Four of Swords
20°–30° of
Part of Musca, Circinus, Compasses, and Chameleon.
Five of Cups
0°–10° of
Part of Circinus, Chameleon and of Triangulum Australe.
Six of Cups
10°–20° of
Part of Triangulum Australe, Apus the Swallow, and Octans.
Seven of Cups
20°–30° of
Part of Pavo, Apus, Octans.
Eight of Wands
0°–10° of
Part of Pavo, Apus, Octans.
Nine of Wands
10°–20° of
Part of Pavo, Apus, Octans.
Ten of Wands
20°–30° of
Part of Pavo, part of Hydra the water snake.
Two of Pentacles
0°–10° of
Part of Pavo, part of Hydra.
Three of Pentacles
10°–20° of
Part of Toucan, part of Hydra.
Four of Pentacles
20°–30° of
Part of Toucan, part of Phoenix.
Five of Swords
0°–10° of
Part of Phoenix, end of Eridanus.
Six of Swords
10°–20° of
Parts of Hydrus, Reticulum, and Rhombus.
Seven of Swords
20°–30° of
Parts of Phoenix, Hydra, Reticulum, and Eridanus.
Eight of Cups
0°–10° of
Parts of Phoenix, Eridanus, and Reticulum.
Nine of Cups
10°–20° of
Parts of Phoenix, Eridanus, and Reticulum.
Ten of Cups
20°–30° of
Parts of Phoenix, Dorado, and Reticulum.
Two of Wands
0°–10° of
Parts of Phoenix and Dorado.
Three of Wands
10°–20° of
Parts of Caelum Sculptoris and Dorado.
Four of Wands
20°–30° of
Part of Caelum Sculptoris (Engraver’s Burin).
Five of Pentacles
0°–10° of
Part Eridanus, Columba Noae, Dorado, Equuleus Pictoris.
Six of Pentacles
10°–20° of taur
Forepart of Lepus, tail and wing of Columba, part of Equuleus.
Seven of Pentacles
20°–30° of taur
Part Equuleus and Lepus, body of Columba.
Eight of Swords
0°–10° of
Feet of Canis Major, prow of Argo, part of Equuleus Pictoris.
Nine of Swords
10°–20° of
Legs of Canis Major. Part of prow of Argo.
Ten of Swords
20°–30° of
Hind quarters of Canis Major, part of prow of Argo.
Two of Cups
0°–10° of
Prow of Argo. Tail of Canis Major.
Three of Cups
10°–20° of
Prow of Argo.
Four of Cups
20°–30° of
Prow of Argo.15
In the dominion of the various forces, the rule of each may be divided into three portions. The centre is the most pronounced in its accord with the nature of its ruler, and the two outer portions are tinged with the nature of the ruler of the dominion bordering thereon. For example, in the case of Leo, the dominion of Fortitude, the central ten degrees will have most of this nature. For the beginning ten degrees are tinged with the nature of Cancer, and the last ten degrees with the nature of Virgo, the nature of Leo however predominating the mixture.
The whole heavens, then, are thus divided into four great belts or zones:
The uppermost being the dominion of the Knaves like a cross within a circle.
The second belt under the dominion of the other court cards represents a belt of influence descending vertically.
The third belt under the dominion of the twelve keys related to the signs of the zodiac, represents a belt of influence acting horizontally. This zone in union with the second belt will therefore yield a great zone of twelve crosses encircling the heavens.
The fourth belt consists of thirty-six decans under the dominion of the thirty-six small cards of the four suits, the numbers two through ten of each suit. In each of these sets of three parts of a sign, the central one will be more pronounced in effect than the lateral parts.
Therefore the three decanates of each of the signs will be symbolized by a triangle. Thus are yielded twelve triangles surrounding the lower heavens, and therefore there will ultimate twelve crosses surmounting twelve triangles surrounding the heavens. In other words, the symbol of the G.D. in the Outer, twelve times repeated.
Celestial Cross and Triangle
And the central rising sun will represent the hidden influence of Tiphareth in the centre of the sphere, as will be hereafter explained, rising above the waters of space (the ethereal expanse of the sky called by the Egyptians “the waters of Nu which are the parents of the gods,” the shoreless ocean of space).
But in the Golden Dawn initiation, the cross surmounting the triangle is preferably represented by a Calvary Cross of six squares, as still more allied to Tiphareth.
