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The Golden Dawn

Page 62

by Israel Regardie

  Ol Sonuf Vaorsagi Goho lad Balata. Elexarpeh. Comananu. Tabitom. Zodacara Eka Zodacare Od Zodameranu. Odo Kikale Qaa, Piape Piamoel Od Vaoanu.

  Make the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit active over the altar, vibrating: Exarp, Bitom, and Eheieh, and say:

  Hear me: Aoth, Abaoth, Basum, Isak, Sabaoth, Isa! This is the lord of the gods. This is the Lord of the Universe. This is he whom the winds fear. This is he, who having made voice by his commandment, is lord of all things, king, ruler, and helper.

  Hear me, and make all spirits subject unto me, so that every spirit of the firmament and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of whirling air, and of rushing fire, and every spell and scourge of God may be obedient unto me.

  Pass to the east. Pause, then make the Passive Spirit Pentagram, with Hcoma, Nanta, and Agla. While vibrating the following words, let the Z.A.M. imagine that, standing between the pillars, he is formulated as a black egg of akasa, and that from the dark centre of that egg, its Tiphareth, extends upwards into the heights an astral semblance of his wand. As each word is vibrated let this sceptre shoot higher and higher towards the Kether of the universe. The conception should be of the formation of an astral Middle Pillar, down the centre of which the divine white brilliance may descend.

  Hear me: Ieou, Pur, Iou, Pur, Iaeo, Ioou, Abrasar, Sabriam, Do, Uu, Adonai, Ede, Edu, Angelos Ton Theon, Anlala Lai, Gaia, Ape, Diathana Thorun.

  Above the lotus of the sceptre, the Z.A.M. should now see the divine white brilliance clearly, formulated as a flashing angelic figure descending upon the black egg. Say:

  He comes in the power of the light.

  He comes in the light of wisdom.

  He comes in the mercy of the light.

  The light hath healing in its wings.

  Aspiring and imagining the while that the flower at the top of the wand grows and opens wider that the genius may enter, make L.V.X. signs in silence, and say very slowly:

  I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die. I am the first and I am the last. I am he that liveth and was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore, and hold the keys of hell and of death.

  For I know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. I am the purified. I have passed through the gates of darkness unto light. I have fought upon earth for good, and have now finished my work. I have entered into the invisible.

  I am the sun in his rising, passed through the hour of cloud and of night. I am Amoun, the concealed one, the opener of the day. I am Osiris Onnophris, the justified one, lord of life, triumphant over death. There is no part of me that is not of the gods. I am the preparer of the pathway, the rescuer unto the light

  Now let the Z.A.M. formulate the descent of the light into the flower. Then pause, and say this prayer:

  Unto thee, sole wise, sole mighty, and sole eternal one, be praise and glory forever, who hath permitted me, who now kneeleth humbly before thee, to penetrate thus far into the sanctuary of thy mysteries. Not unto me, but unto thy name be the glory. Let the influence of thy divine ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrifice, so that I shrink not in the hour of trial, but that my name may be written on high, and that my genius may stand in the presence of the holy ones, in that hour when the Son of Man is invoked before the lord of spirits and his name in the presence of the Ancient of Days.

  After this prayer, circumambulate three times, and then formulate the flashing descent of the supernal light down the astral shaft into the Tiphareth centre, and that the black egg surrounding the Z.A.M. gradually becomes illumined, until it changes into white.

  Out of the darkness, let that light arise. Before I was blind, but now I see. I am the dweller in the invisible, the reconciler with the ineffable.

  Let the Z.A.M. make the L.V.X. signs as described in the Rose Cross Ritual, so that as he makes, finally, the X sign, he calls down the light.

  Let the white brilliance of the divine spirit descend.

  When the Z.A.M. has felt the brilliance and perceived the radiance of the egg, let him withdraw the shaft into his heart, and say:

  I am he, the Bornless Spirit, having sight in the feet, strong, and the immortal fire.

  I am he, the truth.

  I am he who hate that evil should be wrought in the world.

