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by Melanie Phillips

  22 Roy Hattersley, Guardian, 21 November 2005.

  23 Andrew Alderson, Sunday Telegraph, 30 October 2005.

  24 Prince of Wales, “Islam and the West,” speech at Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, 27 October 1993; text, MSANEWS, Ohio State University.

  25 Ibid.

  26 Ruth Gledhill, The Times, 14 December 1996.

  27 Daniel McGrory, The Times, 21 January 2003.

  28 Kenan Malik, “Too Much Respect,” Prospect, October 2005.

  29 Home Office Race, Equality, Faith and Cohesion Unit website,

  30 Stephen Glover, Daily Mail, 23 August 2005.

  31 BBC/ICM poll, November 2001; Guardian /ICM poll, June 2002; Guardian/ICM poll, March 2004.

  32 Guardian/ICM poll, July 2005.

  33 Jamie Doward and Gaby Hinsliff, Observer, 30 May 2004.

  34 Clare Garner, Independent, 21 February 1997.

  35 Kenan Malik, Guardian, 7 January 2005.

  36 Private correspondence, July 2005.


  1 Fiona Govan, Neil Tweedie and Paul Stokes, Daily Telegraph, 2 September 2005.

  2 Nick Britten, Daily Telegraph, 28 July 2005.

  3 BBC News 24, 17 July 2005.

  4 Evening Standard, 24 July 2005.

  5 Joint statement from Muslim groups, 16 August 2005.

  6 Koran, sura 5:32.

  7 “Fatwa: Religious Decree in Response to the London Bombings,” British Muslim Forum, July 2005.

  8 Draft Report on Young Muslims and Extremism, Foreign and Commonwealth Office/Home Office, 2004.

  9 Robert Winnett and David Leppard, Sunday Times, 10 July 2005.

  10 BBC/ICM poll, November 2001.

  11 Guardian/ICM poll, March 2004.

  12 Guardian/ICM poll, July 2005.

  13 Eastern Eye/MORI poll, November 2001; BBC/ICM poll, December 2002; Telegraph/ YouGov poll, December 2002.

  14 Telegraph/YouGov poll, 23 July 2005.

  15 Letter from John Gieve to Sir Andrew Turnbull, 10 May 2004.

  16 Nazih N. Ayubi, Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Arab World (Routledge, 1991 ); in Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, The Age of Sacred Terror (Random House, 2002 ).

  17 M. Ali Kettani, “Problems of Muslim Minorities and Their Solutions,” in Muslim Communities in Non-Muslim States (London: Islamic Council of Europe, 1980), pp. 96-105; from Islamization of Europe, Barnabas Fund, 11 August 2005 .

  18 Srdja Trifkovic, “The Islamic Conquest of Britain,” Chronicles, 20 December 2002,

  19 BBC TV Panorama, 21 August 2005.

  20 Ibid.

  21 John Calvert, “Sayyid Qutb in America,” Newsletter of the International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World, no. 7 (March 2001 ), p. 8 ,; in Benjamin and Simon, The Age of Sacred Terror.

  22 Young Muslims and Extremism.

  23 Theodore Dalrymple, “The Suicide Bombers Among Us,” City Journal, Autumn 2005.

  24 Charles Clarke, speech to Heritage Foundation, 5 October 2005.

  25 Young Muslims and Extremism.

  26 BBC TV Panorama, 21 August 2005.

  27 Leeds Grand Mosque statement, 7 July 2005.

  28 This sermon, preached in March 2004, was originally published on the website of the Leeds Grand Mosque,; it now appears to have been removed.

  29 Chris McGreal, Conal Urquhart in Jerusalem and Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian, 1 May 2003.

  30 Young Muslims and Extremism.

  31 Anthony Glees and Chris Pope, When Students Turn to Terror: Terrorist and Extremist Activity on British Campuses (Social Affairs Unit, 2005).

