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The Golden Dawn

Page 55

by Israel Regardie

  Q—The curcurbite is again placed upon the white triangle upon the altar. The alchemist repeats the words: “Child of Earth, long hast thou dwelt,” etc. Then holding above it the lotus wand by the white end, he says: “I formulate in thee the invoked forces of light,” and repeats the mystic words. At this point keen and bright flashes of light should appear in the curcurbite, and the mixture itself (as far as its nature will permit) should be clear. Now invoke an elemental from the curcubite consonant to the nature of the mixture, and judge by the nature of the colour of its robes and their brilliancy whether the matter has attained to the right condition. But if the flashes do not appear, and if the robes of the elemental be not brilliant and flashing, then let the curcurbite stand within the white triangle for seven days; having on the right hand of the apex of the triangle a flashing tablet of the sun, and in the left one of the moon. Let it not be moved or disturbed all those seven days; but not in the dark, save at night. Then let the operation as aforementioned be repeated over the curcurbite, and this process may be repeated altogether three times if the flashing light cometh not. For without this latter the work would be useless. But if after three repetitions it still appear not, it is a sign that there hath been an error in the working, such being either in the disposition of the alchemist or in the management of the curcurbite. Wherefore let the lunar and the solar invocations and exposures be repeated, when without doubt, if these be done with care (and more especially those of Caput Draconis and Cauda Draconis with those of the moon as taught, for these have great force materially) then without doubt shall that flashing light manifest itself in the curcurbite.

  R—Holding the lotus wand by the white end, the alchemist now draws over the curcurbite the symbol of the flaming sword as if descending into the mixture. Then let him place the curcurbite to the east of the altar. The alchemist stands between the pillars and performs a solemn invocation of the forces of Mars to act therein. The curcurbite is then to be placed between the pillars (or the drawn symbols of these same) for seven days, upon a flashing tablet of Mars. After this period, fit on the alembic head, and distil first in balneum Mariae, then in balneum arenae 40 till what time the mixture be all distilled over.

  S—Now let the alchemist take the fluid of the distillate and let him perform over it an invocation of the forces of Mercury to act in the clear fluid, so as to formulate therein the alchemic Mercury, even the Mercury of the philosophers. (The residuum or the dead head is not to be worked with at present, but is to be set apart for future use.) After the invocation of the alchemic Mercury a certain brilliance should manifest itself in the whole fluid, that is to say, it should not only be clear, but also brilliant and flashing. Now expose it in an hermetic receiver for seven days to the light of the sun; at the end of which time there should be distinct flashes of light therein. (Or an egg philosophic 41 may be used; but the receiver of the alembic if close stopped will answer this purpose.)

  T—Now the residuum or dead head is to be taken out of the curcurbite, ground small and replaced. An invocation of the forces of Jupiter is then to be performed over that powder. It is then to be kept in the dark standing upon a flashing tablet of Jupiter for seven days. At the end of this time there should be a slight flashing about it, but if this come not yet, repeat this operation up to three times, when a faint flashing of light is certain to come.

  U—A flashing tablet of each of the four elements is now to be placed upon an altar as shown in the figure, and thereon are also to be placed the magical elemental weapons, as is also clearly indicated. The receiver containing the distillate is now to be placed between the air and water tablets, and the curcurbite with the dead head between the fire and earth tablets. Now let the alchemist perform an invocation using especially the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram, and the lesser magical implement appropriate. First, of the forces of fire to act in the curcurbite on the dead head. Second of those of water to act on the distillate. Third, of the forces of the spirit to act in both (using the white end of lotus wand). Fourth, of those of the air to act on the distillate; and lastly, those of the earth to act on the Dead Head. Let the curcurbite and the receiver stand thus for five consecutive days, at the end of which time there should be flashes manifest in both mixtures. And these flashes should be lightly coloured.

