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When Destinies Collide

Page 9

by Shirl Rickman


  I HEAR A CAR PULL up to the house, and instantly I know it’s him. The sun is just going down, and I hear Aunt Violette walking to the door from the den, so I creep slowly out of my room and sit at the top of the stairs. The knock on the door is light, and I listen as she greets Drake.

  When I hear his voice, my heart stutters. I realize every time he’s near the door to my heart opens a little more. I’m becoming less of a ghost of the girl I once was since Mama died.

  I listen to Drake and Aunt Violette as he apologizes to her. In her usual Aunt Violette fashion, she isn’t cutting him any slack. Although she isn’t making it easy for him, I can hear the fondness she feels for him in her voice. I find myself feeling happy. Happy is something I haven’t felt for a long time.

  My feelings are so conflicted, especially when I think of Mama. I know she would want me to carry on with my life, but I can’t help the guilt over doing it so soon.


  I’M NOT SURPRISED BY MRS. DURHAM’S gentle but blunt reprimand of my behavior. She lets me know breaking promises isn’t any way to show maturity or the kind of thing you do to a friend. She sounds like Selene when she says it.

  “Okay, young man, now that you have apologized for your rudeness, did you want to speak to my niece?” She opens the door wider, finally inviting me in.

  “Selene, you can stop eavesdropping from the top of the stairs now. Mr. Thomas and I have made our peace.”

  Mrs. D looks over at me and winks when we hear a tiny gasp from the top of the stairs. I’m not sure how this woman does it, but she is amazing. I look up at the stairs just as Selene steps off the last landing.

  Her cheeks are bright red, and she lifts her hand in a slight wave that leaves me captivated.

  “Hey,” she says when she’s standing in front of me.

  “Hey, do you think we can really do that talking thing now?” I ask her as I see Mrs. D turn and leave the room.

  “I think I would like that,” she says with a slight smirk.

  We both make our way back out onto the front porch and sit in the same wooden rockers we sat in just a couple weeks ago.

  “Look, I’m willing to do this friendship thing, Selene. I just need to warn you that if my mother sees you as a problem, she won’t hesitate to make your life miserable. It’s not beyond her.”

  Selene takes a deep breath and begins rocking the chair with her foot while the other is curled beneath her. “Drake, I don’t understand why she is the way she is, but why would I be a problem? Don’t you have friends? Haven’t you had girlfriends? It’s not like we have even been seen with one another. I only just moved here.”

  I wanted to tell her my mother knows more than I’ve even allowed myself to acknowledge. I can tell her that she is a master at seeing through the smoke, but it wouldn’t make any sense to her. Not only that, but it might scare Selene off. Fuck, it might scare me off.

  Instead, I’m vague in my explanation. “Selene, just believe me when I say she notices everything. Especially now that Lacey is gone, all of her focus is on me. Plus I’m different, and she sees that. She sees I’m not the same son she had before Lacey.” I stand up and walk to the railing and grip it tightly. “I’m not good, Selene. I wasn’t a good guy. I wasn’t a good brother. And I definitely wasn’t a good friend.”

  I can tell she has stopped rocking her chair because I no longer hear the creaking of the wood against the porch. We’re both silent, letting what I just said sink in.

  Selene swallows hard. “Why are you telling me this?”

  I feel a sudden frustration, not at Selene, but at myself. I wish I could change who I was then. If had been different, then things would not have happened the way they did. Lacey would still be here. I wouldn’t have to feel like shaking some reality into Selene—the reality I’m not good enough for her.

  I spin around to face her, and the words stick in my throat. She is sitting with her knees pulled up, hugging them to her chest. She looks so fragile. This girl definitely has a hold on me. Could this be happening? I don’t deserve to have her, but I’m not sure I can find it in me to give her up. So all I can do is warn her. I sit back down and rest my elbows on my knees.

  “I’m telling you so you know what you’re getting into. I don’t want to keep anything from you, and I need to know I did everything I could to warn you.”

