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The Arena of Torment

Page 14

by Geoffrey Allen

  Chapter Nine

  Nydia was wearing a dark cloak and hood and was standing in the shadows; waiting. That little scenario with Lacinius had been the final insult. Who did he think he was treating her like a school girl, threatening to put her over his knee and spank her, then pack her off to bed, not that she would have minded being put over the knee of such a muscle rippling man and spanked. But he hadn’t. He was just like all the rest, treating her with utter contempt. By the Gods, she was seventeen years old and a grown woman. She deserved respect. Even that black gladiatrix, Africorus, or whatever her name was had slapped her, and the man who’d fucked her, Circo. She remembered his name all right. He’d threatened to snap her pretty little neck. Now she was fetching and carrying for that freckled faced bitch, waiting on her hand, foot and finger. Only her master, Quintus had never abused her. He was very pleased when she reported everything she saw between the black woman and Circo, and told her to keep her eyes open and report anything else she saw going on in the ludus. She had an inkling that her mistress, the lady Octavia had something going with Glaucus, but needed to substantiate it with fact, not guesswork. If her master was to confront his wife he must be able to lay it all before her, times, dates, places and people, and eye witness accounts of her misdemeanors. Quintus had hinted that Nydia might even be granted her freedom if she proved a reliable witness. She was determined that in the end, she would bring them all down. Then she would see if they held her in contempt then.

  The door to her mistress’ private rooms opened and she came out making for the main entrance that led to the street. And so it began; the mistress moving with a swift and rapid stride; the girl slinking behind her in the darkest shadows, ducking into doorways and corners whenever the mistress paused for breath. But where was she going at this time of night? The girl kept up her pace, stopping when her mistress stopped, and when she moved on, crept stealthily forward, but never allowed herself to gain on her. They passed through the Forum and the great temple of Jupiter, and into a warren of alleys and dark, narrow streets, getting closer and closer to the river and the places where few people were seen after dark. Only the destitute, the drunken and homeless lurked under some cold arch or slept on the pavements. But the mistress walked on knowing exactly where she was going. The walls of the warehouses rose dark and oppressive above the dense mass of roofs and hovels made less distinct by the mist rising from the river.

  Nydia stopped at the end of a blind alley. Wherever her mistress was going it had to be into one of the houses. There was nowhere else she could go. Lights burned in the windows and the girl heard the high pitched shriek of drunken feminine laughter. A door opened and a man staggered onto the pavement, tottered and fell senseless. A woman, dishevelled and half naked stood in the doorway shouting abuse. Above her, a sign board swayed and creaked. It was just possible to read the sign and see a picture of a bunch of olives. A lupanar! A brothel! Her mistress was going into a brothel! The girl crept forward and peered through the window. The place was packed, but she just caught a fleeting glimpse of her mistress seen for the first time in the light. She threw back her red hood and revealed a mass of wild, unkempt hair. Her face was painted with cheap powder and the eyebrows were darkened with soot. Her lips were glossed with bright garish paint, but she still looked beautiful even in that state. But what was she doing there? A high born, rich lady consorting with thieves, prostitutes and cut throats, it didn’t make sense. But she evidently knew the man who had joined her. He put down a jug and a couple of cups and then they were lost from view.

  “Got you!”

  Nydia almost wet herself. A pair of strong arms had gone round her shoulders and pinned her to the wall.

  “How much to fuck you?” the man asked, breathing a heavy mixture of wine and beer into her startled face.

  Nydia couldn’t reply at once. Her first instinct was to run. But where was she to run to? The man naturally assumed that any girl hanging around outside a brothel was either a whore or a beggar, and both would fuck for the price of a meal. He clearly liked the look of this one, dark skinned and slender with small tight bum cheeks. His hand moved to her breasts and squeezed them.

  Nydia stood like a frightened rabbit, looking over his shoulder at the house opposite. Another lupanar with noisy, drunken tarts and loud aggressive men. She looked swiftly up and down the street. Every house was the same. Every house was a brothel, and every woman a whore. And right in the middle of it was Nydia.

