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Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Page 107

by Lewis Carroll

  20. No m are x;

  All m′ are y.

  21. All x are m;

  Some m′ are y.

  22. Some x are m;

  All y are m.

  23. All m are x;

  Some y are m.

  24. No x are m;

  All y are m.

  25. Some m are x′;

  All y′ are m′.

  26. No m are x′;

  All y are m.

  27. All x are m′;

  All y′ are m.

  28. All m are x′;

  Some m are y.

  29. No m are x;

  All y are m′.

  30. All x are m′;

  Some y are m.

  31. All x are m;

  All y are m.

  32. No x are m′;

  All m are y.

  33. No m are x;

  No m are y.

  34. No m are x′;

  Some y are m.

  35. No m are x;

  All y are m.

  36. All m are x′;

  Some y are m.

  37. All m are x;

  No y are m.

  38. No m are x;

  No m′ are y.

  39. Some m are x′;

  No m are y.

  40. No x′ are m;

  All y′ are m.

  41. All x are m′;

  No y are m′.

  42. No m′ are x;

  No y are m.

  EX5§ 5.

  Pairs of Concrete Propositions, proposed as Premisses: Conclusions to be found.

  1. I have been out for a walk;

  I am feeling better.

  2. No one has read the letter but John;

  No one, who has not read it, knows what it is about.

  3. Those who are not old like walking;

  You and I are young.

  4. Your course is always honest;

  Your course is always the best policy.

  5. No fat creatures run well;

  Some greyhounds run well.

  6. Some, who deserve the fair, get their deserts;

  None but the brave deserve the fair.

  7. Some Jews are rich;

  All Esquimaux are Gentiles.

  8. Sugar-plums are sweet;

  Some sweet things are liked by children.

  9. John is in the house;

  Everybody in the house is ill.

  10. Umbrellas are useful on a journey;

  What is useless on a journey should be left behind.

  11. Audible music causes vibration in the air;

  Inaudible music is not worth paying for.

  12. Some holidays are rainy;

  Rainy days are tiresome.

  13. No Frenchmen like plumpudding;

  All Englishmen like plumpudding.

  14. No portrait of a lady, that makes her simper or scowl, is satisfactory;

  No photograph of a lady ever fails to make her simper or scowl.

  15. All pale people are phlegmatic;

  No one looks poetical unless he is pale.

  16. No old misers are cheerful;

  Some old misers are thin.

  17. No one, who exercises self-control, fails to keep his temper;

  Some judges lose their tempers.

  18. All pigs are fat;

  Nothing that is fed on barley-water is fat.

  19. All rabbits, that are not greedy, are black;

  No old rabbits are free from greediness.

  20. Some pictures are not first attempts;

  No first attempts are really good.

  21. I never neglect important business;

  Your business is unimportant.

  22. Some lessons are difficult;

  What is difficult needs attention.

  23. All clever people are popular;

  All obliging people are popular.

  24. Thoughtless people do mischief;

  No thoughtful person forgets a promise.

  25. Pigs cannot fly;

  Pigs are greedy.

  26. All soldiers march well;

  Some babies are not soldiers.

  27. No bride-cakes are wholesome;

  What is unwholesome should be avoided.

  28. John is industrious;

  No industrious people are unhappy.

  29. No philosophers are conceited;

  Some conceited persons are not gamblers.

  30. Some excise laws are unjust;

  All the laws passed last week relate to excise.

  31. No military men write poetry;

  None of my lodgers are civilians.

  32. No medicine is nice;

  Senna is a medicine.

  33. Some circulars are not read with pleasure;

  No begging-letters are read with pleasure.

  34. All Britons are brave;

  No sailors are cowards.

  35. Nothing intelligible ever puzzles me;

  Logic puzzles me.

  36. Some pigs are wild;

  All pigs are fat.

  37. All wasps are unfriendly;

  All unfriendly creatures are unwelcome.

  38. No old rabbits are greedy;

  All black rabbits are greedy.

  39. Some eggs are hard-boiled;

  No eggs are uncrackable.

  40. No antelope is ungraceful;

  Graceful creatures delight the eye.

  41. All well-fed canaries sing loud;

  No canary is melancholy if it sings loud.

