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Rosewood, Natalie - Octavia's Choice [The Klawinken 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 8

by Natalie Rosewood

  “All right then. I’ll call you in the next day or so when you’re feeling better and this whole unfortunate event is behind us. You know I’m only doing what needs to be done. I don’t like this any more than you do, but I’ll do whatever I have to to protect our people.”

  After she closed her cell phone, she sat down and stared into space, trying to piece together what she was going to do. Pierce had made a very bad error in judgment when he threatened her son. One she couldn’t just forget. Tobias needed to be warned. How much should she tell him? She knew he loved Octavia. But for them to mate would be disastrous. At least that was what she had been told by Pierce, and her own life only confirmed it. She and Pierce had been meant for each other as one true mates. They both knew it. However, she was Beaucomp and he was a very powerful Klawinken. Their dreams had been manipulated, and she had married someone else as he had. However, the bond between them had always been strong, strong enough that together they had been able to direct their children’s dreams as well as Octavia’s. At least they had thought they had.

  It would take a great deal of strength at her age for her to travel via her Klawinken powers since she had so recently traveled to Tobias’s island to rid him of Octavia. It would take her twice as long as normal, but that would still be faster than going the human way. She had to be able to explain her actions in person. She knew he was going to be not only angry, but hurt that his own mother had plotted against him. She loved her son, and she had only done she had to because of her love for him. She could only hope that he would believe her and someday forgive her.


  Magda turned to see Elwina walking toward her. “Who was that woman you were talking to?”

  “Just an overzealous fan of your brother’s who happens to be Klawinken.” She smiled. “No one to worry about. She was harmless.”

  “How did she get by the gate?”

  “She’s Klawinken. However, she’s also the sister of Evenela Andreas, I mean, Atkins. I was very nice to her but discouraging. I doubt that we’ll see her again.”

  “Oh, I know who she is. Isn’t she the one that’s engaged to Mathieu Lacroix?”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Well, I guess that explains it. You know, her coming here to see Tobias while she’s engaged to Mathieu. I never understood why they weren’t brought up by their family. Something weird about them I think. But it’s not of my business,” Elwina said a little more sharply than necessary.

  Magda raised her eyebrows. She had always suspected Elwina had a little crush on Mathieu Lacroix.

  “I’m going to go shopping. Do you want to go with me? We can dress up, and no one will know us. It will be fun.”

  “I have some things I need to do. In fact, I’ll be gone for the next few days,” Magda said. “It’s rather sudden, some rewrites the director wants to go over with me. We’ll shop next weekend.”

  “Really?” Elwina sat down beside her. “That’s a bummer. I was hoping we could spend the day together.”

  “I know. Me, too. But this is something I need to do. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry. We can still go next weekend.”

  “Thank you, dear. I love you so much.” Magda opened her arms and hugged her only daughter. Elwina was such a good child. However, she was going to be twenty-one in the next year, and then she would have to tell her more about the Klawinken. She had told her a few things already, but not about the mating. She wished it could be natural, but with her genetics, the Council would not just let nature take its course with her daughter even though she didn’t have the gene. Unless things were to change. Maybe, she thought silently, still holding her daughter in her arms, the time had come for change.

  Chapter Ten

  Tobias had gotten through the concert on automatic pilot. The crowd had not seemed to notice that he had been drinking. A few of the band members knew, but as long as he was able to perform, they weren’t about to say anything. They were a good group of guys and Klawinken, so they knew if he had needed help, he would have asked for it. They each had their own gifts that they were more than happy to use when the situation warranted it. Jake, the one he trusted above all others, had the gift of illusion. The crowd could have been made to think any one of them were him if Jake had willed it. However, there was no need for that. He had done his job.

  He had met with some fans and put in an appearance backstage, but the truth was he didn’t want to socialize. All he wanted was to be alone with his thoughts of Octavia. He knew she was thinking about him. He had felt her tugging at his subconscious, but for her sake he had to be strong. He loved her beyond reason, but the fact that he could actually end her life with his love was tearing him apart. He had never believed in love, and now that he knew it existed, he would have to live his life without it.

  Back in his room at the hotel, he lay across the bed and closed his eyes. He had never wished for his own death before, but at this moment, he thought it might be easier than living the rest of his life without Octavia. He could see her face, feel her body next to his, and taste the sweetness she had offered him with her love. It was a self-torture that he couldn’t stop himself from indulging in. He could hear Octavia calling to him. He knew if he allowed himself to go to her even in their dreams, he would only have to leave her again. He loved her too much to ever put her in danger. It would kill him knowing she was with Mathieu, but at least she would have a life. He would watch over her. That was all he could do.

  He must have dozed off because he awoke with a start. He knew he wasn’t alone. He opened his eyes to see his mother staring at him from the side of the bed.

  “Mother,” he exclaimed. “What the hell?”

  “It’s nice to see you, too, dear.”

  “What are you doing here? You’re lucky I didn’t jump up and grab you by the throat.”

  “Really. I think I can still move pretty quickly when needed, as evidenced by my being here.”

