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Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Page 110

by Lewis Carroll

  2. “All | ‘I’s | are | persons who feel better”.

  3. “No | persons who are not ‘John’ | are | persons who have read the letter”.

  4. “No | Members of the Class ‘you and I’ | are | old persons”.

  5. “No | fat creatures | are | creatures that run well”.

  6. “No | not-brave persons | are | persons deserving of the fair”.

  7. “No | not-pale persons | are | persons who look poetical”.

  8. “Some | judges | are | persons who lose their tempers”.

  9. “All | ‘I’s | are | persons who do not neglect important business”.

  10. “All | difficult things | are | things that need attention”.

  11. “All | unwholesome things | are | things that should be avoided”.

  12. “All | laws passed last week | are | laws relating to excise”.

  13. “All | logical studies | are | things that puzzle me”.

  14. “No | persons in the house | are | Jews”.

  15. “Some | not well-cooked dishes | are | unwholesome dishes”.

  16. “All | unexciting books | are | books that make one drowsy”.

  17. “All | men who know what they’re about | are | men who can detect a sharper”.

  18. “All | Members of the Class ‘you and I’ | are | persons who know what they’re about”.

  19. “Some | bald persons | are | persons accustomed to wear wigs”.

  20. “All | fully occupied persons | are | persons who do not talk about their grievances”.

  21. “No | riddles that can be solved | are | riddles that interest me”.

  AN2Answers to § 2.

































  AN3Answers to § 3.

  1. Some xy exist, or some x are y, or some y are x.

  2. No information.

  3. All y′ are x′.

  4. No xy exist, &c.

  5. All y′ are x.

  6. All x′ are y.

  7. All x are y.

  8. All x′ are y′, and all y are x.

  9. All x′ are y′.

  10. All x are y′.

  11. No information.

  12. Some x′y′ exist, &c.

  13. Some xy′ exist, &c.

  14. No xy′ exist, &c.

  15. Some xy exist, &c.

  16. All y are x.

  17. All x′ are y, and all y′ are x.

  18. All x are y′, and all y are x′.

  19. All x are y, and all y′ are x′.

  20. All y are x′.

  AN4Answers to § 4.

  1. No x′ are y′.

  2. Some x′ are y′.

  3. Some x are y′.

  4. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  5. Some x′ are y′.

  6. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  7. Some x are y′.

  8. Some x′ are y′.

  9. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  10. All x are y, and all y′ are x′.

  11. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  12. All y are x′.

  13. No x′ are y.

  14. No x′ are y′.

  15. No x are y.

  16. All x are y′, and all y are x′.

  17. No x are y′.

  18. No x are y.

  19. Some x are y′.

  20. No x are y′.

  21. Some y are x′.

  22. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  23. Some x are y.

  24. All y are x′.

  25. Some y are x′.

  26. All y are x.

  27. All x are y, and all y′ are x′.

  28. Some y are x′.

  29. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  30. Some y are x′.

  31. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  32. No x are y′.

  33. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  34. Some x are y.

  35. All y are x′.

  36. Some y are x′.

  37. Some x are y′.

  38. No x are y.

  39. Some x′ are y′.

  40. All y′ are x.

  41. All x are y′.

  42. No x are y.

  AN5Answers to § 5.

  1. Somebody who has been out for a walk is feeling better.

  2. No one but John knows what the letter is about.

  3. You and I like walking.

  4. Honesty is sometimes the best policy.

  5. Some greyhounds are not fat.

  6. Some brave persons get their deserts.

  7. Some rich persons are not Esquimaux.

  8. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  9. John is ill.

  10. Some things, that are not umbrellas, should be left behind on a journey.

  11. No music is worth paying for, unless it causes vibration in the air.

  12. Some holidays are tiresome.

  13. Englishmen are not Frenchmen.

  14. No photograph of a lady is satisfactory.

  15. No one looks poetical unless he is phlegmatic.

  16. Some thin persons are not cheerful.

  17. Some judges do not exercise self-control.

  18. Pigs are not fed on barley-water.

  19. Some black rabbits are not old.

  20. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  21. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  22. Some lessons need attention.

