Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 5

by Jeneveir Evans

  Dad spit out half his beer across the table while laughing at the girl, and things would have ended right there but Satan decided to push his way into the conversation.

  “What's wrong pussy boy, you don't like girls? Or you just have problems getting it up. Or are you a ball less little shit and embarrassed to let anyone see. Or maybe you got a little dick like your old man does.”

  Dad growled and started to speak, but I didn't give him the chance.

  Instead I snapped back without thinking about who I was speaking to, not that that would have stopped me anyway, “I like girls just fine and my dick gets real hard, you wanna see it? Or would that turn you on too much? I don't really give a fuck what you call me. I'm just real particular where I stick my dick. I kinda like it attached to my body and don't want to catch any of the shit you guys keep catching because you keep shoving your dicks into these nasty ass cunts around here.”

  Satan reached out and grabbed me by the shirt and knocked the hell out of me.

  “You little pissant boy, no one talks to me like that, you motherfucker. I'll beat your ass so bad; you won't be able to move for a month.” He roared as he glared down at me.

  I got up off the floor and worked my jaw back and forth then just stood and stared at the Prez. I was pretty sure my hatred of Satan was written all over my face when I hissed back, “Do your fucking worst, but I'm telling you right now, I'll fight back. Just because you're the Prez doesn't give you the damn right to be a motherfucking bully to the Brothers. And you might beat my ass, but by all that's holy, you will know that you've been in a fight.”

  Satan stared at me long and hard, his jaw clenched tight, the movement of the muscles in it working overtime, his fists clenching and unclenching. And I waited with bated breath to see how bad I was about to get my ass handed to me, when all the sudden Satan barked out a laugh and said, “Damn boy, you do have some balls after all, don't you? I like that in a man, that I do.”

  Then he turned around and walked off toward the bar in search of a drink. He was laughing and talking to himself, but we all heard when he said, “Little fucker hissed at me, like a damn viper.”

  He stopped, turned around, looked at me and said, “You little motherfucker. Believe we're gonna call your ass Viper, goes along with Serpent, don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.” He'd then turned back around and continued on to the bar.

  I saw Dad let out a deep breath and heard him mutter, “Fuck, Son. Never seen him walk away like that. Watch your back.”

  With Dad's words echoing in my head, I left the Clubhouse and haven't ever attended another MC party of that type again, that is until things went to shit with Jennie. But I've always kept hyper aware, however Satan didn't bother me ever again. And whether I liked it or not, I left there that night with the MC handle of Viper.


  January 24th, 1998

  Even today in the MC with the Brothers voting on things, there are still enough Brothers who seemed to truly enjoy being able to do the dirty jobs that are of the dark and twisted nature that Satan and now his son Devil seem to relish in doing and handing out for the Brothers to do. And with enough on his side to get the majority of the vote, those Brothers who didn't want to be involved in that kind of shit and voted no on them, are out voted because of it. Because Devil didn't require a unanimous vote, just a majority.

  The parties aren't quite the free for all as much anymore and have toned down some, even more so, since the incident that happened over 3 years earlier. Oh there are still the Friday night parties with the club whores, the approved hang arounds and Brother invited guests, but for the most part, the men take the women upstairs to rooms to do their fucking, although some blow jobs and fucking still go on in the main room of the Clubhouse.

  Some of the boys just like to show off in public or are too drunk to make it to a room. Now I only go for a couple beers and wouldn't even do that if it wasn't expected of the VP to show his face at such things. That was the only reason I even attended the parties at all. But after my drinks, I am out of there and on my way home to be with my Old Ladies and my kids.

  Other than the one blow job and that handsy bitch, I haven't let a club whore touch me since before I dated Mia, well over twenty years ago. I didn't want them to touch me then and I sure as hell don't want them to touch me now. I've made it very clear to every club whore not to touch me period. I was content with having just Mia and Jennie. They give me everything I needed or wanted in a relationship.

