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A Shadow's Light BK 2

Page 9

by J. M. Pierce

  “Tell me, Alyssa,” he requested softly.

  Filled with a comfort that she had never felt with anyone before, she let her secret go. “I…I can talk to spirits.” She looked to the floor shamefully.

  Test placed his index finger under her chin and lifted gently, replying tearfully. “That’s an amazing thing Alyssa.”

  She looked at him with a confused expression. That wasn’t the response that she’d ever envisioned him giving her. She watched as he backed away from her and leaned on the dresser. “Are you okay?” she asked. Test lifted his head, his somber face melting into her soul.

  “So he’s really gone?” he asked.

  Only then did she realize the weight of what he was dealing with. She replied in a soft and loving voice. “I’m so sorry.” She walked to him and took his hands into hers. Gently, she leaned into him and kissed his forehead.

  He stood and took her into his arms, burying his face in her hair. He was comforted as she held him and kissed his neck tenderly. In a timeless moment they stood, holding each other in the dimly lit room. From the silence, Alyssa spoke.

  “Chance, who is Test?”

  Chapter 13

  Julie rolled over in bed and spooned Enrique tightly. Neither of them could fall asleep after the day’s events. In the darkness, the two of them breathed in unison, silently staring into the black of the room.

  Shattering any chance of calm, the phone rang. Though only a standard ring, it was as if a train was blowing off steam in their bedroom. Julie quickly rolled over and frantically grabbed at the phone.

  “Hello?” she answered loudly. “Yes, he is. Can I ask who’s calling?” She rolled over to see Enrique sitting up in bed. “It’s for you,” she said. “It’s a Detective Simmons.”

  Enrique quickly grabbed the phone. “This is Enrique.”

  “Mr. Franco, I’m sorry for calling at this hour,” the Detective spoke briskly. “I just received some information that makes it urgent for me to speak with Chance Johnston. Might you know where he can be located?”

  Enrique fell silent. “Yes, what’s this all about?” he asked gruffly.

  “I’m not at liberty to say, Mr. Franco. Please just tell me where I can locate Mr. Johnston.”

  “He’s staying at the Silvan Motel on First Street.”

  “What room number?” asked the detective.

  Enrique climbed from his bed and began to get dressed.

  “Mr. Franco, I need to know the room number.” The detective’s voice was growing impatient.

  “Nine,” replied Enrique as he walked out of the bedroom. The line immediately went dead.

  Enrique threw the phone to the floor as he hurried down the hall to Alyssa’s room. He flung the door open to find that her bed was empty. “Julie!” he yelled aloud.

  Julie rushed from the bedroom and down the hall. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

  “Where’s Alyssa?” he asked frantically as he grabbed his wife’s arm.

  “I don’t know!” cried Julie. And then a look of terror clouded her face. “She’s with Chance.” The words weren’t meant for his ears, but were spoken aloud.

  Enrique dropped his arms and stared at his wife.

  “What’s going on, damn it?” she asked feverishly.

  “Something’s wrong. That was the detective. He’s looking for Chance.” His face was washed with panic as he processed the situation. “I’ve got to go.”

  Without waiting for a response he rushed to the kitchen and grabbed his keys off of the table. The door to the garage slammed violently behind him, leaving Julie frozen in a state of panic in the hallway.


  Test felt an electricity surge through his body like he hadn’t felt in nearly a year. The hair on the back of his neck was standing on end. “What did you say?” he asked.

  Alyssa pulled away from him, peered into his eyes, and asked the question once more. “Who is Test?”

  Test’s mouth became dry. He couldn’t look at her. “How do you know that name?”

  The mood in the room had shifted drastically, and the sudden intensity in his voice caused her to hesitate, but only for a moment.

  “Cliff used it,” she replied.

  Overcome with anger and frustration, the fire within him began to burn hot. The air became heavy and difficult to breathe. He could feel the heat in his hands increasing. “What did he say?” asked Test through clinched teeth.

  “I know who you are, Chance,” she replied, her eyes once again welling with emotion. “I mean…Test.” She dropped her head, her eyes catching a faint blue light. “Your hands…it’s true. You really are Test Davis, aren’t you?”

  Test looked down and opened his tightly clinched fists. The back side of his hands were emanating a brilliant electric blue glow, and as he rolled his hands over, his palms emitted a contrasting bright red light. He quickly glanced to her face, expecting to see a horrified angel standing before him. Instead, he witnessed a look of sadness and pity.

  “It’s true.” He spoke with great effort and discomfort. Every syllable came measured and at a tremendous cost.

  The two of them stood frozen in front of one another, the fear on Test’s face overwhelming. With the wonderment of a child, Alyssa reached for his left forearm. She took it into her right hand, and carefully running the fingers of her left hand over his palm, could feel the heat radiating from his skin. She could feel small waves of energy that made her fingers tingle with each touch.

  “Say something,” requested Test.

  She looked up to him with a mournful smile and replied. “I don’t know what to say Ch…,” she stopped herself. “Test.” She let his arm fall and rested her hand on his chest. “You could have told me.” Her words were like cotton.