  Her feet drop to the porch, and I feel her hands wrap around my wrist as she leans into me.

  “I want you to listen to me, Drake Thomas. Before we met, I was walking around an empty shell of a human being. You have no idea the person I am…the person I was, either. Sure, I was what most would call a good girl. My mama would have called me a good daughter. And, hell, my friends would have said I was a good friend at one point. It was all a lie. I’ve been cold, closed off, and unfeeling to just about everyone I was supposed to be close to except my mama. Hell, you should know!” Selene's voice begins to rise a little, and she pushes back from me without loosening her grip on my arm. “I was the biggest bitch to you, and it was only because you made me feel. You make me feel so much, and it scares the shit out of me.”

  I look up at her, and I can see her eyes are glistening. “You think I’m immune to it. From the first moment I saw you, I had to know you. I’ve never wanted to know everything about a person before, mainly because I don’t allow anyone to know me. The one and only person who truly knew me is gone.”


  I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, a voice whispers in my head. I don’t say it out loud. I’m too afraid. He can tell me he is no good over and over, but it’s too late to listen.

  “It’s too late,” I say in a near whisper.

  “What’s too late?” he asks, turning his body to face me.

  “I want to know you. I don’t know what it is, but I finally feel like things will be okay, and it’s because of you. I need you, Drake. And I think you need me, too.”

  He pulls my chair closer, never taking his eyes from mine. Leaning toward me slowly, just when I think things are moving in a direction I’m not ready for, he leans my head onto his shoulder. He pulls me into him tighter and releases a long, low sigh.

  I’ve never felt more comfortable or safe in my life. I can hear his heart beating against his chest, and it’s the first time I’ve allowed myself close enough to a person to actually listen. I’m not even sure how much time has gone by before I hear Drake whisper, “Thank you.” The strange thing is I’m not sure if he’s talking to me or not. Something tells me he isn’t, so I keep quiet.

  We sit like this for a long time, neither of us saying a word. Subtly, the porch light flickers, bringing us both back to the present.

  “I think that is my cue to get going.” I can hear the humor in his words.

  “Yeah, Aunt Violette has a way of getting her point across.”

  We separate ourselves and stand up. Looking down at me, Drake smiles before pulling me into a hug once more. “You’re never getting rid of me now…friend.”

  I laugh out loud. “I thought I made it clear I don’t want to get rid of you, friend.”

  As he pulls back again and makes his way to the steps, I’m relieved at our comfortable banter. You would never know the last two weeks happened.

  When he reaches the bottom of the steps, Drake turns back to me. “Goodnight, Selene. See you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, Drake.”

  He heads to his truck. I lean against the post of the porch, watching him until he pulls out of the driveway. He waves one last time, and I turn to go inside. I stop mid-stride when I notice Aunt Vi watching me from the doorway.

  “Honey, I’m glad to see you two came to your senses. Now I won’t have to work on cleaning out the attic for another Saturday all alone.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder, and we both go inside for the night.


  AS I LEAN AGAINST THE lockers and watch Selene pushing her way through the crowded hallway this morning¸ I’m amazed at
the difference one day can make in a person’s life. So many things can change, and the whole outlook on what life may hold has hope.

  When she finally sees me, a smile spreads across her face. I don’t think she even realizes how much power that look can hold over a person. I’m sure it isn't just me who has been changed by that radiant glow, but that doesn’t matter because here, at this moment, it’s just for me.

  “Hey,” I say as she reaches me.

  Smiling, I lean forward to take her backpack. She smells like flowers and sunshine, so I inhale slowly through my nose.

  “Hey yourself. Do you always sniff people when you greet them?” she asks me, pushing me away from her.

  “I would if they all smelled as good as you do.” Selene pushes me again and rolls her eyes as she starts to walk away.

  “Seriously? A little lesson in friendship, Mr. Thomas. Friends don’t say things like that to one another.”

  I literally laugh out loud before jogging after her.

