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Texas Daddy

Page 10

by Shanna Handel

  Then, Carrie had become pregnant and Rose was born, and life in general had gotten busy. As Rose continued to sprout and grow, so did the town of Poke. Where there had once only been a Main Street, there were now superstores, shopping centers, neighborhoods, and even their own movie theater and soon to be built mall.

  There were more kids in Poke Town than the county schools could support, and so the one room school house had become the office for a new elementary school. And the principal had recently called Carrie, begging her to come back and teach kindergarten again.

  Dropping her and Rose off on the first day of Carrie’s new job, and Rose’s first day at a new school Wes felt a broad grin spread across his face. A few months ago, he couldn’t have been able to imagine sitting here in his truck, releasing Carrie out into the world without feelings of anguish. It was good to let go. Once the door shut behind the two heads of golden curls, Wes pulled his old truck with its new engine, down the drive of the school and headed back to the ranch.

  Wes was healed. The psychotherapy had been nothing like what he expected and turned out to be everything he needed.

  Now living on the other side of his crippling anxiety, he realized he had let his little household slip, just a bit. But it was enough for him to know it was time to set things right and get his house back in order.

  Carrie had taken to settling back into her bossy, sassy ways that were her nature. In the past, Wes had kept a firm hold on her to rein in her naughty side. Having been so scared that he would lose her he had loosened his hold.

  Wes now stood, arms crossed leaning against the kitchen counter watching his spitfire of a wife lecture him, waving her red spatula at him as she did.

  “And don’t even think for a second that you are going to be dropping me off every day. I don’t want to come off as some weak woman who can’t drive herself around.”

  “I think you mean to say, ‘Daddy, can I please drive myself to work?’”

  Carrie froze, spatula hanging in the air, mouth gaping open.

  He felt a smile as wide as the Texas landscape crossing over his face at the look on her face. Wes had not referred to himself as her daddy since the birth of their daughter. A blush rose to her cheeks and a brightness shone in her eyes. But it was just a flash and she returned to her old ways.

  “I absolutely am not asking you, Weston. I am telling you.” Hand on her hip, she held that red spatula out as if she were testing him.

  Things had gotten a little more out of hand than he had thought. Little girls learn very quickly that they get what they ask for.

  In a matter of seconds, he had crossed the floor, propped his foot up on the little stool they kept for Rose by the kitchen sink, and had his wife bent over his knee, her red spatula firmly gripped in his hand.

  Flipping his wife’s skirt up over her back, he pulled her panties down with the hand he had the spatula in, tightly grabbing his wife’s flailing hands with the other and pinning them to her lower back. Lifting his arm high in the air, he brought the silicone implement down hard and fast with a satisfying whack.

  “Ouchy!” Carrie cried out. “Don’t you dare use my spatula on me, Weston…”

  He had no choice. He had to paddle that soft curve of a perfect behind hard and fast and not stop until Carrie was laying limp over his leg sobbing. There was no other way. Again, bringing his arm high in the air, he brought the spatula down hard. He continued to do this up and down with the hard whack sound ringing through the kitchen until her bottom was as red as his wife’s favorite spatula.

  When he pulled her up into his arms she was sobbing, rubbing her bottom with both of her hands.

  “No,” he said, grabbing her wrists in his hands. “You let that sink in, little girl. You’ve gotten too big for your britches and it’s time I laid down the law.”

  Carrie melted on his chest, sobbing quietly into his shirt and nodding her head.

  As Wes held her, rubbing her back gently, he leaned down, whispering into her ear, “Daddy’s back.”

  At his simple words, her tear-filled eyes looked up at him shining.

  Carrie was seeking to test every boundary and limit that Wes would set for her. And rightfully so. It had been too long since he had taken his little wife in hand. It was proving to not be enough to get them back to where they had been before. And so, Wes had decided to institute some maintenance, scheduled discipline into their marriage.