  But she was quick thinking. She certainly didn’t want his dirty tool grinding away inside her sweet cunt. Only the Gods knew where that had been.

  “I’ll toss you for two sestertii,” she whispered.

  He thought for a moment and nodded. That was a bargain. She reached for his tool, eager to get the rotten business over and done with, but he grabbed her hand and hauled her into a side alley not much wider than a man. It was so dark she could hardly see her own hand, let alone the rigid cock bursting from his filthy tunic. But she certainly felt another pair of hands grabbing her waist. Her cloak was stripped from her shoulders and ripped from her back. She spun round and it fell to her feet. The man lifted her as if she weighed no more than a bag of strawberries and suddenly she was naked. All around her she saw shadowy figures lurking in the darkness. For a moment they seemed content to grope and fondle her nakedness, work-hardened hands assailed her from all sides, gripping her breasts painfully hard, stroking her buttocks and trying to fumble between her clenched thighs. Then two arms went under her knees and lifted her. She fell back with a scream and two more arms went around her back and she was carried bodily to the end of the ally where a festering pile of sacks lay in a heap.

  Naked and trembling she looked at the darkened figures gathering around her. Tunics were coming off and one of the figures fondled her bottom.

  “Never felt such a tight little arse,” he croaked, squeezing her cheeks.

  “Good tits as well,” another complimented, pinching her nipples.

  “And what a pretty bush,” a voice remarked, as a hand groped her pubic mound.

  “Please, I’m not a whore,” she pleaded. “I’m on my way home and got lost. Please let me go.”

  “You said you’d toss me for two sestertii,” he reminded her. “So stop telling stories and get on with it.”

  “I think she’s playing hard to get,” a voice chuckled. “These young whores always like to think they’re the Gods’ gift.”

  “Well, she can stop playing hard to get and have my cock in her mouth.”

  “Oh, please, I’ll toss you, I promise, but don’t make me suck you,” she sobbed.

  “You’ll do as you’re told. Now on your knees and open your mouth before I slap you.”

  “Maybe that’s what she wants, a fucking good slapping. And these cheeks are just made for it.”

  A hard, horny palm slapped onto her buttocks and she would have fallen flat on her face were it not for the two arms holding her upright. She screamed and the echo reverberated along the alley.

  “Gag the bitch!”

  A piece of sacking was ripped from the pile, rolled into a ball and stuffed into her mouth. Then they all started slapping her on the bottom, belly, thighs and breasts.

  “A lump of fucking flesh is always the better for a good slapping,” a voice suggested, bringing a hand down hard on the backs of her slim thighs.

  “She’s a nice little morsel though, fresh and clean. I wonder what her oyster tastes like. Salty, I’ll bet.”

  “Oh, please, don’t,” she wailed, as she was dropped onto her back. “Please don’t put your tongues in me. I’ll toss you as much as you…uurgh..”

  A rampant throbbing cock was shoved crudely into her mouth and her stomach heaved.

  “Now stop jawing and suck on that, you little cow.”

  There was nothing she could do, except everything they wanted her to do.
She wished now she’d never left her room. But it was too late for that. She was trapped in a dark alley with at least six men determined to have her and there was not a thing she could do about it. Even if she managed to escape she could hardly run naked through a place like this. It would be only minutes before another mob of rampant males grabbed her and hauled her into another stinking back alley.

  She had no choice but to suck on the cock riding in and out of her mouth. It was so large her jaws ached and her lips felt as if they were splitting at the edges. Her hand went up and gripped the shaft, holding it still while her lips sucked and smacked over the pulsating head. Her legs were lifted and spread wide open and a face thrust between her thighs. She could feel an unshaven chin rubbing coarsely against her labia. A tongue wormed into her sex and started flicking all around her sex walls. More hands groped her breasts, teasing the nipples, making them go erect. Then two pairs of lips began suckling her, nibbling and biting the teats, grinding the enlarged buds under their teeth.

