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Hooked on a Feelin' [Clandestine Affairs 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Zara Chase


  Vasco waited a moment for his heart rate to slow, then withdrew, pulling Sorrel up from the desk. He untied the gag and took her into his arms to kiss her, almost chastely.

  “Hey,” he said. “Was that too rough for you?”

  She sent him a vibrant smile. “Is there such a thing?”

  Vasco chuckled. “I just knew you were one of us.”

  “Which is more than I knew.”

  “Yeah, well, Ty and I will spend the night proving it to you, if you’ll let us.”

  “Hmm, I don’t think I have anything better to do.”

  “Witch!” He batted her ass hard, then let her go so he could fetch a towel and clean them both up. “Get dressed, hon, and we can shower quickly upstairs.”

  “What about your class?”

  “Aw, shit!” He glanced at the clock, pulled a rueful face and reached for the phone. As he did so, she picked up the papers he’d thrown on the floor and stacked them neatly back on the desk. She grinned when she saw her juices drying on the edge of the desk, sent him an apologetic smile and a little shrug, and wiped them away with a towel.

  “Hey, Jenner,” Vasco said when his manager answered the house phone. “I’m gonna be a few minutes late for my class. Get Sally to start them on warm up stretches and I’ll be there by the time they’re ready to go.”

  “I’ve made you late,” Sorrel said when he hung up.

  “It’s okay. We have a couple of phys ed interns on staff for the summer. One of them can start the class.”

  They were both dressed again. Vasco reached for Marley, still snoozing in the corner, and the three of them left the office. Vasco figured if they were seen, their faces would give them away, but right now he didn’t give a shit. In the event, they made it upstairs without meeting anyone. Once again their clothes were off in seconds and they shared a shower. Vasco would so like to take his time, soap her all over, and go for an action replay—slower this time, with Sorrel cuffed to the bed, blindfolded, and perhaps gagged, too, while she took a well-deserved whipping. But he couldn’t skip his class. Even so, there was one thing he needed to do first.

  “Don’t dress yet,” he said, stepping from the shower and wrapping Sorrel in a large, fluffy towel.

  With a towel around his own waist, he led her to his bedroom and ordered her to lay face down on the bed. Then he carefully applied lube to the crack in her butt, circling his finger around her anus.

  “I’m gonna fix you up with a butt plug,” he explained. “Now don’t fight against me, sugar. You know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think you’d take to it like a natural, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly.

  “Then don’t tense up against my finger. Let me in, darlin’.”

  He spoke in a softly persuasive tone designed to imbue her with confidence. It worked wonders. She wanted to try this—no question. The next time his slick digit slid into her backside without meeting opposition. He moved it around, causing Sorrel to let out a sharp exclamation of surprise.

  “Yes,” he said, satisfaction in his tone as he leaned in to kiss one buttock. “Already you’re getting it. Good girl.”

  With his free hand, he reached for the small plug he’d already lubed, removed his finger and slowly inserted the plug in its place. She gasped again, and tried to fight him.

  “Don’t!” He tapped her butt hard. “Let me do my work. This’ll distend you, darlin’, and get you ready for what I’m gonna do to you later. You just rest up for the next few hours. Lay here, think about Ty and me, and regain your strength. You’re sure as heck gonna need it.”

  The plug slid deeper, and Vasco gently eased it into position.

  “There you go.” He leaned down and kissed each buttock. “Shit, I wish I could stay and fuck you again. Never mind, we’ll catch up later.”

  “How do I walk about with this thing in?” she asked.

  “Clench your buttocks together, sweet thing. It’ll stay. Is it comfortable?”

  “It feels intrusive, but not in a bad way.”

  “That’s good, real good. It’s got oil inside it and when it heats up, so will you.” Vasco chuckled. “Not that you ain’t already red hot, but this will take you to another dimension.” He told her to stay as she was and fixed her with a little harness to keep it in place. “Here, put this on and you’re all set.” He threw her a pink T-shirt with Body Language emblazoned across the front. “I don’t expect you to be wearing anything else when we get back.”

