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Exterminators Infected (The Exterminators Book 1)

Page 12

by DeSantis, James

  “Didn't mean to do what I've been waiting for you to do?” She giggled. “Sometimes men are so thick.”

  “I really like you,” he told her earnestly. He needed her to know.

  “I really like you too.” He was relieved to hear those words. She felt the same connection he did. She looked directly into his eyes. Her heart was pounding, she could feel that certain feeling you get when you first meet someone and you know they’re gonna be special in your life somehow.

  “Does this mean we're dating?” He sounded hopeful.

  She shook her head. “I don't just kiss someone I don't plan on dating.”

  “Okay, sorry, just making sure.”

  “Stop being so sorry all the time. You're a lot better at being a pen expert than a dating one, huh?” She laughed out loud. He laughed alongside her. Nick hadn't felt this happy in a long time. He couldn't stop smiling at her the whole way back home.

  Chapter Fourteen – Silver

  “Do you not see what they are doing?” Fred looked around the empty white room. He was back in this isolated room he began to hate so much. He walked away from where the voice came from but it followed. “Why not become something different? Better?”

  He stopped after seeing nothing but white walls. He touched the walls but they didn't open like the ones in the Station, even if they looked nearly identical. He tried punching the wall but it did nothing. “You know, I really hate my mind.”

  “Do not fear, we will become one. This room will become your salvation,” the voice boomed. Fred waved his hands in a “leave me alone motion”, but the voice continued. “You must relax. Let me take you to a place you can finally live your life. Somewhere you can let all the pain you stored up disappear.”

  Fred let the words sink into him. Letting all his frustration drift away would be ideal. He had a hard time coping with the fact his parents were never around. He already disliked school despite it just starting. He still couldn't control his weight issues. Letting all these stressful matters float away so he could rest sure sounded nice. “Listen self, is it cool I call you self? I just can't drift away. I got responsibilities. Things I gotta do. So, if you'd kindly shut up and let me do those things that’d be great.”

  “I am here when you need to rest.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “I will always be with you. Do not fear.”

  “Thanks self, you can shut up now.”

  “Do not let the pressure build. Let me help.”

  Fred turned around and screamed. “I get it! Now leave me the heck alo-” and before he could finish he sat up in his bed, sweat dripping down his face. He let out a long breath, he felt his shoulder burn. He felt his head banging as his heart was finally slowing down. “What's happening to me?” He buried his face between the bed sheets.

  Nick never felt so good in his life. He was sitting at the table eating his breakfast. His dad walked downstairs and slapped his son on the back. “How's my son feeling after that date? Did it go well?” His father poured some cereal for himself and sat down. He took a bite and looked up at his grinning son.

  “Better than that pops,” he began. “I kissed her. Not just a regular kiss either. Was like one of those movie scenes. I arched her back, I leaned forward, and bam!” He kissed his own hand to show his father. “It was amazing. She loved it!”

  His father laughed. “That's great. I knew you would get my moves. That's almost the same exact thing I did to your mother.”

  “No way.”

  “Yes. Well except for the fact that when I arched her I tripped, she fell to the ground with me following.” Nick slammed the table from laughing so hard. “Hey, don't laugh! I don't think I've ever been so red in my life.”

  “Pops,” he began but had to catch his breath. He was still laughing. “That is the greatest thing I've ever heard. How can you drop someone after trying to do the most romantic thing ever? That's awesome but so sad.” Nick broke out in another loud laugh. His father just shook his head, smiling.

  “Well, I'm glad it went well. Are you taking her on another date?” His father finished off his cereal.

  “Yeah. We plan on going out sometime this week after school. I think we're gonna try to catch another movie or head to Manhattan and do some sightseeing. Either way I'm excited. She's an awesome girl,” Nick replied. He then took the last bite of his breakfast and got up. “Well I gotta meet up with some friends. I'll see you tonight.”

  “Friends? Well that was quick.”

