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Stiff_A Graves Family Romance

Page 18

by Kim Linwood

  The three of them look more like girlfriends having a chat than professional acquaintances. I’d put money on my name coming up a time or two. Sadie turns and catches my eye. I smile back and the other women laugh. Yeah, seems a safe bet.

  “The blonde,” Grandma continues. “I recognize Maria’s granddaughter from her shop so I know that’s not her.”

  “No, Sadie’s the brunette in the middle.”

  She peers. “Mmm, very cute. I think I approve.”

  “I’m so glad,” I deadpan, raising an eyebrow.

  “No need to get snotty, kid. Oh, look, she’s headed this way. It’s long past time I was introduced to the woman who’s got you so tied up in knots. Your father was forced to dig up my number and call to ask if I knew what was going on.”

  “Dad calls you every Sunday.”

  She snorts. “No, your mother calls me every Sunday and then hands him the phone.”

  Aunt Liz walks up and puts a hand on Grandma’s arm. “Give Marty a break. We’re here to pay our respects, not complain about our kids.”

  Grandma looks like she wants to argue, but Sadie’s arrival makes her put her sweet face on—the one for those she doesn’t know that well yet. “Well, hello, dear. I’m Gladys, Carter’s beloved grandmother.”

  Sadie smiles, glancing up at me just in time to catch my eye roll. She smothers a laugh and turns her attention back to Grandma. “Lovely to meet you, Mrs. Graves.”

  “Call me Gladys, please. I was more than happy to pass the title of Mrs. Graves down to Nicole, and the older I get, the less talk of graves the better. Don’t you think?” Grandma glances around with a wistful look.

  “I’m so sorry, were you close to Mrs. Graham?” Sadie reaches out to grasp Grandma’s hand for a quick, comforting squeeze.

  “Close? Not especially, I suppose, but our husbands enjoyed golfing together and I remember Lydia as a vibrant person with a kind soul. In a town this size, everyone of an age knows each other to some degree, as I’m sure you already know. I’ve only seen them a handful of times since Norman passed, but I’ll miss her all the same. Poor Robert, it’s not easy to outlive those we love.” She looks fondly at Aunt Liz, who’s wrapped an arm around her waist in comfort. “I’m sorry, where are my manners? This is my young friend, Elizabeth Mitchell.”

  Aunt Liz laughs, her round cheeks flushing bright pink. “Not so young anymore, I’m afraid.”

  “Sadie Williams, nice to meet you.” Sadie and Aunt Liz shake hands as Grandma watches with poorly concealed glee. I can almost hear the grind of the cogs turning in her head as she plans how to pull Sadie into the family before I screw something up.

  Which I’m sure I will. I always do, though so far Sadie has held up better than most. Would it be so bad if she did end up stuck with us? With me? I shift to Sadie’s side and she doesn’t move away. This united front thing isn’t half bad.

  Grandma’s pale blue eyes sparkle. “I’m sure you two have plenty to do, so we won’t keep you, but I must say, this has been quite the event. You make a marvelous team. Professionally speaking, of course.”

  Sadie laughs. “Of course, thank you.”

  “What nice manners,” Grandma says right before directing a cutting gaze at me. “You should take some lessons from Ms. Williams here.”

  I press a kiss to her cheek. “But then what would you have to complain about? We’ll talk later.”

  She huffs in annoyance but gives me a fond smile as she and Aunt Liz move away, heading towards Mr. Graham.

  “Your grandmother seems nice.” Sadie looks at me with her big brown eyes so innocent it instantly gives me ideas that are anything but.

  “She likes you,” I say with a grin, grabbing her by the waist and tugging her away from the center of the tent. “Come with me. I haven’t had a chance to talk to you all day.”

  “Oh, is it talking that’s on your mind?” she teases.

  “Well it was.” Not. “But now that you’ve gone putting other ideas in my head, you can’t expect me to just forget about them.”

  “Carter! We’re at a funeral!” There’s a mischievous quality to her voice that belies her words, and when I put a hand on the small of her back and escort her out of the tent and towards the gardens, she doesn’t resist.

