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The Golden Dawn

Page 20

by Israel Regardie

  Trance may arise from the action of obsession, or from the action of the higher will, therefore its aspects are varied.

  Death superveneth in the natural man, when the mental action of the ruach and the nephesch is definitely and thoroughly interrupted in the physical body. In the adept death can only supervene when the higher will consenteth thereto, and herein is implied the whole mystery of the elixir of life.


  25. Note by JMG: The Chaioth ha-Qodesh are the first order of angels in Hebrew tradition, while the Seraphim come first in the traditional Christian ranking. The angelic orders listed below come from the same two sources.

  26. Note by JMG: Hebrews 1:7.

  27. Note by Regardie: See also the astronomic view of the tarot in Book Eight.

  28. Note by JMG: John 3:8.

  29. Note by JMG: These last five sentences are a modified quotation from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, one of the classic texts of alchemy.

  30. Note by JMG: That is, the ears.

  31. Note by JMG: Here and throughout the Golden Dawn papers, the word “genius” has its older meaning of “guardian spirit.”

  32. Note by JMG: A clause of the Nicene Creed, the summary of basic Christian teaching established at the Council of Nicaea, 325 CE.

  33. Note by Regardie: These instructions are considerably amplified with practical examples in a later volume dealing with astral vision and clairvoyance.

  34. Note by JMG: A somewhat free rendition of Ecclesiastes 3:21.



  Neophyte Temple


  On the dais:

  Imperator—Cancellarius—Past Hierophant—Praemonstrator.

  Hierophant (red cloak, lamen, sceptre).

  In the hall:

  Hiereus (black cloak, lamen, sword).

  Hegemon (white cloak, lamen, sceptre).

  Kerux (lamen, lamp, and wand).

  Stolistes (lamen, cup of lustral water).

  Dadouchos (lamen, thurible).

  Sentinel (lamen, sword).


  For the altar: red cross and white triangle, red rose, red lamp, cup of wine, paten of bread and salt.

  For the candidate: black robe and red shoes, hoodwink, rope, Neophyte sash.

  For the temple: chemical change.1

  Opening of the 0° = 0 Grade

  When the members are assembled and robed, Hierophant gives one knock and each is seated in his proper place, and the officers rise.

  Members present, but not taking on office, do not rise except for adorations to the east or when asked for the signs. They stand after the Hierophant says: “Let us adore the Lord of the universe and space” and face east, remaining so to the end of the adoration. These non-participating members do not circumambulate with the officers, but when they have occasion to move in the temple, they do so in the direction of the sun and make the Neophyte signs 2 on passing the throne of the east whether the Hierophant is there or not. The grade sign is made in the direction of movement except when entering or leaving the hall, when it is made towards the east or when asked to give the signs, and then it is made towards the altar.

  —This sign represents one knock made by rapping the base or shaft of wand or the pommel of sword on a table.

  HIERO: (One knock)

  KERUX: (On hearing the Hierophant’s knock, goes to the northeast, to Hierophant’s right, faces west, raising his lamp and wand and says:)

  Hekas! Hekas! Este bebeloi! 3

  Kerux returns to his place.

  HIERO: (Rises and knocks) Fratres and sorores of the (name) Temple of the Order of the Stella Matutina, assist me to open the hall of the Neophytes. Frater Kerux, see that the hall is properly guarded.

  Kerux goes to the door and gives one knock. Sentinel replies with one knock.

  KERUX: Very honoured Hierophant, the hall is properly guarded.

  He salutes the Hierophant’s throne and remains by the door.

  HIERO: Honoured Hiereus, guard the hither side of the portal and assure yourself that all present have witnessed the Stella Matutina.

  Hiereus goes to the door, stands before it with sword erect, Kerux being on his right with lamp and wand, and says:

  HIEREUS: Fratres and Sorores of the Order of the Stella Matutina, give the signs of a Neophyte.

  This done, Hiereus gives signs towards Hierophant, and says:

  Very honoured Hierophant, all present have been so honoured.

