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Page 10

by Shayne McClendon

Hudson’s Rolls pulled up out front and Leonard walked around to open rear passenger door. She watched Natalia step from the back wearing a calf-length fur coat and heels.

  Something told Brie she was naked beneath it.

  She wanted out and away. “Forget the cab. Merry Christmas. Give my love to your girl.”

  “Brie…wait, it’s freezing out there.”

  Pretending not to hear, Brie walked quickly for the street and nodded at the night doorman. She passed within a foot of Hudson’s lover but kept her eyes on the sidewalk.

  A block away, she shrugged into her big coat and wrapped her scarf up to cover her ears. She tugged on her gloves as she walked, headed to her apartment across town, and did not care if a cab appeared or not.

  The weather broke the next day and Brie’s family made a surprise visit the week of New Years. It gave her an excuse to beg out of Riya’s festivities at the building.

  It was familiar and nice to have her parents and sister with her.

  It lessened the confusion she felt over Hudson’s behavior. Of all the ways they could have parted after making out in Riya’s house, what actually went down made no sense to her. She’d been certain he wanted her.

  Of course, it wasn’t the first time she’d read a man wrong.

  With renewed purpose, she decided to keep her head down and focus on her own dreams, her future in New York, and put men on the back burner indefinitely. She didn’t need another man getting inside her head. They’d caused her enough grief.

  She shoved him forcefully from her conscious thoughts.

  Chapter Nine

  Four months later…

  The woman Hudson wanted to fuck lived in his old apartment and worked in his building but she might as well have been on another planet.

  In all this time, he’d caught a glimpse of Brie less than a dozen times. There was no doubt that she increased her efforts to avoid him after the party on Christmas Eve. He thought she was adept at the skill before but her ability to just miss him now surpassed ninja status.

  He handled the situation wrong the first time he touched her.

  The only thought that played in a pounding rhythm that night was fucking her in every way imaginable. He wanted to show her all the sinful acts her body was created to commit.

  Instead, he managed to hurt her feelings. Deciphering her mindset was almost impossible for someone like him. They were different at their cores.

  The majority of his psyche told him to leave her in peace and stop trying to fit her into his world. A small portion told the majority to fuck off.

  It kept him awake at night and made him hard at unexpected times.

  Leonard pulled to the curb and Natalia slid into the car beside him.

  He looked at her expectantly and she smiled. “No. She hasn’t made an appearance at the club. Tawny told me tonight that they intend to sponsor her membership. When I asked when they might bring the darling with them, she said they had to get her out first.”

  “Why does she hide? I don’t understand.”

  With a small shrug, his best friend wrapped her arm around his. “Hudson, not everyone is as driven as you are. Not even I can keep up.”

  He put his hand over hers and sighed. “I don’t understand why I’m obsessed with this woman. It makes no sense.”

  “First, she isn’t falling all over you and the life you could give her. That must be a wonderfully unique experience for you.” He grunted in agreement. “Second, she is our polar opposite. From the many things I’ve heard about her over the last few months, she couldn’t be more different in the way she views the world.”

  Hudson turned to look at her. “I need to stop this.”

  “Why? Few things hold your interest for so long. I feel like we’re playing Cloak and Dagger and enjoying myself immensely.” Her head tilted slightly. “How are you feeling otherwise?”

  “Much more relaxed. Thank you for last night.”

  “Stop thanking me for accepting orgasms, Hudson.” Sitting back against the seat, she added, “I knew adding the bondage room was an excellent idea. Thank you for helping test the new apparatus. We’ll see how many of my members decide to book it.”

  “If they’d seen you suspended, covered in wax, and your pink ass fucked until you passed out, I’m sure you’d be booked through the end of the year.”

  He felt the tremor move over her body and gave her a hungry smile.

  “We haven’t performed in front of a crowd in a very long time, Hudson.”

