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The Golden Dawn

Page 66

by Israel Regardie

  I salute therefore the angel with the L.V.X. signs and the elementals by the 3° = 8 and 1° = 10 signs, and banish astrally the pentagram and other symbols that I have traced upon the scene. The more powerfully the symbols have been evoked, the more powerfully should they be banished.

  If you should be feeling a sensation of fatigue, as I before mentioned, make towards the symbols the Sign of the Enterer indrawing their vitality into yourself again by the Sign of Harpocrates. Then return by the way in which you came, that is through the symbol, and back into your room.27 Once in your room, perform the Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagrams that you have evoked; supposing a scene to remain on the symbol of the tattwa, banish that also. When you have had considerable practice it is probable that such detailed care as is herein indicated will not be necessary. Should the operation be too complicated to accomplish at one sitting it would be possible to divide it into parts. It is certain that you will find that you have practiced your spritual vision and acquired more knowledge in one experience carefully worked and tested than in a hundred careless and vague experiments which simply strengthen mental deception.


  7. Note by JMG: Very Honored Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum, whose real name was Moina Mathers. Footnotes by her in this section will be labeled as such.

  8. Note by JMG: Book One.

  9. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: This experiment is very good for the practice of spiritual sight, and in this manner you can easily prove correctness of vision. Also for this kind of simple experience you need not prepare yourself spiritually to such an extent as with further working, so that you can have your cards if you wish continually with you, and practice with them when you will, at odd moments.

  10. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: To find tattwa when in course, note time of sunrise. Akasa always begins with sunrise and lasts twenty-four minutes, followed by Vayu twenty-four minutes, Tejas twenty-four minutes, Apas twenty-four minutes, Prithivi twenty-four minutes.

  11. Note by JMG: That is, the standard Golden Dawn altar as used in the 0° = 0 grade.

  12. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: Placed at junction of cross and triangle, the incense, lamp, etc., should be at angles of arms of cross.

  13. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: All 5° = 6 members who are Zelator Adepti Minores have the right to wear the white robe and yellow girdle of the Third Adept, but not his cloak or nemyss.

  14. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: If two persons, one should be opposite the other. If three persons, form a triangle. If four persons, form a square. If five persons, a pentagram, etc.

  15. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: The Golden Dawn altar, the most synthetical of the symbols. The material universe ruled by the spirit and four elements. The Rose Cross contains the affirmation of the principal divisions of the universe, synthetical like the altar, but particular in the sense that it is attributed to the Sephirah Tiphareth, the central sun, and is therefore the symbol for the microcosm—man, the adept, he to whom perfection of the microcosm means a certain conscious union with the macrocosm.

  The white robe and yellow girdle imply purity—Kether, harmony—gold, Tiphareth. Lotus wand—mercy. Sword—severity.

  16. Note by JMG: That is, the Prithivi sub-plane of Apas, symbolized by a small yellow square on a silver crescent.

  17. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: Imagination (eidolon) means the faculty of building an image. The imagination of the artist must lie in the power, which he possesses more or less in proportion to his sincerity, and his intuition, of perceiving forces in the macrocosm, and allying or attuning himself thereto, his talents naturally and his artificial training permitting him to formulate images which shall express those forces.

  18. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: During this process, it is more than likely that you will be believing that the picture is one of memory, of imagination, of construction, etc., all these qualities being analogous to the faculty that you are employing, and the probability of their arising at this moment will be great.

  19. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: Let it be remembered that this can only be a part of the plane of the symbol expressed by Apas-Prithivi.

  20. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: Employ the “lords who wander” (the seven planets), the planetary tarot trumps, as important test symbols.

  For Memory

  Lord of the Night of Time

  For Construction

  For Anger, Impatience

  For Vanity

  For Pleasure

  For Imagination

  For Wandering Thoughts

  21. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: Use occasionally the pentacle, so as not to ignore to too great an extent the part that earth plays herein.

  22. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: In the case of starting the entire experience with astral projection only, you will understand that you ignore the portion of the process which attracts the picture to the card, but simply go forward through the symbol when once the latter is realized.

  23. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: If working with correct correspondences, you are bound to arrive at some place answering to the same, if you project your astral sufficiently.

  24. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: If after these repeated tests the vision becomes diminished or changes very much, banish with the astral implement, and return in the way you came, through the symbol, and start again freshly. If you feel you have expended too much force in the symbols which you traced in the scenes, redraw some of the force spent into yourself again by the formula of the Signs of Horus and Harpocrates. Extend towards the symbols in the sign of Hoor, redrawing them into yourself by the sign of Hoorpokraat.

  25. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: Sometimes it seems as though one had to find the words to translate the impression; sometimes the words appear to be found already, for one believes that one has heard them.

  26. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: The symbol shows the potency of the whorl formation.

