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Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 15

by Jeneveir Evans

  I took another draw off the beer.

  “Satan was found. Everyone was in an uproar, and Devil was crying out loudest of all to find who had killed his old man. It was total chaos. In Spawn's bylaws if a Prez dies or steps down, the VP steps into the Prez's spot. I knew my old man could help with things now and thought I had the upper hand for once.

  “Church was called so Dad could appoint a new VP. I got to the Clubhouse early. I wanted to talk to Devil alone. We went into the VP's office for privacy. I didn't want anyone to hear what I was about to say to him. I told him that I had proof he killed Satan, and that he was going to leave Jennie and the boys alone, plus he was to leave Mia and my children alone as well. That if he even tried to hurt them, I would show everyone my proof. I then told him that I made several copies of what I had and left it with several people, and in the case of my death, they were to take what I left them to the State Police. Now let me state here that I'm not a cop lover by any means, but I was afraid if I told them to take it to the MC, Devil would somehow manage to get his hands on it and quash any of it from coming out.”

  I swallowed another drink.

  “He was sitting there so quietly listening to me put forth my demands. I knew something was up. He told me he didn't believe me. I threw a picture on the desk then set the recorder on it and pressed play. It was all there. He looked at me after hearing the recording and said, looks like we're at a stalemate. I told him there was no way there was a stalemate, I had him hands down. Then he said not with what he had on me. I laughed in his face and said he didn't have shit on me.

  “Then the motherfucker proceeded to rattle off things I had done in the club that were illegal. The drug runs I had been on, the men I had help kill, the dates to all of it. He said he had a written copy of what everyone in the club had ever done since before he ever joined the MC. He told me he had no problem taking everyone in the club down. I was fucked. I could do the time, but that would leave my family with no one to protect them. I didn't know what to do.”

  I drained my beer and ran my hands through my hair.

  “I had to think fast. I needed some way to balance out the shit he had just thrown at me. So, I came up with a spur of the moment plan. I told him that I would get Dad to give him the VP spot. In Spawn, Prez's got to appoint who they wanted as VP. I also stipulated he had to appoint me to VP when Dad died. I told him my other conditions still stood.

  “He was quiet as he thought about it. He had his own conditions, he said he didn't want to raise the boys while they were little but they were to be brought to the Clubhouse for an hour a day every other day unless something was going on in the club. He said he also didn't want me trying to turn the boys away from him and that when the boys got to be nine, he wanted them living with him.

  “I knew this was going to drive Jennie insane. I countered and said I would agree with that, with one exception. Each boy had to want to visit and had to want to move in with him. He couldn't force them to want to be with him. He countered that as long as the boys prospected for the club when they were ready, he would agree to those terms. And so our agreement began.”

  I felt like I had just been put through the mill, but I wasn't gonna let anyone know that. I wasn't that man. I never would be.

  “Damn Brother, you've been living in hell for half your damn life haven't you.” Possum said.

  I just looked at him and replied, “I had my family, I was okay.”

  “Let's pause and grab some snacks, more beer, and to take a piss then we'll continue. Work for everyone?” Mad Dog asked us.

  Everyone was in agreement. I needed to piss after drinking three beers anyway. After finishing my business, I walked out, grabbed another couple beers and headed back into Church. I craved a smoke bad, but since I had given them up a month or so earlier, I didn’t have any on me. Besides, I wanted this whole interview over with, the sooner the better. I fucking needed some time alone to get myself mentally back together before I went back to the house.

  Slowly everyone made their way back in. I sat back sipping on my beer and studied everyone, trying to get a feel for their take on what they've heard so far. I had known this was going to be hard, but hadn't planned on it being this hard, or on having to go into so much detail. I could have probably left some of it out, but fuck, in for a penny, in for a pound.

  After everyone sat back down, Mad Dog asked, “You got a plan on how you are going to get Rebel away without Devil going off his rocker?”

  “I do, but no offense, I'm keeping that close to the vest. The fewer people who know, the less problems that can go wrong.”

  “Understand that, Brother, I do.” Mad Dog said nodding at me. “How long do you think it will be before your plan reaches fruition?”

  “The boys have less than nine months before they get out. I'm hoping ten months from now, I'll be able to walk away from the MC.”

  Nods went around the room. I watched as Dog’s eyes went around the table. Each man met his gaze and jerked his chin up.

  “You got any questions to ask us before you move here?” he asked.

  My eyes fly to him to see him smiling at me.

  “That is if you think you want to come.”

  “I would cross right over as a fully patched member? Because I'm too old for that prospecting bullshit.”

  Laughter from all the men floated around the table.

  “Yeah Brother, you'd patch straight over. Any other questions?”

  Here it was, I knew in my heart that I couldn't walk away from the Brothers in the MC that still wanted a home. If they wouldn't agree to let them come as well, I was going to have to turn the offer down and decide if I was up to starting my own MC, something I really had no desire to do, but I wouldn't leave Brothers hanging out to dry.