  Hiereus and Kerux return to their places. Hierophant gives the Sign of the Enterer towards the west, but not the Sign of Silence.

  HIERO: Let the number of officers in this degree and the nature of their offices be proclaimed once again, that the powers whose images they are may be reawakened in the spheres of those present and in the sphere of this order, for by names and images are all powers awakened and reawakened. (He makes the Sign of Silence.) Honoured Hiereus, how many chief officers are there in this grade?

  HIEREUS: There are three chief officers: the Hierophant, the Hiereus, and the Hegemon.

  HIERO: Is there any peculiarity in these names?

  HIEREUS: They all commence with the letter H.

  HIERO: Of what is this letter a symbol?

  HIEREUS: Of life; because the letter H is our mode of representing the ancient Greek aspirate or breathing, and breath is the evidence of life.

  HIERO: How many lesser officers are there?

  HIEREUS: There are three besides the Sentinel: the Kerux, the Stolistes, and the Dadouchos. The Sentinel is without the portal of the hall and has a sword in his hand to keep out intruders. It is his duty to prepare the candidate.

  HIERO: Frater Dadouchos, your station and duties?

  DAD: My station is in the south to symbolise heat and dryness, and my duty is to see that the lamps and fires of the temple are ready at the opening, to watch over the censer and the incense and to consecrate the hall and the fratres and sorores and the candidate with fire.

  HIERO: Frater Stolistes, your station and duties?

  STOL: My station is in the north to symbolise cold and moisture, and my duties are to see that robes and collars and insignia of the officers are ready at the opening, to watch over the cup of lustral water, and to purify the hall and the fratres and sorores and the candidate with water.

  HIERO: Frater Kerux, your station and duties?

  KERUX: My place is within the portal. My duties are to see that the furniture of the hall is properly arranged at the opening, to guard the inner side of the portal, to admit the fratres and sorores, and to watch over the reception of the candidate; to lead all mystic circumambulations carrying the lamp of my office, and to make all reports and announcements. My lamp is the symbol of the hidden knowledge, and my wand is the symbol of its directing power.

  HIERO: Honoured Hegemon, your station and duties?

  HEG: My station is between the two pillars of Hermes and Solomon and my face is towards the cubical Altar of the Universe. My duty is to watch over the gateway of the hidden knowledge, for I am the reconciler between light and darkness. I watch over the preparation of the candidate and assist in his reception, and I lead him in the path that conducts from darkness to light. The white colour of my robe is the colour of purity, my ensign of office is a mitre-headed sceptre to symbolise religion which guides and regulates life, and my office symbolises those higher aspirations of the soul which should guide its action.

  HIERO: Honoured Hiereus, your station and duties?

  HIEREUS: (Holds sword and banner.) My station is on the throne of the west and is

  a symbol of increase of darkness and decrease of light and I am the master of darkness. I keep the gateway of the west and watch over the reception of the candidate and over the lesser officers in the doing of their work. My black robe is an image of the darkness that was upon the face of the waters. I carry the Sword if Judgment and the Banner of the Evening Twilight, which is the B
anner of the West, 4 and I am called fortitude by the unhappy.

  HIERO: (Hierophant stands holding sceptre and Banner of the East.) My station is on the throne of the east, in the place where the sun rises, and I am the master of the hall, governing it according to the laws of the order, as He whose image I am, is the master of all who work for the hidden knowledge. My robe is red because of uncreated fire and created fire, and I hold the Banner of the Morning Light which is the Banner of the East. I am called power and mercy and light and abundance, and I am the expounder of the Mysteries.

  He sits down.

  HIERO: Frater Stolistes and Frater Dadouchos, I command you to purify and consecrate the hall with water and with fire.

  Stolistes goes to the east, faces Hierophant, and making a cross in the air with his cup, sprinkles a few drops of water three times towards the east. He passes to the south, west, and north, repeating the purification in each quarter, and returns to the east to complete the circle. He then holds the cup on high and says.