Of the Operation and Rule of the Tree of Life in the Celestial Heavens Projected as if in a Solid Sphere
When the Tree of Life is considered not as being a plane but as a solid figure, and when it is projected in the sphere, the north pole of the sphere will coincide with Kether and the south pole with Malkuth.
And as we have before sufficiently learned the ten Sephiroth are repeated not alone, in each whole figure, but also in the parts therefore, so that every material thing created will have its own Sephiroth and paths.
Now as the north pole corresponds with Kether and the south pole corresponds with Malkuth, the central pillar of the Sephirotic Tree will form the invisible axis of the sphere, the central point coinciding with Tiphareth. This latter Sephirah together with that of Yesod will be completely hidden from view, so that Tiphareth will be the exact centre of the sphere.
Also the Sephiroth Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Netzach, and Hod will be duplicated. As also the paths Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Vau, Cheth, Caph, Mem, Qoph, and Shin, and so many of the others will be even quadrupled. But although Tiphareth and Yesod will be concealed, there will be four especial points where the influence of each will be indicated.
As projected in the before-described celestial sphere, Kether will govern a radius of 10° around the North Pole, thus embracing the whole body of the constellation Draco.
Chokmah will be on the 60° north latitude; embracing a radius of 10°, the right foot of Hercules; the left arm, hand, and part of head of Bootes. Also on the other side of the heavens, a radius of 10° including the head and shoulders of Cepheus, and the head of Lacerta.
Binah has a similar radius and is posited on the same parallel of latitudes, and includes the pole star of Earth, the head of Camelopardalis, the tip of the tail of Draco, also Lyra and left knee of Hercules in the opposite side of the heavens.
Chesed with a similar radius, and posited in the 30° of north latitude, will include part of Coma Berenices, of Bootes, and of Virgo, and parts of Andromeda and of Pegasus.
And so with the other Sephiroth of the outer pillars, each being 30° distant from the li
ne of the Sephiroth above and below it, and having a radius of 10°.
The central line of the two pillars of mercy and severity will respectively traverse, that of mercy the 15° of Virgo and 15° of Pisces; that of severity the 15° of Gemini and the 15° of Sagittarius. The four Yesod points will be on the line of the 60° of south latitude, and at similar zodiacal points. From which circumstances the path of influence or nature of the sun will be along the line of the ecliptic, coinciding with Tiphareth, and that of the moon will be on the 60° of south latitude answering to the Yesod points on that line.
S.A.’s Key Plan of Sephiroth
S.A.’s Key Plan of the Paths
S.A.’s Key Plan of the Tarot
The Law of the Convoluted Revolution of the Forces Symbolized by the Four Aces Round the Northern Pole 16
In the Book “T,” it is written: “Also the Dragon (i.e., Draco, the constellation at the northern pole of the heavens) surroundeth the pole Kether of the celestial heavens.” It is further laid down that the four Aces (symbolized by the Princesses and amazons) rule the celestial heavens from the northern pole of the zodiac unto the 45° of latitude north of the ecliptic, and from the thrones of the four Aces which rule in Kether.
And again it is stated that:
The throne of the Ace of Cups—The head of Draco
The throne of the Ace of Swords—Fore part of body
The throne of the Ace of Pentacles—Hind part of body
The throne of the Ace of Wands—Tail of Draco
Regard thou then the form of this constellation of the Dragon. It is convoluted in the four places answering unto the rule of the Aces.
Head, first convolution—Ace of Cups
Second convolution—Ace of Swords
Third convolution—Ace of Pentacles
Fourth convolution—Ace of Wands
And this convoluted course will represent the law of the Aces.
Now in the four faces of YHVH, fire and water be contrary, and also earth and air be contrary. And the throne of the element will attract and seize, as it were, the force of that element, so that herein be the forces of antipathy and of sympathy, or what are known chemically as attraction and repulsion.
Recall also the allotment of the triplicities:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Wands of the Tarot.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Cups of the Tarot.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Swords of the Tarot.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Pentacles of the Tarot.
