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Page 29
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(dates given in body of text)
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1. Pollaky by Faustin Betbeder. 1874. (Courtesy of the Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum)
2. Pressburg Castle. De Kaai from De Aarde en haar Volken, 1867. (Author’s collection)
3. Charles Frederick Field, Illustrated News of the World, 1855. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
4. Two cigarette cards of Inspector Bucket from Charles Dickens’ Bleak House, with illustrations looking remarkably like Field. The first image is dated around 1900 and the second around 1912. (Author’s collection)
5. Lord Edward Bulwer Lytton (1803–1873), Illustrated London News Extra Supplement, 25 January 1873. (Author’s Collection)
6. James Dunwoody Bulloch. Image from Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. (Courtest of the Century Co.,1888)
7. Henry Shelton Sanford (1823–1891), Library of Congress, Washington DC.
8. Image and obituary of Sir Richard Mayne, Illustrated London News, 9 January 1869. Mayne’s severe countenance may be an indication of his personality, however, it would only be fair to point out that this formal expression was the fashion for official portraits of the time. (Author’s collection)
9. Inspector Jonathan ‘Jack’ Whicher, 1865. Powell of Charing Cross wrote a report to Mayne stating Pollaky was ‘always considered a dangerous man’. (Courtesy of Hampshire County Council Arts and Museum Service, ref. HMCMS: FA2004.141.135)
10. Meikeljohn, Druscovich, Palmer and Froggatt in the dock at the Old Bailey, The Graphic, Saturday, 1 September 1877. (Author’s collection)
11. Numbers 11, 12 and 13 Paddington Green taken in 1956. (Courtesy of the City of London, London Metropolitan Archives)
12. Number 13 Paddington Green (centre) in 2010, shortly before demolition. (Courtesy of Pre-Constuct Archaeology Limited)
13. Back cover of Benjamin D. His Little Dinner, 1876. Pollaky’s advertisement, showing only his name and address, is at
the top of the page. (Author’s collection)
14. Caricature of Pollaky by ‘Whew’ from Benjamin D. His Little Dinner, 1876. (Author’s collection)
15. Number 33 Stanford Avenue, 2014. (Courtesy of K.P. and S.N.)
16. Pollaky family gravestone at the Kensal Green Cemetery. (Photograph by the author)
17. Darrell Fancourt as Colonel Calverley. Photograph taken by H.C. Hughes in the early 1920s. No image of a uniformed Richard Temple, the creator of the role, seems to exist. Fancourt was a famous interpreter of the role for the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company. (Courtesy of David Stone)
18. Photograph of Pollaky in his later years from the Toni and Gustav Stolper Collection, ref. F12249. The verso reads: ‘Mr. (or Sir?) Polacki grand-uncle of Toni. Noted British detective.’ (Courtesy of the Leo Baeck Institute, New York)
Cover image: Pollaky by Faustin Betbeder 1874 Courtesy of The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Every effort has been made to secure rights to items in copyright. Any omissions notified to the author or publisher will be credited in any future editions.
First published in 2015
The History Press
The Mill, Brimscombe Port
Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 2QG
This ebook edition first published in 2015
All rights reserved
© Bryan Kesselman, 2015
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