  I am he that lighteneth and thundereth.

  I am he from whom is the shower of the life of earth.

  I am he, whose mouth ever flameth.

  I am he, the begetter and manifester unto the light.

  I am he, the grace of the world.

  The Heart Girt with a Serpent is my name.

  Come thou forth and follow me, and make all spirits subject unto me, so that every spirit of the firmament and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of whirling air, and of rushing fire, and every spell and scourge of God the vast one may be obedient unto me. I.A.O. Sabao. Such are the words.

  After contemplating that glory for some while go to west of altar and face east.

  Be my mind open to the higher.

  Be my heart a centre of the light.

  Be my body a temple of the Rose Cross.

  Then banish by pentagram ritual or:

  “In the name of YHShVH, I now set free any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ceremony.”



  Arrangement of the temple as in Neophyte grade. Opening by watchtower ceremony. Circumambulation thrice, and then the adoration.

  Go to the east with lotus wand, held by white band, and perform the Invoking Ritual of the Supernals by the Hexagram. Trace sigils in the air as they are vibrated.

  Supernal splendour which dwellest in the light to which no man can approach, wherein is mystery and depth unthinkable, and awful silence. I beseech thee who art Shekinah and Aimah Elohim, to look down upon me in this ceremony which I perform to thine honour, and for the assistance of those who have passed through the veil. Grant thine aid unto the highest aspirations of my soul, in thy divine name YHVH Elohim by which thou dost reveal thyself as the perfection of creation and the light of the world to come.

  I implore thee to grant unto me the presence of thine archangel Tzaphqiel. O Tzaphqiel, thou prince of spiritual initiation through suffering and of strife against evil, aid me I beseech thee to transcend the evil that is in me, so that I may be enabled to perform a higher and diviner work.

  O ye strong and mighty ones of the sphere of Shabbathai, O ye Aralim, Aralim, I conjure ye by the mighty name of YHVH Elohim, the divine ruler of your realm, and by the name of Tzaphqiel, your archangel. Aid me with your power, in your office to place a veil between me and all things belonging to the outer and lower world. Let it be a veil woven from that silent darkness which surrounds your abode of eternal rest, that in this chamber of the divine mystery, I may hear nothing that comes not from on high, and see naught that may distract my vision from the ineffable glory of the supernals. Grant unto me, I beseech thee, the power of the spirit to bring the brilliance of the eternal splendour to one who has now entered the invisible. Lift me, I beseech thee, lift me up so that I may be made a divine messenger bearing the peace and harmony of higher spheres to (insert name), whose death to this earthly plane we do now commemorate. Wherever he may now be, and on whatever plane he may now pursue his ideal, let him be blessed with a diviner rest and an utter cessation from strife.

  Trace Saturn hexagram with sigil in centre.

  Term of all that liveth, whose name is death and inscrutable, be thou favourable unto us in thine hour. And unto him, from whose mortal eyes the veil of physical life hath fallen, grant that there may be the accomplishment of his true will. Should he will absorption in the infinite or to be united with his chosen and preferred or to be in co
ntemplation or to be at peace or to achieve the labour and heroism of incarnation on this planet or another or in any star, or aught else, unto him may there be granted the accomplishment of his true will.

  Go to altar, visualize deceased at the east facing west, and invoke:

  I invoke thee by the divine name I.A.O., thou great angel Hru, who art set over the operations of this secret wisdom. Strengthen and establish (insert name) in his search for the divine light. Increase his spiritual perception so that he may accomplish his true will, and that thus he may be enabled to rise beyond that lower selfhood which became as nothing unto that highest selfhood which is the clear light of the spirit.

  Go to east of altar. Make Rose Cross over the elements vibrating the Enochian spirit invocation. Make Qabalistic cross.

  For Osiris Onnophris who is found perfect before the gods hath said: These are the elements of my body, perfected through suffering, glorified through trial. The scent of the dying rose is as the repressed sigh of my suffering. And the flame-red fire as the energy of mine undaunted will. And the cup of wine is the pouring out of the blood of my heart, sacrificed unto regeneration, unto the newer life. And the bread and salt are as the foundations of my body, which I destroy in order that they may be renewed.

