the urge to fuck with other men, he’d never let it get out of control, never let go of his tight grip on the situation. But with Trent he had no control and he liked it that way.

  “Please, Trent. Fuck. Please.”

  Trent damn near swallowed him whole and Lance automatically bucked his hips. Trent made a strangled sound and pulled back. Lance winced and forced his ass back to the bed.

  “Sorry. Sorry.”

  “Don’t. That was sexy. Knowing you want me that bad.” Trent growled and then took him deep again.

  Lance forcibly kept his ass clenched and on the sheets this time. His eyes fell closed and he bit his lips to stifle his moans. Trent took him down to the back of his throat, gagged again and then pulled off with a moan of his own.

  It was messy and dirty and sexy as hell.

  Because he got the feeling Trent didn’t normally give blowjobs. He was probably the one that got them, being a superstar and all. But he was giving this to Lance, because he wanted to, and that made it even sexier than the slurping noises or the moans or the hot suction on their own.

  Lance gripped the headboard to keep from pulling at the handcuffs. Trent was right. He was going to have bruises if he wasn’t careful and wouldn’t that be a mess to explain when someone saw them. The small niggle of worry that sprouted with that thought absolutely vanished when Trent slid a hand from Lance’s cock down, down and…

  “Ah, shit! Yes!” He shouted as a wet finger found his hole and circled.

  Sensation shot straight through him. Hot and needy, he writhed at th
e feeling of Trent’s long, thin finger gently probing him. Damn. It had been so long and his toys didn’t give him this sensation, this connection. He wanted more, wanted Trent, wanted all of him.

  “Mmm, yeah, you like that?” Trent pulled off his cock long enough to growl at him, sending another shiver down his spine as his hole spasmed.

  “More.” He demanded with a buck of his hips.

  “Anything you want, baby. Anything.” Trent moaned and went back to sucking him as he slid his finger in and out faster and faster.

  Lance could hear the pitiful sounds coming from his chest but he couldn’t make them stop. Just like he couldn’t keep from bucking his hips, pushing his cock up until Trent’s luscious mouth and then pressing down to get his finger deeper. It still wasn’t enough.

  “More.” He growled.

  “Fuck. Fuck.” Trent cursed as he jerked upright suddenly.

  A second finger slipped inside him at the same time Trent fisted his own cock and Lance’s together in his free hand. He jerked them both. Hard and fast, just the way he was pounding his fingers into Lance’s ass now. They were both moaning, both gasping for air, but neither of them closed their eyes this time.

  Lance couldn’t. He couldn’t take his eyes off Trent. Beautiful, gorgeous, sexy Trent with his glistening skin and bulging muscles. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from the way Trent’s biceps flexed with every pump. He couldn’t see anything but the pleasure clouding those twinkling blue eyes. Wet, red lips open on a pant and his name coming from them in that voice.


  He shifted restlessly, “So close.”

  “Come for me, baby. Come with me. I’m gonna come all over you. Mark you. Make you mine.”

  “Yes!” He shouted as his climax burst through him, obliterating everything except the feel of Trent all around him.

  Trent’s hand on his cock. Trent’s dick rubbing against his own. Trent’s fingers in his ass. His hole spasming and trying to suck him deeper even as his balls drew up and he exploded.

  Vaguely, he heard Trent shout his name as well. Felt his hands stutter in their rhythm. Sensed the big man shiver and shake against him as he came as well. Hot, wet come splattered across Trent’s abdomen and halfway up his chest. His and Trent’s both. Mixing. Together. Joining. Just like them.


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