  Having two women is unbelievable, I can't explain it. I lacked for nothing when it was only Mia and me, but with Jennie added to the equation, fuck, the sex was out of this world. The sexual dynamic between the three of us sometimes blows my mind. And the intimacy we share, it's fucking incredible.

  Fuck, maybe I am a pussy whipped motherfucker, but I don't give a rat's ass. My life is perfect just the way it is with my women and I have no desire to ever change it. I know I am loved, and I love my women back. I am a contented man, fuck at least in my immediate family life. I would be fucking ecstatic if I could get the MC part of my life to mimic even twenty-five percent of my home life.

  I know some of the men in the MC only stay because of me. Even with all the outlandish bullshit Devil wants done, I've always managed to keep that shit assigned only to those who truly want to do it, even doing so, some of the men are becoming increasingly disenchanted with being in the SoSMC.

  Some of the Brothers have been coming up to me quietly on the side for the last couple of years and have asked me to either start my own chapter of the Spawns of Satan or to start a new club. I've told them I would think about it, but truthfully, I don't want to be associated with the SoS anymore, it didn't take me long after I patched in to get to that point.

  I only stayed because of Rebel, Jennie's son, and therefore, Jennie. I've had to do everything I can over the years to protect them. If it was just Jennie, I could have convinced her to leave and would have already gotten my family far away from the MC. But until I can get Rebel safely away, Jennie won't go, and if she won't go, then Mia won't, so therefore I've stayed. In hindsight, sometimes I wish I had taken my chances and killed Devil all those years ago.


  Chapter 4

  When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail.

  ~Pearl S. Buck~


  May 1997

  I was outside the Clubhouse smoking a cigarette and basically getting away from all the bullshit going on inside when Rogue walked out into the yard.

  “Hey boss man, got a minute to chat?”

  “Devil's the boss man, don't let him hear you call me that,” I replied while tagging a drag of my smoke.

  “Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Me and some of the boys are getting real uncomfortable being here. We're not in agreement with most of the things going down or some of the things Devil's considering getting into.”

  I nodded while glancing around the yard.

  “Hell, Vip. He's talking about selling girls and boys now. Having willing prostitutes and being in that business is one thing, trafficking kids is another. I don't want no part of that shit, not at all. I've got kids the ages he's been throwing out about 'getting' and selling. This ain't shit I signed up for, Vip. It's not for me, and the moment that son of a bitch tries to tell me to go kidnap some little girl or boy, there's gonna be hell to pay.” Rogue stated.

  I could tell how much this subject upset him, he was unconsciously knotting his hands into fists then releasing them, only to do it over and over again.

  Rogue was perceived as a mean motherfucker by most people and that was how he liked it. But in all honesty, he served his country in the Army for a few years, but he had a slight problem with following bullshit orders as he liked to call them and while not dishonorably discharged, he had been told that maybe it was time for him to leave the military when it came time for him to re-up.

  “Agreed,” I s
aid. “That's not something I'll ever be involved in as well.”

  I glanced around the Clubhouse yard and didn't see anyone, but I felt I was a little too close to the door to continue with this particular subject. I dropped the butt of my smoke and ground it out with the tip of my boot, then pulled my pack out and offered one to Rogue. Rogue took one, then I pulled another one out and stuck it between my lips. I handed my lighter to Rogue and then lit my own when he handed it back to me. As I put the lighter back into my pocket, I murmured, “Walk with me.”

  As the two of us strolled around the yard, I hoped it appeared as two Brothers just having a casual conversation and bullshitting with each other.

  “So Rogue, I have my ideas, but tell me who else is feeling this way.”

  Rogue hesitated, then started to reply when the Clubhouse door opened again, and Hatchet walked out. On seeing us, he started toward us as he lit up a smoke as well.

  “How's it hanging, Brothers?” he asked as he walked up to us.

  Rogue grimaced, glanced at me and nodded at Hatchet. I nodded back to Rogue. I trusted these two men.

  “Was telling Vip how some of us aren't down for this running people shit. That no way in hell was I gonna do that.”

