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Viper (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #1) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 19

by Jeneveir Evans

  “I want you boys to go in and wait on me. We'll talk when I get back. Do not leave this fucking house, you understand me?”

  “Yeah, Pops.” We both chorused.

  “Be back as soon as I can.”


  We went in to wait on Pops and realized no one was home. That freaked the fuck out of both of us. Our moms and the kids should have been here. I thought back to being unable to reach Pops and my stomach twisted into knots.

  “Fuck Pred, something happened. That is why we couldn't reach Pops earlier.”

  Pred was still struggling to be mentally present. He shook his head and looked around. He then ran to everyone's bedroom and came back into the living room.

  “Not one person is here, Reb. What the fuck you think happened?”

  I shook my head. I had no fucking clue.

  It was about an hour later before Pops got back home, Pred and I had paced the whole damn time.

  “She's in the hospital, her folks are with her. She's being taken care of Pred. I'm not gonna lie to you boys, she has a long hard road ahead of her. She may never recover from this.”

  “I wanna fucking kill them all.” Pred said as he continued pacing. He was clenching and unclenching his fists as he walked back and forth across the living room floor.

  “Yeah, so do I. We need to figure out a way to kill them.” I muttered.

  “I can understand that boys, I truly do. But you and I know that there are only one or two possible outcomes to that. One, you'd end up killed. Then you wouldn't have accomplished anything. Sure, you might take out one or two, but ultimately, they would have won. Or two, you end up in jail for life. The end results are pretty much the same.”

  “Pops, I can't not do anything,” Pred growled.

  “I understand the need for revenge, Pred. Of any person alive, I truly know the craving for revenge. But sometimes, life has to play out and the cards need to fall where they may. We don't have any way of getting them all at one time, Son. I wish to God we did, but we don't.”

  Pred looked at me and we nodded at each other. We both reached up and pulled our cuts off and dropped them onto the floor and spit on them.

  “I'm not going back,” I said.

  “Nor am I, I can't. I just can't, Pops.”

  “Understood,” Pops replied.

  “Where are the kids and Moms?” I asked. “We've searched the house and they aren't here.”

  Pops sighed heavily. Now that I took the time to really look at him, he looked like hell.

  “Something happened, didn't it?” I stared at him, watching his face for any clue that Pred and I were about to hear something bad.

  “Yeah boys, it did. That's why you kept getting my voicemail. I turned it off while I was at the hospital earlier this evening and forgot to turn it back on.”

  “Hospital, what the hell, Pops, what happened. Tell me it's not bad,” Pred begged him.

  “Your moms, brothers and sister are okay, but they were in a car wreck on the way home from Jace and Colt's football game. That's why I left. I should have come to get you, I know. But you both already had quite a bit to drink, and I didn't need to be taking my under aged sons to the hospital, half drunk.”

  Pops took a deep breath and continued, “A drunk driver hit the Suburban. Thank God it wasn't hit directly head on. Mia has a broken arm, Jennie, Jace and Cale have concussions, Colt has a broken leg, Jemma is okay, but she wouldn't leave Mia's side. And Mia is staying to watch over everyone. It was a madhouse for a while. Scared me shitless. Can't handle anything happening to any of you.”

  Pops dragged his hands through his hair, then clasped his hands behind his head. He did that when he was worried, stressed or was thinking, unless he was smoking. But since our moms didn't allow smoking in the house, he was having to rely on something else to try and calm his nerves.

  “The only way you boys won't try killing anyone is for you to not be here. I think you need to leave.”

  Pred and I both looked at Pops in shock.

  “You're kicking us out, Pops?” I asked disbelievingly.

  “What the hell, Pops?” shock was evident in Pred's voice.

  “Fuck, no. You know me better than that, at least I hope you do. But the only way I can see you not ending up dead or in jail is for you to leave. And we need a way to get you away from the MC, and hopefully removed altogether.”

  We inclined our heads at Pops, what he said made sense.

