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Hooked on a Feelin' [Clandestine Affairs 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Zara Chase

  “Good morning, sweethearts,” he said, kissing each of them in turn, making her giggle. “Why the hell you don’t like these babies is beyond me. And, in case you didn’t notice, Vasco and I are already addicted to them.” He squeezed the heavy globes to emphasize his point. “Never, ever have them reduced, darlin’, and that’s an order.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Are you gonna let me fuck you awake, sweet thing?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He laughed. “Glad you took a moment to think about it.” He reached for a condom in the bedside drawer. “This will have to be quick, I’m afraid. I have a class to take in half an hour.”

  “Quick is good. I can do quick.”

  He reached between them to roll the condom down his length. Then he reached for her pussy, finding it already slick with her own juices. He ran his finger through them, then held it to her lips so she could taste herself.

  “Can’t ever get enough of that vintage,” he said, sighing.

  “It tastes salty.” She canted her head, as though trying to be more specific. “I’ve never tasted myself before.”

  “There’re a load of things you’ve never done before, but you will, and pretty damned soon. You’ve got Vasco and me crazy for you.”

  “You don’t have to say things like that.” She looked adorably unsure of herself. “I don’t need false compliments.”

  “No, what you need is to learn how to accept a genuine one,” he replied, tapping the outside of her thigh.

  “Oh.” Now she looked plain confused. “Then thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, and you’re also in charge,” he said in a thick voice. “You have me at your complete mercy. Do your worst.”

  He could detect excitement in her eye, unsurprised when she needed no further urging. She used her own fingers to part her slick folds, then lowered herself onto his cock, sinking down slowly and taking all of him inside of her in one fluid movement. She squeezed her thighs around him, closed her eyes and threw her head backwards, groaning with pleasure as he filled her to capacity. Ty clutched one of her breasts, molding the flesh and then lifting his head to bite down on her beaded nipple. She cried out and increased the pace of her movements on top of him, uncoordinated, inexperienced, allowing her emotions to guide her. That was fine with Ty. For this morning, at least, she could be herself. Her lessons would resume later on.

  Watching her, feeling her clutching his cock tightly by squeezing her pelvic muscles, an idea occurred to him. Vanilla sex he could do. Hell, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do with Sorrel. But he wanted to try a little experiment first. He abandoned her tits, placed his hands on her waist and when she lifted herself from his cock, ready to sink back down onto it again, he held her clear of it.

  “What did I do wrong?” she asked, her eyes flying open.

  “Nothing, but I want you to do something for me first.”

  “Anything, Master.”

  “Take your weight on your knees, stay clear of my cock, and show me how you make yourself come without touching your cunt with your fingers.”

  He expected her to get all coy and refuse. Instead her eyes sparkled with excitement and he knew she’d do it. “I need to rub my thighs together.”

  “Fine, but no touching.”

  She shuffled a little further back. Ty brought his knees up so she was kneeling at his feet, her thighs brushing against one another. Then she lifted one hand to a breast, closed her eyes and tweaked the nipple hard. She threw her head backwards and rubbed her thighs against one another.

  “Shit, you look hot, babe,” he said softly. “Are you imagining my cock inside you, or is it Vasco’s you’re going wild for? Don’t worry, darlin’, we don’t get jealous of one another. You can tell me the truth.”

  But she had gone somewhere in her mind where he couldn’t reach her and he got no response. Instead she made a crooning noise, interspersed with panting, as she rocked her pelvis back and forth, faster as her pleasure built. Then her limbs trembled, her mouth fell open, perspiration trickled between her breasts and she screamed as she came.

  “Wow.” She opened her dazed eyes, cloudy with the residue of pleasure, and blinked at Ty. “I’ve never let anyone see me do that before, and it’s never been that good before, either.”

  “You like to be watched, darlin’. That’s a good thing.”

  “I guess so.” But she didn’t sound too sure.

