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Finding Single Dads

Page 26

by Destiny, Sam

  “Definitely. I can’t believe you remembered I was off today.”

  I grinned. “I also remember that you’re working late shift Sunday, have morning shift the rest of the week, do a double on Saturday, then you’re off again until Monday. I listen when you talk, Katie. I promise.” I might have seemed absent, but hearing her voice had a soothing effect, so focusing on it had been easy.

  “I never doubted that,” she assured me and hopped up onto the counter, drawing me closer. “Kiss me.”

  I did, cupping her cheeks and holding her like she was precious. She tilted her head, giving me better access to her mouth.

  “The little man will be back soon,” I whispered against her lips, and she drew me back in.

  “Then we’d better hurry.”

  The doorbell rang at that exact moment. I couldn’t help but chuckle as she groaned in disappointment.

  “You’ll get another chance to be seductive,” I promised her, kissing her forehead before walking over to the door, welcoming my son back home, telling Dale I’d see him later that night.


  “That was close!” Dale slapped the bartop before lifting his beer to his lips. We were watching a game I usually wouldn’t have cared less about. The Carolina Panthers were my team. Neither the Patriots nor the Saints did anything for me, but sitting in a bar filled with Patriot fans, I couldn’t help but root for the team.

  “Maybe that’ll finally wake them up,” Knox suggested, shaking his head. He’d opted for a Coke, which wasn’t surprising. With a police officer as your girl, you tended to be a little more…careful when you were out.

  Besides, I couldn’t really say anything. I also had Coke in front of me. I hoped to catch Katie awake later on. I knew she wouldn’t mind me having a slight buzz, but with my son being so small, I wanted to be fit to drive.

  “I canceled the lease on my house,” I stated in the middle of a touchdown run for the Patriots. I hoped the excitement of possibly scoring would make the guys forget I’d even said the sentence.

  It had been on my mind for days now, and because I didn’t know how Katie would react, I hadn’t told her yet.

  Knox choked on a sip of Coke. Clearing his throat, set his glass down. “You what? What’s going on?”

  Well, now, that was something he didn’t need to know just yet. “Nothing. I just don’t need or want the house anymore. Things changed. My view changed,” I explained just as New England scored and everyone jumped up.

  I followed their lead, joining in on the hugging and clapping, the excitement and the analysis of the touchdown.

  I still felt Knox’s eyes on me, but he was torn between pressing me and being super excited because the Patriots were finally in the lead.

  Sometimes I wished the guys I worked with would be less talkative, maybe just saying a simple “huh”.

  “The next few weeks at work will be hard,” Dale suddenly said.

  I arched a brow. “Is that so?”

  He nodded. “For whatever reason, everybody suddenly seems to either want to move or declutter the whole house.”

  Recently, the business started cleaning out old homes, too, and while I loved the manual labor, I couldn’t believe how heavy some of that old furniture was.

  “Busy is good,” Knox announced. He still eyed me, making it clear he’d eventually try to find out what was going on with me and my lease, but I wouldn’t lie. I was glad he didn’t ask right away again.

  Emptying my glass, I focused back on the screen, my mind racing. There was so much to arrange, so much to plan, but it probably wouldn’t take very long until the guys realized my house was on the list of those that were supposed to be decluttered.

  “I’ll be there less. With Katie working, I cannot leave Cory anywhere,” I stated, and the guys both nodded.

  “I’m sure the boss understands, but can we talk about—”

  No, we couldn’t, because the Patriots scored again on an interception and the whole bar jumped back to their feet. I decided to only stay a few more minutes before I went home.

  I wanted Katie in my arms, feeling as if my time with her was so much shorter than I wanted.

  * * *


  I shifted the cell from my right shoulder to my left as I tried to wash out the spit up Cory had gotten on my shirt.

  “What do you mean he’s selling the house?”

  Sarah groaned in annoyance on the other end of the line. “I don’t know. Knox texted that Hayden just told them, but that he won’t say more. I figured you’d know, but…”

  I didn’t. I had no idea what this was about. Besides, I didn’t think this house belonged to Hayden. He was probably renting the place, and if he broke that… Where the hell did he think Cory and he would go?