  STOL: I purify with water.

  Dadouchos follows Stolistes when he goes to the east, and when Stolistes has gone to the south Dadouchos faces east, raises his censer, and swings it thrice towards the east. He then goes to the south, west, and north, repeating the censing at each quarter, and he returns to the east where he completes the circle and raising the censer says:

  DAD: I consecrate with fire.

  Stolistes and Dadouchos return to their places.

  HIERO: Let the mystic circumambulation take place in the pathway of light.

  Hierophant stands holding the sceptre in his right hand, the Banner of the East in his left. Kerux goes to the northeast with lamp and wand. Then follow Hegemon, Hiereus with banner and sword, Stolistes with cup, Dadouchos with censer, and, last, Sentinel with sword. They all line up in this order behind the Kerux who leads the procession past Hierophant, making the signs of Horus and Harpocrates 5 as he passes. Each officer in turn does the same.

  Hiereus falls out as soon as he reaches his throne. Hegemon returns to his place after passing Hierophant twice. The other officers pass Hierophant three times and then take their places as they come to them.

  HIERO: The mystical circumambulation symbolical of the rise of light is accomplished. Let us adore the Lord of the Universe and space.

  Members rise. All face east and make the saluting or the enterer (Horus) sign following the lead of Hierophant. The Sign of Silence is made at the end of the prayer.

  Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe! (Salute)

  Holy art Thou, Whom nature hath not formed! (Salute)

  Holy art Thou, the vast and the mighty one! (Salute)

  Lord of the light and of the darkness! (Makes Sign of Silence.)

  Hierophant, Hiereus, and Hegemon raise wands and sword in salute, and sink them. All face as usual but remain standing.

  HIERO: Frater Kerux, in the name of the Lord of the Universe, I command you to declare that I have opened the hall of the Neophytes.

  Kerux goes northeast, faces west, and raising his wand says:

  KERUX: In the name of the Lord of the Universe, who works in silence and whom naught but silence can express, I declare that the sun has arisen and the shadows flee away.

  Kerux returns to his place.

  Hierophant knocks. Hiereus knocks. Hegemon knocks.

  HIERO: (Knocks) Khabs.

  HIEREUS: (Knocks) Am.

  HEG: (Knocks) Pekht.

  HIEREUS: (Knocks) Konx.

  HEG: (Knocks) Om.

  HIERO: (Knocks) Pax.

  HEG: (Knocks) Light.

  HIERO: (Knocks) In.

  HIEREUS: (Knocks) Extension.

  The knocks are given before the words are said. When the battery is completed, all make the signs towards the altar and then sit down. Kerux removes the rose, cup, paten of bread and salt, and the lamp from the altar, leaving the cross and triangle only. He sees that a hassock is in readiness at the west for the candidate to kneel on.

  Initiation of the 0° = 0 Grade

  HIERO: Fratres and sorores of the (name) Temple of the Order of the Stella Matutina, I have received a dispensation from the greatly honoured chiefs of the Second Order, to admit (name of candidate) to the 0° = 0 degree of Neophyte. Honoured Hegemon, bid the candidate prepare for the ceremony of his admission, and superintend his preparation.

  Hegemon rises and removes his chair from between the pillars and goes out, followed by Sentinel, who carries the hoodwink and rope. Hegemon sees that the candidate is properly robed and hoodwinked and that the rope goes three times round his waist. He then leads candidate to door, and gives one knock.

  HEG: (One knock on the door.)

  KERUX: (One knock from within.) The candidate seeks for entrance.

  HIERO: I give permission to admit (name) who now loses his name and will henceforth be known among us as (magical motto). Let the Stolistes and the Dadouchos assist in the reception.

  Stolistes and Dadouchos stand behind Kerux who is facing the entrance, ready to open the door. As soon as candidate is well in the hall, these three officers stand before him in triangular formation, and Sentinel is behind him. The officers then say their words in turn.

  HEG: Inheritor of a dying world, arise and enter the darkness.

