Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 4

by Jeneveir Evans

  Those men had come home to a country where many were hostile to them, scorned them, spit on them, and called them all sorts of names, such as 'baby killers.' It had been a harsh climate to return to, thus leaving men with an anger, and even hatred for the country that had forced them to fight in an unwinnable war. For some of those men who didn't end up in jail or dead, they tended to congregate to MC's, or the bottom of a whiskey bottle or drugs, or both and sometimes all three.

  And since there hadn't been an MC in their part of Kentucky, Satan and Serpent took it upon themselves to begin one. Satan and Serpent, or by their given names, John Williams and Mark Davis, respectively, started the Spawns of Satan MC in 1956, when they got back from Vietnam. Satan being the President and Serpent, being the Vice President.

  Both of the men had received their nicknames in 'Nam and decided to keep them as their MC handles. John had gotten his nickname by seemingly having the luck of the devil. He had been hit by bullets over a dozen times; the worst had been a hit to the upper part of his right arm, with the bullet going in and out, not hitting anything major. He was told over and over again that he had the luck of the devil and he would tell those who told him that, “Luck of the devil, hell, I am Satan himself,” and he would always laugh wildly upon his response. And so, Satan, he became known as.

  My dad, Mark, had gotten the moniker Serpent by the effortless way he seemed to slither through the rice paddies and swamps that other men had to wade through during the skirmishes and battles they had fought and endured against the Viet Cong.

  The two men had been friends from an early age. John had always been the leader and Dad the follower. What little humanity John had in his youth, died while in 'Nam. Dad somehow kept some semblance of humanity, but it wasn't apparent when he was around Satan.

  Both had been good looking men and women had come easily to them. And as the MC grew, so did the number of club whores.

  I always hated and had a hard time wrapping my head around the way Dad seemed to bow down to Satan, because he wasn't that man at home. He was a firm, but fair dad, and he treated my mother with love and respect. But get him away from home and with his Brothers, and he didn't seem like the same man at all.

  I felt like Satan deliberately put pressure on Dad to act like a 'man' and that he enjoyed watching my Dad be a puppet for him. Dad had been one of the few in the MC to ever take an Old Lady, and Satan had told Dad numerous times that he was a pussy for it. Satan hated that Dad had an Old Lady, and I felt like Satan did everything he could by forcing Dad to act the way he did with Mom around the Clubhouse. I've often wondered if Satan thought if he got Dad to push Mom enough, that Mom would leave. I believed that had been Satan's ultimate goal where my parents were concerned.

  Since Dad had always hated for Satan to think less of him, he was always doing things to prove he wasn't the pussy that Satan often called him. And around the MC Brothers, he always felt like he needed to act the big, bad hard ass biker and he would knock my mom, Lorna, around and force her to perform sexual acts just like the club whores did with the Brothers. When I was seven, Satan once again taunted Dad at a club party about being less than a man, this in turn caused Dad to push Mom past the point of no return. I will never forget that night, ever.



  “Mark, I should have just stayed home since our babysitter couldn’t watch the kids tonight.” Mom said huffily. She was pissed because she hadn’t wanted to go to the party and Dad had insisted that she went.

  “Lorna, it will be okay. We’ll just stay an hour or so then leave. It won’t hurt the kids to wait in the car while we’re in the Clubhouse.”

  Mom turned around and looked at us after she and Dad stepped out of the car, “I do not want you to leave this car for anything. You understand me?”

  My younger sister Cindy and I nodded our heads.

  “I mean it.”

  “Yes ma’am,” we chorused.

  My stomach had started hurting me bad and I had to go to the bathroom. Despite Cindy telling me not to, I got out and made my way around to the back door, went in, and headed to the bathroom that was right off the kitchen. After I finished my business, I stepped out of the bathroom to head back to the car when I heard Satan say my dad's name. I inched closer to the doorway into the main room to listen to them talking.