  Instantly, both of them remembered their last trip to Dallas. The Playground was a BDSM club that changed hands more than a decade ago. They’d been members since college and the new owner improved everything from the food and restrooms to the suites, which could be rented hourly or included in annual membership dues.

  The basic purpose had not changed.

  Much harder core than Trois, sex and bondage were enjoyed in the open with a full audience. It was a solid mix of exhibitionists and voyeurs who kept the atmosphere ramped the three nights a week that they were open.

  He still visited when he had business in Dallas and assumed Natalia did as well. The deal that took him to the city several years ago made him ask his friend to go with him.

  Her instant agreement told him she knew exactly why he wanted her to go.

  Three hours after their plane landed, they dressed in masks and leather. Hudson chained her naked to the ceiling of the club as he striped her back with a cat-o’-nine.

  When she was pink and evidence of her arousal glistened on her inner thighs, he freed his cock, and pounded into her body until she was incoherent with pleasure.

  The new owner entered the recovery room and complimented their performance.

  Natalia glanced up from her position in his lap and smiled tiredly. “We were performing?”

  The small and exquisitely lovely Asian woman returned the smile. “I’m Kikiama. You can call me Kiki. I took the liberty of looking you both up.” He stiffened and her smile broadened. “As always, your privacy is assured. I simply hoped you lived closer so I could book a regular show.”

  “We don’t get here often. Not nearly as often as we used to.” Natalia petted her hand over his chest. “I love what you’ve done with the place.”

  “Thank you. I inherited it.” The way the woman watched them confused Hudson but he said nothing. “I’ll let you relax. The trust between you is stronger than most I’ve seen. The next time you plan a trip, I’ll clear the schedule for you.” A small incline of her head and she was gone.

  “Do you still have your membership?” Natalia’s voice was filled with longing.

  “I do.” He stared into her eyes. “I have two business interests I can check on in Dallas…should you decide a trip is in order.”

  Her mind worked and he could tell she wanted to make the trip. That was why her answer took him by surprise.

  “Let’s see where things go with Brie. I don’t want to split your focus more than I already do.”

  “You don’t split my focus. What are you talking about?”

  The heavy sigh was unexpected. “Hudson. Darling, I adore you but you can be a trial on my peace of mind.” Angling her body on the seat, she held his hand in both of hers. “Don’t you ever wonder why you can’t commit to a long-term relationship?”

  “I’ve had them.”

  “Killing time. It is the sex between us that holds you back.” She shook her head. “Any woman would have an issue with a friend such as me in your life. Our sexual history is obvious even to those who haven’t known us long.”

  “Natalia, what are you saying to me right now?”

  “I have no idea.” He could see that was absolute truth. “All I know is that our relationship makes relationships with other people impossible. What we’re doing isn’t exactly working.”

  “Then we make it work.” The vehemence of the words shocked them both. “I…”

  She smoothly interrupted him. “What about Gabriella?”

/>   Instant, hot need flared through his body. “Explain.”

  “I shouldn’t have to but I will. I love women almost as much as I love men. Maybe she’s the answer. The home-and-hearth type neither of us will never be.” Her blue eyes were brilliant. “We could…share her.”

  The majority of the ménage relationships among the members of Trois were two men and one woman. Somehow, his mind had conveniently skipped over the other alternative.

  Two women and one man. Specifically, Natalia, Gabriella, and him.

  “You get what you need, what you want from me openly and honestly. You also gain a woman who represents what you need most…a wife and mother type that might not be able to provide the same…benefits that I do.”

  “You’ve considered this.”

  “I have.”

  “You’ve been watching her…following her.”


  “You’re a little in love with her already…aren’t you?” She nodded carefully and a slow smile broke over her face. “Natalia, I’ve always known you were smarter than me, I just didn’t know how much.”

  With a snort, she faced forward, sliding her sunglasses over her eyes. “I could have told you, had you thought to ask.”