  “You also have really sensitive tits. If you have them reduced, you’ll lose a lot of that sensitivity.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t realized that.” She shrugged. “Looks like I’m stuck with them then. Some sacrifices are definitely not worth making.”

  Ty grinned his approval, glad to have been able to dissuade her so easily. Perhaps she didn’t dislike them as much as she made out. “Now, where were we?” he asked.

  He reached out a hand and she scampered back to her former position. Ty flipped her onto her back and levered himself over her, taking his weight on his forearms.

  “Legs over my shoulders,” he ordered curtly, shoving a pillow beneath her butt as soon as she was in position. “I’m gonna fuck you hard and deep, babe. Right now, I’m so turned on, so fucking hard, that I can’t do it any other way. Watching you bring yourself off almost made me come, too. You are astonishing.”

  “Please, Ty, hurry. I’m ready again. I know I’m not supposed to make demands, but I feel on fire for wanting you inside me.” She giggled. “I must have been a slut in a former life.”

  “Don’t ever call yourself that,” he said harshly. “Needing to be fucked and being honest enough to admit it doesn’t make you a slut. And you’re about to get your wish, darlin’. I’m gonna give you everything I have until you beg for mercy.”

  “I ought to warn you, that’s not likely to happen any time soon.”

  He kissed the end of her nose. “Music to my ears.”

  He thrust into her, hard and aggressively, because he knew she wanted it that way. They both did. She groaned as she took his whole length in one greedy grasp of her muscles and moved with him, fast, urgently. The intoxicating friction created by the walls of her pussy branding his cock was so wild he thought he might actually lose control.

  “Come on, babe, now we’re really fucking. Stay with me, I need to go harder and deeper.”

  “I want you to. I want all of you, Ty. Please!”

  He set a punishing rhythm, conscious of his balls pulling tighter as he strained not to explode too soon. He wanted this to last forever because nothing had ever felt so right before. She was making mewling sounds, whimpering with need as he stroked her sensitive body with long, fast slides of his thick cock. She closed around him tighter still, trembling, on the brink, which was his undoing.

  “Let it go, darlin’,” he growled. “Let’s do this together.”

  And they did. She screamed, he grunted, as they scaled the pleasure peak together, hitting the summit in perfect harmony.

  “Shit, darlin’, what have you done to me?” Ty asked, removing her legs from his shoulders and rolling away from her, totally and completely spent.

  * * * *

  “Well, that was quite a show,” Vasco’s voice said from the doorway.

  Sorrel opened one eye and smiled at him. “Sorry we didn’t wait for you,” she said. “And thanks for looking out for Marley.”

  “No problem.” He leaned over the bed and kissed her. “Breakfast’s up if anyone’s interested.”

  “It’s too early,” she said, burying her head beneath a pillow.

  “She ain’t a morning person,” Ty said, levering himself athletically from the bed.

  Sorrel opened both eyes and watched him with appreciation. He really did have a body to die for, all taut flesh and rippling muscles, not an ounce of excess flesh anywhere to be seen. Vasco, dressed in shorts and a vest, flashed one of his devastating smiles in her direction. He looked unimpeachably and impressively masculine, too.

  And unattainable.
  Satiated as she was, seeing them in all their intoxicating male splendor made her uneasy, spoiling the afterglow. Their reasons for bringing her here didn’t ring true. They seemed to enjoy her body, but they were into health and fitness, and couldn’t possibly approve of someone who’d let herself go in the way she had. They had to want something from her. But what?

  Sorrel fell asleep again with that question still rattling inside her brain. An orgasm woke her. Shit, she’d brought herself off again, and in her sleep, too. That had never happened before. She must have been dreaming about the guys and what they’d done to her. That would be enough to make any woman come—repeatedly.

  She glanced at the clock and groaned. It was gone ten, but felt like she’d only slept for a few minutes since she and Ty got it on. Guiltily, she slipped out of bed. Marley heard her and leapt into the room, all wagging enthusiasm.

  “Hey, buddy,” she said. “You have a good time with your new pals? Mama sure as hell did.”

