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Page 7

by Brian Holloway

  For five days Matthew stayed in the sick bay. Luckily the fracture was not a compound one, but internal bruising swelled the area, turning his whole ankle black and blue. As ship’s doctor, Mr Olsen checked the strapping twice a day. Though the injury had initially caused anxiety, no complications had set in and the bruising under his strapping turned a healthy yellow colour.

  A steady stream of well-wishers brightened his day and Jessica was a constant visitor. On the second morning, she brought up the subject of schooling.

  “I can write my own name, Miss Jessica,” he said brightly. She looked at him thoughtfully.

  “Matthew, as it looks as if you are now under my wing and care,” she began, at which a huge smile burst on to his little face. “I cannot bear to see you going through life ignorant of the basics. Are you prepared to do your schooling?”

  He desperately wanted to give her the biggest hug in the world, but a cloud of thought crossed his mind. Seeing his face fall, she asked him what was wrong.

  “It’s Little Jenny, Miss Jessica,” he said.

  “Do you mean the little girl who stowed away with you?”

  “Yes, Miss Jessica, I - well, I sort of feel responsible for her.”

  “And you want me to teach her too?” Jessica smiled when he nodded shyly. That meant a class of three, but it would be good for them all and would certainly keep her occupied. When he asked if Harry could come too, she burst out laughing.

  “There are twenty six children on board - are there any others you would like to include?” but he too laughed and said he was sure that was quite enough. Jessica thought so too. When Matthew was physically able to be back doing his share of the watches, it would be more difficult to fit schooling into his schedule, but they resolved to start the next morning anyway.

  Harry was, likewise, thrilled at the prospect of doing lessons.

  “I ain’t never had learning,” he said and Matthew said he hadn’t had much either. When Little Jenny came in later, she was momentarily struck dumb and refused to believe him.

  “Why would anyone want to teach me?” she eventually said.

  “Because I asked her and because you are my friend.” She punched Matthew on the arm.

  “You’re not kidding me are you, cos I’ll punch your friggin’ lights out and kick your sore leg or something else.”

  Matthew assured her it was real and she sat on the bunk end, in a rosy glow of happiness. They were excitedly talking about it all, when Douglas crowded into the sick bay. This was the first time the four children had come together and like children everywhere, they were soon all chattering like monkeys. Matthew was so animated, that he became sure he could stand up. By moving two of them out the door, he had room to swing his legs over. Straight away, the blood poured down his arteries and pounded into the wounded area. The pain was so intense he had to bite his lip to stop himself from crying. He fell back, his face white as a sheet and Harry ran for Mr Olsen, who dropped what he was doing and came immediately. The big Norwegian seemed to fill the sick bay, and sending the others away, told Matthew off in no uncertain terms.

  “You will not put that leg down for three days, you hear me? If you want toilet, I help you, OK? – or maybe I get the Captain to come help you, shall I?”

  Matthew blanched, “No…no! I will behave, sir.”

  Mr Olsen sat on the stool, that which was many sizes too small for him; it creaked ominously. He was silent for some time, and Matthew was sure something was troubling him.

  “That – um – Mrs Hooks…I think she is your friend, yes?” he asked, with his eyes studying the pattern of the floorboards.

  “Yes, Mr Olsen, and tomorrow she is going to start our schooling.”

  “Yes, that is good. What time do you start?”

  “Why Mr Olsen, are you coming to learn, too?”

  “No, no, I have my schooling. I was just considering what time to check your strapping.”

  “We are starting at 6 bells: 10.00 am.”

  “Then I will come on my off-watch just before ten and check it for you.”

  The next day there was quite a gathering at the sick bay. Mr Olsen had the leg strapped and was talking freely to Matthew, when Jessica made an appearance. Matthew became slightly alarmed, for the Mate straight away became tongue tied and totally unsure of himself. His good English gained foreign words and Jessica didn’t help matters, by dropping a schoolbook on his foot. When they both reached for it and lightly bumped heads, she smiled at him, while he stammered his apologies and made off. Jessica stared after him thoughtfully.