  She stops in front of her classroom door and holds her hand out for her backpack. Placing the strap in her hand, I lean in close, giving her a kiss on the cheek. I instantly feel her stiffen, so I pull back relatively quickly.

  “They do in our friendship,” I say as I turn and make my way toward my own first-period class.

  Once I round the corner of the hall, I peek back around to see her staring at me. She is red and stiff. Yep, she is pissed at me already, and it’s not even eight fifteen in the morning. This is going to be an excellent day, I think as I feel a blissful look spread across my face.


  I SQUEEZE MY EYES SHUT. I think my heart just forgot to beat as soon as Drake’s lips met my cheek. They were as warm as I imagined…and as soft. He is my friend, I repeat to myself several times before opening my eyes and heading to class.

  I take the same empty desk in the back of the class I sat in yesterday. As soon as I sit down, I look around the room and notice many of the other students are watching my every move. I’m not sure what makes me feel more uncomfortable, their prying eyes or Drake’s tempting lips.

  Lips. Yep, definitely the lips.

  The bell rings and pulls me from my thoughts. I look up and notice a pair of eyes staring at me from across the room. They are some of the most beautiful blues I’ve seen. I focus on the face they belong to and take in all of the features. It’s a handsome face—there is something about it. It's almost too perfect. A smile curves his lips, and I instantly look away. I begin cursing my inability to keep from blushing, so I put my head down on the desk. He may be gorgeous, but he knows it. The fact that he knows it, along with my blushing cheeks, will give a guy like him the wrong idea.

  “Hey, no need to hide from me, new girl,” I hear from right next to me. I’m almost afraid to look up, but I know if I don’t it will only make it worse.

  “Uh, hey,” I say. Ugh, he isn’t going away.

  He extends his hand toward me. “Hi, I’m Jared. So, you’re new, right?”

  I’m struck by how his eyes look even more blue close up. “Uh, yeah.” Shit, why can’t I speak like a normal human being? He’s definitely going to get the wrong idea.

  Snapping out of it, I reach my hand to his. “Right, I’m Selene.” A smile spreads across his face. He turns in his seat and faces the front of the class as the teacher begins writing the date on the chalkboard.

  I watch his profile, and immediately my mind begins comparing him to Drake. Jared is everything a girl would dream about in the all-American guy. Drake is more rugged and handsome in a natural way.

  I feel a tingling sensation again where Drake kissed me. I put my hand on it, willing it to stop. I don’t want to feel this way. He is just your friend. I keep repeating that to myself for the rest of the class.


  I WALK AROUND THE CORNER, smiling at the thought of seeing Selene, even though I’m sure she is still mad at me for this morning. When I look ahead toward her classroom door, I see Jared Mitchell standing entirely too close for my comfort. I lengthen my stride toward her. I can’t see her face, but I can’t imagine her feeling comfortable with him being so close.

  Once I reach Selene, I toss my arm around her shoulders, startling them both.

  “Jared, I see you met my Selene,” I say with a little too much emphasis. Instantly I know Selene is going to be irritated, but at this moment I just don’t have it in me to care.

  Jared doesn’t move or take his eyes from Selene. “Yeah, Drake. I met Selene.”

  I notice her gaze bouncing between Jared and me. She is just about to say something when I interrupt her. “We need to get to class.”

  I grab her hand, pulling her down the hall. I hear Jared laugh out loud, and it takes everything in me not to turn around and punch him in his smug face.

  As we reach her next class, Selene pulls from my grip. “What the hell, Drake?”

  I turn, looking at her in complete innocence, although I know she is about to give me an earful. I just stare at her, my mouth shut, waiting. I mean, what would I say? He dated my sister. He hurt her and used her. Or maybe I could do with I know we’re just friends, but I didn’t like seeing you talk to Jared the asshole. I think this might be one of those things she will not feel falls under the friendship-relationship category.