  “Well, ya know pops, I do get my awesome personality from someone.” He grinned. His dad smiled back and he ran out the door. His father looked down at the table and smiled. His son was growing up so fast he almost forgot to spend time with him. He looked around the house. It was getting lonely already.

  “Dude, I'm talking mega hot. Not just “She's all right”, nah, she was so hot I think I almost died from the heat of her hotness. Ya know?” Marshall sat on the steps of the house talking to Peter. Peter stood there looking down the block waiting for the others to arrive. He came earlier, figuring he might run into Jin or Carl. He wasn't expecting Marshall to be waiting at the house early. “Yo dude, who you think is hot in your classes?”

  “I don't find anyone in my class that I'm attracted to.” It was true. Peter found certain girls to be very appealing in looks but none in his class.

  “You gay?”

  “No, I am not a homosexual.”

  “I know you're a human. I'm asking if you’re gay.”

  Peter looked down at Marshall. “Homosexual means gay. The word you're thinking of is homo-sapiens.” Marshall looked at him confused as Peter told him the difference. “It's two different things.”

  “I knew that.”

  “Clearly, you didn't.”

  “Listen bro,” Marshall started. Peter looked away from Marshall, eagerly waiting for anyone else to show up. “I know the difference. I just got them confused for a second. So if you aren't gay, then why aren't you attracted to girls?”

  “I am attracted to girls. I'm not attracted to any girl in my classes. That's all.” Peter could feel the same feeling he was getting when Ryan and his friends beat him up. It was anger, but not against Marshall. This time it was because no one else was showing up. He wanted to get to training, not discuss girls.

  “All right, I feel ya. We got some ugly girls in our classes. Besides mega hottie, I'm not really interested in much either.” Marshall laid his head on his arms. “Whatcha think we're gonna be training with?”

  This caught Peter's attention. “My guess would be other Exterminators. What better way to test our skills than to spar with the strongest hunters out there?”

  “What's the point of fighting each other?”

  Peter was confused. “What do you mean? How can we judge our skills without facing the strongest predators out there? Humans. We are above any other animal for hunting skills when we use them correctly.”

  “Yeah, but we aren't facing humans on the field.” Marshall pointed to the nothingness on the roads. “We're facing monsters that use claws, breathe fire, and try to ram us to death. Humans don't fight like that. So, why wouldn't we fight monsters?” Peter was taken aback. He didn't expect Marshall to come up with a good point. He was almost unsure how to answer.

  “Fair points. At the same time, humans are the safer bet. We know when to stop and not kill our prey as well. In training that would make the most sense.” Peter saw two figures coming down the block.

  “I feel ya. I just think it makes more sense if these creatures we fight are our testing ground.” Marshall got up when he saw the two people coming down the block. “Either way, let's work on our teamwork, right?” Marshall put his knuckles up in the air, waiting for Peter to hit them back with his.

  “What's this?” Peter asked bluntly.

  “Pound it man. It means we're in this together.” Marshall smiled. Peter wasn't sure why but he smiled back. Maybe he was just so use to mimicking others expressions, or maybe he ac
tually felt happy. He pounded back.

  Fred and Nick walked up to the two other boys. They all exchanged handshakes. The bond of friendship was starting to grow the more they all hung out together. Nick told them about his date. “She's pretty amazing though. We're gonna try to go out again this week.”

  “That's awesome dude!” Marshall slapped Nick on the shoulder.

  “I'm glad you've taken a liking to Kelly. She's a great person, please take care of her.” Nick nodded to Peter. He understood Peter cared about Kelly in the way a brother does a sister.

  “Well, I say we head down there and see what's on the dinner plate,” Marshall said jabbing his thumb behind him towards the house.

  “Dinner Plate?” Fred tilted his head.

  “Yea,” Marshall responded.

  “Why a dinner plate?” Nick asked.

  “Cause we're about to serve whatever we are facing. Get it?”

  “Wouldn't we be the ones getting served then? Because we'd be the ones losing,” Nick pointed out. Fred laughed. Peter followed. Marshall waved his hands.

