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Finding Single Dads

Page 22

by Destiny, Sam

  The bottle was empty, but he enjoyed the suckling. It usually helped him fall asleep, so I didn’t pull it away.

  “You know, there was always something about you that just prevented me from talking to you. I think it was subconsciously knowing you and I aren’t a good match.”

  Katie gasped, then cleared her throat. “This has nothing to do with us being anything. This is about you and me being—”

  I shook my head and placed the empty bottle on the kitchen counter, then passed her on my way to the stairs. “There’s no you and me, Katie. I think Cory and I both need to rest. You know where the door is.”

  With that, I made my way upstairs, not caring if she left or not.


  Two weeks later, I went back to work, my heart shattered. I knew exactly why Hayden had acted the way he did, but that didn’t mean it hadn’t hurt. He hadn’t apologized, and when I’d gone back to his house to check on him the next day, he didn’t open the door.

  Hell, I’d even stood across the street until I saw him moving around the house. The fear of him having done something stupid was just too big, and no matter how he acted, I cared about him. Hell, I had from the moment he’d opened the door that fateful night.

  “You look distracted.”

  I glanced up, seeing my colleague, Tracy, take the seat across from me.

  She was one of the few I worked with almost every shift. The hospital had a policy of changing up teams because they thought it was the easiest way to avoid relationships among the staff, but since doctors and nurses often worked longer than their designated shifts, you couldn’t really stop people from having quickies.

  “I’m fine.”

  She arched a brow. “Right. You haven’t been fine since you returned from those days off helping the newly single dad. What was his name? Kaden?”

  “Hayden.” Just saying his name made me want to call him, even knowing he wouldn’t answer. I didn’t even know why I cared.

  She nodded. “Hayden… So, what’s his deal?”

  I cocked my head. “Besides his dead best friend?”

  Her eyes clouded and she swallowed. “Yeah, I guess that would be enough to kick anyone over. So you stayed with him and helped with the baby?”

  I sighed. I’d been stupid, hopeful, and started to crush on a broken man. “Yes. I showed him the ropes with Cory and also offered him mental support, but he didn’t want it for long. The day of the funeral, he kicked me out. Now it’s just him and the baby in the house.”

  I could almost imagine how deadly silent it was whenever Cory slept. God, I couldn’t believe Hayden was hiding away in that house. I stood, starting to pace, while Tracy placed her feet on the chair I’d just vacated.

  “You just left? I mean… You know the stages of grief. We probably know better than anyone because we see it all the damn time. What if… What if…”

  Even she couldn’t finish the sentence I didn’t dare think about.

  I swallowed. “Cory is the only thing he has left of his best friend. I don’t think he’d risk hurting him. In fact, I think he might be the only thing getting him through each day.” I hope.

  Tracy leaned forward, her eyes imploring. “How do you know? I mean, have you spoken to him?”

  I paused in my pacing, rubbing the back of my hand across my forehead. “He refuses to see me, and the way I understand it, he hasn’t spoken to Knox or Dale, either.” I knew how it sounded, knew what Tracy was going to suggest even before she said it.

  “He is high risk for suicide and has an infant in that house, Katie,” she stated, her voice angry, but I couldn’t change the fact that he shut me out.

  “I-I might have…” I furrowed my brows, wondering how best to phrase this without sounding creepy. “I might have stayed in front of his house until I saw him moving around. He and Cory seem to be okay.” At least that was what I’d deducted from their shadows.

  Tracy raised a brow. “And stalking him is better than trying to force him to talk to you?”

  Before I got a chance to reply, her beeper went off, for which I was grateful—even if it meant there was another emergency in the hospital.

  I was done talking about Hayden and my worries anyway.

  * * *


  There were beer bottles and empty takeout containers everywhere, but I couldn’t care less. The only pristine room was the bedroom…and that was only because Cory slept in there with me.

