The Golden Dawn

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The Golden Dawn Page 82

by Israel Regardie

The colours like those of the Wheel of Fortune include the colours of the spectrum and those of the elements, but they are placed against the indigo and black of Saturn, with the white gleam of the stars shining in the darkness and the misty figure of the Aimah Elohim in the midst. In the practical tarot, this card is taken to signify the matter in hand, that is the subject of any question that has been asked.

  Having now revised the twenty-two Atouts or Trumps in succession, it will be wise for the student to reverse the process and seek to follow the path of the pilgrim from below upwards, thus seeking to comprehend the interior process of initiation and illumination. It is a process in which the whole universe does not disdain to take part, for man is himself the microcosm of the macrocosm and the child of the gods. And again, the macrocosm must itself be undergoing a corresponding process in which the experience not only of humanity but of each individual must be an integral part. The fragments are gathered up into the baskets, that nothing may be lost; and from the feeding of the multitude there remains not less but more than the unbroken bread and fish—fit emblems of earth and water.

  Cease not to seek day and night the purifying mysteries.13


  11. Note by JMG: Soror Quaestor Lucis, that is, Harriet Felkin.

  12. Note by Regardie: Incidentally note that this is the design of the Order card. Andromeda is shown manacled to a rock, the dragon rising from the waters at her feet. Perseus is depicted flying through the air to her assistance, with unsheathed sword. The design is wholly different from that of the Waite pack.

  13. Note by Regardie: This paper on the Trumps is not an official document. It should be conceived rather in the nature of a so-called Side Lecture or Flying Roll. That is not to say that it is unimportant, or that there is little of interest therein. On the contrary, certain aspects of this interpretation are not without high significance. Moreover, it should be carefully studied as well as the preceding official tarot instructions in conjunction with the description of certain of the Trumps in the grade rituals of the First Order.



  Note by S.R.M.D.

  The planets’ sphere which illustrates this manuscript, a part of the Z.A.M.’s Abstract of the Tarot, has been drawn by S.R.M.D. as instructed. It represents the heavens polarized on the plane of the ecliptic, not on the plane of the equator of our Earth, so that its north pole is the veritable north pole of our heavens and not merely that part of them to which the North Pole of our Earth now points.

  Another very important difference is that, throughout the true tarot, the teaching assigns the commencing point of the zodiac to the bright star Regulus, which is in Leo. And it measures right ascension and longitude from that point, and not from a suppositious point divided by the equinox and called the 0° of Aries (though in reality now far removed from the constellation of that name), which has been adopted by modern or Western astronomy and astrology.

  By this now usual way of reckoning, and the precession of the equinoxes, it has gradually come to pass that the signs (or divisions, each of 30°, of the zodiac) no longer coincide with the constellations of the same name, and each decade of years shows them slowly but surely receding.

  But the tarot method of reckoning from the star named Regulus has, it will be seen, the effect of making the signs and the constellations coincide.

  Regulus is also named Cor Leonis—“the Heart of the Lion.” Regulus means “Star of the Prince.” Regulus coincides with the position of the heart in the figure of Leo upon the star maps.

  Note by Regardie: The principia or fundamental ideas of this astronomical view of the tarot may be found, at least in its essential form, in the astronomical writings of Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria. Naturally, this reference only concerns the signs, constellations, and other astronomical divisions noted. The expansion of this scheme, and its allocation to other forms of universal symbolism, such as the tarot cards, Hebrew letters, and Enochian tablets, has its roots in the synthetic genius of the Golden Dawn. The idea of projecting the Tree of Life into a solid sphere, having application among other things to the starry heavens and the constellations, certainly is peculiar to this system alone. Most of the fundamentals inhering in the other aspects of the Golden Dawn teaching may be found in exoteric occult literature of past centuries. But, as again I must insist, the peculiar practical application of them as exemplified in the Golden Dawn routine can nowhere else be found, save, of course, in other authentic esoteric systems. The student is urged to study this whole section very thoroughly; it is well worth it. In the early days of the Order there was a special group which devoted its time and energies to the study and application of the principles involved herein. Incidentally, may I point out how much light this particular instruction throws on innumerable passages in Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine—especially in Volume II.