  “The only thing I can come up with is for you to join the Army.”

  Pred and I looked at each other. Wasn't a bad idea. He shrugged at me, I shrugged back, and the decision was made.

  “Okay, we'll do it.”

  “Yeah, sounds like it would work.”

  “Okay, here is what we are going to do, tomorrow we'll take you down to an Army recruitment center and start the paperwork and let you take the tests. If we can get them to push that all through fast, you could possibly leave in a couple days. I know a couple people that I think can help me get that pushed through quickly.”

  We nodded at him.

  “I don't want you to leave this house without me. If we can get it done as fast as I think we might be able to, then I’m gonna call an emergency Church. And both of you look and listen to me real good, for the hour or so Church will last, you will have to hold your shit together. Start showing me the men you will one day become.”

  “Fuck, that will be hard,” Pred muttered.


  “Yeah, it will be hard, but you're gonna fucking do it, got me?” Pops snapped at us.

  “Yeah okay, Pops,” I mumbled.

  Pred just looked at him and nodded.

  “When we get to Church, I'm going to have you tell them that you don't feel like you are ready to be full-fledged members. You realize you have some growing up to do, so you went and joined the Army and that you head to boot camp the next day. There won't be a damn thing Devil can do. His hands will be tied.”

  “Fuck, Pops,” I breathed out in awe. “You're fucking brilliant.”

  Despite the seriousness of the situation, Pops smiled at us.

  “I try, boys, I try.”


  The next couple of days consisted of us getting paperwork completed and taking the ASVAB test. Pops' contacts helped out. We found out on the third day that we would leave out the following day. Pred and I were both nervous about joining and leaving home, but I knew Pops was right, we needed to be away from here, at least for now.

  Pops waited until the last minute, then called a special Church. I knew this would piss off Devil, but I really didn't give a rat's ass. Plus, Pops was right. We needed to do this fast and not let anyone have a chance to really think about the bomb we were about to drop, especially Devil. I felt immeasurable glee in knowing that I would be thwarting Devil for a time on one of his conditions of the agreement he made with Pops. Fucking hated that bastard and any way I could infuriate him, I'd gladly do it.

  As we made our way into Church, Devil approached Pops and demanded to know what was going on.

  “Boys got something to say to everyone.”

  “And you felt the need to call Church for this, did you?” Devil sarcastically commented.

  “Yeah, it involves the MC and the situation is time sensitive, so I felt the need to call Church.” Pops smarted back off to Devil.

  Devil was pissed and I couldn't have been happier. Once everyone was in the meeting room, Devil spoke up, “Apparently, our newest members have something they need to tell all of us. So go ahead boys, what bullshit do you have to say?”

  I glanced at Pred and he nodded to me. I knew he wanted me to do the talking. He was just barely hanging on by a thread as it was, and I was more than pleased to stick this news into Devil's craw.

  Before I could say anything, Acid spoke up, “Why the fuck you boys not have on your cuts?”

  I watched as Devil's eyes narrowed. Ah, he was starting to get that something really was going on.

>   I reached out and put my cut on the table, Pred did his as well.

  “Pred and I were talking, and we decided that we aren't ready to be in an MC at the present time.”

  “Well la de dah for you, boy. Think it's a little too late for that,” Acid said while glaring at me.

  I just stared at him, daring him to make another comment.

  “We feel like we need time to mature and grow up some in order to become useful members of society.”

  A hard bark of laughter came from Acid, “Useful members of society, huh? Yeah, you are pretty useless right now, boy.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Acid.” Pops snapped.

  Acid turned and glared at Pops.

  “You got something you want to say to me, Brother.” Pops challenged as he stood up. “Or perhaps you're wanting to take a shot at me. If you think you're man enough Brother, bring it on.”

  Holy Fuck! I didn't want Pops to have to get into a fight over this. He could easily kick Acid's ass, but I didn't want an 'accidental' shooting to occur. That was something I wouldn't put past Acid doing. Or Spawn. Or Devil.