  27. Note by V.H. Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum: Some students, I believe, have great difficulty in returning. In such a case one can do so gradually by first flying into space, thinking of this planet, fixing the thoughts on the particular country, then on the particular spot therein, then on the house, and lastly on the room and entering therein. But in most cases this would be unnecessarily complicated.


  Here follow two tattwa visions by Soror Vestigia. These are provided as simple examples of the technique, and the procedure to be followed. The first of them is the fiery sub-element of earth, Tejas of Prithivi.

  Vestigia states that she found herself, after going through the imagined symbols, “in a volcanic district. No fire is to be seen, but the type of land is volcanic. Hill and mountains, hot air, and sunny light. Using a pentacle, and calling on the earth names, I see before me a species of angelic king elemental. On testing him, I find that he gives me the Neophyte saluting sign and the Philosophus (fire) sign. He bows low to the symbols that I give him, and says that he is willing to show me some of the working of the plane.

  “He has a beautiful face, somewhat of the fire type, yet sweet in expression. He wears a golden crown and a fiery red cloak opening on to a yellow tunic, over which being a shirt of mail. In his right hand he bears a wand, the lower end or handle being shaped somewhat as the pentacle implement, and the staff and upper end being as the fire wand. In his left hand (but this I do not clearly see) he bears a fire wand; I think that the right hand points upwards and the left downwards, and is a symbol to invoke forces.

  “Little figures of the gnome type come at his call. When commanded some broke the rocky parts of the mountain with pick-axes which they carry. Others appear to dig in the ground. In breaking off these rocky pieces, there fall away little bits of bright metal or copper. Some of these
gnomes collected the bits of metal and carried them away in little wallets slung by a baldrick from their shoulders. We followed them and came to some mountainous peaks. From these peaks issued some large and fierce, some hardly perceivable, fires. Into cauldrons or bowls placed above these fires, the collected pieces of metal were placed. I was told that this was a lengthy process, but asked that I might see the result of what appeared to be a gradual melting of this metal. I was then shown some bowls containing liquid gold, but not I imagine, very pure metal.

  “I again followed my guide, the angelic king elemental ruler, who gave me his name as Atapa, and followed by some gnomes bearing the bowl of liquid gold, we came, after passing through many subterranean passages cut in the mountains, to a huge cavern of immense breadth and height. It was like a palace cut out of the rock. We passed through rudely cut passages, until we reached a large central hall, at the end of which was a dais on which were seated the king and queen, the courtier gnomes standing around.

  “This hall seemed lighted by torches, and at intervals were roughly cut pillars. The gnomes who accompanied us presented to the king and queen their gold. These latter commanded their attendants to remove this to another apartment. I asked the king and queen for a further explanation, and they, appointing substitutes in their absence, retire to an inner chamber which appeared more elevated than the rest. The architecture here seemed to be of a different kind. This small hall had several sides, each with a door, draped by a curtain.

  “In the centre of the hall was a large tripod receiver containing some of the liquid gold such as that we had brought with us. The king and queen who before had worn the colours of earth now donned, he the red, and she the white, garments. They then with their earth-fire wands invoked and joined their wands over the tripod. There appeared in the air above a figure such as Atapa, he who had brought me here. He, extending his wand, and invoking, caused to appear from each door a figure of a planetary or zodiacal nature. These each in turn held out his wand over the gold, using some sigil which I can but dimly follow, the gold each time appearing to undergo a change. When these last figures have retired again behind the curtains, the king and queen used a species of ladle and compressed together the gold, making it into solid shapes and placing one of these at each of the curtained doors. Some gold still remained in the bowl. The king and queen departed, and it seemed to me that I saw a figure again appear from behind each curtain and draw away the pieces of gold.”

  The second one I shall quote is a vision of spirit of water, Akasa of Apas, also by Vestigia.

  “A wide expanse of water with many reflections of bright light, and occasionally glimpses of rainbow colours appearing (perhaps symbolizing the beginning of formation in water). When divine and other names were pronounced, elementals of the mermaid and merman type appear, but few of other elemental forms. These water forms are extremely changeable, one moment appearing as solid mermaids and mermen, the next melting into foam.

  “Raising myself by means of the highest symbols I have been taught, and vibrating the names of water, I rose until the water vanished, and instead I beheld a mighty world or globe, with its dimensions and divisions of gods, angels, elementals, demons—the whole universe of water (like the tablet ruled by Empeh Arsel Gaiol); I called on this latter name, and the universe seemed to vivify more and more.

  “I then called on Hcoma, and there appeared standing before me a mighty archangel (with four wings) robed in glistening white and crowned. In one hand, the right, he held a species of trident, and in the left a cup filled to the brim with an essence which appeared to be derived from above. This essence, brimming over, poured down below on either side. From the overflowing or overrunning of this cup, which derives its essence from Atziluth, apparently the cup being in Briah, the world of Yetzirah obtains its moisture. It is there differentiated into its various operative forces.