  42. Some poetry is original;

  No original work is producible at will.

  43. No country, that has been explored, is infested by dragons;

  Unexplored countries are fascinating.

  44. No coals are white;

  No niggers are white.

  45. No bridges are made of sugar;

  Some bridges are picturesque.

  46. No children are patient;

  No impatient person can sit still.

  47. No quadrupeds can whistle;

  Some cats are quadrupeds.

  48. Bores are terrible;

  You are a bore.

  49. Some oysters are silent;

  No silent creatures are amusing.

  50. There are no Jews in the house;

  No Gentiles have beards a yard long.

  51. Canaries, that do not sing loud, are unhappy;

  No well-fed canaries fail to sing loud.

  52. All my sisters have colds;

  No one can sing who has a cold.

  53. All that is made of gold is precious;

  Some caskets are precious.

  54. Some buns are rich;

  All buns are nice.

  55. All my cousins are unjust;

  All judges are just.

  56. Pain is wearisome;

  No pain is eagerly wished for.

  57. All medicine is nasty;

  Senna is a medicine.

  58. Some unkind remarks are annoying;

  No critical remarks are kind.

  59. No tall men have woolly hair;

  Niggers have woolly hair.

  60. All philosophers are logical;

  An illogical man is always obstinate.

  61. John is industrious;

  All industrious people are happy.

  62. These dishes are all well-cooked;

  Some dishes are unwholesome if not well-cooked.

  63. No exciting books suit feverish patients;

  Unexciting books make one drowsy.

  64. No pigs can fly;

  All pigs are greedy.

  65. When a man knows what he’s about, he can detect a sharper;

  You and I know what we’re about.

  66. Some dreams are terrible;

  No lambs are terrible.

  67. No bald creature needs a hairbrush;

  No lizards have hair.

  68. All battles are noisy;

  What makes no noise may escape notice.

  69. All my cousins are unjust;

p; No judges are unjust.

  70. All eggs can be cracked;

  Some eggs are hard-boiled.

  71. Prejudiced persons are untrustworthy;

  Some unprejudiced persons are disliked.

  72. No dictatorial person is popular;

  She is dictatorial.

  73. Some bald people wear wigs;

  All your children have hair.

  74. No lobsters are unreasonable;

  No reasonable creatures expect impossibilities.

  75. No nightmare is pleasant;

  Unpleasant experiences are not eagerly desired.

  76. No plumcakes are wholesome;

  Some wholesome things are nice.

  77. Nothing that is nice need be shunned;

  Some kinds of jam are nice.

  78. All ducks waddle;

  Nothing that waddles is graceful.

  79. Sandwiches are satisfying;

  Nothing in this dish is unsatisfying.

  80. No rich man begs in the street;

  Those who are not rich should keep accounts.

  81. Spiders spin webs;

  Some creatures, that do not spin webs, are savage.

  82. Some of these shops are not crowded;

  No crowded shops are comfortable.

  83. Prudent travelers carry plenty of small change;

  Imprudent travelers lose their luggage.

  84. Some geraniums are red;

  All these flowers are red.

  85. None of my cousins are just;

  All judges are just.

  86. No Jews are mad;

  All my lodgers are Jews.

  87. Busy folk are not always talking about their grievances;

  Discontented folk are always talking about their grievances.

  88. None of my cousins are just;

  No judges are unjust.

  89. All teetotalers like sugar;

  No nightingale drinks wine.

  90. No riddles interest me if they can be solved;

  All these riddles are insoluble.

  91. All clear explanations are satisfactory;

  Some excuses are unsatisfactory.

  92. All elderly ladies are talkative;

  All good-tempered ladies are talkative.

  93. No kind deed is unlawful;

  What is lawful may be done without scruple.

  94. No babies are studious;

  No babies are good violinists.

  95. All shillings are round;

  All these coins are round.

  96. No honest men cheat;

  No dishonest men are trustworthy.

  97. None of my boys are clever;

  None of my girls are greedy.

  98. All jokes are meant to amuse;

  No Act of Parliament is a joke.

  99. No eventful tour is ever forgotten;

  Uneventful tours are not worth writing a book about.

  100. All my boys are disobedient;

  All my girls are discontented.

  101. No unexpected pleasure annoys me;

  Your visit is an unexpected pleasure.