  “Fuck, Serp, are you a man or a pussy. You let that bitch walk all over you,” Satan sneered at Dad.

  Dad growled back, “I ain't no fucking pussy.”

  “You couldn't prove it by the way you act with that little bitch. Women are just to be used to fuck, suck cock and clean up. And I don't see you doing any of that with that bitch you call an Old Lady.”

  I watched as Dad walked over to Mom, grabbed her by the arm, dragged her off the barstool she was sitting on, and forced her down over a table. Dad then threw her skirt up over her back, ripped her panties off and proceeded to fuck her. Mom cried the whole time while Satan's maniacal laughter echoed around the room among the hoots and hollers of most of the other men there. As I turned to run back to the car, my eyes caught Mom’s, and she seemed to shrink in on herself.

  That seemed to have broken the final straw on the camel's back. Once we all got home, Mom laid into my dad with an unparalleled fury.

  “That's it, Mark, never again. Never again will I enter that fucking Clubhouse. Never again will I allow you to touch me the way you did tonight. That was rape, you fucking raped me in front of all those men. And they all fucking laughed. LAUGHED.” She screamed at him. “I should take the kids and just leave your sorry ass is what I should do. They deserve a better father than the one Cole saw tonight.”

  She stood in our living room with her body shaking in righteous anger. I stood and stared at her as she raged at Dad, so many emotions kept running across her face.

  “Listen to me Mark, heed my words well. If you ever touch me like that again, this is my promise to you. One night when you are asleep, I will tie your sorry motherfucking ass to the bed, where I will proceed to cut off your dick and balls. Then I will watch your motherfucking ass bleed the fuck out until you die. Do you understand me? DO YOU?” she spit out harshly.

  Dad started crying and dropped to his knees on the floor. His sobs echoing around the room as he listened to Mom's words. I don't think it hit him until that moment of the magnitude of what he just forced upon mom.

  “And frankly, as god damn mad at you as I am right now. I wish you would try something again, because I would love to hurt your sorry motherfucking ass.”

  “I'm sorry,” Dad sobbed. “So, fucking sorry. I won't ever touch you like that again. I promise. I promise, Lorna, I promise. I'm so fucking sorry. You don't ever have to go back there again. I promise.”

  He was crying so hard he was gasping for air.

  “You''re right... I'm a sorry motherfucking ass.” He forced out. “I love you so much, Lorna, so very much. You and the kids.”

  It was hard to watch my dad on his knees crying and begging. He seemed so much smaller, not the same man at all.

  “Just please don't leave me, don't leave. Don't take the kids away from me, baby please. I promise. I need you. I need all of you, baby please. Please.”

  It was a humbling thing to watch the man I considered my hero, break down and cry, beg, and plead. It physically hurt to see; I could taste my tears as I watched Dad beg for his life not to be destroyed. I hadn't ever seen my mom that mad before, nor had I ever heard her speak that way before. I knew Dad deserved everything Mom said. That moment in time changed how I felt about Dad. I still loved him but watching him hurt Mom changed that love forever. My hero worship switched from Dad to Mom that day, because frankly watching my mom flay into my dad the way she did let me see that Mom was seriously bad ass.


  January 24th, 1998

  Dad continued going to the club parties on the weekend. But Mom never went to another one. I heard them fight sometimes about what Dad was doing at the parti
es. It made Mom mad and upset enough that she screamed and hollered at him just about every time he came home from one. He would tell Mom that he was sorry he did what he did when he was at the parties, but he had to prove to everyone that he wasn't some god damned, pussy whipped, pathetic excuse for a man. He was the VP and a Brother, and club members didn't let any woman tell them what to do. She would yell at him and tell him that Satan was the one who pushed him to do the shit he was doing at the club.

  For the longest time, I didn't completely understand what these arguments were about; but when I was nine my sister had fallen and broken her arm and Mom sent me to the Clubhouse to get Dad. I learned exactly that night what all the fighting between them over Dad's activities at the parties was all about. My dad was being unfaithful to my mom, and I hated Satan for pushing my dad into fucking other women. It caused me to hate my dad as well. That was just another mark against Satan and Dad as far as I was concerned.