  “Well, Acid?” Pops questioned as he stared angrily down at Acid.

  Acid wisely kept his ass sitting down.

  “Didn't think so, boy.” Pops drawled out as he sat back down.

  I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing, Acid was gritting his teeth hard enough that it looked like he was about to break his jaw. I watched him look at Devil with a questioning look. Devil slightly shook his head at Acid. Huh. Something was up there, and I needed to tell Pops about it.

  “We've enlisted and will be bused out tomorrow.”

  “What the FUCK!!!!” Devil roared as he stood up. “You fucking did what?”

  “Joined the Army, Prez.” I smiled at him as I gave him the final blow.

  “You can't fucking do that.”

  “Yeah, believe we can, because we did.”

  Devil's face went blood red. I was happier than a baby sucking on his mama's tit. It had pissed him off more than I thought it would.

  “We both feel like it would be the right thing to do to return our cuts. We've only been members for three days and it would be more beneficial for us not to have any ties with an outlaw motorcycle club while we are property of the US government.”

  Pops sat there stoic faced, not saying a word, but I knew he was wanting to gloat in Devil's face.

  “You fucking put them up to this, didn't you, Viper.” Devil shouted at Pops.

  “No, Prez, he didn't.” I replied. “This is on Pred and me.”

  “Keep your fucking mouth shut, boy, and you don't have the right to call me Prez since you both turned in your cuts.”

  Fuck Yes! He fucking did it for us. We were no longer in the MC.

  As if he realized he had officially removed us from the MC with his statement, he muttered, “I'll expect you back here, boy, when your time is up.”

  “Maybe. I'm not sure if I will want to be in an MC by then. I might make the Army a career.” I smarted back to the old bastard.

  He turned to Pops and said, “You fucking better make sure he comes back when he gets out.”

  “Prez, kinda hard to tell a grown assed man he has to do something.” Pops replied to Devil.

  “God. Dammit!” Devil roared. Then he turned and stormed out of Church.

  “Good luck, boys,” Rogue said. “Army will make men out of you.”

  As we walked out of Church, Devil hollered, “Reb, get your ass over here.”

  I fucking didn't want to talk to the old man, but didn't want to make any more waves either. I was ready to get gone, so I made my way over to him.

  “You listen to me, boy, and you listen good. I know Viper put you up to this, and I'm telling you right now, your ass better be back here in four years. Be a shame if something happened to your mama, now wouldn't it.”

  My body went rigid in fury, “Listen here you old bastard, you touch one hair on my mom's head, and I'll string your ass up in a tree and gut you like a fish and watch you fucking bleed out. Don't you push me. I don't have to do a god damn thing you want me to do. Remember that.”

  Devil glared at me, “We'll see about that, boy. I will see you in four years and you better be here.”

  It took everything I had in me not to lay into him. I wanted to kill his motherfucking ass so bad.

  Pred yelled out, “Yo, Reb, we’ve got to go.”

  “Four years, boy.”

  I didn’t speak a word, just turned and walked away.


  After we pulled into the driveway, Pred and I backed our bikes into the garage. It was hard knowing I wasn't going to be riding for many years to come. Riding was like breathing to me. I needed it to live. It was going to be a long hard four years.

  “What'd the old bastard say, Reb?” Pops asked as I put my tarp over my bike.

  “Not sure I should tell you. We don't need you getting yourself killed.”

  “Tell me, Son,” he said.

  So, I repeated the entire conversation, and just like I thought, he went ballistic.

  “I swear to god, if I find that fucking book, he's a dead man.”

  “He could have copies, Pops. You need to make sure you get every copy there is if you do something like that.” Pred commented.

  I nodded in agreement. Pops had told us about the books because he had wanted to know if we had ever seen where Devil might have hidden them. Sadly, we hadn’t.

  “Pops, what do you know about Acid?” I asked.

  “Not much really, why?”