  “It’s so beautiful here,” Sadie whispers. “I heard Mr. Graham is thinking of moving to be closer to his kids. It’s sad.”

  We walk through the sort of grounds you’d expect to find surrounding an English estate, meticulously planned and manicured, and full of all sorts of cubbies and spaces surrounded by neatly styled hedges. Soon we’re well away from the other guests and alone in our own private alcove. There’s a bench under a stately oak tree. I sit and pat the space beside me.

  “Have a seat.”

  She smiles a little shyly and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before smoothing the back of her skirt and sitting down. A bird chirps in the tree above us, setting the damn scene like we’re in the middle of a movie and one of us is about to start singing. Not exactly the seductive side trip I’d hoped for, but we’re alone and for some reason that settles a part of me I hadn’t even known existed.

  There is still one point we have to resolve, though. I cough and run a hand through my hair out of habit. “So, has this changed your mind about what Graves has to offer? I think I’ve held up my end of it pretty well. Not to mention that we’re working pretty well together.”

  “It’s been… adequate, I guess.” Sadie laughs and shakes her head at my glare. “Sorry. You’re right. There’s no way I could’ve pulled this off on my own, and it’s not just me. Without your help, Lena could never have put together the food for anything this big.”

  “It wasn’t charity to get on your good side if that’s what you’re implying. We do prefer to work locally whenever possible. She just needed a hand with the logistics.”

  “No, no. That’s not what I meant. I know I’ve been a little critical of your motives—”

  “A little?”

  “Okay, a lot, but I’ll admit it. I’m impressed.”

  I slide my arm down from the back of the bench and curl a hand around Sadie’s waist, pulling her in so our hips are touching. She looks perfect for the occasion, beautiful and professional, but knowing what’s under her skirt sends heat straight through me.

  “You could have these kinds of resources at your fingertips all the time, you know.”

  She licks her lips, and her hand brushes against my knee as she smooths the hem of her skirt. “To be honest, this is the first time we’ve needed it. You’ve got to admit, a funeral this large is pretty unusual, especially for Wittville.”

  “It is. Until the next one.” I take a deep breath and push forward. This has to be said even if it scares her away again. “Listen, I’ll be up front. I’m under a lot of pressure to get this contract done, and after today I’m going to be out of excuses to buy you time. If you aren’t going to sign, I can’t keep doing this. We’re going to have to move on to the next potential location.”

  Sadie shrinks back from me slightly, her back going straight before her shoulders slump a little in resignation. “So I guess then you’d be gone, right? I always knew you just wanted me for my funeral home.” Her smile is weak and doesn’t quite take the hurt out of her words.


  She glances up, startled. “I was just—”

  “Sadie, if you haven’t figured out yet that the only reason I give a shit about your funeral home is because you’re there, then you haven’t been paying fucking attention.” I use my free hand to cup her chin and make her face me. “I’ll admit that it would make my life a hell of a lot easier if I could have both, but I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to go. Maybe not even then.”

  Then I close the little distance left between us to kiss her. Her lips are warm against mine, and after a split second of shock, she melts into it, demanding more. All thoughts of the contract burn away under the heat of our kiss. It’s impossible to ima
gine that she’d want to be anywhere than right here, with me, work or play.

  Sadie’s hand comes up between us and she pushes away. “Wait.”

  “What?” I move back in to continue the kiss but in spite of the flush in her cheeks and the red, kissable state of her lips, she shakes her head.

  “Why?” she asks. “Why me?”

  I can tell whatever she’s thinking about bothers her, but the question doesn’t even make sense. “Why not you?”

  “Because… because I’m just me. I’m a totally average, brown haired, minimally fashionable, necrophobic, assistant funeral director from Nowhere, Pennsylvania. And you. You’re on freakin’ billboards for cripes sake.”

  Oh, that.

  I smile, and not just any smile. The kind of smile the photographer tells you to use when you’re really trying to sell something. The kind of smile that says, “All this could be yours. In bed.”