  “You guys just don't get it. Let's go whoop some ass!” Marshall began walking up the stairs, the others following close behind.

  “Carl said the gym is straight ahead. All the way down. We can't miss it ‘cause we can't go past it,” Nick informed them as he re-read the text he got from Carl that morning. The boys followed closely together, still weary of the Station. The white walls gave them a soothing feeling while they walked through the halls, but also very isolated.

  “Anyone read any of the guide yet? It's kind of like a scrap book,” Fred asked while they walked down the long hall.

  “I read some. It's pretty cool but feels like just a bunch of notes put together.” Nick pointed out. Fred agreed.

  “I didn't read any of it,” Marshall added.

  “Surprise, surprise,” Fred responded and they all laughed.

  “The guide helps learn the weaknesses and strengths of the Unknowns the Exterminators have met. It's helpful in that sense. I do agree, it could have used better structure but it's something to read to help us prepare.” Peter looked to the boys, seeing if he could read their faces. He was quite good at finding certain emotions.

  “I agree Pete. I've been messing around with certain weapons at night to get an idea.” Nick tapped his Rod. “I've been practicing with the spear but I really like the feel of the sword. I did almost cut myself but the Rod simply turned back to its base form when the blade touched my skin. I thought that was kind of cool. Though it did scare me that I almost chopped myself in half,” Nick said, half laughing.

  “The elemental blaster.” Marshall stated. They all looked at him shocked. “It's the only thing I read from the guide. I wanted to try a new weapon today. I think I'll try that.”

  “Maybe you should start with the elemental gloves. The blaster takes an immense amount of energy. The gloves are a lot easier to control.” Peter didn't understand why he cared. Yet, he felt like he wanted to protect even Marshall. He didn't want to see any of his new teammates get hurt.

  “I got it man. Don't worry. I use to run track, I got plenty of stamina!”

  “You never ran track.” Fred laughed.

  “I did so chubby. You can't run so you never saw me out there.”

  Fred pulled his shirt out to make sure his stomach wasn't outlining it. “You went to track three days then quit. Remember?”

  “Yeah, well those three days I was like the best in class. So, whatever!” Marshall got to the huge silver doors. They were the only different colored doors in the whole white hallway. “Well, this is it right? Who's ready?

  “Ready,” all three of the boys answered in unison. Marshall pushed forward and they entered the new area.

  “Whoa,” was the first thing Nick muttered. The gym was huge, the size of a football field. They all took a step inside to see the brownish looking stadium that stood before them. It was an empty place yet it looked like there were barracks set up throughout the field. Places to jump over and hide behind. There were pillars on the side of the gym, laid out across the entire place. Nick stepped forward and a huge echo came from his steps. The others walked forward, heading to the center of the field.

  “This place is crazy big,” Marshall said looking around. He was stunned how big the gym was.

  “Least it's not gray,” Fred muttered. Nick chuckled.

  “This is perfect. It's the type of training ground one hopes for,” Peter said stopping in the center of the gym. He twirled around, letting the essence of the gym enter him. He could sense many years of training that were done here. Many Exterminators before him fought hard to prove their skills. He was about to do the same.

  “Glad you boys could get here in time.” Carl was walking towards them. They all took a look at their unit leader as he wore a very definitive brown vest over his button down shirt. The boys were used to seeing Carl in dressed-looking clothes, almost business-like. The new look was strange for them.

  “Nice clothes, you look like a tourist from Florida,” Nick joked.

  Carl ignored the comment. “Today, we will be doing some training. It's to focus on teamwork. A lot of times you boys will head out on missions alone. So I do advise you to figure out your own unique strengths and weaknesses. Work to improve those. However, teamwork can be very important. Today you will face off against a creature that is cunning, quick, and brutal. It's trained and part of our team but it will still act as if it isn't. It'll attack and keep you down, though it won't fatally injure any of you. I want you to work together to figure out how to beat this Unknown.” Carl walked behind the boys while speaking. He had his hands behind his back, a smile across his face.