  STOL: The mother of darkness hath blinded him with her hair.

  DAD: The father of darkness hath hidden him under his wings.

  HIERO: His limbs are still weary from the wars which were in heaven.

  KERUX: Unpurified and unconsecrated, thou canst not enter our sacred hall.

  Stolistes comes forward and dipping his thumb in the lustral water, makes with it a cross on the candidate’s brow and sprinkles him three times, saying:

  STOL: I purify thee with water.

  Dadouchos comes forward and makes a cross over candidate with his censer, and waving it three times, says:

  DAD: I consecrate thee with fire.

  HIERO: Conduct the candidate to the foot of the altar. Inheritor of a dying world, why seekest thou to enter our sacred hall? Why seekest thou admission to our order?

  Hegemon speaks for candidate.

  HEG: My soul wanders in darkness and seeks the light of the hidden knowledge, and I believe that in this Order knowledge of that light may be obtained.

  HIERO: We hold your signed pledge to keep secret everything that relates to this Order. I now ask you, are you willing to take a solemn obligation in the presence of this assembly, to keep the secrets and mysteries of our Order inviolate?

  HEG: (Prompts candidate to say:) I am.

  HIERO: There is nothing contrary to your civil, moral, or religious duties in this obligation. Although the magical virtues can indeed awaken into momentary life in the wicked and foolish hearts, they cannot reign in any heart that has not the natural virtues to be their throne. He who is the fountain of the spirit of man and of things, came not to break, but to fulfill the law. Are you ready to take this oath?

  CAND: (Prompted by Hegemon) I am ready.

  HIERO: Then you will kneel on both your knees.

  Hierophant comes to the east of the altar with his sceptre. Hegemon assists candidate to kneel and stands right of candidate. Hiereus stands to left. Kerux, Stolistes, and Dadouchos complete the hexagram of officers as shown below on page 150.

  HIERO: Give me your right hand which I place upon this holy symbol. Place your left hand in mine, bow your head, repeat your full name by which you are known on Earth, and say after me:

  I, (name), in the presence of the Lord of the Universe, who works in silence and whom naught but silence can express, and in this hall of the Neophytes of the Stella Matutina, regularly assembled under warrant from the greatly honoured chiefs of the Second Order, do, of my own free will, hereby and hereon, most solemnly promise to keep secret this Order, its name, the names of its members, and the proceedings that take place at its meetings, from every person in the world who has not been initiated into it; nor will I discuss them with any member who h
as not the password for the time being, or who has resigned, demitted, or been expelled.

  I undertake to maintain a kindly and benevolent relation with all the fratres and sorores of this Order.

  Hexagram of Officers

  I solemnly promise to keep secret any information I may have gathered concerning this Order before taking this oath.

  I solemnly promise that any ritual or lecture placed in my care or any cover containing them shall bear the official label of this Order.

  I will neither copy, nor allow to be copied, any manuscript, until I have obtained permission of the Second Order, lest our secret knowledge be revealed through my neglect.

  I solemnly promise not to suffer myself to be placed in such a state of passivity, that any uninitiated person or power may cause me to lose control of my words or actions.

  I solemnly promise to persevere with courage and determination in the labours of the divine science, even as I shall persevere with courage and determination through this ceremony which is their image—and I will not debase my mystical knowledge in the labour of evil magic at any time tried or under any temptation.

  I swear upon this holy symbol to observe all these things without evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation, under the penalty of being expelled from this order for my perjury and my offence. Furthermore, if I break this, my magical obligation, I submit myself, by my own consent, to a stream of power, set in motion by the divine guardians of this Order, who live in the light of their perfect justice, and before whom my soul now stands.

  They journey as upon the winds—

  They strike where no man strikes—

  They slay where no man slays—

  and, as I bow my neck under the sword of the Hiereus, so do I commit myself unto their hands for vengeance or reward.

  So help me my mighty and secret soul, and the Father of my soul who works in silence and whom naught but silence can express.


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