  I was nine when I came upon what was basically an all-out free for all orgy. Dad was sitting at a table in the Clubhouse drinking a beer. And Satan yelled at Dad to quit being a pansy-assed, hen-pecked pussy and join in with the fun. I watched Dad finish his beer then walk over to the pool table and start fucking one of the club whores on it.

  Even at my young tender age, I knew what fucking was. One thing most of the Brothers of the MC were, was crude, blunt in how they spoke and the things they did, and it didn't matter who was around to hear or see it. I learned more about sex by the age of nine than most kids did until they reached their teens.

  I waited until Dad was through fucking the whore before I went over to him, to tell him that Mom needed him to take her and my sister to the hospital. I glared at Dad the whole time as I told him why I was there in the first place. As we were leaving the Clubhouse, I told him that he disgusted me with his actions. He just hung his head down and didn't say a word. I didn't care if I made him angry or not, I hated what he was doing to Mom.

  A couple of nights later, I heard Mom telling Dad to wash off the cheap perfume and sex that clung to him before he came home after fucking one of the whores and if he couldn't, then not to fucking come home.

  “Why do you stay and put up with his whoring, cheating ways?” I asked her the day after overhearing that conversation.

  She'd replied, “He doesn't really want to do it, Cole. If he had his way, he wouldn't. But he needs the Brothers of the MC. 'Nam messed his head up pretty bad with all the things he saw and did over there. The only thing that kept him alive was the men of his unit who had his back while he was there. It was a brotherhood of sorts. And when he came home, he needed that feeling back to feel whole and mentally stable again. You and I both know a man has to be a man's man to be in an MC, not some loving and caring husband and father. To those men, that is a sign of weakness.”

  She sighed heavily, then continued, “I understand all that. He wouldn't do it if it weren't for Satan pushing him constantly. He tells me every time. I told him I don't want to know, but he feels so guilty that he can't stop himself from telling me. And while I hate the fact he is fucking other women, I made him promise to always wear a condom when he did.”

  I stared at her with a pitying look and she softly pushed my hair back off my face and said, “I love your dad, Cole. And sometimes a person will do whatever they can for the ones they love in order to keep them alive, to keep them whole, and to keep them in their life. One of these days you will understand this. I pray you don't do this to your woman. Treat her right, Cole. Never force her to have sex. Don't make her feel less by fucking other women. And I hope that one day the MC will change its outlook on what a real man is. A real man is a man who loves and cares deeply about his family, whether they are blood or not, and he isn't afraid to show it either. That's what a real man is.”


  January 24th, 1998

  I won't ever forget the conversation I had with Mom about Dad cheating; it has been a life lesson that I swore to myself that I would always live by. I've always done my best to show Mia that I love and worship her; then when Jennie became a part of our life, that extended to her. I have always shown love equally to every one of my children. I still show each and every one of them daily how thankful I am to have them in my life and how much I love them. That is something that won't ever change.

  I also let my Brothers of the MC know it as well, and once when one of them dared to open his mouth and tried to make me out to be less of a man for caring for my women and family, I beat the fuck out of him until he understood that a man could be tough and hard, but loving and caring at the same time as well.


  Chapter 3

  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

  ~Edmund Burke~


  January 24th, 1998

  I sighed deeply as worrisome thoughts continued to race through my mind. They were like a kid in a candy store, so many choices that they couldn't settle on one thing. They kept bouncing around to when Jennie first came into the family, to Mia, Rebel, with a plan to keep my family safe, to Devil, to the MC, who I could trust and who I couldn't, and they kept on like that in a rinse spin repeat cycle.

  There were some nights the only way I made it to sleep was because my women wore me smooth out with lovin', and yet other nights even after the lovin', there was no way I could go to sleep, and my thoughts took over. On those nights, I prayed, and I planned.