  “Yeah, I've got one concern that leads to my question. I have a handful of Brothers that are wanting out of the MC as well, they are in it for the brotherhood and don't want to give that up. They've asked me to start an MC and said they would join it. But to tell you the truth, I really don't want to have to do that. Would you be willing to consider patching over more members?”

  I watched as the men in the room seemed to talk to each other with their eyes. These men were close as Brothers should be. They eventually all looked at Mad Dog who was looking at Seer. Mad Dog nodded to Seer and Seer turned to me.

  “Do you trust these men?” he asked.

  “I do.”

  “Are they good men?”

  “They are.”

  “Tell me a little about them.”

  “Rogue is in his mid-forties, married and has three children. Former Army man. His nephew, Screw is twenty-five, lives with and supports his mother, who has Lupus. Hatchet is twenty-five as well, lives with and supports his mother and younger sister who is fourteen. BamBam and Cotton are both twenty-four, they grew up in foster care and don't have any family, but the MC. Slade is twenty-seven, he's got a sick mom who's dying, and he takes care of and supports her. There may be a couple more men, but I would have to think on them, but these men I mentioned, I trust them to have my back and they are loyal to me.”

  Seer looked at me as if he could read the answers he seeked from my face. Hell, who knows, he probably could. His eyes appeared ancient. Maybe he truly was a seer. After studying me for a good five minutes, he turned to Mad Dog and nodded his head.

  “Before Mad Dog takes over, I'd like to say a quote to you from Martin Luther King, Jr. 'The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and broken brother to a higher and more noble life.' That quote describes the type of man you are Viper. You, Son, are a man that I will be proud to call a Brother.”

  “Well Viper, looks like we will be patching over seven men.” Mad Dog said

nbsp; Thank. Fuck. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. This was right, I could feel it. It's where we were meant to be. My throat tightened up knowing I was finally going to be in an MC that truly cared about every member of it. The boys and I were finally going to get to know what true brotherhood was all about.

  “I promise you won't regret it.”

  “I'm sure we won't, Brother,” he said. “You and I will talk, and we will make sure we have everything in order for the other men as well when the time comes for you to move down. By the way, what did you think of the house?”

  “Nice place. The Old Ladies are in love with it.”

  “That's good, Viper. It's your new home.”

  “Say what?” I asked incredulously.

  “Your sons told us what you would need in a home. I turned it over to Hoss and that is the result. If there's anything else that needs to be done or added, just let us know.”

  I was fucking stunned. I didn't know what the hell to say, and I said as much.

  “Fuck, Mad Dog. Guys. I don't know what to say. I'm appreciative as hell but you don't have to, we can figure something out when we get down here.”

  “It's a done deal, Viper. Just enjoy it. And one last thing, I hope it was okay that your sons planted the trees and placed the bench the last time they were on leave. Said their moms needed it.”

  I reached up and rubbed my eyes, trying as inconspicuous as possible to wipe away the tears that came at the thought of how much my sons loved their moms.

  I cleared my throat before I spoke, “They loved it, appreciate the hell out of it and all you men.”

  And with that, God answered my prayers.


  It seems all my adult life I've been trying to form a working plan to get my family and Brothers, who didn't want to be involved in the SoSMC anymore, safely away. But my plan had always lacked an end game. Then, because of a chanced friendship formed, an invitation, several visits, a phone call, another invitation, a family visit, and a conversation that put an end game in sight, it appeared now that one day in the not so distant future we would all be able to leave. That day was quickly approaching, I just had to hang on until it arrived. Then we would all ride away into the sunset and not look back.


  Chapter 11

  A good woman comes in all shapes and colors. When you find her, adore her.

  ~Delano Johnson~


  June 1997

  The racing of my brain wouldn't let me sleep. I could hear the soft snores of Mia and the deeper breathing of Viper letting me know that at least someone was getting some rest. Yesterday had felt like it lasted for years. I'm not exactly sure what caused my meltdown after we arrived, maybe it was the thought that Viper had to try to find somewhere safe to move our family, I didn't know for sure. But when I saw those trees planted in the backyard, thoughts of all I had cost Viper and Mia started flying through my mind. I had stolen from them the right to have a normal life. They never really had the chance to be a husband and wife without me being in their lives.

  I wrapped my arms around myself as I got up and went to look out at the trees. I was too restless to stay in bed and I didn't want to wake up Viper or Mia. I'd caused enough disruption today.

  I've felt selfish for so long, because it's like I'm all they've lived for. And truthfully even though I know they love me, up until earlier today, I'd still always thought I was a little on the outside looking in. My love for Mia has never changed over the years, she has always been my best friend and I truly know the depths of her friendship and love for me. I'm not sure if there's another woman on this earth who could love another woman enough to share her husband for life. She humbles me. I'm not sure if I would have been strong enough to do that. I need to tell her how much I love her and what her sacrifice means to me.