  Alchemical Altar

  V—The alchemist, still keeping the vessels in the same relative positions, but removing the tablets of the elements from the altar, then substitutes one of Kether. This must be white with golden charges, and is to be placed on or within the white triangle between the vessels. He then addresses a most solemn invocation to the forces of Kether; to render the result of the working that which he shall desire, and making over each vessel the symbol of the flaming sword.

  This is the most important of all the invocations. It will only succeed if the alchemist keepeth himself closely allied unto his higher self during the working of the invocation and of making the tablet. And at the end of it, if it have been successful, a keen and translucent flash will take the place of the slightly coloured flashes in the receiver of the curcurbite; so that the fluid should sparkle as a diamond, whilst the powder in the curcurbite shall slightly gleam.

  W—The distilled liquid is now to be poured from the receiver upon the residuum of the dead head in the curcurbite, and the mixture at first will appear cloudy. It is now to be exposed to the sun for ten days consecutively (ten is Tiphareth translating the influence of Kether.) It is then again to be placed upon the white triangle upon the altar, upon a flashing tablet of Venus, with a solemn invocation of Venus to act therein. Let it remain thus for seven days, at the end of which time see what forms and colour and appearance the liquor hath taken, for there should now arise a certain softer flash in the liquid, and an elemental may be evoked to test the condition. When this softer flash is manifest, place the curcurbite into the balneum Mariae to digest with a very gentle heat for seven days.

  Place it then in the balneum Mariae to distil, beginning with a gentle, and ending with a strong heat. Distil thus till nothing more will come over, even with a most violent heat. Preserve the fluid in a closely stoppered vial, it is an elixir for use according to the substance from which it was prepared. If from a thing medicinal, a medicine; if from a metal, for the purifying of metals; and herein shalt thou use thy judgment. The residuum thou shalt place without powdering into a crucible, well sealed and luted. And thou shalt place the same in thine Athanor, bringing it first to a red and then to a white heat, and this thou shalt do seven times in seven consecutive days, taking out the crucible each day as soon as thou hast brought it to the highest possible heat, and allowing it to cool gradually.

  And the preferable time for this working should be in the heat of the day. On the seventh day of this operation thou shalt open the crucible and thou shalt behold what form and colour thy Caput Mortuum hath taken.

  It will be like either a precious stone or a glittering powder. And this stone or powder shall be of Magical Virtue in accordance with its nature.

  Finished is that which is written concerning the for mulae of the magic of light.42


  28. Note by JMG: S’ Rioghal mo Dhream, “Royal is my Race,” was the motto of Samuel Mathers.

  29. Note by JMG: This was the motto of G.W. Brodie-Innes.

  30. Note by Regardie: Since this was written, my book entitled The Philosopher’s Stone has been published. It is a fairly protracted survey and analysis of alchemical ideology.

  31. Note in the original document: Get the spirit into a white triangle outside the midheaven, then shall he speak the truth of necessity.

  32. Note in original document: In this operation as in the two others under the dominion of Shin, a pentacle or telesma suitable to the matter in hand, may be made use of, which is then treated as is directed for telesmata.

  33. Note by JMG: Latin, “at will.”

  34. Note in original document: If at this point the aspirant should feel a sensation as of
faintness coming on, let him at once withdraw the projected astral and properly master himself before proceeding any further.

  35. Note in original document: And this can be beholden only by the mental vision. Yet, owing unto the spiritual exaltation of the adept, it may sometimes appear as if he beheld it with mortal eye.

  36. Note in original document: And let the adept remember that this process here set forth is on no account to be applied to endeavouring to come in contact with the higher soul of another. Else thus assuredly will he be led into error, hallucination, or even madness.

  37. Note by JMG: Water bath, used in alchemy to moderate heat.

  38. Note in original document: For this evocation, use the names, etc., of Saturn.

  39. Note in original document: In all such invocations a flashing tablet should be used whereon to stand the curcurbite. Also certain of the processes may take weeks, or even months, to obtain the necessary force, and this will depend on the alchemist rather than on the matter.