  “Listen, the boys are on their way home. You’re at his place, aren’t you?”

  I glanced around the tiny kitchen and realized that this place was more home than my apartment, and I’d lived there for years. “Yes. I’m going to find out what he’s up to,” I stated, not sure if I promised that to her or myself.

  “Thank God.” Sarah sighed in relief. “Keep me updated, okay?”

  I promised her I would, then hung up. Just after I’d placed the phone on the counter and dried my hands on a dish towel, the key turned in the front door. I collected my thoughts for a moment, then stepped out into the small hallway.

  Hayden looked yummy in dark blue jeans and a simple light blue button-down, his hair wild and lips pulled into a grin.

  “Hey, Hayden—”

  I didn’t get any further as he swept me up into his arms and kissed me like a dying man. His tongue demanded entrance and I opened for him, heat pooling in my belly.

  He pulled away. “Tell me Cory’s asleep,” he begged, searching my face.

  I nodded. “Yes…”

  Before I could gather my thoughts again, Hayden’s lips were back on mine. He walked me into the living room, toeing off his shoes without breaking the kiss, then placed me back onto the floor, kissing his way down my throat as his hands worked their way under my shirt, finding my already hard nipples.

  “This shirt needs to go,” he ordered. My arms lifted, almost of their own accord, and he pulled my shirt over my head.

  I needed to speak now, break the spell he had on me. “Hayden,” I started.

  He pulled back. “Yes?” His eyes were hopeful, sparkling, making me push all my worries away.

  He didn’t look like a man on a suicide mission. Yes, his actions seemed to be those of a man getting his affairs in order, but that look he gave me? Damn, I swore it was love.

  “I-I… I missed you,” I whispered. It was true, but wasn’t what I wanted to say.

  He chuckled, his eyes going dark. “That’s why I came back early. I missed you, too.”

  His hands worked on my bra, dropping it to the floor. He knelt and pulled my sweatpants down, kissing my abdomen. He nudged me a little higher up onto the couch after pushing me onto it, placing my legs over his shoulders, making room for him.

  Last night, Hayden had been somewhat hesitant, but not tonight. There was a quiet confidence in every one of his movements, each stroke of his tongue. He’d gotten me to the edge fast the night before, but tonight? It didn’t take long for me to know I was going to come before I’d wrapped my head around the fact that Hayden had come home just to seduce me.

  “Hayden…,” I gasped as I reached for him, my legs starting to tremble.

  When he stood, I was glad to see his jeans hadn’t made the way up with him.

  Condom in hand, he suited up. I couldn’t believe how relieved I felt. I didn’t think I could wait another minute.

  I grasped his shirt, ripping it down the front. Both Hayden and I froze.

  “That was an accident,” I forced out.

  “Sexy,” he growled as he thrust inside of me. My legs wrapped around him, drawing him closer. There was an urgency, and I couldn’t pinpoint why.

  Was he worrie
d Cory would wake? Or was this about something else?

  He thrust his hips, and all conscious thought fled my brain. I clawed at his shoulders, needing to hold on. I felt as if I were floating, as if I could leave my body and just enjoy the pleasure.

  His pelvis rubbing against my core made this a hundred times more pleasant. “Hay, I’m close,” I whimpered.

  He lifted me and sat on the sofa, me straddling him, moving me up and down his length.

  “Do it,” he whispered. “Come for me, Katie.” He claimed my lips, swallowing every single sound as he stroked all the right spots.

  As I shattered around him, I knew Hayden Park had forever ruined for any other man.


  I placed Cory on the bed, smiling to myself as he made spit bubbles. I’d never thought I could be a decent dad. The day Cory became mine, I’d actually been sure I’d lose him within a week because I knew I was probably the worst father anyone could have.

  I still didn’t know what Leah had been thinking, but I knew Cory deserved the very best. And I intended to give it to him.

  I changed him, letting him be naked for a while because he was the most active then.