  The building called Brie to cover for one of her co-workers. The young woman worked the graveyard shift in the business center but an emergency appendectomy meant it would be a while before she could return to work.

  It was quiet at night but she’d seen the value of the twenty-four hour service center several times for residents who needed shipping handled or last-minute presentations prepared. She used the downtime to work on ideas of her own while playing with a few of the websites she designed.

  By morning, she wasn’t overly tired but needed coffee sooner rather than later.

  She grabbed her backpack after changing into street clothes and headed out to say goodbye to the other staff just coming in. Henry showed her pictures of his new grandchild on his cell phone.

  “He’s gorgeous…what did they name him?”

  The proud grandfather put his chest out and his shoulders back. “Henry Jacob.”

  “An excellent name! I know you must be thrilled!” She hugged him tightly.

  “They’ve been trying for three years.” He smiled at the photo. “It finally happened for them.” Henry shook himself. “Look at me keeping you when you’ve worked all night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Brie.”

  She gave him another hug and waved to Carlo.

  As she moved for the door, a voice behind her said, “You must be Brie.”

  Turning slowly, she faced Hudson’s lover less than three feet away. She blinked. “Yes, ma’am. Did you need something? I’ll be happy to grab one of the girls for you.”

  “Oh no. I wanted to meet the young woman Riya and Tawny keep going on and on about.” She tilted her head slightly. “You’ve made quite an impression on the club darlings. You’re just as lovely as they described. Fresh and happy.”

  Moving closer, she held out her hand. “I’m Natalia Roman. I’m the hostess at Trois – the club they’ve been trying to get you to visit.”

  “Yes, it’s nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Natalia. Call me Natalia. I desperately need coffee and a walk. Will you join me?” Brie opened her mouth to object. “Please.”

  A lifetime of manners made it impossible to refuse. “Alright.”

  The much taller woman motioned for her to proceed through the door Henry held with an unreadable expression and she slipped through it to the sidewalk. Natalia walked in the direction of her favorite café.

  Silence stretched between them and Brie didn’t have a clue what to say. She felt self-conscious in her jeans and trail runners. The height of the chic woman highlighted how short she was.

  At the café, Natalia insisted on buying their coffees. As they settled at a small corner table, Natalia sat back to sip from her cup. “You really are quite lovely.”

  “Thank you. Very different from you, I know.”

  She smiled. “What does that mean?”

  “You remind me of my sister. Everything in the right proportion. You look like you belong in the city, with…a…a life like the one you probably have.” She almost said man instead but caught herself. “I take after my grandmother. I look like I should have eight kids and start dinner at nine in the morning.”

  “You want Hudson.” Brie’s immediate denial rose to her lips but she shook her head. “I want you to have Hudson.”

  “What? I don’t…we aren’t…I mean, he wouldn’t.”

  Natalia’s laughter was bold and unashamed. “Oh? He wouldn’t? Really?”

  Sitting forward, she crossed her arms on the table and Brie noticed faint rope lines on her skin. The other women let her see them.

  “Do you know what these marks mean, Brie?”

  She considered lying and immediately changed her mind. “BDSM. You like to be tied up. Hudson likes to do the tying.”

  “An over simplified explanation but close enough. There is an aspect of my nature and his that needs the feelings the ropes inspire. Has anyone ever tied you up before?”

  “No. I don’t trust anyone to do that.”

  Sleek black hair bobbed forward as she nodded. “Trust is crucial. I trust Hudson completely. You could trust him, too.”

  She was unable to hide the small frown. “Why…I don’t understand what you want exactly. You’re with Hudson. Why are you trying to see if I’m interested?” It was an evasive tactic and not a very good one.

  “First of all, your interest is already there. As is his.” She took a sip of her coffee. “The stress of his life and his personality almost require regular release. Much like therapy or meditation. As far as my relationship with Hudson…he fucks me because he has to fuck someone. If he had his choice, I think he’d be fucking you.”