  “Don’t give me that look! I don’t even know what to say about the way you just acted, because I know you’re going to charm me into forgiving you.” I blink at her but still remain silent. “Ugh! You are so frustrating!” She brushes past me, leaving me standing outside her classroom, staring after her.

  I smile while shaking my head. I’m really bad at this just friends thing. For the second time today, I’ve gotten under Selene’s skin, and all before ten o’clock in the morning.


  I’VE BEEN WATCHING THE CLOCK since I left Drake standing in the hallway. I swear the more I stare at the clock, the slower it moves. My nerves are on high alert. I can’t focus. All I can think about is Drake’s reaction to me talking to Jared. We’re supposed to be just friends, but his actions and my feelings keep blurring the lines.

  We have next period together, and I haven’t figured out how I can make it clear I can’t go there. The thing is I’m not sure if all of this means he wants to go beyond friendship. If I say something and he doesn’t want more than friendship, then I will look like an idiot. I don’t know how to handle these emotions because I’ve never opened myself up enough to feel them.

  I wish my mama were here. I can’t help but think how she might react. She always told me one day I would meet someone that made me feel alive. In my mind, I can see her smiling and comforting me in the way only she knew how over my internal conflict of these feelings Drake has awakened in me.

  I made it perfectly clear I didn’t like the way he acted in the hallway. I was annoyed with him, yet I almost like the idea of him being jealous, which only makes me more uncomfortable. I’m so messed up. Which is exactly why we can only be friends. Isn’t that what he said he wanted? Only friendship. My heart aches a little every time that thought crosses my mind. God, I’m so confused.

  The bell rings, and I quickly stand up and make my way toward the door. I really need to get a grip on my feelings.


  DECIDING IT’S BEST TO SKIP meeting Selene in the hall, I opt to head to our next class instead. She was obviously irritated at how I interrupted her and Jared. I couldn’t help myself; something just burned in my chest when I saw the way he was looking at her. He used to look at Lacey that way, and look where it got her. Not to mention I just didn’t like it.

  I look up and see her walking through the door with Emme, and I realize my reason for not liking it is something I’m just not ready to evaluate yet.

  She is laughing at something Emme said, and I feel a flutter in the pit of my stomach. In the moments she lets all the worry and walls down, the most attractive glow shines in Selene’s eyes. She is always beautiful, but there is something differen
t when she’s unguarded.

  When she’s near my desk, her gaze connects with mine, her laughter instantly stops, and her happiness fades. It kills me I’m the one who makes that light disappear. I start to say something, but she beats me to it.

  She looks nervous when she says, “Why didn’t you meet me between classes?”

  She covers her mouth with her hand as if the words that left her mouth were not the words she intended. I’m a little surprised by her question since I would have sworn she was angry with me when I last saw her.

  “I didn’t realize you would want me to after…”

  She puts her hand up, stopping me. “I didn’t…I mean I…uh…I just thought you might.”

  Emme coughs, and we both look at her. “What? My throat was itching,” she says as she takes a seat diagonal from mine.

  I look back up at Selene; she is still looking at Emme. I reach my hand up and take hers. I’m instantly shocked by the electricity that passes through our simple touch. I wonder if she feels it too, but her expression doesn’t give away anything.

  “Selene, I wan—” As soon as I begin to tell her I want to meet her, Tommy walks in and slides his desk against mine, almost knocking me into Selene. “Fuck, Tommy! Watch what you’re doing!”

  “Dude, chill,” he says with his typical egocentric attitude.

  As I turn back to Selene, the bell rings, and the teacher walks in and closes the door. “Ms. Chandler, please take a seat.” She looks down at me, her cheeks flush red, before sitting at the desk across from me.

  As Mrs. Peterson begins the lesson for today, I write Selene a note and pass it to her. She looks at me like I scare her but then quickly hides her uneasiness. I hate when she gets that look on her face. I want to make her happy. I watch her as she begins to unfold the note. Briefly, she glances my way and gives me a small smile. Again, I realize I’ve never met anyone like her. Friends…just friends.


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