  Hatchet started nodding in agreement. He glanced around the yard and seeing no one around, he said, “God's truth, Vip. No way am I up for that kind of bullshit.”

  He paused and shook his head and continued on, “That's some messed up shit if you ask me. Hell, my little sister is fourteen and if some motherfucker took her, there's no place on this earth that I wouldn't search to get her back. I'd kill a motherfucker for touching her.”

  “Same here, Brother, if anyone messed with my kids, they'd be a dead motherfucker real quick like.” Rogue agreed with Hatchet.

  “I was asking Rogue before you stepped out, who all is feeling the same way you two are?”

  As I waited for their reply, I took a deep drag on my smoke. And as I exhaled the smoke out my nose and mouth, a comment from my daughter the other night ran through my mind.

  “Dad, please consider quitting smoking. It smells disgusting.” Jemma stated with her nose all wrinkled up.

  “Not that easy little girl,” I replied.

  “Dad, I'm fifteen. I'm not a little girl.”

  I grinned and shook my head at her, then she continued on with her tirade.

  “It seriously makes you stink, Dad. I hate to hug you sometimes because of the strong smell of cigarette smoke that is on you. I have to hold my breath and hug you real fast. Besides,” she continued, “They are bad for your health and you know how Moms are always harping on you about taking better care of yourself.”

  I grunted to myself as I thought about the nagging women in my life, always on me to watch what I ate, not use so much salt, quit smoking, drink less, hell, what was a man to do? Thank God the boys outnumber the girls, but I don't want my kids to not want to hug me because I smelled bad to them, and I figure I really should quit anyway for my health. I wanted to be around for a long time for my women and kids.

  Fuck, now I was fucking screwed because I knew I was smoking my last fucking cigarette, mother of all cock sucking bitches. I am about to become a mean ass motherfucker because I can't smoke. This is gonna go down real well. Damn women. I need to get me some of that fucking gum. Fuck. Did I just think I needed gum? Motherfucker!

  Rogue cleared his throat and drew my attention back to them and stated, “Well, as you can tell there's me and Hatchet. My nephew, Screw.”

  “BamBam and Cotton,” Hatchet continued.

  “Slade,” Rogue inserted.

  “And Acid,” Hatchet muttered, then added, “but I personally don't say anything about wanting to leave with him at all or that I might be unhappy with things. I think he's overheard some of us saying that we weren't real happy with some of the things we were being asked to do and is just trying to find out who might be against Devil's way of thinking.”

  “Agreed, Vip,” Rogue said while nodding his head. “I think he's Devil's little ass licker, the pussy, and is nosing around to try and see what's being said about the discontentment that some of us are feeling. Oh, he's said that he isn't happy here and wonders if he shouldn't just leave, but I think it's all a put on.”

  I lifted my chin at them. I mentally ran the names through my head and agreed with their assessments. There were a couple more men, but they had extended family close by, so I didn't figure they would want to do what I was about to ask these two men.

  “Okay so let's say hypothetically you guys could get out of the MC, would you want to join another MC and if so, would you be willing to move away from here?” I asked while taking a puff off of what was my last mother fucking smoke.

  “Away as in out of this town or what Viper?” Rogue responded as he pulled his pocketknife out of his pants and flipped it open and then started cleaning out from under his fingernails. Cleaning his fingernails was Rogue's go to when he had serious thinking to do.

  “Town, state, across country, hell, just away.”

  “Yeah, I'd have no problem with any of that,” Hatchet said. “Pretty sure Cotton and BamBam would feel the same. Neither of them has any family, so I don't see a problem there. Not sure about Slade. But you would know better than us on whether his mom would be willing to move with as sick as she is. But my mom would go, along with my lil sis. All I would have to do is mention some of Devil's plans for kids and she would be packing her car so fast it would make your head spin. She fucking hates Devil.”

  “I like the MC life, would still want to be in an MC. But I'd have to talk to the Old Lady. Her sister lives here, but then again if Screw wanted to go, I'm sure his mom wouldn't mind moving. If that was the case, pretty sure my Old Lady would be willing to go as well. Kinda like the idea of being away from here. A fresh start would feel kinda good to tell the truth.”