  “That seems like a pretty shitty deal for you, if I may say so.”

  Natalia stared at her with wide eyes. Finally, she blinked. “An…interesting observation but incorrect. I reap the benefits of our time together as surely as he does.” She leaned forward and whispered, “He fucks like a machine.”

  No one had ever been so blunt with her about her personal sex life and she couldn’t control the heat that seeped over her features.

  “My, you are innocent. In all the years I’ve known him, I don’t think he’s ever even tried to capture a tender morsel like you. He thinks he’d break a gentle woman. Do you break easily, Brie? I think you’re a lot stronger than people think.”

  She sat there thinking about how to respond. Her initial reaction was to make some mumbled excuse and run away from this extremely uncomfortable situation.

  No. Sometimes, people needed to be told about themselves.

  “You’ve been…blunt with me. Allow me to return the favor. You do not fucking know me. Hudson does not fucking know me. You think I’m some sweet little quasi-virgin from the sticks who needs some fabulous man to make my life complete. I don’t. In fact, men do nothing but fuck shit up in my personal experience.”

  Tapping one nail on the table, she added, “You know what else? I don’t need you telling me what I need when it is obvious you don’t even know what the fuck you need…and neither does your B.F.F. I don’t need someone to give me the best orgasm of my life – while fully clothed – then watch you show up to fuck him.”


  She stood and threw tip money on the table. “Hudson said he’s a taker so I assume you are as well. Enjoy your lives – however you choose to live them – and leave me the fuck out of the equation. Whatever you’re looking for, you are looking in the wrong place. You might want to start with both of you.”

  Her backpack went over her shoulder. “Thank you for the coffee.”

  The cool spring air felt wonderful on her overheated skin. A block away, she was furious at the tears on her cheeks.

  She was fucking tired of being expected to be good all the goddamn time. Tired of everyone actin
g as if the fact that she was nice meant she didn’t know anything or that she didn’t have needs.

  When would someone see her as a grown woman?

  The only thing that shocked her more having her hand grabbed, being spun around, and shoved against the side of a building in a narrow alley was the insanity of Natalia Roman claiming her mouth in a kiss that was just as destructive as Hudson’s had been.

  The first ten seconds were fierce as the other woman gripped her head in her hands and devoured her lips. When she realized Brie wasn’t resisting, she gentled the sensual attack but didn’t stop.

  Blood roared in her ears…and then she kissed Natalia back.

  The taste of her mixed with coffee was rich and smooth. Her tongue was small and silken, wrapping over and around Brie’s until she felt it in her breasts and clit.

  When Natalia pulled back a long time later, she whispered, “You are a surprise, Brie. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings…that I hurt you, even unknowingly.” Her thumbs wiped away the tears Brie had forgotten. “I think you have a lot more passion inside you than anyone gives you credit for.”

  Her lips tugged at Brie’s and she licked across them before she deepened into another kiss. Gentle hands drifted over her shoulders and down her back, pulling their bodies together.

  With a soft sigh, she broke the kiss. “If your mouth tastes this good, I can only imagine how the rest of you tastes, pretty Brie. I hope one day you’ll allow me to answer the question.”

  Natalia’s thigh pressed between her legs, against the cleft of her body, and Brie wanted to work herself on it. To climax right here in this alley, just a few feet from the busy street. Her heart pounded in her chest.

  “Have you ever been with a woman?”

  She shook her head and Natalia pressed her thigh more firmly against her mound. A moan escaped that wouldn’t be held back.

  “It is very different than with a man. I would crawl all over you, licking every inch of your skin, and sucking your little clit until you begged me to let you come. I would let you. I would want to taste you as you found release.”

  Natalia’s hands were on her ass. She pulled, pushed, and worked over Brie’s clit as she spoke. The tension climbed until she felt like she was coming out of her own skin. She’d been celibate for most of her adult life if one really looked at the rare sexual encounters she’d experienced.


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