  “Any tips on fighting it?” Nick was curious. If it was an Unknown it could be anything.

  “That's the fun part. That's the part that makes training so interesting. For you not to know the enemy and still conquer the fight.” Carl turned around to face the boys. He put both his arms out pointing to the gym. “You have this entire gym. It's empty save a few barracks and pillars. Use those to your advantage though. Strategies. Do not just attack head on. This beast will be too powerful for any of you to take one on one. You don't know how to hunt something like it well enough. So fight together.” Carl turned back around. Heading for another door on the opposite side of the gym.

  Nick watched closely as Carl made his way towards the door. “Anyone got a plan?”

  “We beat it till it can't fight,” Marshall said loudly.

  “That's not a plan.” Fred moved back. He sensed something terrible. What was behind the door scared him. “Guys, not feeling too well.”

  Peter looked back at Fred. “Stay focused. Together we can defeat it.”

  The door opened and a paw entered the doorway. Its silver fur started at the tip of its leg all the way up to its massive head. The wolf came walking through the door, bigger than anything the boys were imaging. It was easily ten feet tall, its massive body weighing more than all four boys combined. It had eyes of crystal blue. The teeth were sharp, making them the perfect tool for tearing things into pieces.

  Carl patted the creature on the head as it bowed and nuzzled it's nose on Carl's face. “This is Silver. He's only a year old, but don't let his age fool you. He's one of the most powerful allies we have.” Carl continued to pet the huge wolf.

  “It's one of them though!” Marshall roared. “You said they are all creatures bent on killing us!” Marshall felt like he had been lied too. Stories about these creatures kept changing so frequently.

  “True. Most come into this world ready to attack us. However, Silver was born in our realm. His mother was one of our allies and made her pact with us before the second war. Very few creatures want to join us against their fellow creatures. They rather be left alone but some see their own kind being used. Used to destroy, and they hate it. So they join our cause. Unfortunately, it comes down to hunting these monsters. But the alternative is to let them fully cross over and
kill innocents. No one wants that.” Carl stopped petting Silver. He howled at the excitement of fighting.

  Marshall didn't fully accept the answer. He wanted to know more about the entire situation of coming through the realms. Nick watched as Fred cowered behind one of the Barracks. His breathing was heavy, sweat forming on his forehead. “Hey Fred, you okay?”

  Fred shook his head. He felt his whole body sweating. He felt his heart pounding. He felt his shoulder burning. “I can' reminds me of the wolf hybrid. I can't fight that thing,” he said almost crying. Nick grabbed his shoulders. Fred jumped and pushed away his hands. He could feel the burning pain grow in his shoulder. He grabbed it like he was grabbing for dear life. “It hurts!”

  Carl couldn't see behind the barrack. He had no clue when he told Silver to go. “Silver, take them down. Make sure to show them how brutal Unknowns can be.” Silver howled even louder, before stalking his way towards the group.

  “We need a plan now.” Peter stepped back. Looking at the now panicking Fred. “What are you guys doing?”

  “Fred isn't doing well,” Nick said. “He's scared of that thing. It reminds him of the first creature we killed.”

  “We don't have time for that.” Marshall put his hand on the barrack that Fred and Nick were hiding behind. He had his back to them, watching as the wolf slowly made his way towards them. “This thing is getting ready to attack. If we don't go on the offensive soon it's gonna get us.”

  “He has a point,” Peter agreed, now watching the Unknown observing the gym. Trying to find an opportunity to slip away and strike.

  The wolf stopped looking around and dashed. Silver's speed was almost unmatched. “It's heading right for us! This thing is fast!” Marshall grabbed his Rod, Peter did the same. The brute was only a few yards away from them when he ran to the right. His speed was so quick it took both boys by surprise as they jumped back. The wolf flew towards the pillar, then back around, coming full speed. Silver was building up momentum.


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