  “Yep, I agree with Rogue. It'd be damn nice to get away from all of Devil's bullshit. Never thought I'd say this because I always wanted to be in this MC, but at times I wish I'd never prospected here. Don't get me wrong, love the MC life, gives me a family. Just fucking hate it here, isn't what I was expecting. Just kept hoping through all the prospecting that it would be better when I was patched in, but it's fucking worse. Don't get me wrong, there are a few brothers who almost make it bearable.” Hatchet sighed heavily and continued, “Cotton, BamBam, Slade and I were talking about this the other day and they agreed with me.”

  “So, you believe everyone but Slade would want to go huh?”

  “Well yeah, I think so, Viper. Hell, Slade would want to go too, it’s just the mom thing. But when the boys and I were talking about it, we were actually thinking about doing it soon anyway. Fuck, Rebel and Predator were fucking smart to do what they did. Wish I had thought of it when I patched in the year before they did. But I'm kinda worried about Devil. Part of me thinks he won't let us leave without it being by way of death. And I'm sure not ready to die anytime soon.”

  “Hmmm...” I muttered. “I would like to talk to all the men you guys have mentioned to get a take for how they feel about this and their opinions. Tell you what, Rebel and Predator get out of the army in less than eleven months. I've been wanting to go through their bikes and beef up their motors a little bit.

  “Do you think you could get all the boys to come over to my house, say Saturday morning around seven to help me work on them? That way most of the rest of the Brothers will be sleeping off a drunk. I'd rather no one else came but those we've talked about here. Don't invite Acid. Also, keep this on the down low. Don't need anyone else knowing about any of this shit.”

  Both men nodded and soon the talk turned to what I planned for the bikes, bigger cams? New exhaust? Bigger carburetors? And like all men who loved their Harleys' with a passion, the talk lasted for a couple hours.


  Chapter 5

  I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.
br />   ~Bob Dylan~


  January 24th, 1998

  I arched my back and shifted around on the seat. It was time to stop and stretch my legs. Whoever had come up with the analogy of a vehicle being like a cage had hit it dead on the head, and while my matte black Chevrolet K5 Blazer was my baby and very comfortable, I hated being confined. Damn I missed being on my bike, but I needed to leave quietly and my bike damn sure wasn't quiet. Plus, it was colder than a well digger's ass outside.

  Saturday was our short day at work, and I made sure that some of the Brothers who worked in the garage I owned, saw me leave my vehicle in one of the drive through car bays when I locked up for the weekend. My garage was only two blocks from my house and besides being accessible from the main road, there was a narrow dirt path out back that ran from my house, down behind the garage, till it made its way to the main road.

  When I left, I walked to the garage the back way through the trees out behind the house. This added a little more security as far as anyone knowing that I had even left my house at all. Plus, after getting to the shop, I left out the back gate therefore making my departure fairly obscure and quiet. I felt pretty confident no one had seen me or followed me. Still I kept a watch out. I knew this seemed like cloak and dagger shit, but I had to be as careful as I possibly could. I didn't want anyone to know where I was going.

  I saw a convenience store up ahead on the right and decided to stop and top off my gas there. As I pulled into the lot, I glanced around and only saw one beat up junker car. I looked into the store and saw a young girl behind the counter. Sweeping my eyes throughout what I could see of the rest of the store, it appeared she was alone. After I pumped the gas, I headed toward the door of the store.

  I knew exactly what I was wanting. Damn sunflower seeds and a Sprite. I shook my head in amusement. Yeah, I had been a fucking good boy. I quit smoking cigarettes, but not without a lot of cussing and being pissed off. And now my women have somehow managed to get me to quit drinking as much caffeine. I told them that was fine on soft drinks, but they better damn well leave my fucking coffee alone and I was serious as fucking shit about that. Mia and Jennie simply laughed their asses off at me. Fucking women.


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