  Tonight, was the first night of what he had planned to be a ‘maintenance session’. His wife stood before him, her jaw dropped and her hands on her hips.

  “But I am meeting the other teachers for dinner and if I have to wait around for you to spank me, I am going to be late.”

  “Then I will spank you and you will be late. Or I will spank you and you will stay. The choice is yours.”

  “But you can’t just spring this on me, Weston. I had plans.”

  “I was unaware of your plans. When were you going to tell me that you were going out? And if you call me Weston one more time I am going to throw you over that bed, take down your wooden Christmas paddle and reacquaint the two of you. Is that understood?”

  Carrie gave a gulp. He knew she hated the wooden paddle that he kept in the back of their closet, hanging from its red ribbon. Changing her tune, she muttered, “Yes, sir.”

  Pointing to the empty corner next to their bed, he said, “Now, take down your panties and go stand in your corner. I think you need a little time to remember what it means to be a submissive wife.”

  Her cheeks blushing, Carrie reached up under her skirt with a huff, pulling her panties down around her thighs as was required of her, and shuffled off to her little naughty corner.

  “Lift your skits and tuck them into the waist band so I can see that beautiful bottom of yours.”

  With a sigh, she gathered the fabric of her skirts in the back, bunching and tucking them until the curve of her bare bottom was exposed, with her little pink panties showing around her mid-thigh.

  “There you go, baby. Nice and pretty like daddy likes it.” Taking a seat in his special armless spanking chair, he sat and gazed upon his wife. “Let’s go over a few things, shall we?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “You are more than welcome to go out with your friends from work, but don’t you think you owe me the courtesy of telling me your plans ahead of time.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “And if Daddy has something he wants to do with you, or to you, who takes precedence over your social life?”

  “You do, Daddy.”

  “That’s right. And that’s the way you like it, isn’t it young lady?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Then come lay over my lap and show me.”

  Turning to face him, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed, Carrie did her little walk of shame over to her daddy’s lap, the placement of her panties constricting her movement as she did.

  Giving a little sigh, she laid herself over her husband’s lap, positioning her bottom right over his thigh, just like Daddy’s good little girl.

  Wes quickly had Carrie whipped back into shape. And she was loving it. Her hands had never been on him as much as they were now. It seemed the tighter the rein he held on her, the happier they were. And so, he was shocked when they got into their first fight since his daddy tone had made its reappearance. And it was over Mama, of all things.

  “She does not have a boyfriend, Carrie. Let it go.”

  “Yes, she does, Wes. And she is probably just scared to tell me because she knows I can’t hold a secret and I would tell you and she is terrified of your reaction.”

  “This is ridiculous, Carrie. It’s just one of those times where you let your imagination get away from you. Do I need to remind you what happened to you and Jessica when she found all that cash and you two thought you were super sleuths and got Ray hauled down to jail?”

  “That was just the work of that Poke Town busy body. This is for real, Weston, oops, I mean, Wes.” Her ha
nds instinctively went to her bottom.

  “That’s a paddling, young lady. But first we are finishing this conversation.”

  “Fine. But I am not getting in trouble over this one. You are the one that needs to get a grip.”

  He took two steps towards her and had her bottom in his firm grip and his wife on her tippy-toes.

  “I have one,” he growled.

  What she said next surprised him. He released his hold on her and stepped away.

  “You need to let your mama go. She deserves her own life and she deserves love.”

  Wes agitatedly ran his hand through his hair, heaving a sigh. “Who is this boyfriend you speak of?


  “Harry? You must be kidding me. Was it the overalls or the love of hip hop music that attracted her?”

  “Neither. Both. I don’t know. He’s fun. Harry’s a hoot.”

  Wes thought it over. It wasn’t that crazy. Harry was a fun guy. And kind. And had been a hard worker when he ran a ranch back in the day. And he had moved to the senior community the same week Mama had.

  “Say—do you think they moved there, together?”