  I kept my eyes on him while I packed his things, my heart getting heavier with every little stuffed animal I placed into his bag.

  “You okay there, buddy?” I asked, no longer finding it weird to talk to him. Yes, he couldn’t answer, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t listening.

  As he kicked his little legs, I abandoned the task of packing to spend just a few minutes with him. I tickled his little feet, grinning to myself as he kept pulling them away.

  I couldn’t believe how empowered you felt knowing someone counted on you, trusted you. Cory didn’t know what it meant to be betrayed, but he had utter faith in me to protect him.

  And I would.

  I tickled his sides, and he grabbed my index finger, pulling it into his mouth to nibble on. His fingers were small, and it was strange that he could wrap his whole hand around just one of my fingers.

  I was blown away by how little a person could be. He wasn’t the first infant I’d seen, but he seemed to be more breakable than all the others I’d ever met.

  “You’re tiny,” I whispered. Even I could hear the wonder in my voice. Still kicking his little legs, I swore Cory gave me his first real smile. And, damn, it was beautiful.

  Putting his diaper and clothes back on, I picked him up and pressed him against my chest, emotions overwhelming me.

  I didn’t know when I’d ever been so touched by something that it made me cry, but holding Cory, having him smile at me, made the tears roll down my cheeks.

  My heart was as full as it was empty, and it was a weird feeling. Part of me was numb, worried what would happen, while the other knew everything leading to this point had been inevitable.

  I’d been living in self-made reassurance that my life was good when it wasn’t, hadn’t been forever.

  Yes, when I was a teenager, Leah had been a blessing in disguise and had kept me out of prison with her mere presence, but who would’ve thought that she’d save me again without even being present?

  I hated to think that she had to die for me to realize I couldn’t go on the way I was, that I needed to make changes.

  I knew I couldn’t go on. Not like this. Not without her.

  Strapping Cory into his car seat, I placed his clothes into the trunk, then slipped behind the wheel. I glanced back at the house, smiling softly, then I drove off, knowing the way with my eyes closed.

  My hands shook when I parked in front of the house, Leah’s mother already standing on the porch. The drive had been rather short, less than fifteen minutes, yet long enough to make my nerves triple in intensity.

  “Hayden,” she greeted me, the venom of the last several days gone from her voice.

  “Hey.” I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry how everything went, ma’am. It’ll be better from now on. I promise. Are you prepared to have a baby in the house? It’s gonna be sleepless nights.” I played with the hem of my hoodie, my fingers itching to be busy.

  She smiled. “We are, I think. I mean, it’s been a while since we had a baby in the house, but… I’m pretty sure they still need the same things they needed back then.” Swallowing, she took a deep breath. “Son… I’m sorry about everything I said before. I don’t know why Leah put your name on…” She grimaced. “Actually, I do. You were the one guy she could always rely on, Hayden, so thank you. Thank you for being there for our daughter when no one else was.”

  I nodded, then turned away to get Cory out of the car. Surprisingly, he was babbling in his seat. I’d expected him to fall asleep in the car. I handed him to his grandmother just as Leah’s dad appeared.

  I’d called them up a few days ago, apologizing and telling them if they wanted, I’d bring their grandson by. I didn’t hold a grudge, and luckily, neither had the Wilsons. However, the possibility of us ever becoming a weird kind of patchwork family wasn’t there.

  “Anything you need me to carry?” Mr. Wilson asked, not bothering with a greeting. But I knew he was happy because his face lit up like a Christmas tree when he looked at Cory. I couldn’t believe how much bad blood there’d been between us over the last few weeks—and how easy it could’ve been had I just allowed them to be part of Cory’s life no matter what.

  Then again, grief was a weird thing, and none of us had been acting like ourselves lately.

  I was glad I didn’t have to step into the house, but when it was time to say goodbye, my hands trembled. “Hey, little man.” I took my son in my arms, cuddled him close and kissed his small head, my heart aching as his tiny hands grasped the material of my hoodie. “I love you. You know that, right? I know I didn’t always do everything right, but hey, you’ll be spoiled now. It’s what Nanas do, you know.”