  Tabular View of the Dominion of the Symbols of Book “T” in the Celestial Heavens, and of the Operation and Rule of the Tree of Life in the same as Projected on a Solid Sphere.

  (Abridged Treatise arranged for the use of the Z.A.M.’s in Anglia by S.RM.D.)

  The Zelator Adeptus Minor shall know that the great “King Star” or “Heart of the Lion,” which is in Leo upon the path of the ecliptic and one of the “four Tiphareth points” (see later) of the celestial heavens, is the commencement and ruler of all our reckoning of longitude (or ecliptic). The path of the sun itself is the commencement of our reckoning of the latitude in the searching out of our hidden wisdom.

  Also the dragon, the constellation Draco, surroundeth the pole Kether of our celestial heavens.

  But the northern pole and Kether of the material planet (even of our Erthe, Earth) looketh constantly unto Binah, for as much as she is under sorrow and suffering. When, oh Lord of the Universe, shall she turn from her evil ways so that she shall again behold Kether? Wherefore she is now a place of trial. For each thing in this world of Assiah looketh towards that which is its natural governor, and to what part of the celestial heavens the Kether of a planet constantly looketh, by that part is that planet ruled. For in all things shine the Sephiroth even as hath been sufficiently said.

  The Four Knaves (Princesses) rule the celestial heavens from the north pole of the zodiac to the 45° of latitude north of the ecliptic. They form the thrones of the Four Aces, who rule in Kether. The four Kings, four Queens, and four Princes rule the celestial heavens from the 45° of north latitude down to the ecliptic. The twelve tarot keys attributed to the twelve signs of the zodiac rule the celestial heavens from the ecliptic, down to the 45° of south latitude. The thirty-six smaller cards of the suits (from two to ten) rule the celestial heavens from the 45° south of the ecliptic to the south pole, or the Malkuth place therein. And all calculation arises from the star Regulus, the 0° of our Leo.

  Northern Hemisphere

  Southern Hemisphere


  These four revolve in Kether, their thrones are the central portion (of 45° of longitude in extent) in the dominions of the Knaves of their respective suits.

  1. Ace of Wands

  3. Ace of Swords

  2. Ace of Cups

  4. Ace of Pentacles

  Star Groups corresponding to above

  1. A part of the tail of Draco, forefeet of Ursa Major, tail of Ursa Major, and of the northern dog of Canes Venatici.

  2. Head of Draco, body and legs of Hercules.

  3. Body of Draco. Right arm of Cepheus, head and body of Lacerta. Body of Cygnus.

  4. Body of Draco. Legs of Cepheus. Tail of Ursa Minor and the Pole Star. Legs of Cassiopeia. Head and neck of Camelopardus.

  8. Princess (Knave) of Wands. Rules from north pole to 45° and from 0° of Cancer to 30° of Virgo, the end of Virgo. The throne of the Ace of Wands extends 45° from 22°30' of Cancer to 7°30' of Virgo within the limits of 45° latitude.

  Star groups corresponding to above. Tail of Draco. Head and forepart of Ursa Minor, left arm
and part of head and chest of Bootes. The greater part of the northernmost dog of Canes Venatici. Tail and back of Ursa Major, (its ancient Italian name was Septemtriones, the Seven Ploughing Oxen). This includes the celebrated seven stars of the constellation called “Charles’s Wain” by the English; “Seven Rishis” by the Hindus, and in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Ch. XVII, “The seven bright ones who follow their lord, the thigh of the northern heaven.” 14

  12. Princess (Knave) of Cups. Rules from north pole to 45° of latitude and from 0° of Libra to 30° of Sagittarius in longitude. The throne of the Ace embraces from 22°30' of Libra to 7°30' of Sagittarius within the above limits of latitude.

  Star Group. Head of Draco. Left arm, body, and legs of Hercules, part of head, right shoulder, and club of Bootes.

  16. Princess (Knave) of Swords. Rules from north pole to 45° latitude and from 0° of Capricorn to 30° of Pisces longitude. The throne of the Ace extends from 22°30' of Capricorn to 7°30' of Pisces as before.

  Star Group. Body of Draco, part of Lyra. Head, body, and right arm of Cepheus, the king and father of Andromeda, the whole of Cygnus, head and body of Lacerta, back and part of head of Vulpecula the Fox.