  For I am Osiris triumphant. Even Osiris Onnophris the justified one. I am he who is clothed with the body of flesh yet in whom flames the spirit of the eternal gods. I am the lord of life. I am triumphant over death, and whosoever partaketh with me shall with me arise. I am the manifester in matter of those whose abode is the invisible. I am the purified. I stand upon the universe. I am its reconciler with the eternal gods. I am the perfecter of matter, and without me the universe is not.

  Pause for a moment or two, visualizing Kether as a brilliance above the head.

  Buried with that light in a mystical death, rising again in a mystical resurrection, cleansed and purified through him our master, O thou dweller of the invisible. Like him, thou pilgrim of the ages, hast thou toiled. Like him hast thou suffered tribulation. Poverty, torture, and death hast thou passed through. They have been but the purification of the gold. In the alembic of thine heart, through the athanor of affliction, seek thou the true stone of the wise.

  Pass from the altar to the east.

  Come in peace, O beautiful and divine one, to a body glorified and perfected. Herald of the gods, knowing his speech among the living! Pass thou through every region of the invisible unto the place wherein thy genius dwelleth, because thou comest in peace, provided with thy wealth. Dwell thou in that sacred land that far-off travellers call Naught. O land beyond honey and spice and all perfection! Dwell therein with thy lord Adonai forever.

  Turn and look westwards, raising eyes.

  O Lord of the Universe, the vast and the mighty one, ruler of the light and the darkness, we adore thee and we invoke thee. Look thou with favour upon this pilgrim who is now before thee, and grant thine aid unto the highest aspirations of his soul, to the glory of the ineffable name.

  Slowly walk to the altar, visualizing the brilliance descend upon the image of the deceased in the place of the Neophyte.

  I come in the power of the light. I come in the light of wisdom. I come in the mercy of the light. The light hath healing in its wings. (name deceased), I tell thee that as the light can manifest from the darkness so by these rites shall the light descend unto thee. Long hast thou dwelt in darkness. Quit the darkness and seek the light.

  Return to between the pillars, and visualize the descent of the brilliance above.

  I am the resurrection and the life. Whosoever believeth on me though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth on me shall never die. I am the first and the last. I am he that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore, and hold the keys of hell and of death. For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. I am the purified. I have passed through the gates of darkness unto light. I have fought upon earth for good, and have finished my work. I have entered into the invisible.

  Vibrate Yeheshuah by the vibratory formula of the Middle Pillar. Also the mystical circumambulation. Then, walk round slowly whilst saying:

  I am the sun in his rising, passed through the hour of cloud and of night. I am Amoun the concealed one, the opener of the day. I am Osiris Onnophris the justified one, lord of life, triumphant over death. There is no part of me which is not of the gods. I am the preparer of the pathway, the rescuer unto the light. Out of the darkness, let the light arise.

  Pass between the pillars, face east.

  I am the reconciler with the ineffable, the dweller of the invisible. Let the white brilliance of the divine spirit descend.

  Visualize the deceased now standing well in front in the east, and address him thus:

  (Insert name), whoever thou art in reality, and wheresoever thou now mayest be, by the power of the spirit devolving upon me by this ceremony, I do project unto thee this ray of the divine white brilliance that it may bring thee peace and happiness and rest.

  Make the Sign of the Enterer three times to project the light.

  Be thy mind open unto the higher. Be thy heart a centre of the light. Be thy body, whatsoever its nature, a temple of the Holy Spirit.

  Pause. Make Qabalistic cross.

  Unto Thee, sole wise, sole eternal, and sole merciful one, be the praise and the glory forever, who has permitted (insert name), who now standeth invisibly and humbly before Thee, to enter thus far into the sanctuary of Thy mystery. Not unto us but unto Thy name be the glory. Let the influence of Thy divine ones descend upon his head, and teach him the value of self-sacrifice so that he shrink not in the hour of trial. But that thus his name may be written upon high and his genius stand in the presence of the holy ones, in that hour when the Son of Man is invoked before the Lord of Spirits and his name in the presence of the Ancient of Days.