  Leah’s mother, tears in her eyes, smiled. “It sure is.”

  I handed Cory back, not wanting to prolong it, surprised when she leaned in to kiss my cheek.

  “You take care, Hayden. We’ll see you soon.” She stepped back. I nodded, then walked back to my car.

  Of all the things I’d expected this morning, realizing how hard it was to say goodbye had not been among them.

  * * *


  My shift at the hospital was slow. We had days where practically the whole pregnant population wandered our halls, not giving us a chance to breathe, then we had days where we sat around, wondering if we could do our fifth check-up round.

  My cell rang in my pocket. Although I technically wasn’t supposed to have it on me, I’d needed to know I was reachable that day for some reason.

  Seeing Sarah’s name on the caller ID, I glanced around, not spotting anyone who would rat me out to the doctors if they caught me on the phone. Even so, I scrambled for one of the storage units, slipping inside.

  “What? I’m at work,” I whispered. She didn’t deserve me being a bitch, but that didn’t mean I could stop myself from being one.

  “Good morning to you, too. You know, I saw the strangest thing. Hayden dropped Cory at Leah’s parents’ house, then left without him. I even saw Leah’s mom kiss his cheek. What’s up with that? When did they make up?”

  I dropped back against the shelf behind me, my heart thudding in my chest until I expected it to break right through. “He did? Are you sure it was Hayden?”

  I knew the question was ridiculous, but I was confused.

  “Handsome, serious, tiny and adorable little boy? Definitely Hayden. I suspect you didn’t know anything about that?” Her voice had turned cautious.

  I took a deep breath. “No. I… He’s been weirdly attentive, and sweet, and… You know that feeling when a guy has a guilty conscience and is extra nice? Something like that.”

  Sarah gasped. “Oh, my god… You don’t honestly thing Hayden is cheating on you, do you? I cannot see that. I mean, even if he is, he’s grieving and—”

  I coughed in disbelief. “You’d make excuse
s for him if he were cheating? Once a cheat, always a cheat. I’d definitely walk away, but no. I think there’s something else going on. I—” A beep announced an incoming call and I groaned. “Hold on for a second, Sarah.” I pressed a button to answer the second call, this one from an unknown number. “Pearson.”

  “It’s Dale. Can you tell me why Hayden took off when his house is on the list to clean out this week? I cannot reach him and—”

  “I don’t know.” What was it with people thinking I had all the answers? I wasn’t his mother. Then Dale’s words hit me. “What do you mean ‘clean out’? Do you mean moving?”

  “No. Moving would be moving, but we have an order to get rid of everything that’s still in the house. But if you don’t know, and I can’t reach Hayden… Are you guys okay, Katie?”

  We were perfect, or at least that was what I thought. “I need to go. I have to talk to Hayden. We might meet at the house later, okay?”

  I was still working, would be for another few hours, but I couldn’t stay at the hospital when I didn’t know what was going on.

  “See you then, Katie.”

  I hung up, got back to Sarah, and told her I needed to go, hanging up without waiting for her to answer. For a few seconds, I stayed in the dark storage room, my mind racing a million miles an hour.

  We were happy. We had worked out the biggest troubles, and I got the feeling Hayden was slowly coming around concerning his grief. I didn’t expect it to vanish, but I’d hoped it would slowly grow less potent, less dominating.

  Maybe I’d been wrong.

  Pushing my cell back into my pocket, I stepped out, my heart heavy. If he’d waited for me to be out of the house before doing all this…

  “You look pale, Nurse Katie. Is everything okay?” Dan, one of the guys here for his pregnant wife, appeared in front of me.

  I shrugged. “I don’t feel very well, to be honest. I…” I shook my head, giving him a small smile. “I think I should go home and cure whatever is inside me. I’m sure I’ll see you and Elise tomorrow.” I winked, knowing that although babies could basically come any second, Elise would most likely still be as round as she was now once I returned for my shift tomorrow.


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