  32 Ibid.

  33 Phil Baty, Times Higher Educational Supplement, 14 October 2005.

  34 Mashuq Ally, in The Muslim, vol. 25, no. 1 (January-March 1990).

  35 Yusuf al-Qaradawi, in ibid.

  36 Umm Mohammad Azzam, in The Muslim, vol. 25, no. 4 (October- December 1990).

  37 David Leppard, Sunday Times, 23 January 2005.

  38 Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 2005.

  39 BBC News Online, 8 July 2004.

  40 Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 2005.

  41 BBC TV Panorama, 21 August 2005.

  42 Answer to personal question by author, 13 January 2005.

  43 Martin Bright, Observer, 14 August 2005.

  44 Laura Clark, Daily Mail, 16 February 2006.

  45 Professor Paul Winston, Leicester council, interview with author, 2005.

  46 Tom Gross, “Living in a Bubble: The BBC’s Very Own Mideast Foreign Policy,” National Review Online, 18 June 2004.

  47 Abul Taher, Sunday Times, 27 November 2005.

  48 Alex Alexiev, “Tablighi Jamaat: Jihad’s Stealthy Legions,” Middle East Quarterly, vol. 12, no. 1 (January 2005).

  49 M. Ali Kettani, “Problems of Muslim Minorities and Their Solutions”; see n.17 above.

  50 Guardian/ICM poll, November 2004.

  51 BBC Radio 4 Sunday, 6 February 2005.

  52 Young Muslims and Extremism.

  53 Islamic Sharia Council website,

  54 “Mortgage and Islamic Ethics: Report from European Council for Fatwa and Research,” Bohra Chronicle, March 2001; in Islam in Britain, Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, 2005.

  55 Nicholas Hellen, Sunday Times, 26 December 2004.

  56 Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, interview with author, 2005.

  57 Alasdair Palmer, Sunday Telegraph, 19 February 2006

  58 Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui interview.

  59 Professor Alan Billings, interview with author, 2005.

  60 Lesslie Newbigin, Lamin Sanneh and Jenny Taylor, Faith and Power: Christianity and Islam in “Secular” Britain (SPCK, 1998).


  1 Robert Wistrich, Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred (Methuen, 1991).

  2 Ibid.

  3 Howard M. Sachar, A History of Israel from the Rise of Zionism to Our Time (Alfred Knopf, 2003); The Arab Higher Committee: Its Origins, Personnel and Purposes, documentary record submitted to the United Nations, May 1947.

  4 David Zeidan, “The Islamic Fundamentalist View of Life As a Perennial Battle,” Middle East Review of International Affairs, vol. 5, no. 4 (December 2001 ).

  5 Wistrich, Antisemitism.

  6 Zeidan, “The Islamic Fundamentalist View of Life.”

  7 Islam and Revolution: Writings and Declarations of Imam Khomeini (Berkeley, 1981 ), quoted in Wistrich, Antisemitism.

  8 John Miller, ABC News interview with Osama bin Laden, 28 May 1998,; in Zeidan, “The Islamic Fundamentalist View of Life.”

  9 Martin Kramer, “The Salience of Islamic Antisemitism,” Institute of Jewish Affairs Report no. 2 (October 1995).

  10 Esther Webman, Anti-Semitic Motifs in the Ideology of Hizballah and Hamas, Project for the Study of Antisemitism, Tel Aviv University, 1998.

  11 Ibid.

  12 Ibid.

  13 Hamas Covenant, article 22 and article 7.

  14 Webman, Anti-Semitic Motifs.

  15 Wistrich, Antisemitism.

  16 Al Jihad wa an-Nasr, 1974; in Wistrich, Antisemitism.

  17 Wistrich, Antisemitism.

  18 Robert Tait, Guardian, 9 December 2005.

  19 “Hate Industry”: Anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish Literature in the Arab and Muslim World (Part 1 ), Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, Information Bulletin No. 4 (September 2002).