  The kitchen needed a good scrubbing, too, but when it came to his things, everything was clean. I’d never allow Cory to suffer because of my misery. The need to call Leah had finally lessened, but that didn’t change the fact that I missed her.

  Her parents came over almost daily, banging on the door and demanding to see their grandson. The way I looked, the way my house looked, I couldn’t let them in. I’d probably have child services on my ass sooner than I could blink.

  I knelt next to the bathtub, carefully bathing Cory as he lay in his baby tub. He’d made a mess, shitting not only his diapers, but his legs and back. As much as I found it disgusting—hell, who wouldn’t?—I enjoyed the way he wiggled, cooing. He loved being in the water, and I loved seeing him smile. I’d read that, technically, they didn’t consciously smile until later, but that didn’t matter.

  I was certain my boy was smiling at me.

  Once I had him back in clean clothes, I saw his eyes slowly starting to close. He was exhausted, and I wasn’t the least bit surprised. Seemed being an infant was hard work.

  I kissed his forehead and placed him in his crib, turning on the baby monitor before walking back downstairs. Blowing out a breath, I sat on the couch and reached for another bottle of beer, watching daylight start to dwindle outside the window. I wouldn’t get drunk, but I needed something to take the edge off the pain, and beer was a good alternative.

  I took out my phone and flipped through a few sites about baby care, but I didn’t really see them. Other than an occasional car passing outside, the house was utterly silent.

  Dropping my phone onto the coffee table, I ran my hands across the hair on my chin. I’d meant to shave days ago, then again a few days later, but now… I just didn’t care anymore.

  Cory liked to grip the hairs, and whenever he pulled, the pain let me know I hadn’t died alongside Leah.

  Plus, the day I’d meant to shave had also been the same day I’d wanted to go apologize to Katie.

  I knew exactly what had gotten into me the day of the funeral, but that didn’t mean I felt bad for what I’d done to her.

  I did today, couldn’t have cared less yesterday, and tomorrow? No idea.

  When I heard a soft knock on the door, I decided to ignore it. Leah’s parents never knocked softly, and…


  The only person who knocked softly had been Katie. I had heard her previously, had stood next to the door while she demanded I open up, but I couldn’t. I didn’t know what she’d see, didn’t know what to say.

  I was tempted to step up to the window and see if I could catch a glimpse of her. Just one. I missed her. Missed her quiet presence in the house, missed having her there when I needed a hug.

  The knocking didn’t cease. Finally, I forced myself to my feet, downing the beer before opening the door.

  While Katie stood there, she wasn’t alone. Both women gasped.

  “Fuck, Hayden. You look like shit.” Sarah drew me into her arms and hugged me tightly.

  Even with Sarah in my arms, my eyes were on Katie. She stood on the porch, unsure what to do or say. I couldn’t make it better because I didn’t know what to say, either.

  I was more sorry than she could imagine, but I wasn’t sure I could handle having anyone around. I was usually angry lately, more than just a little, and I knew if she stuck around, she’d be the one taking the brunt of it.

  “You stink,” Sarah announced and stepped back.

  I didn’t even react. The hurt in Katie’s eyes was obvious, but damn, I needed her to
hug me.

  I opened my arms, giving her the choice. “You heard it. I stink, but—”

  She didn’t even let me finish before she rushed into my arms, her head tucked under my chin. “I was so damn worried,” she whispered as I squeezed her tightly.

  “It’s a mess in here, Hayden,” Sarah stated, ignoring the profound moment Katie and I were sharing. “You have to clean this up.”

  Reluctantly, I let go of Katie, then turned to Sarah. “What the hell do you care how it looks in here? I didn’t invite you to come over, did I?” This was my house. How I lived in it was my decision.

  Katie touched my arm. “She doesn’t mean it to be insulting, Hay, but if you don’t clean up, you could lose everything,” she whispered. Her words chilled me, yet I arched a brow at the two women standing in my hall.