  Go to altar.

  And now in the name and power of the divine spirit, I invoke ye, ye angels of the watchtowers of the universe, and charge ye by the divine names Yeheshuah Yehovashah to guard this sphere of (insert name). Keep far from him all evil and the unbalanced that they penetrate not into his spiritual abode. Inspire and sanctify him so that he may enter in to the centre of his being and there receive the vision of the clear light, and thus accomplish his true will.

  Pause for some while for meditation. Then close by usual formulae.



  By G.H. Frater Sub Spe

  The preparation for divination—opening ceremony of 0° = 0. The temple is the aura or Sphere of Sensation. The Hierophant is the diviner, the positive active will which manipulates and controls all the other bodily functions, and all the forces operating in the aura.

  Sitting in as comfortable a position as possible, close the eyes, and begin to fix attention on the pole star and circumpolar constellations, endeavouring to visit each prominent star and then to pass from one to another. Then, in the same way to visit the south polar constellations. Then to be conscious of both simultaneously as one might be of head and feet. In this way the astral grew gradually colossal, and the sensation arose of being outside of, and in fact containing, the whole starry universe. The earth had become a mere insignificant speck. The sense of human form was wholly lost, but there was a sense of up and down, and of the pole of a spherical aura.

  Endeavoured to place this so as to correspond with the centre of Draco, the Kether of the starry sphere. This caused a more definite idea of the sphere and of the Sephiroth and paths therein, and the belt of the zodiac coloured of a hollow sphere or magic circle, wherein a blinding white light was in the place of Kether, and thick darkness on Malkuth. Stood immediately in front of Kether and realized that the blackness of Malkuth guarded the sphere from evil and sub-human forces, the Qlippoth, or on this spiritual plane, the bondage to the mater
ial. Endeavoured to formulate this black darkness into a giant guardian, realizing also that it was my own negative will saying, “Thus far, and no further.”

  In front of this guardian which I perceived, was the reflection of my own material universe, i.e., everything I was or could possibly be conscious of in the body, “All thoughts, all passions, all delights—whatsoever stirs this mortal frame,” but only the reflection thereof as in a mirror, and having therefore no power to move the spiritual consciousness. The form was a square of earth cast in the form of a double cube answering to the tenth Sephirah, for every possible thought or emotion of the body, however lofty, was represented there, even to the highest spiritual aspirations, all dominated by the white triangle of the triune God and the red cross of self-sacrifice.

  I then realized that even the reflection of my own universe, including my very thoughts and aspirations in the body, stood without a colossal portal of a temple, my spiritual will being within, and the shadowy portal grew up between the perceiving consciousness and the perceived universe. Two vast pillars of positive and negative, the eternal contraries, were the gateway; and the pure white of equilibrium and eternal silence was between them. My spiritual conscious will now advanced as it were below the centre of its sphere, near to that point of equilibrium so as to survey through the Portal of the Pillars the reflection of my own universe.

  Fixing myself there as immovable—because eternally right, being dominated only by the forces of the eternal God, my lower nature lay before me as it were, mapped out. In front the great portal shutting out all that had not attained to, and retained, perfect equilibrium, beyond and as far distant from the point of equilibrium as my own consciousness, was my evil self, the root of all evil. And I was now conscious in that past which was the root of all good. And thus again an equilibrium was preserved between the pillars. At an equal distance again beyond this evil self were the reflection of the perceived universe, formulated as the cubical altar whereon were the symbols of the elements and the triangle and cross, and beyond this the dark and threatening black figure of the great guardian of the west. Furthermore, from my right hand came the cool influence of moisture, from my left the warmth of fire, and from the moist warmth at the point of equilibrium sprang the idea of generation, birth, growth, and development which forces were directed upon the cubical altar, bringing the forces of life into my universe.


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