  20. Princess (Knave) of Pentacles. Rules from north pole to 45° latitude, and from 0° of Aries to 30° of Gemini longitude. The throne of the Ace embraces from 22°30' of Aries to 7°30' of Gemini within the latitude as above.

  Star Group. Body of Draco, legs and part of right arm, and sceptre of Cepheus, tail and hind quarters of Ursa Minor, with the pole star of our Earth, head and neck of Camelopardalis (giraffe), body and right arm, throne and legs of Cassiopeia, the queen of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda, head of Ursa Major.

  7. Prince of Wands. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude and from 20° Cancer to 20° Leo in longitude.

  Star Group. Head, body, and tail of Leo, body and tail of Leo Minor, hind quarters and legs of Ursa Major, head and forequarters of southern dog of Canes Venatici.

  17. King of Pentacles. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude and from 20° of Leo to 20° of Virgo.

  Star Group. Head and body of Virgo, left arm of Bootes, hair of Berenice. Body and hind quarters of southern dog of Canes Venatici, hind feet of northern dog of Canes Venatici.

  14. Queen of Swords. Rules from ecliptic to 45° and from 20° of Virgo to 20° of Libra.

  Star Group. Right leg of Virgo, body and right arm, and right leg of Bootes. Beam and part of scales of Libra.

  11. Prince of Cups. Rules from ecliptic to 45° and from 20° of Libra to 20° of Scorpio.

  Star Group. Part of scales of Libra, left claws of Scorpio, body and legs of Ophiuchus, the holder of the Serpent. Front half of Serpent’s head, right arm and club of Hercules.

  5. The King of Wands. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude and from 20° of Scorpio to 20° of Sagittarius.

  Star Group. Top of head and bow of Sagittarius, head and right arm of Ophiuchus, near half of Serpent.

  18. Queen of Pentacles. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude and from 20° of Sagittarius to 20° of Capricorn.

  Star Group. Top of head, neck, and horns of Capricorn, left hand of Aquarius, the man who carries the water, the whole of Aquila, the eagle, the greater part of Delphinus, whole of Sagitta the arrow, forefeet and body of Vulpecula the fox, and the tail of the Cygnet which he seizes.

  15. Prince of Swords. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude, and from 20° of Capricorn to 20° of Aquarius.

  Star Group. Tail of Capricornus, head and body of Aquarius, head and forelegs of Pegasus, the winged horse who sprang from the blood of Medusa, near the sources of the ocean, the whole of Equuleus, the lesser horse, part of head of Dolphin, tail and hind quarters of Vulpecula, part of wing of Cygnus, the swan, part of head of Pisces.

  9. King of Cups. Rules from ecliptic to 45° of north latitude and from 20° of Aquarius to 20° of Pisces.

  Star Group. Body and tail of one of the Pisces, and part of the band. Body and wings of Pegasus, head and arms of Andromeda, chained to the rock-tail of Lacerta.

  6. Queen of Wands. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude and from 20° of Pisces to 20° of Aries.

  Star Group. The other fish and part of band of Pisces, head and back of Aries, body and legs of Andromeda, the Triangle, hand and left arm of Cassiopeia, the winged instep of Aries.

  19. Prince of Pentacles. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude and from 20° of Aries to 20° of Taurus.

  Star Group. Tail of Aries, one horn and shoulder and back of Taurus, whole of Perseus, and the head of Medusa, hind quarters and legs of Camelopardalis, left leg of Auriga, the charioteer, and part of Capella, the she-goat which bears kids in her arms.

  13. King of Swords. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude from 20° of Taurus to 20° Gemini in longitude.

  Star Group. Head and body of Castor, one of the Gemini, greater part of Auriga and Capella, head and forepart of Lynx, forefeet of Camelopardalis.

  10. Queen of Cups. Rules from ecliptic to 45° north latitude, and from 20° Gemini to 20° of Cancer in longitude.

  Star Group. Head and body of Pollux, the other of the Gemini; greater part of Cancer, the crab; face of Leo; head and face of Ursa Major.