  20 Incitement and Propaganda against Israel, the Jewish People and the Western World, Conducted in the Palestinian Authority, the Arab World and Iran, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, Information Bulletin No. 1 (Jan
uary 2002).

  21 Mas’ud Sabri, “The Wars of the Prophet: The Wars against Bani Qainuqa,” cited in “Hate Industry,” Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Bulletin No. 4.

  22 Abdallah Nasih Alwan, cited in “Hate Industry,” Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Bulletin No. 4.

  23 Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, “Kill a Jew—Go to Heaven: The Perception of the Jew in Palestinian Society,” Jewish Political Studies Review, vol. 17, no. 3-4 (Fall 2005).

  24 Ibid.

  25 Ibid.

  26 Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Priorities of the Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase (1990).

  27 Evidence to Foreign Office by Community Security Trust, 2004.

  28 Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 2005.

  29 The Times, 7 February 2006.

  30 Community Security Trust, Antisemitic Incidents Report 2004.

  31 Community Security Trust, Antisemitic Incidents Report 2005; Jonathan Petre, Daily Telegraph, 3 February 2006.


  1 Islam Online, 31 October 2005.

  2 Richard Wolin, The Seduction of Unreason: The Intellectual Romance with Fascism from Nietzsche to Postmodernism (Princeton University Press, 2004).

  3 Chris Harman, “The Prophet and the Proletariat,” Marxism Online, 1994,

  4 Mustafa Akyol, “Free Muslims Against Terrorism,” Free Muslim Coalition website,

  5 “FBI Sets Up Shop in Yemen,” Time, 9 August 2003; “Failure to Communicate,” Newsweek, 4 August 2003; in Michael Whine, “The Penetration of Islamist Ideology in Britain,” Current Trends in Islamist Ideology (Hudson Institute), vol. 1 (April 2005).

  6 Whine, “The Penetration of Islamist Ideology in Britain.”

  7 Robert Wistrich, Jerusalem Post, 15 July 2005.

  8 Reva Klein, Edie Friedman and Francesca Klug, letter to Guardian, 1 October 2002.

  9 Seumas Milne, Guardian, 4 April 2000.

  10 Hugh Muir, Guardian, 7 January 2004.

  11 Ken Livingstone, press conference, London, 19 July 2005.

  12 BBC Radio 4 Today, 20 July 2005.

  13 Livingstone press conference.

  14 Sheikh Qaradawi’s sermons, in Mayor Livingstone and Sheikh Qaradawi: A Response by a Coalition of Many of London’s Diverse Communities, 2004.

  15 Ken Livingstone, letter to Jack Gilbert, 27 October 2004.

  16 News transcript of the press conference, Inaugural Session of the European Council for Fatwa and Research,; in Mayor Livingstone and Sheikh Qaradawi.

  17 Philip Johnston, Daily Telegraph, 14 September 2005.

  18 Mayor of London, A Reply to the Dossier against the Mayor’s Meeting with Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Greater London Authority, January 2005.

  19 Simon Hattenstone, Guardian, 12 May 2003.

  20 Oona King, Guardian, 12 June 2003.

  21 John Pilger, New Statesman, 20 September 2004.

  22 Max Hastings, Guardian, 6 September 2004.

  23 Tim Butcher, BBC News Online, 14 May 2005.

  24 BBC Radio 4, From Our Own Correspondent, 30 October 2004.

  25 Tom Gross, “Living in a Bubble: The BBC’s Very Own Mideast Foreign Policy,” National Review Online, 18 June 2004.

  26 New Statesman, vol. 17, no. 799 (22 March 2004), reproduced in Morning Star, 20 March 2004; David Rich, The Barriers Come Down: Antisemitism and Coalitions of Extremes (JPR/Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 2003).