  The children took to the basics enthusiastically, so much so that when two hours passed, Harry had trouble dragging himself away. Douglas went for lunch, Little Jenny to take lunch to Mrs Merton in 3C and Jessica and Matthew tidied up the books. As she went out the door, she remarked, casually,

  “Mr Olsen did not seem very well today, I think. I trust he has not the fever?”

  “Oh, no, Miss Jessica, he was fine when he came to see me earlier.” For the next three days they followed a similar pattern: Mr Olsen checking the bandage, then rushing out the door when the teacher arrived.

  “Does Mr Olsen talk to you, Matthew?” Jessica asked.

  “All the time, Miss Jessica.”

  “Does he talk about where he came from?”

  “Yes, Miss Jessica, he misses his home a lot. He misses his boy very much. He is ten years old.”

  The next day was the fifth day and very gently Matthew was able to put his foot to the ground. Two days later he was hobbling around the deck, with the aid of a broomstick. He was anxious to get to the galley and as soon as possible was sitting on a stool, peeling potatoes.

  He did not want to incur the displeasure of the Captain, though mind you, he certainly didn’t want to pleasure him either. School thereafter was in the cabin in bad weather, and under the shade on the deck in good weather and few days were missed for the rest of the journey. The children’s minds were like sponges and though Jessica’s own kin, Douglas, was of course far ahead, he too learned by helping the others. The young appetites for learning were voracious. Even spare time was largely spent practising what they were studying and they made simply remarkable progress.

  Matthew’s leg continued to heal rapidly. Hobbling with the broomstick he was able to move about on deck, ringing the ship’s bell, and helping Cookie with his chores. He now spent a lot of time in the galley. He was able to get the same ration as the men and, despite the poor quality of the food; his small bones were beginning to fill out.

  Chapter Seven

  Jessica’s Diary August 20th

  Dear Diary,

  20th August 1839

  The sound of music on the foredeck is an irresistible magnet to most of the passengers, who stream up the steps for any kind of entertainment. The wind is steady and reasonably warm. Today a great assortment of musical instruments made their first appearance, namely, five concertinas, two fiddles, one flute and a set of bagpipes.

  While it wasn’t quite a concert, amongst the players there is some musical talent. There again, there is also the owner of the bagpipes, who posted himself on the top of the deckhouse and played anything but sweet music.

  21st August

  We were woken in the middle of the night with the vessel being thrown on her beam ends and the frightening sound of a rush of water. A really strong wind had sprung up seemingly out of nowhere and some passengers rushed on deck to help the seamen bring in the sails. Within minutes some sails were torn to shreds and were flogging fiercely on their spars. The ship was turned and allowed to run with the wind with nearly all the sails furled. Although we were going back the way we had come, we were obliged to put up with it as this was the safest course. Pails, pots and pans ran back and forth across the lower deck. Everyone without exception slid up and down in their skin as they lay in their bunks, making sleep nearly impossible.

  Many were definitely repenting leaving their comfortable homes and many would turn and go
back if it were possible. It was obvious that a great number of them consider that they may have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I am constantly and seriously worried for Douglas, as his coughing is very bad, but he is a bright lad and cheerful, especially now Matthew is here. He and Douglas play whenever he is not working and they are like two peas in a pod. Matthew has beautiful dark eyes and a quick intuitive intellect and he is growing into a fine young boy. I am now certain it was a good thing to include him in the schooling.

  26th August

  For the past four days we have achieved some two hundred miles a day. We now have Madeira to our right and the coast of Africa to our left. Yesterday, Matthew came bubbling in to see me after dinner. He said, “Oh Miss Jessica, I wish you could see me go aloft and take in sail now. I am getting quite used to it, though the men say I am in the way up there. I am too small to go out on the yards, but I am trying to be helpful. Also I am finding the muddle of ropes very confusing. The mates don’t think I know much when they tell me to let go something and I stop and think.”