  Her breath hitches, and then again as I stroke a hand into her hair.

  “Sadie Williams, you are anything but average, and I love your brown hair. It’s beautiful. Every time I see it, I remember the way it glowed when the sun hit it that day at the hospital. I wouldn’t know fashion if it slapped me in the face. There’s a reason I pay someone to shop for me, but you could be dressed in a burlap sack and I’d still think you were beautiful. I’m much more interested in who’s inside the clothes. In you.” To prove my point, I slide a hand up her skirt and rub my fingers over her sexy thigh. “What was next on the list? I’m getting distracted.”

  “Necrophobic,” she whispers.

  “Ah, right. I don’t mind that one either. It makes me feel like there’s actually something, however small, I can do to help you that doesn’t involve a corporate credit account.”


  “As much as I hate to mention this when I finally have you alone, but did you notice my grandmother earlier? The pushy old lady with the not-nearly-as-scandalous-as-it-used-to-be female companion?”

  “Um, yes?”

  “She’s here because she lives in Coyote Creek, and she lived in Wittville before she got older and moved to the resort. The whole reason we started concentrating on this area is because of family connections. I’ll admit the nightlife leaves a little to be desired, but I know exactly where you’re from.”


  “I’m not done. I have no idea why you think you’re lacking in some way, because I wanted you the first time I saw you, and every time since then has only made me want you more. You’re smart, funny and miraculously enough you seem to be able to handle the monsters I call family. Not to mention my own bullshit. You really have no idea how special that is.”

  “You’re crazy.” She laughs, and I take advantage of the moment, leaning in to kiss her again.

  This time she doesn’t pull away.

  Sadie’s arms wrap around my neck and she clings to me as our kiss deepens. I pull her close, my hands traveling over her body until she’s practically quivering for more. We come up for air and she presses her forehead against mine.

  “God, we can’t do this here. We’re supposed to be working.”

  “There’s time,” I growl, tugging her off the bench and onto my lap. She lets out a little gasp as her core rubs against the solid bulge in my pants. “Everything’s in place and the ceremony doesn’t start for a little while yet. If they need us, they’ll call.”

  “This is getting to be a bad habit. Just once it would be nice to have a bed, or at least a door with a lock.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  She runs a hand down between us until she’s palming my cock. “Oh, I think I could make it fun.”

  “Keep that up and I’m going to have to slip away for a new pair of pants.” In revenge, I cup her ass under her skirt, letting the tips of my fingers brush against her panties. She’s right, I’d kill for the time and space to do this right, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to turn down this opportunity.

  It’s all too easy to push aside the scrap of fabric between her legs. My fingers trail across her satiny folds, delving between them to find the telltale moisture of desire. I love how she reacts, how with just a few touches, I can drive Sadie as wild as she drives me. Slipping a finger inside, I work her with my hand like I want to with my cock. At first she groans and leans into my chest, but then she pulls back and starts to move away.

  My fingers dig into her hip, trying to hold her in place. “Nobody’s here, relax.”

  “Shhh,” she hushes, before planting a fleeting kiss.

  There’s barely time to wonder what she’s up to before she’s on the ground between my knees, undoing my pants. Tables turned, I briefly consider stopping her, but then my cock is out and her hand wraps around my shaft, leaving me with the view of Sadie’s mouth opening and her tongue trailing over the swollen head.

  She looks up and grins. “Keep a lookout.”

  “Holy shit,” I groan, gripping the bench like my life depends on it.

  Her lips wrap around my cock and the hot wetness of her mouth is like heaven. I moan as she bobs, and my hips jerk on their own, thrusting deeper. All the while, she’s got her big, beautiful eyes locked with mine. They sparkle with excitement.

  At this rate it won’t take long, and then I’ll—

  My phone rings.

  “Fuck!” I fumble it out of my pocket. Lena’s calling. “Shit, stop—no don’t—fuck, yeah you need to. It’s Lena.”