  27 Simon Jenkins, Times, 2 July 2004.

  28 Simon Jenkins, Sunday Times, 19 February 2006.

  29 Rich, The Barriers Come Down.

  30 The New Dawn (monthly newsletter of the Muslim Association of Britain), no. 2 (October-November 2000); also General Union of Palestinian Students leaflet, “Prophecy of Benjamin Franklin in Regard of the Jewish Race,” distributed at Manchester University, March 2002; in Rich, The Barriers Come Down.

  31 Palestine Times, November 2002; in Rich, The Barriers Come Down.

  32 Nick Griffin, “Back to the Future,” Identity, no. 26 (November 2002); in Rich, The Barriers Come Down.

  33 British National Party website,, 19 March 2003; in Rich, The Barriers Come Down.

  34 Muslim Council of Britain website,, 20 March 2003; in Rich, The Barriers Come Down.

  35 BBC TV Newsnight, 14 July 2005.

  36 Anas al-Tikriti, Guardian, 23 March 2004.

  37 Azzam Tammimi, Guardian, 7 January 2005.

  38 Osama Saeed, Guardian, 23 July 2005.

  39 Sohaib Saeed, Guardian, 9 July 2004.

  40 Max Hastings, Guardian, 20 September 2004.

  41 Interview with military historian, 2005.

  42 Ted Honderich, After the Terror, expanded and revised ed. (Edinburgh University Press, 2003).

  43 Ben Hall, Financial Times, 24 January 2004.

  44 Nigel Morris, Independent, 21 June 2002.

  45 David Clark, Guardian, 20 June 2002.

  46 Nigel Morris, Independent, 21 June 2002.

  47 Canon Paul Oestreicher, letter to Guardian, 21 May 2004.

  48 Melanie Phillips, Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 2005.

  49 Correspondence with author, June 2005.

  50 Melanie Phillips, Observer, 22 February 2004.

  51 Interview with editor, 2005.

  52 Interview with member of House of Lords, 2005.

  53 Sun, 15 April 2002.


  1 Maev Kennedy, Guardian, 11 July 2005.

  2 Christopher Morgan, Sunday Times, 4 September 2005.

  3 Peter Mullen, “Farewell, Church of England?” New Criterion, September 2005.

  4 Interview with bishop, 2005.

  5 Mullen, “Farewell, Church of England?”

  6 Lord Carey, interview with author, 2005.

  7 Ruth Gledhill, The Times, 1 November 2005.

  8 Steve Doughty, Daily Mail, 23 November 2005.

  9 Lord Carey, Canon Andrew White, interviews with author, 2005.

  10 Rowan Williams, The Times, 8 December 2005.

  11 “Christianity and Islam: Collision or Convergence?” address by Lord Carey, Gregorian University, Rome, 25 March 2004.

  12 Ibid.

  13 Lord Carey interview.

  14 Ibid.

  15 Rowan Williams, Writing in the Dust: Reflections on 11th September and Its Aftermath (Hodder & Stoughton, 2002).

  16 Ibid.

  17 Archbishop of Canterbury’s sermon, service of remembrance for soldiers killed in Iraq, 10 October 2003.

  18 Archbishop of Canterbury’s lecture to Royal Institute of International Affairs, 14 October 2003.

  19 Archbishop of Canterbury’s address at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, Cairo, 11 September 2004.

  20 Canon Andrew White, interview with author, 2005.

  21 Countering Terrorism: Power, Violence and Democracy Post 9/11, a report by a working group of the Church of England’s House of Bishops, September 2005.

  22 Ibid.

  23 Ibid.

  24 Stephen Bates, Guardian, 1 July 2004.

  25 Canon Andrew White interview.

  26 See successive issues of Christian Aid News; also Facts on the Ground: The End of the Two-State Solution? October 2004.

  27 Canon Andrew White interview.

  28 Archbishop of Wales, “Religion and Conflict in Recent International Events,” UNA (United Nations Association) Lecture, 20 November 2003; at

  29 Press release, Church in Wales, 11 November 2004.


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