  “Could I? All I have left is Cory.” When they both stayed silent, it settled in that was exactly what they meant. My eyes widened. “Wait. He’s mine. She put it in the papers, so no one can come and question it.”

  Sarah stepped forward, hands raised as if she were talking to a cornered animal. Maybe she was. “Calm down, Hayden.”

  I wanted to scream, and rage, and kick them out, even though I’d been happy to have Katie here a second ago. I hated these mood swings, but what the hell could a man do?

  “How about you go take a shower, then we can talk when you come back down?” Katie suggested, but I didn’t want a damn shower. I wanted to know what was going on. “Listen, nothing will happen tonight. Please. Go shower, put on fresh clothes, then we’ll talk.”

  I finally sighed and gave in. After all, the women clearly wouldn’t say anything until I was clean again.

  I couldn’t help but be surprised how much a shower changed my attitude. I felt fresher, less beaten down, and ready to listen to the two downstairs without wanting to tear their heads off.


  I checked on Cory, who was still sleeping. Still, I reached into the crib, brushing my hand across the soft hair on his head. He turned into my touch briefly, and I took strength from that small movement.

  Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Katie and Sarah had started cleaning up. Besides the fact that this was my house, I didn’t want them to fix what I’d messed up.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I gritted my teeth when I realized I sounded snappy.

  “We are your friends, so we’re being friendly.” Sarah looked up. “Oh, too bad. The fucking beard didn’t wash off.”

  I smirked, unable to hold it in. “My beards never do that,” I replied, then sobered again. “Can we talk about what you insinuated earlier? Why would I lose everything?”

  The women exchanged a glance, then Katie walked over and took my hand, drawing me into the living room. “Sit, Hay. Remember, don’t kill the messengers…” Again, they looked at each other and Sarah nodded slightly. Whatever they decided on, one of them needed to talk.

  “Yes?” I prompted.

  Katie still held my hand, brushing her thumb across my knuckles. “Leah’s parents came to the hospital, demanding to see the birth certificate again, asking about forced paternity tests. You haven’t talked to them, haven’t left your house, and I think they might send DCF soon.” She paused briefly. “It’s why you need to clean yourself and the house. I noticed you’ve cleaned his things, which is good, but…” She looked around. “This environment is not fit for a child.” She gestured at the remnants of the pizza I had two days ago and the empty Chinese container next to it.

  “His room is clean, and—”

  Sarah, sitting on the other side of me, leaned forward. “We don’t doubt you’re taking care of him, Hayden, but you also need to take care of you. I spoke to your boss. He’s okay with you bringing Cory to work, as long as you have the baby monitor. You know how work is. There are empty rooms where he can sleep in peace. It’s not ideal, but it’s a solution right now.”

  I didn’t want to go back to work, didn’t want to pretend my normal life was back because nothing about this was normal anymore. “But—”

  Katie interrupted. “DCF will need to see you working, will need testimonies from your colleagues, and will check the house. I promise. I’ll be here to make sure you don’t lose Cory, but I cannot do that alone, Hayden. If you can’t be a functioning adult for yourself, be one for him. Leah counted on you to take care of her son. This is part of it.” Although I flinched at Leah’s name, I knew what Katie was getting at.

  “We’ll all be here, Hay. Dale, Knox, and Clare are ready to jump in whenever you need it, and when I’m not on duty, I can take Cory to my house. We can do this together. No one expects you to go through this alone,” Sarah said in a soft voice, taking my other hand.

  I loved them for wanting to help me, loved them for offering all they did, but…

  “On the best of days, I’m angry. On the worst, I’m numb. I can take care of Cory, but that’s as far as it goes. I can’t imagine myself going back to work. I don’t care enough to go back to work,” I confessed, then stood and made my way over to the window, looking at the dark street outside, wondering what the hell the next several weeks would bring.

  * * *


  My heart ached at the raw pain I saw in Hayden’s eyes, but when he’d hugged me earlier, I felt the silent apology in the way his hands had pressed against my back, as if he didn’t want to let go.