  “You’re hurting me,” she wailed, taking the cock from her mouth.

  “It’ll hurt a lot more if you don’t suck me off,” a voice threatened.

  “I’m doing my best,” she sobbed.

  “If your best doesn’t get a lot better, you’re going to get a lot worse.”

  It took a few seconds to work that out. She put the cock back into her mouth and sucked much harder, guiding her mouth as far down the shaft as she could, then sliding back up again and all the time gently stroking the throbbing veins. His loins shuddered and his cock went hard, even harder than it was already. She knew he was coming and whipped it from her mouth just as he shot his whole load. Fat globules of sperm splashed onto her mouth and face. He swore and aimed his cock between her parted lips but all in vain. His balls had emptied and his cock sagged sadly on her chin.

  “You cheating bitch!” he roared, slapping her face hard.

  For a moment the earth went into a spin and she thought she was going to be sick. The man with his tongue in her cunt had had his fill and had given way to the next. Another cock, rock hard and throbbing was thrust into her mouth.

  “Now swallow, this time,” she was told.

  She nodded dumbly and guided the shaft into her throat. She was on her back, slim shapely legs pointing to the dark sky above. Her nipples were still being ravaged. It seemed they couldn’t get enough of her gorgeous teats. A tongue flicked and probed her sex and all the while she sucked on the cock now forced to the back of her throat. A light appeared in a window above her head and a shutter opened blasting hot sweat-laden air into the night. A whore, bare breasted, leaned over the sill and breathed in the night air. She looked down and smiled at Nydia as if it were an every night occurrence, a young whore being had by a bunch of men on a pile of stinking sacks. The shutter closed and Nydia’s writhing body was plunged into darkness.

  She gulped and gasped at the cock nudging the back of her throat. The man shuddered and shot his juice into her. It slithered into her belly and she sat up heaving and grunting.

  “Have you all finished now?” she asked plaintively.

  “Not ‘til we’ve had your cunt,” she was told, and her legs were thrown over the shoulders of the man kneeling at her thighs.

  “Uurgh,” she grunted, and threw her legs wide.

  He filled her with two massive thrusts and fell over her body, kissing her sperm soaked lips.

  “It’s too big,” she sobbed. “I can’t take a thing like that.”

  “Your cunt is tight,” he agreed.

  It occurred to the man that this was unusual in a whore. Most of them had been so well fucked that a cock just wallowed inside them.

  It made a change fucking a tight whore. He began to wonder if she was telling the truth. Perhaps she was a young slave who had wandered into the nether regions of the town and had got lost. On the other hand it could be just a ploy. After she was fucked she’d probably ask for more money, coming out with some story that she would be whipped for getting home late and deserved some recompense. But she wasn’t going to get it. Not a single sestertius. The whores around this neighbourhood had protectors who willingly ripped the heads off their clients if they failed to come up with the goods. This little whore didn’t know a soul. And he smiled smugly and rammed his cock hard into her sweet wet cunt. His lips closed over her nipples and flicked the erect teats on the tip of his tongue. She had the most succulent nipples he’d ever sucked on and he stopped riding her and took out his throbbing cock and held it over her breasts.

  “Now you can toss me,” he told her. “And make sure I come over your tits.”

  Nydia held his cock over her chest and rubbed the sides with her fingers. The purple head swelled and trembled as he rose to his climax. Looking down at it, it seemed even more enormous than when it had been spearing up into her insides, the head was as big as a ripe plum and she could barely get her tiny hand around the shaft. She closed her eyes and touched her nipples with the quivering cock head, passing it round and round the teats. He erupted over her, piling his thick juices over her nipples.

  “Now lick them clean,” he told her.