  Marley wagged some more, jumped up onto her lap and licked her hand.

  Sorrel spent a long time in the shower, then padded barefoot through the empty apartment to the room that was supposed to be hers. Her bag had been placed on the bed and she rummaged through it for clean clothes. Dressed in Capris, a T-shirt and sneakers, she brushed her wet hair and left it to dry naturally, then wandered into the kitchen, starving. She glanced down and saw a food bowl had been added to the one Vasco had put down for Marley’s water. It was obvious he had thought to buy dog chow as well as exercising the little mutt.

  “I am a terrible mother,” she told Marley, bending to scratch his ears. “I didn’t give a thought to your needs.”

  She straightened up and saw a note on the kitchen surface.

  Morning, sleeping beauty, she read. You looked too comfortable to disturb. Help yourself to breakfast and wander down any time you feel like it. You’re bound to find one of us in the office on the floor below you.

  We had fun yesterday.

  Love V and T xx

  Love? Sorrel felt warmed yet confused by the note, increasingly disturbed by their thoughtfulness because no one other than her father had ever cared about her welfare before. So far this relationship was way too one-sided. She needed to do something for them in return. But what?

  She rummaged in their fridge while she mulled the question over, curious to see how they ate. Lots of cold meats, cheeses and bread. Fruit in a bowl on the surface, packets of cereal left out for her to choose from, presumably. Sorrel made herself some tea, ate a bowl of oat bran with a banana sliced on top of it, and wondered what to do with her day. She could wander out and explore, sit here and work, or go downstairs and watch the gym in action. She didn’t want to seem as though she was stalking the guys, but they had invited her to go down. But what if people saw her coming from their apartment? Slim, fit people who used the gym. They would realize she was a guest of the owners and probably wonder what they saw in such a fat lump. She might even give the gym a bad name.

  “Oh for goodness sake!” she said aloud. “Get over yourself. You’re not that important.”

  Before she could decide what to do, her cell phone rang inside her purse. She reached for it and groaned when she saw her mother’s number. There were two missed calls from her, three from Pete and one from Maggie. Oh, for goodness sake! She debated whether or not to answer but in the end she did so, knowing she’d get no peace from her family otherwise. She should have expected this, what with Pete having seen her with the guys the night before. She suppressed a giggle, wondering what could have distracted her.

  “Hey, Mom,” she said.

  “There you are, Sorrel. We were on the point of calling the police.”


  “Why? No one could find you, that’s why. We were worried.”

  I’ll just bet you were. “Pete saw me last night.”

  “Yes, in Dynasty with two strange men. It was thoughtless of you to go there.”

  “Why?” Sorrel asked for a second time, almost enjoying herself.

  “Well, you must have known Jordi would see you, and be upset.”

  Her mother had always liked Jordi, mostly because he was quasi-famous. “Jordi dumped me, Mom.”

  Sorrel slipped off one of her sneakers and examined her feet. Ty was right, they were kinda neat. She hadn’t thought about that before. Perhaps she’d buy a pretty-colored nail varnish today and paint her toenails for him. She giggled at the thought.

  “He needed space to get his career together, but if he wants you back—”

  “Whatever gave you that idea?” Or should that be, whoever?

  “Oh, I think Pete mentioned something. But I know you were keen on Jordi, and you were good together.”

  “Hmm.” There was absolutely no point in arguing.

  “Anyway, where are you, darling? Maggie and I called around to your apartment this morning and your bed hadn’t been slept in.”

  “I’m taking a vacation for a few days.”

  “You didn’t mention it.”

  “It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.”

  “You should have waited. I know you need a break, that’s why I suggested the cruise.”

  “I’m not going on a cruise, Mom. I would hate every minute of it. And you can tell Maggie I’m not paying for her kids to go to Orlando. They are rude and ungrateful brats who need to be taught some manners.”