  “I need to wear a bra.”

  “No you don’t.” He slapped one buttock. “What did we discuss about arguing with me when I tell you to do something?”

  “Sorry, Sir.”

  “That’s better. When you’re up here, you wear what we tell you to, which will most likely be not very much at all.”

  She giggled. “This is fun,” she said.

  “Yeah, that’s kinda the idea.” He ran a hand possessively over her backside, filled with longing that he couldn’t act upon quite yet. “You just need to leave your inhibitions behind, not that you seem to have many, and remember that nothing which happens between consenting adults is taboo.”

  “I’ll bear that in mind,” she said, wiggling her butt at him.

  Vasco groaned, deciding she would pay for being such a provocative little tease when he had the time to deal with her. “I gotta run. Be a good girl, and don’t bring yourself off too often. Get some rest, and we’ll attend to your needs, especially the ones you don’t know about yet, later.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, canting her head sideways from her position, still on her front, and sending him a sexy smile, one hand beneath her tweaking a fat nipple. “I’ll be sure to do that.”

  “Later, babe.”

  He blew her a kiss from the doorway, and forced himself to leave her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sorrel could barely keep her eyes open, unable to recall the last time she’d felt so tired. Still, there were different types of tired, she supposed, and she hadn’t played these sorts of energetic games before, so she figured she’d earned her tiredness. A wide smile invaded her lips as she thought about the games in question. Who knew rough sex could be so rewarding? The guys were right about her. She had taken to it, thrown herself wholeheartedly into their games, and really gotten into the spirit of things. They’d been able to tell she would the moment they set eyes on her. How? Did she wear a neon sign that told the world she enjoyed sex?

  She liked to orgasm—she masturbated daily, at least once—which presumably meant she had a high sex drive. But they weren’t aware of that. No one was. It was way too personal to share, and no one’s business but her own. It had been enough for her—up until now. Now she knew better. The pleasure she took from flying solo was nothing compared to what the guys had shown her, and there would be no going back to lonely nights cuddled up to an impersonal vibrator.

  What she would do instead, she had yet to conjecture. She wasn’t stupid enough to imagine this gig with the guys would last for long, but she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. First off, she needed to complete her erotic education. She had lost time to make up for, and had been lucky enough to land herself with two of the best teachers on the planet. She wasn’t about to waste that opportunity.

  The plug thingy in her backside was already starting to heat up. She wiggled about and the warmth spread, making it feel like her entire body was glowing. Was she really going to let them fuck her ass—fuck her together? Asked that question as recently as one day ago and her answer would have been a prudish hell no! But she was no longer the same person and the new, improved, liberated Sorrel wouldn’t hesitate. Whenever they got all masterful with her, it filled her with determination to move heaven and earth to please them.

  She couldn’t believe she’d brought herself off in the park like that. In broad daylight, with people wandering about just yards away from them. It was wild! She giggled when she recalled how impressed Vasc
o had been. She had a feeling he didn’t impress easily, and the way he’d fucked her over his desk…well, his cock was so big she’d thought he might split her in two. She fidgeted into a more comfortable position, idly playing with her nipples. Hell, she was one lucky girl and, for as long as it lasted, which wouldn’t be more than a few days because she had a life to get back to, she would make the most of every moment.

  She drifted off to sleep, idly wondering about all those bills she’d collected from the office floor. The ones he’d hidden when she’d first walked into the office. Some of them looked overdue, but then that was how businesses ran, wasn’t it? Unlike her, who paid her bills the moment they because due, business owners left it until the last minute. She’d learned that much from hearing Jordi talk to the owners of the restaurant he worked at before Dynasty nabbed him.

  Sorrel slept for over an hour, feeling refreshed and invigorated when she awoke. She sat up and stretched, wincing because she felt sore in places, especially the muscles in her legs from using the stairs. The butt plug, on the other hand, continued to give pleasure.

  Marley, obviously sensing she was awake, appeared at the foot of the bed, wagging.