Now, the order of the Princesses, and consequently of the thrones, is formed from right to left thus:
Heh (final)
While that of the Aces is formed from left to right, though their motion is from right to left:
Heh (final)
This, then, will be the order of their movement. Let us first suppose the Aces on the following stations:
Station 2
Station 1
Station 12
Station 11
Ace of
Ace of
Ace of
Ace of
Now the Station 2 is the throne of the Ace of Wands, while the movement of the Aces is steadily from right to left in the direction of the numbering of the stations. In the ordinary course the Ace of Wands would pass to Station 3; the Ace of Cups to Station 2; the Ace of Swords to Station 1; the Ace of Pentacles to Station 12.
But the Station 2, being the throne of the Ace of Wands, attracts and arrests the movement of that force so that instead of passing into Station 3, it remains on Station 2 until the other Aces have passed over it in turn.
Ace of Wands remains on Station 2,
Ace of Cups passes also on to Station 2,
Ace of Swords passes on to Station 1,
Ace of Pentacles passes on to Station 12.
Ace of Cups passes to Station 3,
Ace of Wands remains at Station 2,
Ace of Swords passes also on to Station 2,
Ace of Pentacles passes also on to Station 1.
Ace of Cups passes on to Station 4,
Ace of Swords passes on to Station 3,
Ace of Wands remains at Station 2,
Ace of Pentacles passes also on to Station 2.
Ace of Cups passes to Station 5,
Ace of Swords passes to Station 4,
Ace of Pentacles passes on to Station 3,
Ace of Wands still remains on Station 2.
But Station 5 is the throne of the Ace of Cups. Therefore it attracts and arrests that force, in the same manner that the throne of the Ace of Wands acted previously in attracting and arresting the Ace of Wands, the result of which has been to make that force which previously was leading become the last of the four.
Ace of Cups remains on Station 5,
Ace of Swords passes also on to Station 5,
Ace of Pentacles passes also on to Station 4,
Ace of Wands now at last passes into Station 3.
For it has now become the last of the four, and the Ace of Cups has commenced to act through its throne, and the Ace of Pentacles, moving to Station 4, a hiatus would occur in the movement of the Aces, if the Ace of Wands did not move forward to Station 3, and also there is the attraction of the motion of those Aces in front of it. Wherefore all these forces combining, at length cause it to move forward.
The movement then continues, thus:
The Ace of Swords passes on to Station 6,
The Ace of Cups remains on Station 5,
The Ace of Pentacles passes also on to Station 5,
The Ace of Wands passes also on to Station 4.
The Ace of Swords passes on to Station 7,
The Ace of Pentacles passes on to Station 6,
The Ace of Cups still remains on Station 5,
The Ace of Wands passes also on to Station 5.
The Ace of Swords passes on to Station 8, its Throne,
The Ace of Pentacles passes on to Station 7,
The Ace of Wands passes on to Station 6,
The Ace of Cups still remains on Station 5.
The Ace of Swords remains on Station 8,
The Ace of Pentacles passes also on to Station 8,
The Ace of Wands passes on to Station 7,
The Ace of Cups now at length passes on to Station 6, and so on.
The movement of the Aces will be very similar to the convolutions of Draco thus:
The Course of the Aces:
Course of the Aces
And will imply a much more sustained exercise of force through the thrones than elsewhere. So that the generic effect of the thrones will be that of the seasons, while the other stations w
ill give the variations thereof in accordance with their natures and with the order of the movement of the aces in them.
And as Kether acted directly upon Tiphareth which is, as it were, the centre and focus of the Sephiroth when projected in a sphere, so do the Aces act upon the sun as the centre and focus of the solar system. So that the sun, according to his position with regard to the equinox and Earth’s surface, will translate the effect of the seasons, he being the translator of the force of heat thereto, whether the then position of the equinoctial points coincide with what we call 0° Aries and 0° Libra (reckoning from Regulus) or not. So that his effect north of the equator shall produce when just leaving the equinoctial point the effect of Aries, whether he be with that constellation actually in the heavens or not.
Conversely also, for the south of the equator (as in the country of Australia) his quitting the equinoctial point southward will translate the same effect of Aries.
But this rule shall not for one moment affirm that Aries and Libra are identical in nature. Nor that the zodiac proper is inoperative. Nor that the nature of the sun is not modified by the constellation in which he is. But only that the direct effect of the physical impact of his rays falling upon a certain portion of Earth’s surface, will be in proportion to the duration of their action, in the excitement they produce in the terrestrial forces.
Order of the Passage of the Aces
The Golden Dawn Page 83