  I replied, “Well young man, I don’t think you are at all muddleheaded. I think you are doing very well. Now, what about your foot? It seems to have made a remarkable recovery.”

  “It aches at night, but I can walk real easy now.”


  “Um, I can walk on it… easily?”

  “Perhaps ‘with ease,’ without the adverb?”

  “Yes, Miss Jessica,” he said, and we Parted, both smiling.

  This was such an agreeable interchange that I felt it worthy of being recorded. After all, much of a voyage like this is tediously boring and these small interludes can be most rewarding.

  29th August

  After eight days carrying full sail, the wind has increased to a small gale. Taking in sail and putting out again makes tiring work for the long-suffering crew. In any sort of sea, the ship rolls so badly a person cannot walk without holding on to something and no one ever walks on the lee side. At times, the ship rolls her lee rail right under and seas even come over the weather side. Often there is four feet of sloshing water on the lee side deck, trying to get out the scuppers. There is not a dry place on deck and hardly one below. In fact there is often a foot of water from the deckhouse to the poop and it is almost impossible to keep a footing as it rushes from side to side.

  Two days ago, a massive wave hit the side of the boat and filled the two lifeboats, which are stowed ten feet above the deck and stove in the planks on one of them. Most of the work is up aloft, that of getting the sails on and off, of course has to be done in the worst of weather. My admiration for the bravery of the sailors extends by the day. Lifelines are stretched along the deck, but even with them fitted it is an acrobatic feat to keep on one’s feet.

  The passengers grumble the most when the dinner is lost, a not uncommon occurrence in foul weather. Yesterday, when getting the dinner up to our cabin, Matthew had a very scary time; he was helplessly washed about the deck and almost drowned. Thankfully, nets had been strung out to prevent anyone from going overboard. When he lost his grip on the lifeline, he was carried in a flood of water hard against the lee side of the boat, to be left like a flapping fish as the water drained overboard.

  Later that same night, Matthew was trying to carry a pudding by himself to the steerage passengers. He had his ears boxed when it arrived below half full of sea water. When I heard this I went down into the hold and gave the man a piece of my mind. I do think a small boy who tries as hard as Matthew, deserves to be treated with respect. I admit I was very angry and I backed the man into a corner as I was telling him off. Then a small wave came down the hatch that wet us both, and it was so funny we both had to laugh. We parted friends, which was also good - he was much bigger than me, and I was scared he might box MY ears!!

  Our new cabin is on the lee side, definitely NOT the Posh side, and needs to be bailed out regularly when conditions are bad. We live on top of the sea-chests a lot and it is very difficult to make them secure. They still need to be accessible, as most of our clothing is inside them. I am indebted to Mr Olsen who has chocked the chests as best he could. I find it amusing that he will not go into the cabin whenever I am present, but I am sure it is a matter of little consequence and I will not dwell on it. During the days on deck he passes the time with me briefly, tipping his cap, but for such a big man he is very respectfully quiet, even shy. It is so nice to see manners in a young man, particularly a sailor. I wonder about his background; he is so very different from the other sailors, yet he definitely has their respect.

  Quite suddenly, as if a great blind has been drawn clear from the sky, the clouds cleared, and it seems that the bad weather has left us. The change is remarkable. We appear to have moved to a new world, totally foreign to that which is astern of us. The sun is a ball of light in a clear blue sky and by midday it is fearfully hot, which makes the passengers glad to stay below. It is the end of August now and we are drawing close to the equator.

  The air has become thick with heat. Passengers listlessly move to any shaded spot during the day and last night we lay panting in our bunks. The only respite was after sun down; the passengers staging a pleasant singing party to pass the evening.