  “Hey, buddy, I hope you don’t wanna go out yet, ’cause I have strict orders not to dress. Besides, I can’t go out with this gorgeous thing up my ass.” She wiggled around and felt that nice glow getting…well, glowier. “I’m sure the guys won’t be long and I expect one of them will help you do the necessary.”

  Marley wagged, but didn’t seem in urgent need of any doggy facilities. Sorrel climbed from the bed slowly, wondering how it would feel to walk about with the plug in situ. She took a few cautious steps to the bathroom, pulling aside the strap on the harness that fitted between her legs so she could pee. The plug didn’t budge, but felt pleasantly intrusive. Sorrel brushed her hair and examined her reflection critically. Her face was flushed and her eyes glowed with what she could only describe as carnal awareness. She giggled at the old-fashioned phrase, wondering if that was what Mrs. G. had seen in her. Sorrel didn’t care if the whole world saw it. For the first time in her life, she was thinking about no one except herself, and she was having a ball. Well, several of them, if she was going to be pedantic, she thought, giggling again.

  She grabbed the T-shirt Vasco had ordered her to wear and pulled it over her nakedness. It was large and long so she jauntily tied the ends around her waist, revealing her lower half covered only in a harness. Where had she found the courage to display her lumpiness? Her unfettered tits pressed against the fabric, the nipples hard, the areolas raised and visible. She looked hot, if she did say so herself, and for the first time in forever Sorrel didn’t stop to think about all the bits of her body she didn’t like. The guys wanted to play games with her. Fine. Let the future take care of itself.

  Sorrel wandered into the main room, wondering what to do with herself. Working on her slogans held no appeal, nor did reading or watching TV. She made herself some tea, thinking it was less than an hour before the guys were due to return. Presumably they had to eat, and she enjoyed cooking. Grinning, she decided to surprise them.

  She discovered chicken in the freezer—organic, of course—and set it in the microwave to defrost. She hummed to herself, wondering if there was another woman in the world today setting about cooking a meal, wearing a harness over her pussy, a butt plug, and not a lot else. She felt sorry for the majority of the population who weren’t, thinking they didn’t know what they were missing.

  Rummaging in cupboards, Sorrel assembled the ingredients for a stir-fry and set about making a salad, using extra virgin olive oil and high-end Balsamic vinegar to make a dressing. When the guys came pounding up the stairs half an hour later, the table was set with candles in its center, a bottle of red was open and breathing on the counter, and the aroma of spicy food filled the space, hopefully setting their taste buds alight.

  “Shit, will you look at that?” Ty stooped dead at the top of the stairs, absently fondling Marley’s ears when the dog launched himself at his legs in a frenzy of enthusiastic wagging. His gaze remained fixed upon Sorrel. “What you done to our little gal, Vas?”

  “Not a sight you see every day, is it?” Vasco replied, sounding proud.

  “Hi, guys,” Sorrel said, turning from the stove, spatula in hand. “Your timing’s perfect. Go and wash up. Dinner’s ready.”

  “Hey, you didn’t need to do that,” Vasco said, stepping up to kiss her.

  “I wanted to. I like cooking.”

  “It smells divine,” Ty said, taking his turn for a kiss. “But not as good as you look.”

  “What, this old thing?” She grinned as she indicated her near-naked body with the spatula and gave them a twirl. “I’ve had it years. It’s just something I threw on.”

  Both guys chuckled, and a short time later they sat together to eat, one on either side of Sorrel.

  “How’s the plug, darlin’?” Vasco asked, pouring her a glass of wine.

  “It’s mine!” Sorrel cried possessively. “I hope you’re not thinking of trying to take it from me.”

  The guys shared a look and laughed. “We might be able to improve on that,” Ty said.

  “Hmm.” She treated them to a smug smile. “I sure as hell hope so.”

  “I hear you did your party trick for Vasco out in the park,” Ty said. “Never seen my buddy half so steamed up about anything before.”

  “It was fun.” Sorrel felt empowered, just by the admiration she saw in their expressions. “He fucked me in your office afterwards and made himself late for class. I hope the teacher didn’t punish him.”