  Test stared at her with a contorted expression. “What?”

  “I knew you were different, I just didn’t understand how.” She placed a hand on each shoulder. “This doesn’t scare me, Test. It’s actually somewhat of a relief.” A tiny smile graced her lips.

  “How can this…,” he spoke as he raised a glowing hand to his face. “How can this be a relief?”

  “Since the day I met you, I was worried, that because of my gift, you would be afraid of me.”

  Unknown to himself, a grin appeared on his face. He glanced to his hand once more. The light was now beginning to fade. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His life’s history began to play in his mind, reminding him of everything that he was, and everything he’d been through. He opened his eyes and locked onto her face.

  “This is so complicated. My life is so incredibly complicated.”

  Alyssa put her index finger to his lips. “You’re right; life is complicated. We’ll figure it out…together.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She leaned into him and rested her head on his chest. She could feel his muscles tense under the touch of her cheek, and smiled as she nuzzled firmly against them.

  Test was hesitant to accept her fully. Suddenly, the words to the poem he had written for Nicole so long ago entered his thoughts.

  Every time I see the light coming, I know the sunset’s not far behind.

  He could see the light, and didn’t know if he could take another sunset.

  Suddenly Alyssa became rigid in his grasp. She snapped her head up and looked to the door.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” asked Test.

  “Cliff is here,” she replied.

  In the corner of the room next to the door, Test could make out a shadow. He strained as he tried to focus, attempting to make out the form. “Cliff?” he asked.

  “Something’s wrong,” said Alyssa in a frantic tone.

  Test took a step towards the shadow.

  “He’s screaming.” Alyssa grabbed Test’s arm, her eyes suddenly blazing with intensity. “We have to go!”

  The shadow figure in the doorway disappeared in a movement faster than Test’s mind could register. He could feel Alyssa gripp
ing his arm, but couldn’t focus on anything. Then he felt a jolt as Alyssa pushed him forcefully. “Wake up!”

  She ran past him to the door, dragging him behind her. “We have to go, now!”

  “Will you please tell me what’s going on?” asked Test from behind the confusion.

  “The police are on their way. We have to go!”

  She opened the door and the two of them stepped out into the cold wet night. She hurriedly led Test down the sidewalk away from the street and towards an empty lot behind the motel. The lot was overgrown with vegetation, and provided some much needed cover.

  As they rounded the corner, she looked back over her shoulder to see two unmarked cars, followed by a black and white patrol car, pulling into the parking lot. Her heart stopped for a moment as she watched them slide silently into the parking stalls in front of Test’s room.

  Suddenly with great force she was lifted from the ground and found herself hidden behind the corner of the building. Startled, she turned to Test. She marveled at his form as he stood with muscles tensed. He looked menacing, and yet at the same time, majestic. His bare chest became washed with a red glow that seeped through his skin, the intensity increasing with each breath. As his eyes locked on hers, her breath became frozen with awe.

  “What’s going on?” he asked forcefully.

  As he waited for her answer, Alyssa cocked her head to the side. As if speaking to herself, she whispered the question “What are they doing here?” She nodded her head slowly, angling it slightly to the side.

  “Why?” she asked blankly.

  “Are you talking to me?” asked Test.

  She turned to him sharply as if she’d forgotten he was there. “No,” she replied abruptly. “We have to leave.” Her words came with an urgency and passion that escaped Test’s ears.

  “Are you going to answer me?” he asked.

  “We can talk later. Right now we need to disappear.”

  Test surveyed the area. They were surrounded on two sides by privacy fence. Behind the fence to their side was another building, behind them the lot overgrown with trees. He took her hand commandingly and began toward the empty lot. With only a few steps to go, he became aware of voices yelling from the front of the motel. A wave of panic struck him and the power from within erupted. The intensity of the energy surging through him shattered the darkness of the night.

  Alyssa pulled away in fear, the display beautiful yet tragically hideous at the same time. As she rocked back on her heels, Test quickly grabbed her and wrapped one arm around her tightly. Before she could react, they were thrust into the air with great force. Within a blinks worth of time they had landed on rock laden earth. She clung to him tightly, the warmth of his body almost more than she could stand.

  “Are you okay?”

  She felt the vibration of the words ripple through his chest before they reached her ears. Reluctantly, she released her grip and separated herself from him. As she backed away, she realized that the fear was gone. She eyed every inch of him, as if he were a work of art. The pulsing colors began to slow in frequency and intensity; each exhale produced a cloud of breath that seemed to release the energy within. What had been a fine mist falling to the earth had now become a steady rain, causing steam to lift wistfully from his skin.

  Test walked to her, and gently pinched her hair between his thumb and index finger. “Are you okay?” he asked again, this time much more softly.

  “Yes.” There was a long pause as she didn’t want to do anything but look at him. “Are you?”

  The look on his face was tragic and her heart ached for him. “Every thing will be okay, Cha…” She looked to the ground shamefully.