  I leaned my head against the window and rubbed my hands up and down my arms as I recalled Viper's words today. Inside, I've always been this little girl who has always craved love and acceptance. I know the reason behind these feelings; it doesn't matter that I'm a thirty-nine-year-old woman, because sometimes the little girl still inside me has insecurities, wants, and needs that win out. While I've always had Mia's love, I have selfishly always wanted more. I wanted a man to love me the way Viper does Mia. Hell, that's not completely truthful, I've wanted Viper to love me that way. And when he told me how he felt today, it was like an open wound closed over and healed.

  When he said that he was in love with me, I think I went into shock. Oh, I knew he loved me, but I've always thought it was more the type of love for a good friend. He's never made me feel like I'm not as important as Mia. He's always treated me the same as he does her, but I'd thought that was simply because of the type of man he is, loving, caring, selfless. But still, I didn't dream he was actually in love with me as well. The little girl in me was ecstatic to know that someone really loved me for me. The adult me was still reeling; I felt like I needed to keep pinching myself to prove hearing him say that wasn't a dream. I have been in love with him for so long and knowing he was in love with me as well has made all my dreams come true.

  If I had stopped to really think about it though, I should have known he was in love with me, because surely a man would treat a woman a little differently if he didn't feel the same depth of emotion as he did for the other woman in his life. But since I had never been loved by a man before, I wouldn't have known what I was looking for anyway.

  There have been times, I felt like I should leave and let them have a chance to just be Viper and Mia, a married couple. But after hearing the words that Viper told me today, I know I'm too weak to ever walk away from his love.

  I startled as I felt arms come around me and heard Mia ask, “What's wrong Jennie, you've been off all day.”

  I started to deny it, but maybe today was the day for clearing the air. I sighed. I hated confrontations of any kind. I liked staying in the background where no one noticed me. I could hide there.

  “Been thinking a lot. I want you to know that I love you and want you to know that I realize the sacrifice that you've made for me over the years, Mia. You gave away any semblance of a normal married life to save me. You've shared your husband with me. I don't know how you do it, Mia. I don't think I'm strong enough to have ever done for someone what you've done for me.”

  Mia squeezed me tight to her.

  “Can I confess something to you?” she asked.

  I nodded and looked at her curiously.

  “Jennie, I was worried and afraid I'd be envious of you when I first came up with the idea of Viper making you his Old Lady as well. But I had to get you away from Devil, I just had too. I was almost manic with the need to save you. At first, I couldn't figure out why. Why did I need to save you so bad?

  “Yes, you were my best friend who I loved dearly, but it went deeper than that. When Viper brought you home that night, I was so fucking relieved Jennie. Even seeing how bad of shape you were in; all I could think was now you were home where you belonged, and I could take care of you.

  “The first time we all had sex, I thought I would be insanely jealous of you being with Viper, instead I was jealous of Viper being able to touch you, kiss you, make love to you. That knocked me for a loop, I was in shock, because how could that be so? And I realized then, that I was in love with you, Jennie. I was in love with both of you. You were both mine. Once I figured that out, the jealousy went away.

  I was in shock. Mia didn't just love me, but she was in love with me.

  “Mia, I... I,” I stumbled for words.

  “Shh,” she said. “I know you're not in love with me that way, and it's okay Jennie, really it is. I know that you love me as a friend and I'm fine with that.”

  She paused a moment then continued, “I also know you've been in love with Viper for years. That's something I can understand all too well. He's a good man, a loving and protective man. I also know he's in love with you as well, Jennie.”

sp; I gasped, shocked she realized it.

  “Yeah. I've known it for years Jennie. You see, I watched as he became an even better man than he was before, and I realized that I was becoming an even better woman than I had been. Our love for you made us better people. I think for both of us, you filled a hole that we weren't aware was inside of us. So, Jennie, don't ever think I sacrificed my life with Viper. If anything, I was the selfish one. I needed you with me, you were mine.”

  “I don't know what to say, the last couple of days have been a revelation. Viper and I talked yesterday as well. I kinda had a meltdown.”

  “I figured something had happened. I saw it in your eyes when you got to the party last night.”

  “He told me he's in love with me, Mia, doesn't it bother you?”

  “How could it bother me, Jennie, when I'm in love with you too?”

  “You're right, I'm in love with him, Mia, do you hate me because I am, or because I don't feel the same kind of love for you?”

  “I could never hate you, Jennie, I love you too much. And it's truly okay that your love is not the same as mine. We've all been together twenty years and you haven't ever made me feel that I wasn't as important in this relationship as Viper is. Plus, Jennie, it's like I told you, I've known you've been in love with Viper since the first year.”

  As I heard her words, it felt like the rest of what had been bothering me was put to rest. Mia knew it all now. I felt truly at peace for the very first time in my life.



  I had to have this talk with Jennie. I knew she had been beating herself up over this for years but wouldn't tell me because she was scared. All of this has been a long time coming. I wasn't ever attracted to any other woman but Jennie, and I truthfully don't know what makes me need her the way I do. I need Viper the same way. It took me days of struggling with my feelings before I realized that I was in love with her. If Viper hadn't saved her, I'm not sure what I would have done. I honestly think it would destroy something in me if I were to ever lose her. It would be the same way with Viper. I needed both of them and I always would.


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