  He now stood with the back to us, his shoulders tense, his head hanging low. I sighed, arching a brow at Sarah.

  She shrugged, mouthing, Maybe I should go.

  I nodded, standing as she did.

  “Call me anytime, Hayden. Okay? I’m gonna take off.” She cleared her throat, waiting for a reaction, but all she got was a weak nod. I let her out, then walked back into the living room, stopping behind him.

  For a moment, I was unsure what to do or say, then I decided to just offer him comfort. I slipped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his back, hearing his heart thudding. I knew it was faster than normal, wondering if it was his anger or his pain that made it race.

  He hesitated a moment, then took my hands in his and leaned into my palm. The beard tickled my skin, and as much as I preferred him with just a scruff, I couldn’t help but think he was handsome either way.

  “Katie…,” he croaked, then turned in my arms.


  He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. Maybe I should demand an apology, but I knew grief made you do horrible things, so I was ready to let him get off easy this time.

  I soaked up his closeness, then swallowed. “I was so worried about you, especially when you didn’t open the door. I stood across the street until I saw you in the window, holding Cory. It was the only thing that made me leave. I thought…” I shrugged, and he shook his head. I felt the movement against my own.

  “I couldn’t do it. Leah deserves more than that. Besides, I might not have fathered that child, but he’s my son and I’ll take care of him. I know what his mom would want me to do, but, Katie… I don’t think I can do it,” he whispered, his voice rough.

  There was so much I wanted to say, so much I needed to tell him, but before I knew what was happening, Hayden bent his head and touched his lips to mine. My breath caught in my throat as I held onto him.

  This was not the right thing to do right now. Hayden needed to talk about his grief, about the things on his mind, and not distract me with this.

  Especially when I didn’t know where this was coming from.

  I should pull away, step back, tell him this wasn’t the right way.

  Until then, I’d enjoy this kiss, a kiss I’d been dying and longing for since I met him.

  Granted, I’d wanted to get it on a first date, when he was happy after having a great night. Or maybe even before the first date because he couldn’t resist me.

  I planned on taking whatever he was offering—as soon as I knew I wasn’t just a temporary Band-Aid so he c
ould forget about the last several days.

  “Hayden,” I whispered, pulling back, but his hungry lips followed mine, swallowing my protest. God, he felt so good pressed against me, and I couldn’t deny my body’s reaction to him.

  I wanted him. I was swarmed with lust, longed to feel his hands on my bare skin, even if that was a worse idea than us kissing.

  Again, I pulled back, my last shred of sanity demanding I have some self-respect. I placed my hand on his chest. “Hayden, stop.”

  My heart mourned the loss when he stepped back, cried out in desperate want for his warmth to feed mine.

  “Okay,” he agreed. “If this isn’t what you want…” He shrugged, leaving the sentence unfinished.

  A bitter laugh left my lips. “Not what I want? Hayden, it’s what I’ve wanted for months, but not like this. Not when you’re vulnerable and need a distraction. I’m not… I…”

  His eyes darkened. “I’m not vulnerable, and I certainly don’t need a distraction, but with you so close, my body can’t help but want you.” He lowered his voice. “So much more than you can imagine.”

  He was lying to himself, and me, but that didn’t change the fact I felt myself getting wet. He closed the little space between us again and reached for my hand, pressing it against his crotch.

  Hayden was rock hard under my palm. A moan fell from my lips before I could stop it.

  “Katie…,” he whispered, his lips close to mine again. He didn’t kiss me, didn’t move, and I knew he was waiting for me to make the final decision.

  Men were not the only ones who stopped thinking when it came to sex. Sometimes lust overruled a woman’s sanity, too.

  I crushed my lips back to his, one arm wrapped around his neck while the other cupped him through the sweats, stroking slowly up and down, knowing we wouldn’t be doing this unless the universe had interfered.

  * * *


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