  He could see her shame, but now overwhelmed with the destruction of his world, he didn’t possess the strength or energy to comfort her. “What do I do now?” he asked.

  She glared up sharply. “You mean what do we do?”

  “This is no game, Alyssa. I have been down this road. Hell is coming.”

  His eyes blazed with a fiery intensity that drew her in like a moth to a light in the darkness. She stepped to him, her breath now visible in the cool night air as well. Before she could speak, the sound of dogs barking nearby caught her attention.

  Test turned quickly and watched the back of the motel. In the faint and hazy distance, he could see lights and movement. Suddenly, he heard Alyssa’s voice speak another’s words.

  “Come on, son. Settle down and use your head.” With eyes closed, her lips curled into a sweet smile. “You know where you can go. Ain’t no sense in goin’ there alone neither.” She opened her eyes and looked at him proudly. With a wink she held out her hand.

  Test reached out to her dumbfounded. He knew exactly what to do and exactly where to go. A sudden sense of peace overtook him as Alyssa’s hand formed into his.

  With the sound of dogs coming ever closer, he pulled her into him, grasping her firmly around the waist with one arm. As droplet of rain began to roll down his chin, he looked down upon her and smiled cautiously. “Hold on tight. It’s been a while since I’ve given anyone a ride.”

  Instantly she wrapped both arms around him and squeezed tightly, her nails digging into his flesh. With a last look towards the motel, he put his free palm to the ground and pulsed into the sky.

  Chapter 14

  The sun came through the skylight and the shadows of the leaves freckled the hardwood floor. Test hadn’t slept all night. He had chosen one of the cabins that his crew had finished just a couple of weeks prior as his hideout. His only clothing a pair of sweat pants, he stared shivering out the kitchen window into the forest. While he realized that this spot was better than his hideout in Lincoln, this fact brought him little, if any, comfort.

  Alyssa slept peacefully on the floor, her head resting only on her arms. Her wet clothing clung tightly to her feminine form, while her hair was draped loosely over her face.

  Judging by the amount of light in the forest, Test guessed at the time to be somewhere around nine o’clock. He craved a cup of hot coffee. How he wished that he could just go home. He missed the simple pleasures that he once enjoyed. Smiling to himself, he reminisced of goofing off with Mark. He wondered thoughtfully what had become of him. Had he returned to being the happy go lucky guy that he was before?

  He thought about his mother. He was no closer to being able to help her now than he was a year ago.

  And what of Nicole? He so hoped that she was happy. He was surprised that the thought of her didn’t bring him pain like it normally did.

  He turned to Alyssa and admired her as she slept peacefully on the floor. He felt a covey of emotion rush through him, his core warmed by her presence. What an amazing gift she had been given. He recalled a phrase that his mother would always repeat to him…before she had changed paths.

  “God works in mysterious ways.”

  It was something that he hadn’t thought of in years. He found it strange that in the present state of affairs this phrase would return to him. He and his mother used to attend church when he was younger, but when she began to slide into self destruction, he abandoned religion. He felt as though he was being punished unjustly and was confused as to how God could let these things happen to him. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with the urge to say a prayer. He turned back to the window and folded his hands.

  “God…,” he began. “I don’t know what to do.” He suddenly struggled to swallow the lump that had settled in his throat. “Why is this happening? What did I do to deserve this?” His eyes began to well with emotion. “I guess it doesn’t matter,” he said in a self defeating tone. “Please don’t let anything happen to Alyssa? Punish me if you have to, but please, keep her safe.”

  Startled, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Alyssa standing behind him. “Why do you think you are being punished?” she asked purposefully.

  With a tear rolling down his face, he looked at her with a furrowed brow. “You can’t be serious?”

  “No, you can
’t be serious.” As she spoke she turned him towards her. “You have been given one of the greatest gifts imaginable.”

  “How can you say that? I have been taken away from my mother, my home, my friends…,” his volume increased with each word. “Everything that I had, which wasn’t much to begin with, has been stolen from me! I am only eighteen years old and I feel like my life is destined to be traumatic and short! What a great fucking gift!” He walked away from her, fiercely pacing the length of the room.

  She watched helplessly as the anger built within him. “None of this is your fault…none of it.”

  He stopped and stared at her silently.

  “You have been given a gift, just like I have.” Her voice began to quiver. “Do you think that I haven’t had to ‘hide’ every day of my life? Do you think I walk up to everyone that I know and tell them that I have a ‘gift’?” She took two heavy steps towards him. “You are amazingly beautiful, and if you can’t accept that maybe you were put here for a reason, and given your gifts for a purpose, then yes, maybe your life is destined to be traumatic and short!” Her words came out with such force that her breath had been exhausted. With a final glare, she turned and walked out the front door.

  Test felt his blood flowing fiercely through his veins. The light switch had been flipped, and as usual, he was unable to let go of his anger.

  “Boy, you are a fool!”

  Cliff’s voice echoed through his head. Startled, he spun in circles, looking around the room, expecting his friend to be standing beside him. He saw nothing. He waited a couple of moments for the voice to return.


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