  40. Note by JMG: A sand bath, used in alchemy to provide a steady heat higher than a water bath will provide.

  41. Note by JMG: A glass alchemical vessel shaped like an egg.

  42. Note by Regardie: Instances of rituals based upon these formulae will be found in the next section, Book Six.


  The temple is arranged as in the Neophyte grade. There is a circle about ten feet in diameter formed by coloured tapes. Pantacles bearing the divine names are placed at the four quarters on the rim of the circle. Adonai Ha-Aretz, Adonai Melekh, and Agla are written in Hebrew lettering; and Emor Dial Hectega in Enochian characters, on the pantacles. About a foot outside the circle and towards the north is a triangle formed by white tapes. The letters of Nephesch Ha-Messiach in Hebrew are written about its angles. In the triangle is a pantacle bearing the sigil of Axir, based upon the letters of the Rose. The same sigil is painted on the back of the Hierophant’s lamen worn by the magus, and it is also painted on another pantacle which is carried by the magus, later to be veiled and bound; it is upon this latter that he works.

  A heavy-bodied incense should be used, and copiously. Dittany of Crete is probably the best—or any other fairly stable and harmonious incense. When all is ready, announce from the altar, holding the lotus wand:

  Hekas, hekas este bebeloi.

  Then, taking the sword, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and Hexagram, closing with the L.V.X. signs.

  Pass to the altar without either wand or sword, take up the fire wand, go south, raise fire wand above head, attract the light and circumambulate slowly with the sun, saying:

  And when, after all the phantoms have vanished, thou shalt see that holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the universe, hear thou the voice of fire.

  On reaching the south, face the quarter, trace fire pentagram, with Leo in centre, and say:

  Oip Teaa Pedoce. In the names and letters of the great southern quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the south.

  Replace wand. Take cup to west, sprinkle water, raise cup, circumambulate with Sol,


  So therefore first the priest who governeth the works of fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud resounding sea.

  On reaching the west, face west, sprinkle water, and make with the cup the pentagram of water with eagle Kerub in centre.

  Empeh Arsel Gaiol. In the names and letters of the great western quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the west.

  Replace cup, take dagger, pass to east, face east, and strike air thrice, then circumambulate, saying:

  Such a fire existeth, extending through the rushings of air. Or even a fire formless whence cometh the image of a voice. Or even a flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud.

  Reaching east, face east, strike air with dagger, and make invoking air pentagram with Aquarius in centre, and say:

  Oro Ibah Aozpi. In the names and letters of the great eastern quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the east.

  Replace dagger. Take pantacle, go north, face north, circumambulate, after shaking pantacle thrice. Say:

  Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding; a black ever-rolling abyss ever espousing a body unluminous, formless, and void.

  Reaching north, shake pantacle, make earth pentagram with Taurus in centre, and say:

  Emor Dial Hectega. In the names and letters of the great northern quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtower of the north.

  Replace pantacle. Go west of altar, face east, raise the censer and describe invoking pentagrams of spirit both active and passive, saying:

  Exarp. Bitom. Nanta. Hcoma. In the names and letters of the mystical Tablet of Union, I invoke ye, ye divine forces of the spirit of life.

  Replace censer. Make the Portal Sign of the Rending of the Veil.

  I invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe, be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the light divine.

  Circumambulate three times to draw down the light. Return to altar, face east, and utter the adoration:

  Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe.

  Holy art Thou whom nature hath not formed.

  Holy art Thou, the vast and the mighty one.

  Lord of the light and of the darkness.1

  Pause. Then take up the lotus wand, and pass between the pillars. Make the Zelator sign, and say:

  Let us adore the lord and king of earth. Adonai ha-Aretz. Adonai Melekh. Unto Thee (make the Qabalistic cross) be the kingdom, the power, and the glory. Malkuth, Geburah, Gedulah, Amen. (Trace the cross and circle in air with wand.) The rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley. Amen.