  “When you were addressing him earlier, he looked kinda questioningly at Devil and Devil shook his head back at him. Something's up there, I know it is. And Pops, Acid reminds me of someone.”

  “Yeah, I've often thought that too, Son.”

  “Well, who besides Devil do we know who is a sick motherfucker, has no soul, enjoys killing way too much and hates Reb?” Pred wondered out loud.

  Pops and I answered at the same time, “Spawn.”

  Pops looked thoughtful for a moment.

  “You might be onto something there, Pred. I wonder if he's Devil's son. It's possible.”

  “If he's Devil's son, why can't he be satisfied having two of his sons be his minions, why the fuck does he want me to be in the MC?”

  “He wants total control of you Reb, if he controls you, then he has more men in his back pocket to do whatever he wants you to do. That way, he figures he has complete control over the MC.”

  “He's fucking nuts. I'm not some damn puppet.”

  “We know that Son. But Devil is delusional. In his head, he feels like his blood would be loyal to him. He's forgetting he killed his own father. I don't think he believes any of you have the balls to do that to him.”

  “He's fucking wrong then. I would kill him in a heartbeat.”

  “He doesn't believe that though.”

  “Well one good thing comes out of this, Pops, “Pred said. “We have four years until we have to worry about it again.”

  “Nah, Son. Now I have a whole new set of worries. My sons could be going overseas to possible war zones. If you get sent over there, you fucking keep your heads down, you hear me?”

  “Hear you, Pops.” I declared.

  “Me too, Pops, me too.” Pred added his pledge to listen to Pops advice.


  January 24th, 1998

  Pred and I had been lucky, we'd stayed in the same unit together. We had been sent overseas, but we'd listened to what Pops said and kept our fucking heads down. It wasn't always easy and we both saw some shit neither of us would ever unsee. But overall, the experience was good for us. And I'd like to think we went over as boys but came back men.

  I smiled to myself. It was so funny seeing Pops eating on those sunflower seeds.

  “How'd they do it?”

  “Thought you were awake, but you seemed to be deep in thought, so decided to leave you alone. How'd they make me do what?”

��Quit smoking.”

  I heard Pops growl. I snickered.

  “Your fucking sister told me I stunk and that she had to hold her damn breath every time she hugged me.”

  I laughed outright at that. All those years of Moms trying to get him to quit and one comment from my sister was all it took.

  “Damn, Pops! She has you wrapped around her little finger.”

  He growled again.

  I clicked the lever and sat the seat back up. I looked around to see where we were. We were getting close to home, maybe eighty miles or so to go. My stomach tightened up some. I was not looking forward to having to deal with Devil again. Four years away from his ass had been nice.

  “Pops,” I began then stumbled over the words.

  “Something wrong, Son?”

  I cleared my throat, “No sir. I just wanted to let you know that I am very grateful for everything you have ever done for me. I don't think you could have loved me better if you were my real dad.”

  “What the fuck you saying, boy. I am your real dad.”

  I glanced over at him, he turned and smirked at me. That was a signature with Pops, his smirks.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I know, Reb. I want you to know that you are mine in all ways that count. You always will be. I am so fucking proud of you and Pred. I know it couldn't have been easy.”

  “Not gonna lie, Pops. It wasn't always easy for sure. Saw some things I wish I'd never seen.”

  “Hate that for you, Son.”

  “It is what it is, Pops. So, tell me the story of Brenna.”

  And I listened as Pops told me Brenna's story. I had missed hearing him talk more than anything over the last four years. He had this way with words and was a great storyteller. I loved my mom, but I was man enough to admit that I was a dad’s boy to the core.


  Chapter 15

  Only love of a good woman will make a man question every choice, every action. Only love makes a warrior hesitate for fear that his lady will find him cruel. Only love makes a man the best he will ever be, and the weakest. Sometimes at the same time. - Wicked

  ~Laurell K. Hamilton~


  January 24th, 1998


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