  The Following Twelve Keys Govern the Celestial Heavens from the Ecliptic to 45° of South Latitude

  65. Fortitude. Rules the whole of Leo, from the point of Regulus or Cor Leonis.

  Stars. The forelegs and hindfeet of Leo, greater part of the Sextans and of Crater, the cups, part of the body of Hydra, the great water serpent, greater part of Antlia Pneumatica, the air pump, greater part of Pyxis Nautica, a small part of the ship Argo.

  66. Hermit or Prophet. Rules the whole of Virgo.

  Stars. Left arm, hand, and arm of Virgo, and her ear of corn; part of the body of Hydra, Corvus the crow, part of Crater, tail and right hand of Centaurus, the man-horse, small part of Air-Pump and of Argo.

  68. Justice. Rules the whole of Libra.

  Stars. Part of the south scale of Libra, tail of Hydra, head, body, arms, and forefeet of Centaurus. Legs, body, and tail of Lupus, the wolf which he is killing. Right claw of Scorpio.

  70. Death. Rules the whole of Scorpio.

  Stars. Body and tail of Scorpio, head and neck of Lupus, whole of Ara—the Altar, two feet of Ophiuchus, point of arrow of Sagittarius, part of Norma, Mason’s square.

  71. Temperance. Rules the whole of Sagittarius.

  Stars. The whole of Sagittarius, the archer, except right hind leg, the tail, the crown of the head, extreme points of bow and arrow, Corona Australis, Telescope, Pavo—the peacock.

  72. The Devil. Rules the whole of Capricorn.

  Stars. Whole lower half of Capricornus, the he-goat, part of Piscis Australis, the southern fish, Microscope, part of Grus the crane. Part of Indus.

  74. The Star. Rules the whole of Aquarius.

  Stars. Legs of Aquarius, and the issuant water head of Piscis Australis, part of Grus, part of Phoenix, part of Apparatus Sculptorum, part of Cetus.

  75. The Moon. Rules the whole of Pisces.

  Stars. The connecting band of Pisces, the body of Cetus, the sea monster to which Andromeda was exposed, part of Apparatus Sculptorum. Part of Phoenix, part of Fornax.

  61. The Emperor. Rules the whole of Aries.

  Stars. Legs of Aries, part of body of Taurus, head and forepart of Cetus, part of Fornax and of Eridanus.

  62. The Hierophant. Rules the whole of Taurus.

  Stars. Head and forepart of Taurus the bull. The bull sent by Neptune to frighten the horses of Sol and those of Hippolytus. The greater part of Orion the giant and hunter. The beginning of the river Eridanus into which Phaeton was hurled when attempting to drive the horses of the sun; greater part of Lepus, the Hare.

  63. The Lovers. Rule the whole of Gemini.

  Stars. Legs of Castor and Pollux, the Gemini, Canis Minor, a small part of Cancer. The whole of Monoceros, the unicorn, except the hindquarters. Head and forepar
t of Canis Major, the greater dog.

  64. The Chariot. Rules the whole of Cancer up to Regulus in Leo.

  Stars. One claw and part of the body of Cancer, forepaws of Leo, head and part of Hydra, part of Sextans, part of Pyxis Nautica, hind legs and tail of Monoceros, part of the mast, rigging, and prow of the ship Argo.

  Note: The keys answering unto the seven lords who wander (planets) and the three spirits (the elements) are not assigned any fixed dominion. The following thirty-six small cards (Twos to Tens) rule the decans of the signs in the celestial heavens and their dominion extendeth from 45° south of the ecliptic unto Malkuth at the southern pole.


  Five of Wands

  0°–10° of

  Part of Argo, part of Piscis Volans.


  Six of Wands

  10°–20° of

  Part of Argo, part of Piscis Volans.


  Seven of Wands

  20°–30° of

  Part of Argo, part of Piscis Volans.


  Eight of Pentacles

  0°–10° of

  Part of Argo, part of Piscis Volans.


  Nine of Pentacles

  10°–20° of

  Hind feet of Centaurus, part of Piscis Volans.


  Ten of Pentacles

  20°–30° of

  Hind legs of Centaurus, part of Chameleon.


  Two of Swords

  0°–10° of

  Hind legs of Centaurus, part of Crux, part of Musca and Chameleon.


  Three of Swords

  10°–20° of

  Part of Crux, Musca, and Chameleon.


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