  I prayed that I could keep my family safe. I prayed that no one would get hurt or, even worse, killed. I prayed for my kids, whether they were mine by blood or not. I prayed for my Brothers that were worried about the way things were going in the MC. I prayed for God to keep my women strong in the face of adversity. And I prayed for peace for all of us. I was so tired of being stressed out about this shit for so long, I just wanted nothing more than peace for my family and me.

  Did I believe in God? Yes, I did. Was I a Christian? Define Christian. Was I some Bible thumping, every Sunday going to church person? No, I wasn't. I hadn't stepped foot in a church in so long I couldn't recall the last time I had been in one. I have been around enough so-called Sunday go to meeting Christians that judge everyone on every little thing a person does in their lives to know I wouldn't ever be one of those. I wouldn't be one even if someone told me that was the only way I could truly be a Christian. If that meant I wasn't a Christian. Okay, then so be it.

  But I knew what I believed and was fine with that. I liked to think I didn't judge others on their beliefs or non-beliefs, whatever they may be. That is unless someone's beliefs endangered those I loved, then that was a whole other ball game. I also liked to think I was a decent man, maybe not good, but not all bad. Yeah, I have done many things in my life that I wasn't proud of. Some things I wished I could take back; other things I wish I had done more of. I just know I haven't ever hurt a woman or child. And all the men I have hurt or killed, I felt like they deserved it, there was always a justifiable reason behind my actions, or I wouldn't have done them.

  I know I will be judged for my actions one day and that was something that was on me. I hoped when it was my time that I haven't truly been too much of a disappointment. But that was between me and the Man upstairs. All I know right now is that I hope that God is in my corner when the time comes for the reckoning with Devil. I smiled to myself. Because I planned on dealing out justice on that day and hopefully Devil will then go to hell where he belongs.

  During Satan's reign over the MC, the Brothers had done some very dark and twisted things. They had run drugs, guns, and girls. Did things to get those said items that caused harm and destruction to others, but the Prez hadn't cared. Nothing had been too bad for Satan to get the MC involved in. If it meant they made money, then the MC did it.

  It didn't matter if a Brother didn't want to get involved in a certain area of trade. The Prez ruled with an iron fist and he made the decisions on what they were g
oing to do and when they were going to do it. There was no voting on it among the men. It was just so.

  There had been parties that twisted my stomach in knots at the depravity of them, I only had my cock sucked once and that had been before Mia. After Mia and I started dating, I never participated again, and I hadn't given a fuck if Satan decided to call me names because of it. After the first time Satan called me out on it and I stood up to him, He hadn't done it again. Maybe what I said got through to him enough for Satan to realize that I really didn't give a fuck what he called me.



  I knew as soon as I opened the door to the Clubhouse that I probably should have waited to talk to Dad because even though it was only a Tuesday night, girls were everywhere and the majority weren't wearing enough to cover their tits or asses. They were rubbing up against just about every Brother there, doing their best to get one of the Brothers to fuck them. Some had already gone down on a Brother, or were riding his cock, hoping against hope that they would get themselves a biker.

  One girl in particular, who called herself CandyCane, was doing her best to get me to fuck her. It was annoying the shit out of me. All I wanted was to have a beer and a short conversation with Dad before I left. But, this bitch was draped all over me and kept trying to run her hands all over my cock and was biting on my neck, despite me constantly telling her to keep her damn hands off me, to get away from me and leave me the fuck alone. Then when she decided to plop down onto my lap, my temper finally snapped, and I came undone. I've always tried to be nice to the girls, but fuck, sometimes there's just no being nice.

  I finally stood up, in doing so pushing the dumb shit off my lap, causing her to land on the floor and said, “You dumb bitch, don't you get that I'm not interested. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. You're like a motherfucking octopus. Didn't the fact I kept telling you no and pushing you away tell you any fucking thing at all?”


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