  23. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  24. No one, who forgets a promise, fails to do mischief.

  25. Some greedy creatures cannot fly.

  26. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  27. No bride-cakes are things that need not be avoided.

  28. John is happy.

  29. Some people, who are not gamblers, are not philosophers.

  30. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  31. None of my lodgers write poetry.

  32. Senna is not nice.

  33. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  34. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  35. Logic is unintelligible.

  36. Some wild creatures are fat.

  37. All wasps are unwelcome.

  38. All black rabbits are young.

  39. Some hard-boiled things can be cracked.

  40. No antelopes fail to delight the eye.

  41. All well-fed canaries are cheerful.

  42. Some poetry is not producible at will.

  43. No country infested by dragons fails to be fascinating.

  44. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  45. Some picturesque things are not made of sugar.

  46. No children can sit still.

  47. Some cats cannot whistle.

  48. You are terrible.

  49. Some oysters are not amusing.

  50. Nobody in the house has a beard a yard long.

  51. Some ill-fed canaries are unhappy.

  52. My sisters cannot sing.

>   53. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  54. Some rich things are nice.

  55. My cousins are none of them judges, and judges are none of them cousins of mine.

  56. Something wearisome is not eagerly wished for.

  57. Senna is nasty.

  58. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  59. Niggers are not any of them tall.

  60. Some obstinate persons are not philosophers.

  61. John is happy.

  62. Some unwholesome dishes are not present here (i.e. cannot be spoken of as “these”).

  63. No books suit feverish patients unless they make one drowsy.

  64. Some greedy creatures cannot fly.

  65. You and I can detect a sharper.

  66. Some dreams are not lambs.

  67. No lizard needs a hairbrush.

  68. Some things, that may escape notice, are not battles.

  69. My cousins are not any of them judges.

  70. Some hard-boiled things can be cracked.

  71. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  72. She is unpopular.

  73. Some people, who wear wigs, are not children of yours.

  74. No lobsters expect impossibilities.

  75. No nightmare is eagerly desired.

  76. Some nice things are not plumcakes.

  77. Some kinds of jam need not be shunned.

  78. All ducks are ungraceful.

  79. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  80. No man, who begs in the street, should fail to keep accounts.

  81. Some savage creatures are not spiders.

  82. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  83. No travelers, who do not carry plenty of small change, fail to lose their luggage.

  84. [No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.]

  85. Judges are none of them cousins of mine.

  86. All my lodgers are sane.

  87. Those who are busy are contented, and discontented people are not busy.

  88. None of my cousins are judges.

  89. No nightingale dislikes sugar.

  90. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  91. Some excuses are not clear explanations.

  92. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  93. No kind deed need cause scruple.

  94. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  95. [No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.]

  96. No cheats are trustworthy.

  97. No clever child of mine is greedy.

  98. Some things, that are meant to amuse, are not Acts of Parliament.

  99. No tour, that is ever forgotten, is worth writing a book about.

  100. No obedient child of mine is contented.

  101. Your visit does not annoy me.

  AN6Answers to § 6.

  1. Conclusion right.

  2. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  3. Concl. right.

  4. Concl. right.

  5. Concl. right.

  6. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  7. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  8. Concl. right.

  9. Concl. right.

  10. Concl. right.

  11. Concl. right.

  12. Concl. right.

  13. Concl. right.

  14. Concl. right.

  15. Concl. right.

  16. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  17. Concl. right.

  18. Concl. right.

  19. Concl. right.

  20. Concl. right.

  21. Concl. right.

  22. Concl. wrong: the right one is “Some x are y.”

  23. Concl. right.

  24. Concl. right.

  25. Concl. right.

  26. Concl. right.

  27. Concl. right.

  28. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  29. Concl. right.

  30. Concl. right.

  31. Concl. right.

  32. Concl. right.

  33. Concl. right.

  34. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  35. Concl. right.

  36. Concl. right.

  37. Concl. right.

  38. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  39. Concl. right.

  40. Concl. right.

  AN7Answers to § 7.

  1. Concl. right.

  2. Concl. right.

  3. Concl. right.

  4. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some epicures are not uncles of mine.”