  “What’s wrong? Is Elwina okay?”

  “Yes, she fine. But there is something we need to talk about. Something I hope I’m going to be able to fix.”

  Tobias sat up and walked into the bathroom where he splashed water on his face. Returning, he sat at the table where his mother was already seated. “Okay, Mother. What have you done?”

  “It’s about Octavia.”

  “What about Octavia,” he said quickly, his brow etched with concern.

  “She came to visit me, looking for you.” Magda sighed. “I’m not sure how much she knows, but she’s not oblivious to your existence. I felt anger from her, even betrayal. I think she’s stronger than we thought.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “That you were away.”

  Tobias sat back down and looked at this mother. He heard something in her voice that he had never heard before. Fear.

  “I’m afraid I’ve lied to you about Octavia. Your mating with her will not kill her. Someone else wishes to do that. The Klawinken Council fears her gifts that if coupled with yours and then passed onto a child could destroy our people.”

  Tobias’s face went stone cold, his whole body rigid. “You’re telling me that the Klawinken Council kept us apart because they fear our gifts together could be greater than their own as a whole?”

  “Yes, I guess that is what I’m telling you. Please, Tobias, I know you’re angry, and you have every right to be, but believe it or not, that’s not the worst of it.”

  “Mother, what do you mean the worst of it?”

  “The Council fears Octavia to the point they have gone beyond rational logic as far as I’m concerned. Pierce Lacroix has been given permission to kill Octavia.”

  Tobias couldn’t speak. He went down on his knees. Nothing could have prepared him for what his mother just told him. Looking back up at her, he knew she had not been lying this time. “I have to find Octavia before Pierce does,” he cried.

  “She’s still in Boston visiting her sister.”

  “I h
ave to go to her. If anything happens to her, I swear…”

  “I know. I love you, Tobias.”

  Tobias shook his head without speaking before he twirled out of sight.

  * * * *

  “Octavia,” Evenela yelled up the stairs to her sister. “Phone call.”

  Octavia heard her and walked down the stairs to the house phone that her sister handed her.


  “Octavia, this is Pierce Lacroix, Mathieu’s father.”

  “Mr. Lacroix.”

  “I know this is a bit awkward, especially since you and my son have broken your engagement. However, I would like to take you to an early dinner tonight. Just you and me. I promise not to try and convince you to get back together with Mathieu. But there are a few things I would like to discuss with you concerning your parents.”

  “My parents,” Octavia said, looking to where Evenela was watching her.

  “Yes, I was there the night they died, and I know you must have a lot of questions that I might be able to answer.”

  “Then Evenela should come, too.”

  “If she would like to, she’s invited.”

  Evenela shook her head no and whispered, “Carl and I have a dinner tonight with clients. I have to go.”

  “Unfortunately Evenela has another commitment, but I will be available for dinner. Should we meet at the restaurant?”

  “I’ll pick you up about six o’clock.”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  “Yes, see you then, Octavia.”

  Octavia put the phone down and looked into her sister’s eyes, which were looking a little like a deer caught in the headlights. “What do you think he wants?”

  “He said he wants to talk about our parents.”

  “Maybe, but he’s Mathieu’s father. He must have an ulterior motive regardless of what he told you.”

  “I don’t care what his reason is. If he can shed any light on our parent’s death, then I’ll talk to him.”

  “Is that what he said, that he knew something about their death?”

  “Not exactly. He just said he was there the night they died.”

  “Are you sure you should go?”

  “I’d rather not, but I need to go.”

  * * * *

  Pierce Lacroix was of average height with blue eyes. He wasn’t a handsome man, but he did have a certain way about him that she found comforting. Mathieu, Octavia thought to herself, must look like his mother.

  “Octavia.” He walked through the door, smiling with even white teeth. “It’s so good to finally meet you.” He hugged her to him. She felt cold.

  “And you.” She tried to smile back.

  “You’re even more beautiful in person then Mathieu described. I can understand why he is so taken with you.”

  “He spoke of you, too, and always with the utmost love and respect.” Octavia looked away for a moment and then back into the eyes of the man who might have been her father-in-law if her dreams, or more aptly Tobias Morgan, had not gotten in the way. “I’m very sorry that I hurt Mathieu.”

  Pierce just looked at her. His eyes clouded.

  “I truly am sorry,” she said softly.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I know you are. Mathieu’s sorry, too. It takes two. You’re not entirely to blame, Octavia”

  Meaning, Octavia surmised from his words, that he felt she was mostly to blame. After all, Mathieu had just wanted what any normal man would want from the woman he loved…to be loved in return.

  The ride to the restaurant was quiet. Pierce pointed out some landmarks, including the Boston Public Library, one of the more famous buildings in the city. Their table was waiting for them when they entered the restaurant. It had the ambience of a French restaurant. Pierce ordered a large bottle of a very expensive French wine. Octavia smiled as the waiter poured her a glass. Pierce waited for her to try it before he allowed the waiter to pour his own.

  “It’s delicious,” she said to the waiter, who looked relieved.

  “I’m glad you like it. It’s always been one of my favorites. They keep it stocked just for me,” Pierce said.