  They stood around her; leering faces barely discernible in the gloom, watching her chin drop on her chest, her hands cup her pert breasts and lift them to her trembling lips. Her tongue lapped over the teats licking at the freshly delivered sperm with its salty essence tingling on her lips. The sight of a young, pretty whore licking her own spunk-soaked tits was too much and she was suddenly thrown onto her belly. Her legs were forced apart and two hands grabbed her arse cheeks. Fingers went into her crease and pulled open her buttocks. She jerked and someone pushed her face hard into the sacks. Her muffled pleas for mercy went ignored and unheard as a cock rammed into her bottom hole.

  Her pert bottom was just too good to be left unfucked and the man rode into her, angling his hips left and right, opening her anus wider and wider. Nydia gritted her teeth and prayed for it all to end. If only she could get inside that house where her mistress had gone she would be safe. But then again, how could she explain her presence. Whatever her mistress was doing there she certainly didn’t want her slave poking her nose in. She would just have to grin and bear it. She only hoped her arse wouldn’t split as his cock rode her bottom with short fast thrusts. Hands were all over now, smoothing her calves and thighs, going under her shoulders and groping her breasts, under her legs and fingering her cunt. She heard a chorus of heavy breathing and panting as hands frantically jerked along stiff cocks in the dark and then it happened. Streams of hot juice cascaded over her back and buttocks and the man was still riding her arse oblivious to his companions jerking over her.

  Then all of a sudden it ended.

  She felt a rock hard tool gliding out of her punished throbbing bottom and she was rolled onto her back and staring wide eyed at the sky.

  “Not bad for a whore who lost her way,” one of her tormentors taunted.

  “She’s given us a good ride,” another added seriously, putting on his tunic.

  “Now thank us for fucking you so well,” the man who had first encountered her said sternly.

  “I have to thank you for all this!” she replied aghast. “Look what you’ve all done to me!”

  “Be thankful you got off lightly. If our ship wasn’t sailing on the next tide, you’d’ve been fucked much harder.”

  She sat up and wiped away a tear. “I hope you’re going to pay me,” she sobbed. “I deserve at least ten sestertii for having you all.”

  “By all the Gods! Did you hear that? The whore wants ten sestertii.”

  One of the sailors reached for a leather purse and tossed a small silver coin onto her naked belly.

  “There’s one sestertius,” he said grimly. “Now pass me that cloak.”

  He wrapped it around his shoulders and commented that it would fetch a goo
d price.

  Nydia’s hands flew to her breasts. “You can’t take that. I’ve nothing else to wear.”

  “There’s enough sacks to cover your body,” he replied gruffly. “You’d look good wearing one of those.”

  “You’re cruel,” she sobbed.

  “I wouldn’t argue with that,” he said, and gave her bottom a hearty slap. “If you take my advice, next time you go whoring take the money before you open your legs, and don’t go up dark alleyways with men you don’t know. Now you can go in that corner and cry.”

  They went off in a gaggle laughing that she was the best fuck they’d had in a long time and cheap too.

  Nydia lifted one of the sacks and nearly died of fright. A rat bolted from the rotting heap and went scurrying along the wall. She stood shivering naked in the night, shaking the sack, hoping to rid it of its crawling vermin. She wrapped it around her middle and tied it with a piece of twine. She looked more like a barbarian than a Roman slave girl. At the end of the alley she saw more shadowy figures coming and going. Even though it must be well past the midnight hour the lupanars were still doing a roaring trade. She would just have to sit it out and wait until the crowds drifted home and the streets were silent. She hoped she could at least get home before daybreak

  She sat on the sacks and curled into a ball rubbing her aching bum.

  “Come back for more of the same, have you?” Plutarc asked, filling the high class tart’s cup.

  “I’ve come back to discuss business,” she whispered, ducking her head as a bottle sailed over the heads of the crowded room.

  Whilst Nydia was outside trying to negotiate her way out, her mistress and the man she’d seen were making their way up the rickety stairs. They went into a different room this time, one that faced the street. It was larger and more airy. The shutter was open and a cool sea breeze diluted the air.

  “What business?” he said, loosening his tunic. “The only business I have with you is your cunt.”


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