  EX6§ 6.

  Trios of Abstract Propositions, proposed as Syllogisms: to be examined.


  Some x are m;

  No m are y′.

  Some x are y.


  All x are m;

  No y are m′.

  No y are x′.


  Some x are m′;

  All y′ are m.

  Some x are y.


  All x are m;

  No y are m.

  All x are y′.


  Some m′ are x′;

  No m′ are y.

  Some x′ are y′.


  No x′ are m;

  All y are m′.

  All y are x′.


  Some m′ are x′;

  All y′ are m′.

  Some x′ are y′.


  No m′ are x′;

  All y′ are m′.

  All y′ are x.


  Some m are x′;

  No m are y.

  Some x′ are y′.


  All m′ are x′;

  All m′ are y.

  Some y are x′.


  All x are m′;

  Some y are m.

  Some y are x′.


  No x are m;

  No m′ are y′.

  No x are y′.


  No x are m;

  All y′ are m.

  All y′ are x′.


  All m′ are x′;

  All m′ are y.

  Some y are x′.


  Some m are x′;

  All y are m′.

  Some x′ are y′.


  No x′ are m;

  All y′ are m′.

  Some y′ are x.


  No m′ are x;

  All m′ are y′.

  Some x′ are y′.


  No x′ are m;

  Some m are y.

  Some x are y.


  Some m are x;

  All m are y.

  Some y are x′.


  No x′ are m′;

  Some m′ are y′.

  Some x are y′.


  No m are x;

  All m are y′.

  Some x′ are y′.


  All x′ are m;

  Some y are m′.

  All x′ are y′.


  All m are x;

  No m′ are y′.

  No x′ are y′.


  All x are m′;

  All m′ are y.

  All x are y.


  No x are m′;

  All m are y.

  No x are y′.


  All m are x′;

  All y are m.

  All y are x′.


  All x are m;

  No m are y′.

  All x are y.


  All x are m;

  No y′ are m′.

  All x are y.


  No x′ are m;

  No m′ are y′.

  No x′ are y′.


  All x are m;

  All m are y′.

  All x are y′.


  All x′ are m′;

  No y′ are m′.

  All x′ are y.


  No x are m;

  No y′ are m′.

  No x are y′.


  All m are x′;

  All y′ are m.

  All y′ are x′.


  All x are m′;

  Some y are m′.

  Some y are x.


  Some x are m;

  All m are y.

  Some x are y.


  All m are x′;

  All y are m.

  All y are x′.


  No m are x′;

  All m are y′.

  Some x are y′.


  No x are m;

  No m are y′.

  No x are y′.


  No m are x;

  Some m are y′.

  Some x′ are y′.


  No m are x′;

  Some y are m.

  Some x are y.

  EX7§ 7.

  Trios of Concrete Propositions, proposed as Syllogisms: to be examined.

  1. No doctors are enthusiastic;

  You are enthusiastic.

  You are not a doctor.

  2. Dictionaries are useful;
  Useful books are valuable.

  Dictionaries are valuable.

  3. No misers are unselfish;

  None but misers save egg-shells.

  No unselfish people save egg-shells.

  4. Some epicures are ungenerous;

  All my uncles are generous.

  My uncles are not epicures.

  5. Gold is heavy;

  Nothing but gold will silence him.

  Nothing light will silence him.

  6. Some healthy people are fat;

  No unhealthy people are strong.

  Some fat people are not strong.

  7. “I saw it in a newspaper.”

  “All newspapers tell lies.”

  It was a lie.

  8. Some cravats are not artistic;

  I admire anything artistic.

  There are some cravats that I do not admire.

  9. His songs never last an hour;

  A song, that lasts an hour, is tedious.

  His songs are never tedious.

  10. Some candles give very little light;

  Candles are meant to give light.

  Some things, that are meant to give light, give very little.

  11. All, who are anxious to learn, work hard;

  Some of these boys work hard.

  Some of these boys are anxious to learn.

  12. All lions are fierce;

  Some lions do not drink coffee.

  Some creatures that drink coffee are not fierce.

  13. No misers are generous;

  Some old men are ungenerous.

  Some old men are misers.

  14. No fossil can be crossed in love;


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