  “In fact,” the waiter interjected, “Mr. Lacroix had this particular bottle delivered just this afternoon. It’s a fine vintage.”

  “I’m impressed.” Octavia smiled up the waiter. Looking across the table at Pierce, she said, “You must come here often.”

  “Often enough,” he said, looking down at the menu. “May I make a suggestion?”

  “That would be nice. Thank you.”

  “Let’s start with foie gras and follow with the lamb. It’s absolutely the best in the city.”

  “Wonderful,” Octavia said, taking a sip of her wine. It really was delightful. She took another sip before she sat her glass back down.

  When he had given their order to the waiter, he turned to her. “I’m so glad you were able to join me tonight. Let me pour you a little more wine.”

  He picked up the bottle and somehow it slipped right through his fingers and ended up crashing onto the floor. The waiter and several other restaurant employees came running their way.

  “How clumsy of me,” Pierce said, shaking his head. “I’m very sorry.”

  “Not a problem, sir.” The waiter bent down to retrieve the bottle that had emptied onto the floor. Within minutes the mess was cleaned up and Pierce had asked for another bottle.

  “My dear Octavia, this is what happens when you get old. You start dropping things. Here, take my glass. I haven’t touched it.”

  “You’re hardly old.” Octavia smiled. A wave of tiredness came over her suddenly. She felt a bit nauseous. She tried to shake it off. “So, you were going to tell me about my parents.”

  “Yes. I was there the night they died. We had been at the same party. I wish I could tell you they were having a good time, but I’m afraid they were quarreling for most of the evening. Theirs was not a match made in heaven.”

  “Unusual for Klawinken,” Octavia murmured. “I mean, all this one true mate stuff would make you think that all Klawinken matings are made in heaven. However, I’m beginning to see a flaw in that concept.”

  “Klawinken matings, even at their best, can be as trying as a human relationship. The difference is we normally mate for life unless death interferes.”

  “Do you know what they were fighting about?”

  “Your father was a jealous man, not just of other men, but of your mother’s time. I think he thought she spent more time with her friends and children then she did with him. I could be wrong, but that seemed to be the gist of the argument at least from where I was standing.”

  “Were they drinking?”

  “Yes, they were. And that’s my one regret. I should have never let them leave together, knowing one was as drunk as the other. I should have driven them home, but then I was drinking, too. None of us were thinking that something would happen to them.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t. I just think it’s strange that my mother would turn us over to non Klawinken and make it legal so soon before her and my father’s death.”

  “Are you suggesting foul play?”

  “I’m not sure, but in my heart, something tells me that something wasn’t right.”

  ‘Well, Octavia…” Pierce looked at her sadly. “You are a gifted woman, and your intuition is part of your gifts. Possibly you can feel the truth. It’s not an unheard of gift.”

  “Are you saying you think there might have been foul play?”

  “I’m saying that, unfortunately, sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to for the good of the whole. Your parents were a problem,” he said, looking into Octavia’s eyes that were feeling more and more tired. “As, I’m afraid, are you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Octavia felt as if her tongue had expanded as she slurred her words. She could barely lift her arms.

  “You’re not feeling so well, are you, dear?”

  Octavia shook her head. It was an effort for her. W
hat had he done to her? She was feeling less and less like herself. The room was actually beginning to spin.

  “I’m sorry, Octavia. Sorry that you were born of a Beaucomp mother and that you, too, are a Beaucomp. Sorry that you couldn’t love my son, Mathieu, and turned to another Beaucomp, Tobias Morgan. If only you could have stayed away from him, Octavia, you might not be dying in front of me right now.”

  Octavia couldn’t even formulate the words to respond. She was dying. Pierce Lacroix had poisoned her with the wine. That was why he had never taken a drink from his own glass and destroyed the bottle. She felt herself slipping from her chair onto the floor. She could hear voices, but everything was going black, and then she slipped deeper into the darkness where there was nothing but silence.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tobias gave his senses the freedom to find Octavia. She was not at her sister’s house. He had gone there first, but there was no one home. He had to find her before it was too late. Standing still, he summoned all his powers and focused on Octavia. He could see her. She was at a restaurant. She was with a man. Pierce Lacroix’s face came into view. Tobias cursed, his heart racing. He recognized the venue. It was near the Boston Library.

  Octavia was sick. He could feel it. She was slipping into unconsciousness. He willed himself to the restaurant and ran to where she was lying on the floor with Pierce hovering over her. He reached down and literally threw Pierce off her. “You son of a bitch, what did you do to her?”

  “Tobias, son, she passed out. We were having dinner. The restaurant called an ambulance.”

  “If anything happens to her, I’ll kill you.” Tobias felt for Octavia’s pulse. It was weak. “She won’t live to see an ambulance, and you know it.”

  Tobias knelt down and picked Octavia up into his arms.

  “Tobias, Stop this. She needs medical attention,” Pierce said loudly enough for those around them to hear.

  “And who better than me to give it her. That is if you want her to survive.”

  Pierce backed up, fear in his eyes.


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