  “These operative forces are represented by angels each with their respective office in the world of moisture. These forces working in Yetsirah, when descending and mingling with the Kether of Assiah, are initiating the force of that which we as human beings call moisture.”



  The Universal Mercury

  “We stood upon a dark and rocky cliff that overhung the restless seas. In the sky above us was a certain glorious sun, encircled by that brilliant rainbow, which they of the Path of the Chameleon know.

  “I beheld, until the heavens opened, and a form like unto the Mercury of the Greeks 29 descended, flashing like the lightning; and he hovered between the sky and the sea. In his hand was the staff 30 wherewith the eyes of mortals are closed in sleep, and wherewith he also, at will, re-awakeneth the sleeper; and terribly did the globe at its summit dart forth rays. And he bare a scroll whereon was written:

  Lumen est in Deo,

  Lux in homine factum,

  Sive Sol,

  Sive Luna,

  Sive Stelloc errantes,

  Omnia in Lux,

  Lux in Lumine,

  Lumen in Centrum,

  Centrum in Circulo,

  Circulum ex Nihilo,

  Quid scis, id eris.31

  F.I.A.T. 32

  E.S.T. 33


  E.R.I.T. 35

  In fidelitate et veritate universas ab aeternitate.36

  Nunc Hora.

  Nunc Dies.

  Nunc Annus,

  Nunc Saeculum,

  Omnia sunt Unum,

  et Omnia in Omnibus.


  Then Hermes cried aloud, and said:

  “I am Hermes Mercurius, the Son of God, the messenger uniting superiors and inferiors. I exist not without them, and their union is in me. I bathe in the ocean. I fill the expanse of air. I penetrate the depths beneath.”

  And the frater who was with me, said unto me:

  “Thus is the balance of nature maintained, for this Mercury is the beginning of all movement. This He,38 this She, this IT, is in all things, but hath wings which thou canst not constrain. For when thou sayest ‘He is here’ he is not here, for by that time he is already away, for he is eternal motion and vibration.”

  Nevertheless in Mercury must thou seek all things. Therefore not without reason did our ancient fratres say that the Great Work was to “fix the volatile.” There is but one place where he can be fixed, and that is the centre, a centre exact. “Centrum in trigono centri.” 39 The centre in the triangle of the centre.

  If thine own soul be baseless how wilt thou find a standing point whence to fix the soul of the universe?

  “Christus de Christi,

  Mercurius de Mercurio,

  Per viam crucis,

  Per vitam lucis

  Deus te adjutabitur!” 40


  28. Note by Regardie: An illustration accompanying this manuscript depicted a conventional nude figure of Mercury, winged helmet and sandals, diving into the sea. In the right hand was the Caduceus, and the left bore a scroll showing the words described in the text.

  29. Note by JMG: Additional notes and translations in this section by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D. (i.e., Mathers): Hermes is Greek, Mercury is Roman.

  30. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Compare with v. 47 Odyssey: “Him promptly obeyed the active destroyer of Argus. Forth sped he, and under his feet he bound his ambrosial sandals. Then, taking his staff wherewith he the eyes of mortals closeth at will, and the sleeper at will reawakens.”

  31. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Translation: The light is in God, the L.V.X. hath been made into man. Whether sun, or moon, or wandering stars, all are in Lux, the Lux in the light, the light in the centre, the centre in the circle, the circle from the nothingness (Negative or Ain ). What thou mayest be (i.e., what thou hast in thyself, the capability of being) that shalt thou be (or become).

  32. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Flatus. Ignis. Aqua. Terra. (Air. Fire. Water. Earth.)

  33. Note b
y G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Ether. Sal. Terrae. (Ether, the salt of the earth.)

  34. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Ether. Subtilis. Totius. Orbis. (The subtle ether of the whole universe.)

  35. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Ether. Ruens. In. Terra. (The ether rushing into the earth.)

  36. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Let it be (or become). It is. Be it so. It shall be (or endure). In universal faithfulness and truth from eternity. Now an hour, now a day, now a year, now an age, all things are one, and all in all. ETERNITY.

  37. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: These ten letters are Notarikons of: Ab Kether. Ex Chokmah. Tu Binah. Ex Chesed. Regina Geburah. Nunc Tiphareth. In Netzach. Totius Hod. Ad Yesod. Saeculorum Malkuth. (From the Crown, out of Wisdom—Thou, O Understanding art Mercy, Queen of Severity. Now the perfect Beauty, in the Victory, of all Splendour, for the Foundation, of the Ages of the Universe.)

  38. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: Probably alludes to the three principles.

  39. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: This was, I believe, but am not certain, the motto of our Frater Count Adrian a Meynsicht, otherwise known as Henricus Madathanus.

  40. Note by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.: The Christ from the Christ. The Mercury from the Mercury, through the path of the cross, through the life of the light, God shall be thy help.


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