  Sadie sits up and my cock slides free of her mouth, the warm summer air cold against my wet, overheated skin. I try to pull myself together, but it’s hard— hell, everything’s hard—when Sadie replaces her mouth with her hand, stroking me lightly and smiling at my attempt to be professional with my cock straining out of my pants.

  I glare at her as I take the call, but all Sadie does is look like she’s about to start laughing. “What’s going on?” I ask Lena, more gruffly than intended.

  “Um… did I catch you at a bad moment?”

  “It’s fine. Just be quick.”

  Sadie snickers.

  “I’m not sure how to say this, but there’s been a bit of an incident and the police are here.”

  “What?” All hope of finishing what we’ve started evaporates at her words. Sadie understands something’s changed and she reluctantly moves away, stands up and straightens her own clothes. With a sigh, I focus on the phone. “Talk to me.”

  “It’s nothing serious. Well, okay, it’s serious but there’s nothing dramatic. It’s just that my cousin and his partner had a teensy little issue with permits a while back—bureaucracy, you know?—and they sort of had to leave in a hurry and now there are some questions and… oh God, you guys should really just get here.”

  “Tell them we’ll be right there.” I hang up and shove my phone back into my pocket. “For fuck’s sake.”

  “What’s the problem?” Sadie smooths back her hair and for a second I imagine grabbing her hand and leaving this circus behind to find a bed and a locked door.

  But only for a second. Or two.

  “Apparently those damn cheese guys got themselves into a bit of trouble and the police are here.”

  “The police? What the heck?”

  “I have no idea. All I know is that I don’t feel like ending up with our names mixed up in the local paper because they had to raid our funeral to find illegal cheese.”

  She laughs.

  “It’s not funny,” I grumble.

  “It’s a little funny, but that’s not why I laughed. Come here.” Sadie tugs at my tie until I’m standing right in front of her, then her hand goes back to my zipper.

  “This isn’t the time or—”

  She licks her lips as she lowers my zipper and looks down. I follow her gaze, to see one of my shirt tails sticking out like the tail of a deer. Slowly and deliberately, she tucks it back into my pants, running her fingertips over my cock. I suck in a breath.

  “How do I look? Presentable?” she asks, doing a
slow twirl.

  There’s only one answer.

  There will only ever be one answer.




  “You’re actually going to sign? Sadie ‘Procrastination’ Williams is finally going to pull the trigger?” Zoe rests her weight on my desk, peering down at the contract in front of me. “Or maybe if you just sit there long enough, the ink will magically leak out of the pen in the shape of your name.”

  “What’s got you so eager all of a sudden? You and Brandon didn’t exactly hit it off last I checked.”

  “He’s a jerk,” she sniffs. “Talk about disappointment. I thought we’d get along great since we obviously have so much in common, but he’s way too full of himself. Whatever. I’m sure he has plenty of pit lizards to keep him company.

  I eye her curiously. “Pit… lizards?”

  “Like buckle bunnies, but for cars instead of cowboys.” She waves her hand dismissively like I’m supposed to know what either of those things are. “Anyway, we’re not talking about me, we’re talking about you. Are you going to sign?”

  “I should,” I admit with a sigh. “I went over it with my parents again and they’re all for it. We’re not broke, but it would sure make things easier.”

  “No pressure, right?” she says with a little laugh. “Easy for them to say, they aren’t the ones who have to keep working here.”

  “Exactly.” I look back at the contract. Contracts. Everything in triplicate, of course. My eyes trace over the words as if I haven’t practically memorized the whole thing. It’s all there. My demands—minus the company cars— right along with his stipulation that I stay on as director for at least a year. Long enough to see if we can work together, and plenty of time to make it hell if we can’t.

  Wonder if he’s thought about that.

  The thing is, I want this to work. I’d love for this to work. As much as his brash nature annoys me, and the pushiness, and the cocky attitude, and the—I’m getting off track here. In spite of doing my best to resist, he’s got me hooked. When push comes to shove, Carter’s a good partner to have. Not to mention fun. And sexy.


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