  Vasco leaned in and growled at her. “I’ll punish you again later. Prepare yourself. There’s nothing I like better than laying into that sweet ass of yours with a ruler.”

  “I would have liked to have seen that,” Ty said, pouting.

  “You can do it to me if you want to,” Sorrel said, touching Ty’s arm. “Don’t feel left out.”

  “Fucking straight, I can,” he replied, lowering his head and growling the words into her hair.

  “This food is delicious, babe,” Vasco said, helping himself to seconds.

  “Why, thank you.”

  Once they’d finished, they insisted that Sorrel stay where she was while Ty cleared away and Vasco took Marley outside.

  “Vasco told you he has his self-defense class tonight?” Ty asked.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a worthwhile thing to do.”

  “It’s his personal project. He thinks all women need to be able to protect themselves in this day and age.”

  “He’s probably right about that. Me, I rely on mace, but it would be nice to know a few moves, just in case.”

  “Join the class.”

  She thought of ultra-slim, ultra-sexy Sonia. “Perhaps I will, but not tonight. My muscles are protesting enough as it is. The stairs, the sex…” She shrugged. “It’s all new.”

  Vasco returned with Marley. “Okay,” he said. “I gotta go and show these ladies how to kick ass. When I get back we’ll think up a few moves of our own, the three of us.” He kissed the end of Sorrel’s nose. “Play nice without me, children.”

  Vasco bounded back down the stairs with enough energy to make Sorrel feel tired just watching him. Ty took her hand and led her to a sofa that overlooked the view of the city. She sat in the corner, full of anticipation. Ty would make a move on her, surely.

  “Ain’t gonna happen, babe,” he said chuckling, correctly interpreting her thoughts. Again. “Vas and I want you together tonight.”

  Sorrel was proud of herself for not whining. Ty sat beside her, lifted her legs from the floor, forcing her to swivel in his direction. Then he rested her feet in his lap and started to massage them so expertly that she closed her eyes and felt herself floating.

  “Oh boy!” she murmured.

  “You been getting hassled by your family?” he asked.

  “Hmm. I turned my phone off in the end. I don’t want to talk to them.�

  “They know where you are?”

  “Nope. Oh God, Ty, that feels almost orgasmic.”

  “Almost? Hmm, we’ll have to do better than that, but not yet. Do not rub those thighs together, Sorrel, or there will be consequences. We want you desperate by the time we’re ready for you.”

  “Then I’ve peaked too soon.”

  “Just relax, honey. You need this more than you think.”

  Sorrel’s head fell back, her eyes closed. The only sound in the room was Marley’s snores and her occasional groan of pleasure as Ty dug his thumbs into her insteps and massaged her into a better place and time.

  She must have actually fallen asleep because Vasco’s voice, asking what he’d missed, woke her.

  “Party time,” Ty said. “Thank fuck for that.”

  Sorrel felt wide awake in an instant.

  “Stand up, baby, and lose the T-shirt,” Vasco said in the deep, authoritative tone he used in these situations—the one that sent shivers down Sorrel’s spine and made her pussy leak like a faulty faucet.

  Her legs trembled as she stood, but she managed to do as he asked. Ty approached and fastened a collar around her neck. Nipple clamps were attached to a ring at the front of it on very short chains. He lubed her areolas and attached the clovers. Each time she moved her head backwards it put pressure on her nipples.

  “Okay?” Ty asked. “That’s quite an advanced piece of kit, but we figured you could take it.”

  “If feels like my body’s on fire.” Anticipation consumed her as she observed the passion, the approval, in their eyes. “I love it!”

  “Told you,” Vasco said smugly.

  Ty stood in front of her, something in his hand. That something turned out to be a small vibrator, much smaller than the ones she owned. She figured out why when he moved the harness aside and slid it into her cunt, turned onto a low speed. She felt full to capacity because she still had the butt plug in.

  “Now you’ve got two cocks inside of you, darlin’,” Vasco said. “How does it feel?”


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