  A knowing look shone in Carrie’s eyes. “I think they are shacking up.”

  “I will wash your mouth out with soap, Carrie Ann, don’t think I won’t.”

  She gave a little giggle. “I just mean I think that your assumptions are correct, sir.”

  “She does seem happier than I’ve seen her in years, come to think of it,” he murmured.

  Mama had visited the ranch just last Sunday. She laughed and smiled the whole time. Joking and carrying on more than he had ever remembered her doing since his dad had passed away.

  “Maybe you need to go see Meg about this one. It seems like you are having a tough time with it.”

  He raised a brow to her seeing if she was being sassy with him. She wasn’t.

  “I’m calling, Mama. Best to get the story straight from her.”

  Carrie grabbed his arm. “Don’t ruin this for her, baby. She’s happy and you know how much stock she puts in your thoughts about things. Just be happy for her.”

  “I will.” Giving her a kiss on the head, Wes went to make his phone call.

  “Yeah—they’ve been dating over a year now,” Garrett replied, picking at the horseshoe on Dipper.

  Wes couldn’t believe his brother’s words. “You knew? And you didn’t tell me? Why?”

  Without even looking up from his work, Garrett picked at the shoe. “Because we all knew you’d fly off the handle. Like you are doing now.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “Damn. And they are living together? Up there at ‘seniors have more fun’ center?”

  “Yep.” Standing and brushing his hands on his jeans Garrett looked at his brother. “Why shouldn’t they be? You have Carrie. You are happy. Let them be happy.”

  “But it’s our Mama. And Harry for Pete’s sake. Doesn’t it bother you at all?”

  Garrett placed a brotherly hand on Wes’ shoulder. “Nope. And it shouldn’t bother you, either.”

  Wes had to chuckle at his own overprotective nature. “I guess I am being a tad ridiculous.”

  “A lot ridiculous.”

  “Don’t push it.”

  “Fine. But please tell me you told her to bring Harry to dinner Sunday when you talked to her on the phone.”

  “I didn’t think of it.”

  “Well, you need to. She’s waiting on your approval, Wes. You are the patriarch of the family.”

  “All right, I’ll call her back. But I’m not playing any rap when Harry’s here.”

  “You mean your new dad?” Garrett said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “Stop it, Gare—you are taking it too far. I can only handle so much. Besides, how’s your love life?” Wes asked, turning the tables on his teasing younger brother.

  Garrett’s face clouded over. “I told you. I am never going down that road again.”

  “Never say never, brother. Love comes when you least expect it.”

  The teasing look was back in Garrett’s eyes as he quipped to Wes, “That’s just what Mama said to me.”

  Chapter 7

  Driving through the bustling streets of Poke, Jessica could almost not believe how built up it had become. Don’t get her wrong—she loved to shop as much as anyone, but it saddened her sometimes that her sons would not get to grow up with the small town feel she had. Where everyone knew your name and if you got into trouble, your mama was going to hear about it from five different people.

  She pulled into the new mega grocery store, parking her SUV and looking over her list. Saturdays, Jake and Buttercup took the boys riding. Then the whole bunch came back to her house for supper. And Jessica loved to cook all day, sure there was plenty of food to feed her hungry masses.

  Taking her list and her purse, she headed into the grocery.

  Pushing her cart and taking her time, she enjoyed the slow pace of shopping without her three rambunctious boys. She could pick the best cuts of meat, the freshest fruits, the crisper heads of lettuce. Usually, she was just throwing all her items in her cart trying to be sure she didn’t forget anything. Or that one of her boys didn’t knock over a tower display of glass apple juice jars. It had happened before.

  As she made her way around the store, Jessica thought back over the past few weeks with Ray. Under the very firm and paddle like hand of her husband, Jessica was finally learning how to handle her stress. She had only made the mistake, once, of not coming to Ray in her special, ‘it ain’t gonna spank itself’ panties.