  Sorrel felt empowered. She had never expressed herself so forcefully to anyone—especially her family—before. Who knew the beneficial side-effects of mind-blowing sex? She could tell from the stunned silence from the other end of the phone that she had shocked her mother. Might as well carry on the way she’d started.

  “Oh, and tell Pete I have no intention of joining forces with him and Jordi either.”

  “What’s gotten into you, Sorrel?”

  Oh, Mom, if only you knew! “Just letting you know where I stand, or rather where all you guys do. I have plans for my inheritance. Besides, it’s invested right now.”

  “Invested? It’s the first I’ve heard of an investment. You should have asked Pete for guidance. You don’t know what you’re doing financially.” And Pete would make an excellent role model, given his track record. “Who’s been talking to you? Is it those men you were with?” She heard a note of suspicion clashing with her mother’s tone of ill-usage. “Who are they anyway? Where did you meet them? Are you with them now? Be careful, they’ll manipulate you the moment they smell money. If they haven’t already.”

  “You think that’s the only reason two attractive men would take an interest in me?” Anger surged through Sorrel, even though a small part of her wondered if that was the case. She dismissed the idea immediately, feeling guilty for letting it drift into her head. The guys had paid both times they’d eaten out, were entertaining her here at great inconvenience to themselves simply because they thought she needed a break, and hadn’t even asked how much she’d inherited. Besides, her mother was the last person to warn her against manipulators. Talk about double standards. But Sorrel had made her point and didn’t want to spoil her dreamy mood by arguing. “Gotta run. My friends are calling me.”

  “Friends? What friends? You don’t have any fr—”

  Sorrel cut the call and punched the air. She’d stood up for herself and it felt pretty damned good.

  “Stay here,” she said to Marley. “I don’t think dogs are allowed in gyms. Health and safety, or something equally ridiculous.” She found a box of dog treats on the counter, obviously purchased by Vasco, and threw a few at Marley. “I’ll be right back, baby.”

  Sorrel’s legs ached as she walked cautiously down the steep stairs, but whether those aches were caused by walking up the stairs yesterday, or by several bouts of athletic sex, she couldn’t have said. Nor did she much care. The conversation with her mother had shaken her, even if she’d gotten the better of her for the first time ever. But then, conversations with her mother always did. Sorrel admitted to he
rself that she didn’t like her mother, or any of her family, very much. She couldn’t help blaming Mom for what happened to her father. If she hadn’t broken his heart, perhaps he would have taken more care and not…no, don’t go there, she told herself. What ifs didn’t solve anything. Sorrel should know. What was done was done, and she needed to get over it and move on with her life.

  She reached the next floor down and noticed what looked like an aerobics class going on in a large studio, led by Jenner. Sorrel was surprised to see the attendees were all seniors—very active, lively seniors, who appeared to be having a whale of a time. Sorrel felt ashamed of herself. She was pretty sure she couldn’t move as athletically as some of them were doing. Jenner caught sight of her, waved and pointed to the office, presumably because she thought Sorrel was looking for the guys.

  She peered over the railings and could see parts of the gym on the first floor. It seemed to be fairly full, and most of the machines were in use. Hmm, if she wanted to go outside, she would have to go through that floor, but she didn’t have a key card. She would need to interrupt Vasco and Ty, but at least she had a legitimate excuse to do so now and they wouldn’t think she was clinging.

  The door to the office was slightly open, and she could hear Vasco’s voice. He must be on the phone because she couldn’t hear anyone else. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but didn’t want to walk in on his conversation, either. So she hovered outside the door, waiting for him to end the call.

  “I know the payment’s due. I’m asking for a few more days, is all.” Pause. “Yes I know I said that before, but this time I mean it. I will know for sure by the weekend.” Another pause. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  What was that all about? Sorrel wondered, even though it was none of her business. She pushed the office door open and was astonished to see Vasco resting his head on his arms, as though in despair. He must have sensed her presence because he glanced up, saw who had interrupted him and one of his glorious smiles graced his rugged features.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said. “You’re awake.”


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