  5. Concl. right.

  6. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  7. Concl. wrong: right one is “The publication, in which I saw it, tells lies.”

  8. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  9. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some tedious songs are not his.”

  10. Concl. right.

  11. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  12. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some fierce creatures do not drink coffee.”

  13. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  14. Concl. right.

  15. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some shallow persons are not students.”

  16. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  17. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some business, other than railways, is unprofitable.”

  18. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some vain persons are not Professors.”

  19. Concl. right.

  20. Concl. wrong: right one is “Wasps are not puppies.”

  21. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  22. No Concl. Same Fallacy.

  23. Concl. right.

  24. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some chocolate-creams are delicious.”

  25. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  26. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  27. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some pillows are not pokers.”

  28. Concl. right.

  29. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  30. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  31. Concl. right.

  32. No Concl. Fallacy of Like Eliminands not asserted to exist.

  33. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  34. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some dreaded persons are not begged to prolong their visits.”

  35. Concl. wrong: right one is “No man walks on neither.”

  36. Concl. right.

  37. No Concl. Fallacy of Unlike Eliminands with an Entity-Premiss.

  38. Concl. wrong: right one is “Some persons, dreaded by children, are not emperors.”

  39. Concl. incomplete: the omitted portion is “Sugar is not salt.”

  40. Concl. right.

  AN8Answers to § 8.

  1. a1b0 † b1a0.

  2. d1a0.

  3. ac0.

  4. a1d0.

  5. cd0.

  6. d1c0.

  7. a′c0.

  8. c1a′0.

  9. c′d0.

  10. b1a0.

  11. d1b0.

  12. a′d0.

  13. e1b0.

  14. d1e′0.

  15. e1a′0.

  16. b′c0.

  17. a1b0.

  18. d1c0.

  19. a1d0.

  20. ac0.

  21. de0.

  22. a1b′0.

  23. h1c0.

  24. e1a0.

5. e1c′0.

  26. e1c′0.

  27. hk′0.

  28. e1d′0.

  29. l′a0.

  30. k1b′0.

  AN9Answers to § 9.

  1. Babies cannot manage crocodiles.

  2. Your presents to me are not made of tin.

  3. All my potatoes in this dish are old ones.

  4. My servants never say “shpoonj.”

  5. My poultry are not officers.

  6. None of your sons are fit to serve on a jury.

  7. No pencils of mine are sugar-plums.

  8. Jenkins is inexperienced.

  9. No comet has a curly tail.

  10. No hedge-hog takes in the Times.

  11. This dish is unwholesome.

  12. My gardener is very old.

  13. All humming-birds are small.

  14. No one with a hooked nose ever fails to make money.

  15. No gray ducks in this village wear lace collars.

  16. No jug in this cupboard will hold water.

  17. These apples were grown in the sun.

  18. Puppies, that will not lie still, never care to do worsted work.

  19. No name in this list is unmelodious.

  20. No M.P. should ride in a donkey-race, unless he has perfect self-command.

  21. No goods in this shop, that are still on sale, may be carried away.

  22. No acrobatic feat, which involves turning a quadruple somersault, is ever attempted in a circus.

  23. Guinea-pigs never really appreciate Beethoven.

  24. No scentless flowers please me.

  25. Showy talkers are not really well-informed.

  26. None but red-haired boys learn Greek in this school.

  27. Wedding-cake always disagrees with me.

  28. Discussions, that go on while Tomkins is in the chair, endanger the peacefulness of our Debating-Club.

  29. All gluttons, who are children of mine, are unhealthy.

  30. An egg of the Great Auk is not to be had for a song.

  31. No books sold here have gilt edges, unless they are priced at 5s. and upwards.

  32. When you cut your finger, you will find Tincture of Calendula useful.

  33. I have never come across a mermaid at sea.

  34. All the romances in this library are well-written.

  35. No bird in this aviary lives on mince-pies.

  36. No plum-pudding, that has not been boiled in a cloth, can be distinguished from soup.

  37. All your poems are uninteresting.

  38. None of my peaches have been grown in a hot-house.

  39. No pawnbroker is dishonest.


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