  Having snapped at Ray about their hectic schedule, dropping a few curse words while doing so, he had promptly dragged her to the bedroom, growling, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” And that had been the end all be all paddling of her life. Leaving her perfectly submissive and stress free, it had also left her unable to sit for the rest of the day.

  To her utter humiliation in the town of Poke, he had also cancelled the boys from all their sports teams for the season, making the absolute day of the three boys next on the waiting lists, and her sons. It turned out that Evan, Colton and Harry were not as into playing sports as their mother was into watching them.

  As Jessica fully embraced her new relaxed pace of life, she smiled, knowing Ray had been right. Finishing her shopping she packed up her goodies and got into her car, headed home to spend the day cooking.

  Back at home, she hummed to herself as she whipped up a batch of her mama’s nana pudding recipe. Buttercup and Jake had been spending almost every waking moment together. Jessica was beyond grateful that the young couple’s generosity extended to taking her three rowdy sons with them to the ranch for riding ever Saturday.

  Jessica demanded they all be back for dinner though, and she was planning quite the spread. Ray was marinating the brisket, she had mashed the potatoes and made the green bean casserole that morning, so they only had to be warmed up. The freezer yeast rolls that she loved to pass off as homemade were defrosting on their tray on the counter.

  Giving a satisfied sigh, she turned with the giant pan heading to the fridge and bumping right into the broad chest of her husband.

  “Ray, you scared me half to death! What are you doing creeping around the kitchen?”

  Chuckling, Ray took the pan from her placing it carefully into the fridge. “Watching you work—from behind.”

  Ever since their trip to ‘Naughty’, her husband just could not keep his hands off her or her bottom. Not that she was complaining.

  “All done, babe?”

  Looking around her pristine kitchen, she liked to clean as she worked, Jessica gave a satisfied nod. “I think I’m finished.”

  “Then we have a couple of free hours until the boys come back. I want to show you something.” Grabbing her hand, Ray led her out to their backyard.

  Curious as to what Ray could possibly be showing her, Jessica looked for clues. They were headed to the three-car detached garage Jake had bu
ilt for them. Other than happily parking her white Lexus SUV safely in its spot every day, Jessica had not given much thought to the garage.

  When Ray opened the door to the third bay, Jessica gave a little gasp.

  The entire area had been outfitted almost as if it were a room in one of the clubs she used to frequent.

  Her jaw dropping open in surprise, Jessica’s hands flew to her hips. “Now, Ray Stevenson, just what in tarnation have you been up to?”

  A look as naughty as the devil flashed in Ray’s eyes. He was over to Jessica in two long strides. Wrapping his arms around her, tightly, his hand roved over her bottom. Grasping the tender flesh, hard, in his hands, he chuckled a deep laugh as she squealed.

  Up on her tippy-toes, Jessica melted against Ray as he murmured into her ear, “Naughty girl putting her hands on her hips to me like that. So sassy. And don’t we know what sassy girls get?” Flashing another panty melting look at her, Ray quickly latched the deadbolt on the door, and was back with his arms around her. “I’m going to have fun playing with my little toy in here- I’ve soundproofed it.”

  “What little toy?” she gasped as he trailed those biting kisses that he knew she could barely handle down her neck and to that little sweet spot behind her ear.


  Jessica’s knees went weak. Butterflies seemed to release from their hiding place in her tummy and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She would be his plaything in this space. Let the games begin.

  “Daddy’s going to have to start bringing his sassy girl out here, weekly. I think it’s high time we instituted a little maintenance in this relationship. I’ll start by throwing you over this spanking bench right here and doing what I please.”

  She felt her eyes pop open wide as she looked over his shoulder. Being out of practice with the BDSM world, she had first mistaken the device for a pommel horse, thinking maybe someone had taken up gymnastics. Now, she knew exactly what it was and what it would be used for. Giving a gulp, she willed her legs to work as Ray pulled her across the room and over the bench.


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