  Pass round the temple to the earth tablet in the north. Make the invoking pentagrams of spirit, active and passive, and the invoking earth pentagram with Taurus symbol in centre. Say:

  And the Elohim said: Let us make Adam in our own image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over all the earth. In the name of Adonai Melekh, and in the name of the bride and queen of the kingdom, spirits of earth, adore Adonai.

  Trace Taurus Kerub in air; also sigil of Auriel.

  In the name of Auriel, the great archangel of earth, and by the sign of the head of the ox, spirits of earth, adore Adonai.

  Make cross in air.

  In the names and letters of the great northern quadrangle, spirits of earth, adore Adonai.

  Hold wand on high.

  In the three great secret names of God borne upon the Banner of the North, Emor Dial Hectega, and in the name of Ic Zod Heh Chal, great king of the north, spirits of earth, adore Adonai.

  Go to east to commence the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Earth Pentagram, beginning and closing with the Qabalistic cross. Then return to north, and vibrate very powerfully the Enochian key.

  Sapah Zimii d u-i-v, od noas ta Qanis Adroch, dorphal caosg od faonts piripsol ta blior. Casarm a-m-ipzi nazarth AF, od dlugar zizop zlida caosgi tol torgi, od z chis e siasch L ta vi-u, od iaod thild ds hubar PEOAL, soba cormfa chis ta la, vls, od q-cocasb. Eca niis od darbs qaas. F etharzi od bliora. Ia-ial ed-nas cicles. Baglé? Ge-iad I L! 2

  Go to the south of the altar, and face the north. Draw the Hebrew letters of Adonai Ha-Aretz in the air before you, also the sigil. Then imagine both in the heart. Vibrate the name several times by the vibratory formula of the Middle Pillar until the whole body throbs and pulses with the divine power.

  Adonai ha-Aretz. O Thou who art the king of earth, taking the earth for Thy footst
ool, I invoke Thee and adore Thee. Dwell Thou within my heart, I beseech Thee, to awaken that which shall prove a true channel for the working of Thy divine power. May this ceremony for the evocation of the earth angel Axir which I am about to perform, be a focus for the ray of thy illuminating power. To the end that I may use this consecration to progress further in the Great Work, and thereby help others who may come within my sphere of influence.

  Trace the earth pentagram and in it the sigil and Hebrew letters of Auriel. Picture the name in the lungs, and vibrate it several times by the vibratory formula, circulating the force thereafter.

  Grant unto me the presence and power of thy archangel Auriel who governeth the spirits of earth, that he may guide me in my quest for the hidden stone.

  Trace the sigil and letters of Phorlakh in the air. Then in the heart, and vibrate.

  Direct thy angel Phorlakh to watch over my footsteps in this Path of Light. O thou mighty angel of earth, I conjure thee by the divine names that thou permeate my mind now in this temple, to aid me with thy power, that I may truly evoke to visible manifestation the angel Axir of the lesser angle of earth of the northern quadrangle.

  Trace the sigil and letters of Kerub and vibrate.

  May the ruler of earth, by the permission of Adonai Melekh, extend his power so that, divinely, I may be aided to perform aright this magical evocation and bring it to successful culmination, even as Malkuth is the throne of the ten Sephiroth.

  Pause. Contemplate the Kether above the head, and endeavour to bring down its light.

  In the names of Sandalphon, Metatron, and Nephesch ha-Messiach, the three Kerubim ruling over Malkuth, and by the power of the choir of angels who art set over the governance of the kingdom, (trace sigils of all these names and vibrate very powerfully), the Aschim, the holy souls of fire, let it be known that I, Ad Majorem Adonai Gloriam,3 Neophyte of the Golden Dawn, and Frater R.R. et A.C., have summoned the powers of earth to my presence. Let there be formed a true and potent link between my human soul on the one hand, and all those divine powers of Malkuth which receive the influx from on high. To this end, I propose to evoke unto physical manifestation the great angel Axir, of the third lesser angle of the watchtower of the north, in the name of Adonai ha-Aretz and by the divine aid of Emor Dial Hectega.


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