  Though conditions are so tropical, one blessing of the area is that there are frequent showers. The merest hint of rain will send women, men and children scuttling up the hatchway, often in very scanty attire, and holding up buckets, pots and pans. Standing in the rain, and having its coolness wash away the tension and grime, has become a wonderful positive event for most of us. For those who don’t take advantage of the God-given water, there are always persuasions, both vocal and subtle, about the merits of good hygiene. We were agreeably pleased to see an awning extending from the mainmast to the mizzenmast and largely protecting the deck from the fierce rays of the sun. Under the awning we were treated yesterday to a most interesting and picturesque sight. At 11 o’clock, nearly all the passengers assembled for divine worship. The capstan, covered with a large Union Jack in the centre, served as a reading desk. The cabin passengers and officers of the ship were seated around it on chairs. In front of the steerage passengers, the sailors were seated on the hencoops, arranged in rows and covered with flags. Is this to hide their occupants from divinity?

  It made a striking scene: two hundred people sending their devotions on high from the wide ocean. The calmness of the weather, the delicious climate, the sun shining gloriously, made a surreal scene that even the religiously cynical would forever hold in their memories.

  2nd September

  As we near the equator we have begun to see flying fish. These rush away from under the bow of the ship as she advances, whitening the water as they fly. Everyone laughs at the shoals of baby ones when they leap from the water, they look as if they are in flying-fish school.

  At these latitudes, darkness falls directly the sun goes down, which it does very quickly. We now see dancing on board and much singing and some of the passengers have formed a drama society to put on performances. The crew who are off watch generally join in with basic instruments and singing.

  I find with some surprise that increasingly I am covertly appraising Mr Olsen. Even his singing of hymns and popular songs brings a smile to my face. He does not have a good voice, in fact, he is terrible at singing and he is rather loud, but everyone is too polite to say anything, as he obviously enjoys it very much. Generally he is quiet, especially with ladies, even deferential to them. These traits definitely endear him to the single females on board. He is well liked by the passengers and I also notice he spends quite a lot of his free time in teaching Matthew all about ropes and knots. It seems that the time Matthew has spent working in the cobbler shop has given him nimble fingers, making him an able student. My heart continues to warm to the boy.

  Chapter Eight

  Crossing the Equator

  Heading south, the ‘Nell Gwynn’ was often headed by the wind. To bring the ship onto the other tack, all of th
e crew, and even some passengers, became involved with handling the ropes. Each time, it took more than half an hour to get her about. Matthew and Harry were detailed to coil the ropes as they lay on the deck, belaying them on to the right pins, while the adults hauled the yards around to a new course. On one occasion Third Mate Murphy gave Matthew a hard clip over the ear, for not putting the right one on its designated pin.

  “Wot happens in’ner dark if you let go the wrong rope ‘cos some idjut brat like you, put him on the wrong pin?” sneered Pig Murphy and Matthew had to admit he could see the wisdom of that.

  The presence of the evil Mate was something Matthew had just about learned to tolerate, though his knees still shook whenever the killer was anywhere near.

  They had been aware for some time now that the crossing of the equator line was nigh. Expectations were beginning to run high, even in this energy sapping heat and although the air was hot, a regular breeze made life acceptable. The spirits of passengers and crew was buoyant, especially now that most were able for the first time ever, to see the fabled Southern Cross with its five stars and tail. To cross the equator meant their future was now becoming an indelible reality, for better or worse.

  They crossed the line just before noon on a baking hot day, with the migrant ship ‘Hanover’ only a half a mile away, within clear sight of each other. How strange to see another ship after so much time alone on such a big ocean. It was easy to imagine that, if ‘evil deeds’ were about to happen upon the ‘Nell Gwynn’ then most assuredly the ‘Hanover’ would soon enjoy similar ‘evil deeds’. On the ‘Nell Gwynn’, Father Neptune, climbing on board over the bulwarks, was seen by many of the children. He was dressed in a wig from Judge Littlewood, one of the first class passengers, with some rotting seaweed hung from his shoulders and in one hand he held a long marlin gaff. Blackened sackcloth rags dripping with salt water covered his body, oddly enough, about the size and build of the First Mate.


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